Otherlife Nightmares: The Selfless Hero Trilogy

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Otherlife Nightmares: The Selfless Hero Trilogy Page 9

by William D. Arand

  She was still dressed in her day clothes and raised the hem of her dress with a few fingers, seemingly inviting him to watch her change.

  The unspoken offer and memories of the garden overran his bravado and sent it fleeing as fast as it could go. Laying his head down on his pillow, he quieted his mind as the rest of his party settled in for the evening.

  The lights were doused and darkness settled over the room. It felt good to have everyone in one room again. It didn’t feel right being separated.

  He called up his screenshot library and selected the most recent ones. Near the top was the one of Katarina standing in a dress. Pulling up the ship’s e-mail system, he listed his group as the receivers and pasted the photo into it. The caption below it simply read, “Good night, Princess.”

  Hitting send, he smirked at nothing in particular, waiting.

  A snicker came up from the bed behind him, followed by a short burst of laughter from Nadine. From above him a pillow crashed down into him from Katarina. Laughing, he tossed the pillow back up towards her.

  Everyone started laughing, including Katarina. One after another, everyone dropped off into sleep.

  Chapter 5 - Misery of the Truth -

  9:01am Sovereign Earth time


  Early morning found Runner kneeling before the king. Again.

  His original plan had been to escape with his party and continue on as they had. Level up, get his memories back, wander around, figure out what to do with Srit and his ship full of living fossils.

  He had no doubt that Katarina would follow him if he asked. Even if it meant abandoning her people to their fate. He doubted she would ever forgive him for such an action though.

  New plans needed to be made, ones that included saving Katarina’s kingdom. Runner found it amusing for this to be the current goal. When he had met her, he’d stated quite blatantly that he wouldn’t be accepting a quest to save her home.

  Now here he was, about to request aid from the king of the Sunless to do exactly that. To rescue Katarina’s kingdom and its king.

  For the sake of Katarina.

  “Rise, Master Runner. You’ve acquitted yourself well in our service.”

  Standing up, he gave the room a cursory glance. Many who had been present on his first meeting with the king were now absent.

  “I attribute all of my deeds in this matter to the Lady Brunhild, Your Majesty. It is she alone that allowed me to give aid to the Commonwealth. In your own darkest hour, Majesty, who did you yourself pray to?”

  Vasilios looked down to the ground. Runner might have overdone it a bit. He truly wanted Brunhild to feel like she got her money’s worth out of him though.

  Runner opened his mouth to limit the statement and try to reel the king back in. Whipping his head up, the king met Runner’s gaze, then sought out the court scribe nearby.

  “On this day, the Commonwealth of the Sunless accepts Brunhild, Lady of the Night, as its official prime deity. I name Runner as her Champion upon my authority as the king and seek her to affirm this.”

  Congratulations! Server first: Divine Champion

  You’ve earned 5,000 fame

  Now that’s a surprise.

  Runner hadn’t expected that. He had only really intended them to thank her for her assistance. Having been named a prime deity of a country, her power base would expand significantly. By leaps and bounds even, since none of the others in the divine pantheon had been so named.

  Having the title Champion given to him fell outside of his plans as well. He’d worked at fostering a relationship with her outside of her religion. A denial would sting, yet it was his only course of action.

  And then she was there. Standing before him was Brunhild, watching him with her radiant eyes. She raised a hand towards him, as if asking him to hold his tongue.

  Turning from Runner, she faced the king, who was bent low in supplication to her. In fact, everyone had immediately knelt upon her arrival.

  “You may all rise,” she intoned. The playful lilt and idle curiosity was gone from her voice. “Good King Vasilios, I accept your country into my care, though I regret I must choose another Champion. Runner serves another purpose for me and cannot change that duty. I would ask his opinion on who would serve best.”

  All eyes turned to Runner. Curiosity, awe, shock, confusion, many were the emotions that ranged across the people gathered in the court as they waited.

