Becoming The Cowboy's Bride: Boxset 1-4

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Becoming The Cowboy's Bride: Boxset 1-4 Page 8

by Olivia Wilson

  ‘I see,’ I pause in silence while processing the information.

  ‘Hello Gemma, Gemma are you still there.’

  ‘Yes, sorry I’m still here.’

  ‘So you had a family emergency. I hope everything’s settled down now?’

  ‘Yes, yes it has. It was my mother, she had an accident on her bike, but she’s much better now.’

  ‘Here’s wishing her a speedy recovery.’

  ‘Thank you Mr Cunningham.’

  ‘So I’ll get on to drawing the papers up with Jacob then will I Gemma?’

  ‘Yes please, if you would.’

  ‘Will do, I’ll keep you posted. You enjoy your day now won’t you Gemma.’

  ‘The days almost over here, though I will enjoy my evening and the same to you, Mr Cunningham.’

  ‘Speak soon Gemma.’

  ‘Yes talk soon.’

  Hanging up the phone, I stand in silence.

  ‘Is everything okay Gemma,’ my mother asks looking at me.

  ‘What? Oh yes, it’s fine don’t worry. I’m just going to my room for a bit.’

  I head to my bedroom as Rebecca follows behind me.

  'Gemma is everything all right?’

  ‘I’m an idiot, I’m such an idiot.’

  ‘What’s wrong, and what was all that about divorces and sister?’ Rebecca asks.

  ‘You’re not going to believe it.’

  ‘Try me,’ she says pushing a hot cup of tea into my hand.

  I’m forgetting who I’m talking to. This is Rebecca; of course she’ll believe it. Sitting down on the edge of my bed, she waits for me to speak.

  ‘While I was away, I kind of met someone.’ I watch as her eyes widen.

  ‘What do you mean you met someone?’

  ‘I met someone, a guy.’

  ‘And?’ She says becoming excited.

  'I messed up a bit.’


  Taking a deep breath, I launch into the story and tell her everything. Well, almost everything as she sits captivated by the tale.

  ‘So you see I jumped to conclusions and haven't spoken to him since.’

  ‘Oh, Gemma. You are an idiot.’

  ‘Thanks for your support. In fairness, it was an easy mistake to make. She came to the door of his house and said she was his wife, I was hardly clutching at straws was I?’

  ‘I’m sorry Gemma; he just sounds so hot the way you’ve described him. Carrying you around and lifting your cases in and out of the car and all that. Also, I know it sounds clichéd, but the whole break down on a deserted road scenario is just so romantic.’

  ‘You’re not making me feel any better about this Rebecca.’

  ‘And saving you from a mountain lion attack. Muscles all flexing.' She holds her arms up in a bodybuilder pose.

  'Right that’s it, I’m off to bed.’

  Rebecca’s right, I am an idiot. I should have stuck to the agreement I’d made with Jacob and talked things out first. I pictured him in my head. The sunset lighting up his profile, his collar button open and those snug suit pants.

  ‘No more misunderstandings, we talk about everything agreed?’

  If I’d have just listened, he could have been there waiting for me now. I suppose it would have never worked. I would have had to come home sometime, even if mum hadn’t had her accident.

  ‘I’m just messing with you, honey.’ Rebecca rubs my arm.

  ‘I’m fine; I just feel a bit silly and wish everything was different. It would never have worked anyway I suppose, with us living so far apart.

  It would just have been nice to have left on better terms you know.’

  ‘Yes I know, aww Gemma come here,’ Rebecca leans in and hugs me.

  'You’ll meet someone soon. Someone whose sister won’t mistake you for her husband’s mistress.’ Rebecca laughs making me laugh too.

  ‘Perhaps your mister right won’t be a smoking hot cowboy or a wealthy businessman. But he might live within traveling distance to you.’

  ‘Rebecca,’ I begin.

  ‘Yes,’ she replies.

  ‘You are awful at making people feel better, I mean diabolical,’ I smile and shake my head at her. ‘There’s something else, though.’

  ‘What is it?’

