Easy (Trojans MC Book 7)

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Easy (Trojans MC Book 7) Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  “I can’t even think about this right now. I don’t know if I can think about it and even make sense of what is going to happen to my body,” Zoe said.

  “First we need to get you a kit. A pregnancy test kit,” Eliza said. “I can go to the pharmacy. It’s not far from here.”

  Just then someone knocked at the door.

  “I can go after I answer this, and then I can go and get you one,” Eliza said.

  “Someone will see you.”

  “That’s the point, babe. Brass will have a hissy fit, but I’ll tell him the truth, and then you’ll have time to tell Raoul. It’s perfect, don’t you think?” She opened the door, and gasped. There on her doorstep was Darcy, and he didn’t look all that inviting.

  “Hello, Eliza. Nice of you to finally answer your door.”

  “Darcy, what the hell are you doing here?” she asked.

  At his name the others moved up behind her, peering at him. He was like a spectacle at the zoo. What the hell was he doing at Brass’s front door?

  Crap. She hadn’t expected this.

  She had hoped that her family would just move on and accept that she didn’t want to be just another pawn in the Bishop empire. She wanted her own life, and to be with Brass. He was her entire world, and she didn’t care if she sounded stupid thinking or believing it. She loved Brass, and there was no way she was ever leaving him.

  “I find this all a bit tasteless,” Darcy said, looking behind her at the women. “Come on. It’s time to go. You can leave everything here, and we’re heading out now. Your father is taking care of Brass.”

  “Not happening,” she said.

  When he made to grab her, she pulled away. Darcy had never touched her, and she didn’t want his touch right now either.

  He was a lie.

  Her father was a lie.

  The life she had before Vale Valley was a lie.

  There was no way she was going back there.

  No way in hell.

  “You’re going to be difficult?” Darcy asked.

  “My life is here now. I don’t want anything to do with you or my father, or the Bishops. You can forget about everything.”

  “And you ruined a perfectly good moment,” Zoe said. “Men!”

  “Whatever you were discussing is not of any relevance to me. You know that whoever you’re shacking up with will take whatever money your father wants. When are you going to realize that money is better than you?”

  His words cut her to the core. Darcy had always had that magical gift of making her feel both small and stupid.

  “Who the hell do you think you are?” Holly said. “You think you can buy any of the Trojans? We’re made of a lot stronger stuff, believe me.”

  Someone gripped her arms and pulled her back. Each one of the Trojan old ladies surrounded her.

  “Don’t you listen to him,” Leanna said.

  “Brass would never pick money over you. It will never happen.”

  “I see I didn’t get here with enough time,” Brass said, appearing behind Darcy. “Don’t think the worst of me now, Eliza.”

  She couldn’t help but smile. “They didn’t buy you.”

  “You’re worth a lot more than twenty million dollars, baby.”

  “Twenty million?”

  “Yeah, and he only just started negotiations.”

  “You better get your hands off my fiancée,” Darcy said.

  “She’s not your fiancée, and why don’t you marry that guy that you’re going to be taking to the marriage bed?” Brass asked.

  Darcy went white, and looked toward her. “You would talk about private matters.”

  “I would talk about anything with my guy. I’m going to be Brass’s old lady, which makes me the property of the Trojans MC. I’m not yours to bully anymore. Stay away from me.”

  She slammed the door in Darcy’s face, and turned to Brass. “You told him no.”

  “I told him no, and, babe, I get it, I really do. Your father is a fucking asshole, and I promise you, you’ll always feel treasured and loved in my company.” He pressed a kiss to her lips. “Always.”

  “Ahhh,” the women said who had gathered around them.

  “Can we have a little bit of privacy right now?” Brass said.

  “Yes, yes, we’re going somewhere,” Zoe said. “May as well get the test, go to the toilet, and call Raoul. Let’s get this over with.”

  Each of the women left the house, and Brass turned toward her. “Test?”