  “My Lady Brunhild,” said Runner, bowing low to her. It was an unexpected boon, one he was sure he would need to repay later. “I would name Petros Damalis as your Champion. His recent crime was of being too loyal to the king. I have no doubt that his devotion to you as a Champion would be equally comparable to his loyalty to the throne.”

  Raising his head after stating his request, he watched her, wondering what the new Lady of the Commonwealth would do.

  “This is just. Petros prayed on behalf of the king, rather than himself, as he lay imprisoned. Such a man would be welcome in my service. Come forth, Petros, and receive my blessing.”

  You’ve declined the title: Champion

  Fame 6,000

  You’re now Renowned

  Stepping away from his parents, the Knight came forward. Falling to his knees before her, he bowed his head. Her fingers touched the crown of his head for a moment and then she was gone.

  Petros no longer bore the symbol of the house of Damalis on his surcoat; now it displayed the sigil of the Lady of the Night imposed over the colors of the Commonwealth.

  “Glory to you, Petros. We are pleased. Come stand with us.” The King pointed to his right side as he spoke.

  “Runner, what are we to do with you? Every achievement we would grant you, you attribute to another. While we appreciate such a humble attitude, it vexes us.”

  “Your Majesty, I am but a poor landowner whose lands are in disrepair. If I were to ask for a favor, it would be for you to assist with the reconstruction of my home, North Wood Fort, on the isle of Vix to the west. I would request carpenters and masons as well as materials.”

  “And again you ask nothing for yourself directly. We find you troublesome in a good way. I dub you Breaker and henceforth shall you be named. You have freed us from chains that we did not know existed. Both in our court, and our life. Not to mention breaking our constant expectations of you.”

  Congratulations! Server first: Named by the King

  You’ve earned the title Breaker

  You’ve earned 2,000 fame

  “So it’ll be. We’ll have carpenters and masons sent west to Vix, to your home. Now,” the king said, standing from his throne, “I ask that you assist and guide our forces to the aid of our cousin. We had the muster start this morning in advance of this. We can spare a thousand soldiers in this endeavor. You’ll also act as escort to our niece, of course.”

  Quest Updated

  “Escort Princess Katarina Home and Save her Kingdom”

  Experience Reward: 125% of current level

  Reputation: 200

  Fame: 1,000

  Money: 40 Platinum

  Do you Accept?


  WARNING! Experience Reward is adjusted based on current level at turn in

  “Your Majesty, I accept, though I must ask that all who follow obey my commands explicitly in this endeavor. War is no place for a disjointed chain of command,” countered Runner.

  Quest Accepted

  Nodding his head, the king gestured at the scribe once more.

  “Wise, and not altogether unexpected. We name you Commander of our expeditionary group. Lead our men to victory in our cause of liberation.”

  They had gone over the numbers privately the day before. Down to the last man he could spare, it numbered a thousand troops and half as many support personnel. A second-in-command would be needed.

  “Thank you, Your Majesty. I name Thana Damalis as my second, and that she should be obeyed in all things as if she spoke with my voice.”

bsp; Waving his hand negligently aside, the king seemed tired of the conversation.

  “We’ll have our officers report to you immediately. They should be ready and waiting in the courtyard. We expect your departure within the hour as all arrangements have already been made.”

  With that, the king dismissed everyone.

  Thankful to finally be leaving, Runner could barely hold in his anticipation. Walking over to where Thana stood with her family, he dipped his head in greeting to them.

  “Master Runner, we had no idea you were favored of the Lady Brunhild,” said Kyra.

  “Or that you had a home. This is the first I’m hearing of it, and I feel as if I should have been told previously.”

  Patting Thana on the arm, he could only smile at her.

  “Sorry, my lady, I only discovered it last night myself. Though we now have a home to call our own where no one can persecute us. So that’s good. I’ll catch up with you in the courtyard before our departure. I imagine there’ll be some arrangements to be made, though I’m glad to be on our way. Finally.”