  ‘I’ve seen something. I didn’t mean to see it, but I did. It’s something that could have the potential to upset somebody a great deal. Someone close to me.’

  ‘It could hurt somebody if they knew?’

  ‘Yes it definitely could, it could also hurt them if they found out I knew and didn't say anything. Then it could also be nothing. This revelation today has taught me I shouldn't be so quick to jump to conclusions. So it might be better not to say anything. I just don’t know what to do?’

  ‘Perhaps if you tell them what you saw, and not what you think you saw, they can draw their own conclusions. I might be able to give better advice if you tell me a bit more about what’s going on.’

  ‘Hmm, what do you know about Colin?’

  ‘Colin, your mother’s Colin?’

  ‘Yes, him.’

  ‘Not much to be honest, I never knew he existed until your mother's accident, why?’

  ‘So the night I arrived at the hospital. After you and Colin had left, I made my way back up to Mum’s room and caught sight of Colin through the window. He was walking back across the car park, I presume after walking you out.’

  ‘Yes, I remember he walked me right through to the gates that night, go on.’

  ‘I saw him walk into the arms of a lady waiting beside a car.’


  ‘It’s been eating away at me inside, I knew I needed to tell mum though she wasn’t well enough at the time. She has to know now in light of what’s happened today though I have no idea how to approach the subject with her.’

  ‘Well you can stop worrying about it now can’t you?’ My mother’s face shows disappointment as she stands in the doorway. It’s clear she's heard everything.

  ‘Mum, I’m so sorry. I didn't want you to find out like this.’ I jump down from the bed and rush towards her with outstretched arms.

  ‘I just want to be alone Gemma.’

  ‘But Mum…’

  ‘Please, Gemma.’

  I look at Rebecca for support as she joins me in the doorway and we both watch as my mother limps to the living room a broken woman.

  Chapter 29

  It’s my first day back at work today after leaving for Texas and I feel though I just can’t be bothered. There’s something about knowing you're leaving somewhere, which makes you lose all momentum. We haven’t heard from Colin since mum left the hospital. The fact he hasn’t answered any of her calls seems to confirm our suspicions. We've given the police his details and that’s all we can do now. Mums bearing up well considering, and her physical condition's coming along. She’s home alone today for the first time. But it’s just for a few hours, as Rebecca works part-time mornings and I’ll be back by this evening. Mum understands I have to go back to work and we’ve left her comfortable on the sofa with all she needs. The remote controls are beside her, and the landline telephone, as well as her mobile. She’s got a big bottle of water and some snacks to tide her over until one of us gets back. She’s been getting to the toilet and back fine on her own, so she should be good.

  Sighing I sit down at my desk and turn my computer on. Waiting to face the heap of emails, I’ll no doubt have received while I’ve been away. Chris spots me from the kitchenette and smiles. Coffee cup in hand he makes a beeline for my desk.

  ‘Gemma your back! How was your trip?’ As his cup touches down onto the corner of my desk and I know I’m back.

  ‘So-so you know,’ I reply.

  ‘Meet any hunky cowboys?’

  I swear the next person who asks me that will get something thrown at them.

  Yes, I met a hot guy, the sort dreams are made of. He gave me the night of my life then I was horrible to him and left without saying goodbye. I can
’t see me nominated for ‘girlfriend of the year’ anytime soon.

  ‘Actually my mother had an accident so my trip was cut short.’

  ‘Oh Gemma, I’m sorry to hear that,’ he twists his cup into the wood and I swear there’s a groove forming.

  ‘It’s okay; she’s on the mend now. Her leg's still broken so she’s not still not that mobile. But other than that she's all right.’

  ‘A broken leg?’

  ‘Yep, but trust me it could have been a lot worse.’

  ‘I wish her a speedy recovery.’

  ‘Thanks, Chris.’

  ‘Listen you should have something in your e-mails about a little departmental get together. Laura’s way of keeping up the spirits you know.’

  ‘That’s not something I can do as my mother’s staying with me while her leg’s in a cast. I’m sure you understand.’

  ‘It’ll be a lunch during work hours so shouldn’t interfere with your other commitments. The company's picking up the bill as I understand it. Still it’s all in the e-mail you should have in your inbox.'