  “Zoe thinks she’s pregnant. I was going to go and pick up the test to give her time to process everything, and then Darcy was there, and I didn’t get the chance. You do love me.” She didn’t care about anything else.

  “Yeah. You’ve had boyfriends before that have taken the money and run?”

  “Yep, you’ve got it. Some have only gone to take me out for coffee, and run out on me. It has been hard to find a guy who wants me, not the money.” He stroked her cheek, and tears filled her eyes. “You want me.”

  “Always. I told you. From the moment you broke down, and your posh ass was demanding we fix the car.”

  “It was all a front. I’ve seen my father and mother like that, and I was scared. I hope I didn’t offend you or anyone else.”

  “You can offend me more often, in stiletto heels, and knowing my cock is going to be deep inside you for the rest of the damn day.”

  She chuckled. “They won’t go away easily.”

  “They will. I just need to call Raoul to bring Diaz here, and a meeting, and believe me, your father and Darcy will go running away, and you’ll be mine.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed a kiss to his lips. She really had found the love of her life.


  Duke knocked on Matthew’s bedroom door. His son was all grown up, and was heading back to college. He couldn’t see a reason to keep him any longer. Francis was dealing with Anton, and Maya had taken the deal. His son didn’t need to be sitting around reading all day, or thinking he could be a Trojan any time soon. He would love for Matthew to take over from him one day. That day was not going to be today. He wanted the same things that Holly wanted for him.

  A life away from Vale Valley, a chance for him to forge his own path and not have to wonder what the club thought.

  Matthew was packing away the last of his clothes into a suitcase.

  “Luna accepted the offer.”

  “I know. I asked her to.”

  “You love her, don’t you, son?”

  Matthew paused, and turned toward him. “Are you going to tell me that I’m too young to know what love is?”

  “No. Everyone at any age should know what love is.”

  “Yeah, I love her, and I know she will never be mine.”

  “Why not?” Duke asked, moving into the room, and taking a seat on the bed. He loved his son so much. Matthew was one of the reasons why he waited so long to claim Holly as his own. He wanted to make sure she would be a good suit for Matthew.

  “She will never trust me. I screwed her, and because I was a total asshole, I moved onto the next person, and then the next, and I screwed up.”

  Duke looked around the room. “I never thought you were the kind of kid that gave up. Look at the trophies, and remembering everything you’ve achieved in this world. You’re not a quitter, and I didn’t raise you to be one. You’re a fighter, now act like the fighter that I know you are. You want Luna, go and get her.”

  “We go to different colleges.”

  “So, you think space would stop me going after Holly? I’d fight every single second of every single day to claim her, and to make her mine. If you want Luna, it wouldn’t matter if she was in another country. You’d find a way to be with her. Don’t you kids have that social media shit now? Years ago, you had to use pen and paper. Think about that. You’ve got it easy now.” Duke stood up and made to leave the room.

  “Thanks, Dad, for everything.”

  He turned to look at Matthew. �
�You’re my son. I’ll do whatever it takes to make you happy.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Eliza was so nervous she was practically shaking in his arms. Brass took her hand and squeezed. She was nervous about this meeting at the Trojans MC clubhouse. Everyone was here, and her father hadn’t gone away. According to Clinton he was trying to find a way to get the Trojans shut down. First he was going after the mechanic shop, which they had no choice but to close for inspection.

  Their suppliers were also under investigation for where they got their alcohol and food. Mac had been closed because of his connection to the Trojans. Duke was pissed though because Holly and Mary’s blog had been shut down as well.

  All within forty-eight hours.

  “They’re going to hate me,” she said.

  “We don’t hate you, Eliza,” Duke said. He was sipping at his coffee while they waited for her father, Darcy, and Diaz to arrive. “You warned us about your father, and he can come after us. Unlike other companies and people, we have resources much like he has. We don’t have the money, but we all have each other. Nothing is going to come between us. I can guarantee you that.”

