After Midnight

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by Brandy Greeley

  After Midnight

  Brandy Greeley

  After Midnight

  Brandy Greeley

  Kindle Edition

  © Copyright 2018 Brandy Greeley

  Wolfpack Publishing

  6032 Wheat Penny Avenue

  Las Vegas, NV 89122

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any means without the prior written consent of the publisher, other than brief quotes for reviews.

  ISBN: 978-1-64119-189-0


  Characters & Places



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15


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  About the Author

  Characters & Places

  Hades/Gabriel: Lord of the Underworld & god of the dead. Hades, along with four of his siblings, was eaten by their father, Kronos, at birth. Zeus eventually forced Kronos to vomit his children, and together they drove him, and the other Titans, from heaven – locking them all in Tartarus. Hades wanted a bride, and petitioned Zeus for one of his daughters, but when he realized that the young goddess (Persephone) would resist the union, he forcefully kidnapped her, dragging her to the Underworld.

  Persephone/Amy (also called Cora): Goddess of spring, daughter of Zeus and Demeter, and queen of the Underworld. She was forced to marry Hades, Lord of the Underworld when he kidnapped her from Olympus. In a fit of despair, and partly prompted by the grief of her mother, she ate only half of the pomegranate, thus splitting her year between the Underworld and her home on Olympus.

  Demeter: Goddess of the harvest and agriculture, wife of Zeus, and mother to Persephone, goddess of spring. When Persephone was abducted by Hades, she searched for her daughter ceaselessly, consumed by loss and grief. Because of it, she plunged the earth into winter, killing all the crops and halting the progression of the seasons. Zeus, faced with the extinction of life, persuaded Hades to let Persephone come back to Olympus for half the year to placate Demeter.

  Zeus: God of the sky and thunder, father of Persephone, and ruler of the Olympian gods. He is the child of Kronos and Rhea, and the youngest of six siblings (Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, and Poseidon). He’s married to Hera, who bore him Ares, Hebe, and Hephaestus. Zeus’ symbols are the thunderbolt, eagle, bull, and oak.

  Prometheus/Max: He is a Titan and trickster, who is credited with creating mankind from clay. He defies the gods, and gives fire and cattle to humanity, an act which progressed human civilization. He’s known for his quick wit, fiery temper, intelligence, and thievery. Because of his criminal nature, Zeus sentenced Prometheus to eternal torment by binding him to a rock, where an eagle (sent by Zeus) would come each day to peck at his liver, only to have it grow back and be feasted on again the next day. He is eventually freed by Hercules.

  Hermes: Messenger of the gods, son of Zeus, half-brother of Hades and known as the ‘divine trickster’, he moved freely between the mortal and divine worlds, and conducted souls in the Underworld. He brought dreams and sleep to the mortal world.

  Apollo: God of music, truth, prophecy, healing, sun, light, plague, poetry and more. Son of Zeus, and half-brother to Prometheus. He was the leader of the Muses, and director of their choir, he played the lyre and hymns sung to him were called paeans.

  Kronos: He was a Titan, father of Hades, and Lord of Tartarus. He ate his children before Zeus cut him open and banished him to the pit of Tartarus, where he ruled over the damned souls.

  Sarah: Human best-friend to Amy/Persephone. A bit silly and narcissistic, she nonetheless provides ‘Amy’ with companionship when she needs it most. Caught in the crosshairs of the Olympic gods and their schemes.

  Perseus: The greatest Greek hero and slayer of monsters before the days of Hercules, he beheaded Medusa, and saved Andromeda from the sea monster, Cetus. Son of Zeus, half-brother to Persephone, and great grandfather of Hercules.

  I saw the darkness in him from the moment we met, and I was afraid. Not because of what he was, or what he could do, but because the same darkness that compels him to do the things he does had been crying out to me for years…begging to be released. Our first meeting was the moment our dark souls embraced. Then celebrated.


  Olympus, 2015

  “I won’t go back this time, no matter how much he tempts me,” I told the cow, leaning over the fence as I twisted bits of narcissus together. She leveled her gaze with mine, burping low in her throat as she chewed heavily on the cud. “I won’t.”

  I tipped my head back to the sun, letting it wash across my face as I inhaled the fragrant scents of early spring. After so many months underground, the heat and proof of life around me was perfect.

  But, I knew it wasn’t going to last.

  In two months, Hades’ messenger would come get me again as mother killed all the crops in preparation for fall and winter, and the cycle would continue, same as it had for the past one-thousand years. Problem was, I didn’t want to keep doing this anymore. It was exhausting being goddess of spring when I spent so much of my time without sunlight.

  You love me, just admit it.

  I scoffed as Hades’ thoughts intertwined with mine, dancing and swirling together. Don’t listen if you’re not prepared to hear something you don’t like. I’ve never kept my feelings on the matter hidden from you.

  I just hate sharing you with the rest of the world, my love. That’s all.