  Nodding his head to the Damalis family one more time, he excused himself. Katarina, Nadine, and Hannah fell in beside him. Exiting the throne room, he stepped out into the front courtyard.

  “Rabbit, here,” Runner said, turning to the merchant queen. He emptied the entirety of the wealth he had on him to her. “Do your magic. I give you permission to use my name to get the best deals, if you think it’ll help. I still need parts to craft things. Get as much ore, leather, plate mail, sword parts, and armor for everyone as you can. More pieces per, the better. Whatever else you think we need.”

  Quickly turning to Hannah, he continued.

  “Get ahead of this and get me a list of those accompanying us, including whatever dirt you can dig up. Get used to this type of work—you’ll end up becoming my spymaster at this rate. Any idea on how they typically fight would be appreciated as well. Steal to your heart’s content; all I ask is that you don’t get caught.”

  Patting both Hannah and Nadine on the back, he dismissed them together. Nodding their heads, they walked off, leaving him alone with Katarina.

  “Alright, Kitten, you and I are going to have a talk. Please answer me honestly because otherwise, princess or not, I will paddle your ass so hard Lady Brunhild will have to heal you. Come on, Thana showed me a nice quiet place. We’ve got an hour at best.”

  Runner led a smirking Katarina to the same bench in the garden where he’d met Thana in private. Sagging onto the bench, he looked out onto the city. It looked so very different during the day. As if it were too different places.

  “Thana hid here often,” Katarina said, sitting down on the bench next to him.

  “Didn’t know that. She did mention you rescued her from a life of mediocrity though,” he replied. He reached into his inventory and handed her a beetle while taking one out for himself.

  After eating it swiftly, he took in a slow breath. He leaned forward, watching the people down below go about their lives.

  “After today, the Damalis family will never be called ‘mediocre’ again.”

  Runner shrugged, idly rubbing a thumb over the back of his hand.

  “Made Petros Champion, named Thana second-in-command. Not small things.”

  He decided it would be best to change the subject rather than let her dictate the conversation.

  “Tell me, Princess Katarina, why were you so far from home? Admittedly it was a choice made for you. I would still like to know what we’re walking into.”

  She wasn’t swift to reply and took her time to craft her response.

  “Marriage. Wanted to secure the throne. Didn’t want to be married. I left. Thana came to keep me out of trouble.”

  “Ah. Yes. The beautiful, intelligent, talented princess. Backed by a powerful royal family. Little did they know she in truth was a wildcat. Guess we don’t need the whole hour after all.”

  Snickering to himself, he shook his head, then lowered it till it was near even with his knees. Katarina shifted uncomfortably, her hands resting on her legs.

  “Right then. Save your kingdom, break your betrothal, or kidnap you, make it back to Vix, get home to the North Woods, build a home, negotiate terms with Srit in a Faustian deal, save my ship. All in a day’s work.”

  “You’re stressed.”

  “An understatement. The help I’ve received from Srit has been pretty excessive, though I fear her intentions. The number of those in the graveyards has been increasing again lately. Twenty thousand this morning. Then there’s this whole kingdom thing.” Runner put his face in his hands and sighed.

  “You could leave. After you return me to my father.”

  Laughing, he pressed his hands more firmly to his face.

  “Not happening. Taking you with me, one way or another. It’s the least of my problems at this time. I mentioned it to Hanners earlier. In the worst case scenario, we start chugging Stealth potions like they’re water. Steal you away in the dead of night. They’re Naturals—they couldn’t stop me if I put effort into it.”

  The bench creaked as Katarina moved. He doubted this was any easier for her than it was for him. Runner started planning more deeply on the backup plan on how to whisk Katarina away.

  Strong warm hands pressed into his shoulders and neck. Going rigid at the touch, Runner felt the muscles in his back tighten up.

  “Tell me,” came Katarina’s voice from behind him. Her strong fingers pressed into the muscles and rolled across the fabric of his clothes.

  He hadn’t donned his armor today and was dressed in a simple black vest and white tunic. There wasn’t much to hinder the feeling of her hands.