  “I just don’t want you going to—”

  “Are you going to be Brass’s old lady?” he asked.


  “Then we’re going to this much trouble. You belong to the club, and we protect what is ours. Don’t worry about it. It’s nice to have a few challenges in my life. It makes being Prez all that much more worth it.”

  “You’re showing us you earned the patch?” Daisy said.

  “You got it. The patch belongs to me, and don’t you boys forget it.”

  They all shared a laugh.

  “I can’t believe he went after a food blog. I mean seriously, we had just got together a competition for our readers, and like that poof, it’s gone,” Mary said. “Can I slap him?” she asked Pike.

  “No, no slapping.”

  “What about a punch?” Holly asked. “Or I can kick him in the balls?”

  “I’ll get it all back for you,” Duke said, kissing her hands.

  She sighed. “It just pisses me off.”

  “In other good news, that contract you asked me to look at is legit,” Clinton said. “They want you to sign a two book deal, and they will need you to do some touring when the book releases and some television appearances.”

  “We don’t know if we want to take it,” Holly said.

  “That’s crazy, why not?” Zoe asked.

  “Because, we just like doing our little blog, and being at home, and sure our dream has always been to do with food, hasn’t it?” Holly asked, looking toward Mary.

  “Yeah. I’m in agreement with Holly. I really don’t know if I want to do that level of commitment. I’ve got a baby coming, and then there’s Starlight. I don’t want to have to add travelling to the mix, and besides, television appearances? I don’t know.”

  “It’s your guys’ decision,” Duke said. “We will all support you.”

  Diaz entered the clubhouse, and he held his arms up. “I’m free and clear.”

  “Stop being an asshole,” Raoul said, “Come on.”

  “I heard the good news, soon to be Daddy. You excited?”

  “Yeah, I am.”

  Zoe rolled her eyes. “Will you boys ever grow up?”

  “Nope. Uncle Diaz will always remain the cool one for the kids.” Diaz winked, and made his way to his spot to the left of Duke.

  Pike moved toward the right, and Brass wrapped his arms around Eliza. They heard the car pulling up, and he nuzzled Eliza’s neck. She was so worried that this was going to turn bad. He was trying to offer her all of his support and love.

  “I’m fine.”

  “You’re not fine. I can feel how nervous you are.”

  “I’ve seen this happen so many times, Brass.”

  “Has anyone ever been as prepared as we are?” he asked.


  “Then stop worrying. Have a little faith. We may not have money or the kind of power he has, but we have power here, and it’s worth a lot more than his money.” They had the power to ruin his reputation. Bishop was all about his reputation, and making sure everyone saw a perfect businessman, a thoroughly well-bred man. That was just an image that he put on. There was so much more fun to be had once you peeled away the bullshit.

  Bishop and Darcy entered the clubhouse. Neither of them showed any sign of being nervous about this appearance.

  “Step into my office,” Duke said, kicking out the two chairs opposite him.

  “I thought this was going to be a meeting,” Bishop said.

  “It is. You wanted to take on the Trojans, I thought it was only fair you see who you were dealing with. We’re not all here today, but this is most of us. I’m Duke, and I’m the President of this club, and the man you’ve decided to declare war on.”

  Duke gave no sign of being pissed off.

  Eliza’s father went to speak.

  “Oh, I know who you both are, so we don’t need an introduction. Now. Who will I be conducting business with?”

  “This is not a business discussion. I think we’ve made things quite plain. Give us my daughter, and we will make sure that your business remains intact.”

  Duke looked toward Eliza. “Do you want to go with them?”

  She shook her head.

  “I’m going to need you to speak up.”

  “No. I want to stay here.”

  Duke turned toward Clinton. “You witnessed that.”

  “I did.”

  “You see, Bishop, in Vale Valley, we own this town, and the people here are not afraid to stand up for the truth. You want to take us on, by all means go ahead. Eliza’s staying here.”