  There are only so many times you can make that excuse and get away with it. And, despite your many protests, I enjoy my alone time. Your sexual appetite when I’m with you is…maddening.

  I felt his rueful chuckle. Our bed is so sad without you in it.

  I’m going to have mother’s seamstresses make you a feather-down body pillow to hug in my absence. Would that be sufficient?

  No, because it’s not you.

  “Your mother said you might be out here.”

  I stiffened and turned around, not knowing my mood could be so sour in such a beautiful place.

  Clearly, I was wrong.

  Prometheus smiled at me, the sun glinting off his gold breastplate and mail. “Have you thought more of my offer?”

  Several scenarios flashed through my mind, not the least of which was telling him he could shove it where the sun didn’t shine, and then running as fast as I could in the opposite direction. His anger was volatile, and I was a fool if I wasn’t at least a little afraid of him.

  “Prom, we’ve had this discussion so many times now, I’ve lost count. I’ve known you since we were kids, and I don’t know that I could feel that way about you…ever. Besides, Hades is my -”

  Prometheus stepped forward, taking my hands in his. “Little Cora, he gets you for six months of the year. What you do with the other six is entirely up to you - and I think you would enjoy a life here, with me. In fact, your mother has already given me permission to start courting you.”

  I slid out of his grasp. “First of all, I hate that stupid nickname. Second, mother should have known better than to meddle in my personal affairs, seeing as Hades doesn’t take too kindly to competition and third, I don’t want you. Fortunately, there are plenty of girls here on Olympus who would throw themselves at your feet if you so much as glanced in their general direction…if you weren’t so pompous, arrogant and short-tempered that is.”

I saw the shadow start to creep across his face, and knew I probably had about twenty seconds before his famous temper caught up with him. Goddess or not, he could still hurt me, and he didn’t take rejection well.

  His chest puffed up as he banged a fist against metal, the sound echoing around us. “You’ll be with me because it’s what is expected of you.”

  Chauvinistic bastard.

  “Unfortunately, my time on Olympus is limited, as you know, and that leaves very little room for anything or anyone. I’m sorry.”

  My love, please stop baiting him.

  He started it, not me! Besides, you know how many times he’s tried this in the past and failed. This won’t be any different.

  Yes, it will. You don’t see what I can.

  “You might be queen bitch of the Underworld, but here on Olympus, Persephone, you have no power and you belong to me.” He spat the words into my face, reaching out to grip my arms painfully. “And, if I can’t have you, no one else will!”

  I felt the static in the air and watched warily as he closed his eyes, lips moving silently.


  Prometheus’ eyes opened again, searing me with a bright violet gaze. I took a hasty step backwards.

  “For your disobedience, I’m banishing you to Earth. You’ll have no memory of Olympus, your family, or your beloved Hades, until you agree to marry me.”

  “That’s a weak curse, Prom,” I said, trying to dislodge him. “How will you trap me if I don’t remember who you are?”

  He smiled, a wicked sort of thing that twisted my gut. “Because I’ll find you and win your love again. It will be a fresh start for us - a chance to be together in the mortal world without your irksome husband getting in the way.”

  He released me, and I stumbled, falling to my knees.

  “He’ll find me, too,” I choked. “And when he does, he’ll make me remember who I am, and what you did, and when he does, there won’t be anywhere on Olympus or Earth where you can hide.”

  “It’s funny you should mention him. Hades, I know you’re listening; why don’t you join us?”

  Hades appeared, wrapping his arms around me, his wild eyes spitting fire and ice. “She’ll never be yours, Prometheus. Remove the curse and let her leave with me, or I promise your suffering will never end.”

  “This is what you prefer over me, Persephone?” Prometheus laughed, starting to shuck his armor. “Your time with him made him soft.”

  Hades growled low in his throat, bending into a crouch.

  A wicked grin stretched across Prometheus’ face. “Will you want to be with him, I wonder, if he’s gone from your memory, too? When he can’t kidnap you and force you to love him like he did the first time around?”

  My eyes widened in surprise and I grabbed Hade’s arm. “You wouldn’t.”

  “I would. Why do you think Demeter was so anxious to give your hand to me? This botched arrangement the three of you made doesn’t make her happy and you know it. But you and I together do. And let’s not forget that I know your little secret,” he said, stepping closer to me as Hades shielded me with his body. “The one you won’t tell anyone, not even your beloved.”

  I kept my face carefully hidden from Hades, shredding bits of grass between my fingers.

  “You cry, don’t you? For two days straight when your six months here is almost done?”

  I closed my eyes as Hades turned to me.

  “Is that true, sweetheart?”

  “How do you know this?” I whispered.

  Prometheus smiled again, crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned back against the fence.

  “I didn’t say you were quiet about it. Everyone in the palace heard you.”

  I still couldn’t look at Hades. “Those first few years were hard on me.”