  Forcing himself to relax, he rolled his shoulders and leaned into her hands.

  “Uh. Well, then there’s Ted. I don’t regret my choice, though I regret taking his life. I regret that I had no alternatives. I would do it again to save any of you.”

  Frowning, he leaned his head forward, his hands slipping to his knees as Katarina worked her fingers into him. It felt odd to be sure. The game’s goal had been to have a very high level of sensitivity. As close to the feeling of reality as it could be. He hadn’t envisioned receiving an actual back rub in game that felt like a back rub.

  “Any of us? Naturals?”

  “No, not Naturals. You, Hanners, Lady Death, Rabbit. Not sure how I’d react if it was a stranger. For you four though? I’d kill him every time. Kill anyone.”

  Katarina’s thumbs dug into the base of his skull. Runner closed his eyes and groaned quietly. It felt great. He didn’t give a damn for the differences, it felt amazing.

  “What plan do you have for the king? He will wed me off. Strong and opinionated man.”

  Runner kept himself from shrugging, not wanting to disturb Katarina’s ministrations.

  “Don’t know. I’ll figure it out though. Not leaving without you.”


  Runner felt his stomach lurch and twist. Flashing in his head was a holo sign that read “hazardous conditions ahead.”

  While Thana acted like his professed attraction to the entire party didn’t bother her, he still believed he had irreversibly screwed everything up.

  Katarina never shied from the truth though. He owed her the same, didn’t he? Could he be brave enough?

  “Because I cannot imagine not having you in the party.”

  The tips of her fingers dug into his spine, pressing, pushing the worries out of him.


  “You’re part of the group. It wouldn’t be the same without you.”

  “Stop playing hard to get and say it.”

  Laughing at the audacity of her statement and her bold attitude, he could only do as she requested.

  “Because I’m attracted to you, Kitten. The same way I’m attracted to Lady Death, Hanners, and Rabbit. That’s why. I’m not playing hard to get, I just can’t imagine making a decision between the four of you. I’m not sure I ever could. You’re all so
vibrant and amazing in your own way. As cowardly and weak willed as my courage in this is, I can’t help it. I’m terrified of screwing this up and losing one or all of you.”

  Katarina worked her fingers along the blades of his shoulders.

  Runner sat on the bench, his heart a bruised, tired thing, filled with the fears that he himself had created. The whole thing came across like a terrible soap opera. His life had been turning into one giant cliche after another. Now he only needed a terribly bittersweet ending.

  His jaw was caught in an iron grip and pulled towards the sky. Struggling at first, he found himself staring into Katarina’s face. Then Katarina kissed him, her hands holding him in place.

  Runner resisted no further. Instead he closed his eyes and relented.

  Her kiss was a wild and hungry thing, like a wolf that had been circling its prey for hours, now given the scent of a long awaited kill.

  Eventually she pulled back several inches from him, her dark eyes mirroring the smile on her face. Seductively relentless, the red wolf.

  “Don’t worry,” she whispered. She brushed her lips briefly over his and then stood upright, her hands falling to rest on his shoulders. “The king will respect that you lead Vasilios’ army. Slaughter the enemy, claim your prize.”

  She ran her fingers through his hair, then turned and left.

  Breathing out slowly, heavily, Runner turned to face the town. A moment of panic made him check the distance indicators for his party. Katarina of course held the shortest distance; everyone else was at least triple her distance or more.

  He felt sure that the entire situation was a misspoken word from tumbling apart. A poorly made mega-scraper out of a kid’s set of building blocks. Damn him if she hadn’t kissed him into not caring though.

  Moving about in the grass in front of him was another squirrel. This one happened to be level three.

  “Howdy there, little furry man. Would you be the big brother or the bully?”

  Runner targeted the squirrel and opened his inventory simultaneously. He pulled a handful of blueberries free and tossed one to the critter. Activating Persuade, he pushed the thought of it eating the berries and growing stronger.


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