  “Then I will kiss goodbye to your pathetic business. I will own everything within a week.”

  “And the entire world will know exactly what kind of man you are, and what you tried to get your young daughter to do,” Duke said.

  Bishop and Darcy had been about to stand, and they both turned around.

  “Don’t believe what lies my daughter says just for attention.”

  “Oh, these are not lies. You see, I did some digging when I noticed that Brass was falling for the prim and proper Eliza Bishop. I figured I should know more on the rich girl that was winning the heart of one of my men.”

  Diaz stepped forward. “It’s not a pleasure to meet you.” He handed the file to Duke.

  “Diaz, be a sport, and get that laptop over there, and put this in it for me. Thank you.” Duke flipped open the file. “Well, well, well.” One by one, Duke placed photograph after photograph, along with medical DNA evidence sheets on the table. “Mr. Bishop, you have been a naughty, naughty boy. You have, as of two weeks ago, ten illegitimate children, with ten different women.”

  “What is the meaning of this?” Bishop asked.

  “Play the tape, Diaz,” Duke said.

  Moans filled the room, and Brass chuckled as Eliza closed her eyes.

  There on the laptop screen was her father, butt ass naked, screwing someone that was certainly not his wife.

  “Oh fuck, yeah, fill me with your cock.”

  “You want that, slut. You want Daddy’s cock.”

  “Ew!” Eliza said, then covered her ears.

  Bishop went to Diaz, and Raoul held him back.

  “We’re not done. Skip to the next video.”

  This time it showed Darcy with a man, fucking.

  “As you can see, gentlemen, it doesn’t take money to get this kind of evidence. And you would also be pleased to know that of those ten children, every single one of them would be more than happy to do a television interview about the father that abandoned them. Imagine that. All those kids, some forced to grow up in poverty because you decided not to claim them. Three of them ended up in foster homes.” This time Duke stood up. “I do my homework. You come after anyone of this club, and I will come after you.”

  “What do you want?” Bishop

  “You to leave town and forget about Eliza unless it’s for a nice big family reunion. You stay the fuck away from my business, and if you even breathe a word of any shit about the Trojan name, Eliza Bishop, or Diaz, or fucking Vale Valley, then every single piece of this shit will go public!”

  “How do I know that you wouldn’t do it now?”

  “I’ve had this stuff in my possession for weeks. I have no use for it. I guess it’s what we’d like to call a business deal, Mr. Bishop.”

  “Did Duke win?” Eliza asked, whispering to him.

  “Holy fuck did he win. Your father is a horn dog. He could even pass as a Trojan they’ve got that much shit on him.”

  “That’s gross. I can’t even unsee that stuff.”

  “Consider this a deal.”

  Bishop and Darcy didn’t stick around. They left, and Brass saw the smile on Eliza’s face. He cupped her cheek, stroking his thumb across her pale flesh. “Why are you so happy?”

  “I never thought I could be this happy to see them leave, but I am. I’m finally free.”

  “Does this mean you don’t want to be my old lady?” he asked.

  She slapped his chest. “I’m going to be your old lady now without fear. I was always worried that they would come, and they would try to ruin what you and I have.” This time she cupped his cheek. “I love you, Brass. I love you more than anything in the world.”

  “Well you better remember this then because I’m going to piss you off. I’m going to make you crazy so that you’ll want to chase after me with a skillet.”

  She burst out laughing.

  He caught her up toward him, slamming his lips down on hers.

  Only at the sound of Duke clearing his throat did he let her go.

  “I expect you to take Brass as your old man. I look forward to having you part of our team.” Duke shook her hand, and Brass knew that he’d made the right decision. For himself, for the love of the club. For everything.


  The following week flew by. Bishop and Darcy left town, and the moment they were gone, Eliza felt that she could breathe a lot easier. It was next to impossible to think with either of them breathing down her neck. From the moment she’d seen Darcy at her front door, she had been so tense, and unable to think or focus on anything.


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