  The companies picking up the bill? They must be trying to raise spirits.

  From the corner of my eye, I see Stephen approaching and am surprised to see him still working here. I just assumed he’d have made his cuts and moved on.

  ‘Hi Gemma, did you enjoy your holiday?’ He asks.

  ‘It wasn't much of a holiday, more of a business trip as a matter of fact.’

  ‘So did your business trip go well then?’

  ‘I had to cut it short for personal reasons.’

  ‘You look well, you’ve caught the sun, and it suits you. I trust you know about the department luncheon,’ he says motioning towards Chris.

  ‘Chris was just mentioning it yes. Though I haven't had time to look over the details in the e-mail yet.’

  ‘I assume you’ll be joining us.’

  ‘I’m not too sure.’

  ‘I’d like to see you there.’

  He’d like to see me there. What’s that supposed to mean?

  Chris’ eyes almost pop out on stalks when he hears him say that.

  ‘Just have a good think about it won’t you?’

  ‘Okay, I’ll think about it.’

  ‘Great, enjoy your day Gemma!’ Stephen slams a small pile of rolled up A4 paper into his palm. ‘And err…Curtis right?’ he points the paper at Chris as I suppress a giggle behind my hand.

  ‘Chris, it’s Chris!’ Chris says.

  ‘Oh yes, of course. My apologies Chris. I’ll see you both at the lunch,’ Stephen says as he walks away.

  ‘The cheek of him, and all this “I’ll see you both at lunch” business. Has he forgotten we all work on the same floor?’ Chris says when Stephen is out of earshot.

  ‘Perhaps he forgot.’ I chuckle as I find Chris’ outrage quite amusing.

  ‘Yeah, like he managed to forget my name despite speaking to me on at least half a dozen occasions. But you’ve spoken to him how many times now?’

  ‘I think that would be the second time just then,' I say.

  ‘Two. It’s clear he’s got the hots for you then.’ Chris shakes his head and shrugs his shoulders.

  ‘Oh give over.’

  ‘I’m serious he has your name saved in his brain.’

  ‘I did wonder about him knowing my name before. Then I realised he’d taken my job away and it wasn't so interesting after all.’

  ‘Hmmm yeah, that could be an obstacle.’

  ‘An obstacle to what?’

  ‘The two of you?’

  ‘There is no two of us, there is not even close to a two of us, what are you talking about?’

  ‘The chemistry’s in the air Gemma.'


  ‘Yeah you know, the attraction.’

  ‘Right let me spell this out for you, ' I say leaning forward onto my desk. 'He’s made me redundant. So he doesn’t appear to be interested in me and, he’s made me redundant. So I’m hardly going to attracted to him am I?’

  ‘It’s rare I’m wrong about these things and that guy there...’ Chris motions across the room to where Stephen's talking to Carol outside Laura’s door. ‘He has the hots for you.’

  ‘No Chris, I’m sure he doesn’t.’

  Chapter 30

  The luncheon turns out to be at the local Chinese, our companies normal go to place. The company are meeting the expense of a standard lunch from the set menu, but nothing else. So if we want any drinks or side orders we have to pay for them ourselves, what a surprise. I head to the small drinks bar and order myself a pineapple juice.

  ‘So you made it then, I’m glad,’ Stephen appears beside me.

  ‘Yes I made it,’ I continue to stare straight ahead.

  ‘You don’t like me much do you, Gemma?’

  ‘I don’t know you much do I, Stephen?’

  ‘And you have no interest in getting to know me do you?’

  ‘Should I?’

  ‘Not if you don’t want to. Though I do have an interest in getting to know you if that changes anything,’ he says.

  ‘And why would you want to do that?’

  ‘For all the typical reasons I suppose.’

  ‘Which are?’

  ‘You’re attractive, you seem bright, and there’s something about you that interests me.’

  ‘But not bright enough for this organisation?’

  ‘Ah, I thought you might be upset about that.’

  ‘Why do it then if you wanted to get to know me better, not the best start is it?’