  “As well as the following century and the one after that. You’re so emotional all the time, Persephone. It’s a wonder why I bother with you at all.”

  I turned to Hades as he brushed a curl back from my forehead, cupping my chin in his hand. “You honestly didn’t know?”

  He looked pained. “No. I knew you were upset, that I had expected, but you could have said something to me.”

  “Would it have made any difference?”

  His face hardened. “Your happiness is the only thing I care about, Persephone.”

  “It’s funny you say that now.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?

  “I’m so tired of people making decisions for me; shouldn’t I have a say in my own life?”

  His eyes narrowed. “If you want me to apologize for loving you, it’s not going to happen.”

  “And kidnapping me from my family? Just admit it, that wasn’t done out of love, but personal gain. I was just a pawn to you.”

  “In the beginning, perhaps. But it grew into so much more. You know this, Persephone. We might not be able to change the past, but I know how you feel about me now.”

  “That’s enough! You can’t make her happy, Hades, so now it’s my turn,” Prometheus said, closing a hand around my upper arm. I jerked, pain lancing its way through my head as I doubled over, mouth open in a wordless scream of agony.

  Hades stepped forward. “Stop! What the devil are you doing to her?”

  People and places flashed across my vision, mother, father, Arion, Athena, Hermes, Hades, the hills around the castle where I rode my Pegasus, fields of poppies and wildflowers mother and I grew together, my whole family laughing around our dining table…

  “I’m wiping her memory.”

  “Don’t do this, Prometheus…please. She’ll be all alone down there.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong, Hades. She’ll have me.”

  “Do you really think she’s ever going to love you? She’ll be just as repulsed by you on Earth as she is here.”

  Prometheus settled his gaze on Hades. “I’m willing to take my chances.”

  The Lake of Souls in the Underworld, where I went sometimes to think and be alone, snuggling with Hades in our massive bed as night turned to day, mother’s face when I came home again, laying under the sun…

  I gasped as blank spaces appeared, like trying to fit square pegs into round holes, and I reached up, stroking Hades’ face gently as he bowed his head, eyes glittering with tears.

  The god of death doesn’t cry.

  He does today.

  I blinked furiously, glancing around. Where was I, and more importantly, who was holding me? I felt his lips press into my hair and struggled as he clung to me, scooting away as I wiped hastily at my wet cheeks. I absolutely hated it when I cried in front of strangers. His brow furrowed, pain and anger evident, and for some reason, his reaction bothered me.

  “Who are you?”

  The man’s eyes squeezed shut, tears rolling down his face. “You don’t remember me?”

  I studied his face for a moment, taking in the bright green eyes and chiseled chin. There was something there, like the shadow of a memory, but nothing wanted to stick as I watched him watching me. “No, I don’t; should I?”

  He started to sob, body rocking back and forth as grief consumed him. I leaned forward, not sure how to help.

  I noticed, for the first time, another man standing next to us, and glanced up into his chocolate brown eyes, momentarily distracted, as he smiled at me, teeth glowing in the quickly fading light. “What is your name?”

  “Amy,” I said, eyes flicking from him, to the man on the ground and back again. “I’m sorry, but who are you?”

  He smirked, helping me to my feet. “That doesn’t matter right now.”

  We stood in the middle of a field as a sweet, warm wind caressed my face and I frowned, heart beginning to thud wildly against my ribcage. Why was I in the country, and why were these men with me? “I think it does when I can’t remember how I got here.”

  “You’re dreaming,” the first man said, standing, green eyes penetrating my own. “When you wake up, you won’t remember any of this, except you’re h
appy, and safe.”

  “A dream? This sure doesn’t feel like a dream.”

  “It is,” the second man said, taking me by the elbow and steering me away as the first man watched us, expression like a gathering storm. “When I finish counting backwards from five, you’ll wake up in your own bed, completely calm and comfortable. You’ll forget any of this happened. Are you ready?”

  “I guess…”

  “Five…” The other man made some motion towards us, hands outstretched, a choking sound escaping his throat.


  “You’ve made your point, Prom, now let us go.”

  The man holding me kept his eyes on me but spoke to his friend. “You were the one who stole her away from everything she ever knew and offered her a life of death and decay in exchange. I’m giving her the second chance she deserves. Two…”

  “I’ll see you again, sweetheart, I promise.”


  “If this really is a dream, at least my dream guys are as hot as sin.”

  Both men looked back at me like I’d grown two heads, the second smiling so wide it should have hurt his face.


  A swarm of black dots appeared at the edge of my vision, ebbing and flowing at first, before swelling to complete darkness, and I fell straight through that inky night, not a care in the world.

  Chapter One

  Portland, Oregon, two years later…

  Fog clung to the tips of the fir trees as I gazed longingly across the street at my apartment, soft, buttery light spilling out over the sidewalk, then back down at the dead body in the park next to me.


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