  ‘It’s a fair point. If you’ll allow me to explain a few things. I was given a job to do. To reducing the outspend on salaries, while ensuring the least disruption to the organisation.

  ‘Yes thank you, I do understand how downsizing works.’

  ‘So none of this should be a surprise to you then. I knew nothing of you, just your grade, title and primary responsibilities. I was faced with the option of either losing two people at your grade, or three at the grade below. When I took a closer look, I saw the other's performed functions that couldn't be spread within the existing structure. It was clear you would have no problem finding another job so the decision was made. That was before I bumped into you on the stairwell, and I couldn't change it even if I wanted to, no matter how much I wanted to.’

  ‘I see.’

  ‘Do you?’

  ‘I think so.’

  ‘So, are you going to give me a chance to get to know you better then?’

  ‘In what sort of way?’

  ‘In whatever way you’re comfortable with.’

  ‘Listen, Stephen, I’m not looking for anything right now.’

  ‘Not even a friend?’

  ‘Maybe one of those.’

  ‘Good, we’ll be friends then. So what would you like to drink friend?’

  ‘I’ll just have a pineapple juice, please.’

  ‘One pineapple juice coming up.’


  We wait for our drinks then return to the large table where everyone else in the department is sitting. The food’s already arrived, and several hands are reaching out and spinning the large plate in the centre of the table to get what they fancy. Stephen pulls my chair out for me, causing one of Chris’ eyebrows to rise as I sit myself down. I wait for the spinning frenzy to die down before placing my hand on the plate and look out for some shredded duck and pancakes. I spot the duck though the pancakes are the opposite end, which makes no sense to me, and I can’t even see the sauce yet.

  ‘So Gemma how was your leave,’ Laura asks.

  ‘It was fine thank you, Laura.’ I spin the plate for the pancakes.

  ‘Gemma went to Texas didn't you Gemma,’ Chris grins and I glare at him. I would kick him under the table, but he’s too far away.

  It also causes me to miss my stop on the spin, so I have to turn it again.

  ‘Did you? That’s exciting Gemma. I’ve been to Florida but not Texas.’

  Don’t say i
t, please don’t say it!

  ‘How did you find it, did you meet any good-looking cowboys?’

  She say’s it.

  She says it and I see my duck spin right by me.

  ‘I wasn't there long. My mother had an accident so I came home early to look after her,’ I say hoping for third time lucky on this spin.

  ‘I’m sorry to hear that Gemma. Is she okay now.’

  ‘Yes thank you, Laura, she’s much better. She has a cast on her leg so is staying with me until she’s a bit steadier on her feet,’ I spin the pancakes around to myself.

  ‘I hope that will be soon.’

  ‘Thank you, Laura, so do I. I mean I love having her around and all though she does need her independence.’

  Once I get my duck and manage to find the sauce, I start eating and quite enjoy the meal. It will make a change to eat a large meal so early in the day and I wonder if it might make myself sleepy this afternoon. As I bite down, the sound of people chatting around me turns to background noise. There’s just one thing on my mind right now and that’s the man that I left behind.

  Chapter 31

  It’s been a while since the whole Texas debacle and Stephen and I have been spending a lot of time together. We’ve grown quite close over the last few weeks. He’s been helping me with job applications and updating my CV, which is kind of him. He’s even offered to provide me with a reference. I do admit that I enjoy his company as he’s turned out to be much nicer than I expected. But we’re just friends, and I can’t see that changing as I just don’t see him in any other way.

  It’s my last day at work today and I can tell Chris has organised something. He’s been doing his best to creep around the office all week, but he’s dreadful at being discreet. I’ve seen him whispering with colleagues as I pass and watching around corners for my return. I’m not one for drama, so I’m hoping to get out of here with little ado, but it seems less likely by the minute. He’s been trying to get rid of me all afternoon. Presumably, to set up whatever he’s got planned. So I’ve decided to take my lunch break as late as possible in the hope it'll all fall flat. I try sneaking back into my office and to my desk, but everyone's already gathered around it. I can see Julie waiting behind everyone with her hands on her hips and blowing her fringe out of her eyes.


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