Charity: Mail Order Brides Of Wichita Falls Book 4

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Charity: Mail Order Brides Of Wichita Falls Book 4 Page 8

by Cyndi Raye

  Charity wished she had a relationship like that with Daniel. Except theirs was strictly business. She shook her head, trying hard to remember. Her head began to thump at the memory of how he looked, the anger and hurt at her words making her feel like a real heel. “I have to apologize.”

  Lily nodded. “Go on then, go find Daniel. I’ll hold down the fort here.” She giggled again, going off in search of her husband. As Charity made her way to the front of the hotel, she heard the two laughing. In the foyer, a smiling Ben had Lily in his arms, carrying her up the flight of stairs. She doubted they even saw her as she walked by.

  Outside, she brought her hand up to cover her eyes from the warm sun beating down. Charity had left her wide-brimmed hat back in the library and wasn’t about to go get the overbearing thing. It was a beautiful day out. She lifted her face to the sky and laughed out loud. Most women wore a hat to keep from getting too much sun. Today would be different. She had two glasses of wine and was feeling mighty fine. Silly even.

  Stumbling down the street, she wasn’t ready to go home. Perhaps a walk would do her good. She shouldn’t have drank two glasses but she did.

  Charity wasn’t too drunk to notice a young man following her out the corner of her eye. When he got a bit too close, she stopped and turned, putting a look of horror on his face. “Why are you following me?” she asked, closing in on the boy.

  He backed up. “I, uh, I work for Mr. Ashwood.”

  She raised a brow. “Is that so? Pray tell, what kind of job does he have you doing?”

  The boy shuffled his feet. He was maybe fifteen at the most. “I, uh, I am his apprentice. I can’t tell you my assignment.”

  Since the boy was taller than her, Charity lifted her chin in the air. “Young man, does that assignment have anything to do with following me?”

  Her words were getting a little slurred. She regretted drinking. It wasn’t like her to do so but Daniel had her mind too worked up lately. It was his fault, she tried to tell herself.

  “Uh, I can’t tell you, ma’am. I’m sorry.” The boy stood his ground. He would make a good reporter someday.

  “What’s your name, son?”


  “Well, Thomas. Here’s a new assignment. You go back to Mr. Ashwood and tell him that I’m on to him.” She crossed her arms over her stomach. “If he continues to harass me in the streets, I’ll file a lawsuit against him.”

  Thomas looked at her, his face incredulous. “You can’t file a lawsuit against your own husband. It’s against the law.”

  “It is?”

  “It most certainly is. I’m afraid you would be a laughing stock of the town.”

  She swayed back and forth, reaching out for the rail along the side of the street where travelers tied their horses. She felt a bit steadier hanging on to the wood. It would have to do until she sobered up enough to walk back to the newsroom. “Well, you go on now and tell him my exact words. I’ll be home soon, you tell him that, too.”

  When the boy didn’t nudge, she lifted her arm and waved it around. “Go on now, hurry. He should know I know about this assignment.”

  “I was told to stay with you, ma’am. If I leave you, I would fail at my job.”

  “Hm, you have a point.” She put her finger against her mouth. “Here’s the thing, Thomas. You got caught. I’m sure you were supposed to keep an eye on me without me noticing, correct?” At his guilty nod, she smiled. “The fact is if you don’t go tell your boss what happened it may be worse for you. I like you, Thomas. I want you to continue to work for my husband’s business. But, frankly, I caught you so you best go on back and report it to your boss. I’ll wait right here until you do.”

  Thomas nodded. “I didn’t think of it like that. Okay, ma’am, promise to wait right here?”

  The moment she nodded, Thomas took off down the street like a pack of wild horses were after him. Charity lifted her skirts and crossed the street, a little wobbly. Miss Addie looked up from where she was bent over on her porch, clipping the stems from a few roses she picked. “Mrs. Ashwood, is that you?”

  “Yes, hello, Miss Addie. May I ask a favor please? Do you mind if I go inside to sit a spell? I promise not to bother you while you are doing your task. I need to, um, prove a point to someone.”

  “Why, of course. Are you well?” Miss Addie took Charity’s arm to help her up the two steps to her house.

  “I was visiting Lily.”

  She didn’t need to finish her sentence when Miss Addie quipped, “She got out her bottle of wine, no?”

  “She did. I’m afraid I had one too many. This is not how I behave at all.”

  Miss Addie helped her inside the parlor, settling her on the settee. “Lily bought two cases of wine from a peddler that claimed it was from the vineyards of Italy. Turns out after some investigation from Ben’s part, there is no such vineyard in Europe. A local man from Dallas was trying to sell it as a world renowned wine. Needless to say, Ben refused to sell it in his hotel so Lily is handing out glasses to anyone who enters her library.”

  Charity laughed. “It is certainly working, even if the wine isn’t world renowned. It’s very tasty.”

  “It must be for you to imbibe so freely.”

  “I’m sorry, Miss Addie, I didn’t meant to intrude. If I may rest for awhile, I’ll be out of your hair soon.”

  “Am I to understand you would rather not let your husband see you intoxicated?”

  “No. I am hiding from him because he thinks I’m up to something.”

  A confused look came over Miss Addie. “I don’t believe I understand.”

  “He has hired an apprentice.”

  “Yes, young Thomas. I was speaking to him on his way to the job. That doesn’t explain why you are hiding out.”

  Charity sat back in the cushions. Miss Addie’s couch was so cozy. “I was the job. He was hired to follow me.”

  Miss Addie raised a brow. “Oh? Is there a reason you should not be trusted, Mrs. Ashwood?”

  She giggled. “Yes. Most certainly. I’m a reporter. I plan on becoming the best woman reporter in the west.” Her eyelids were getting heavy. A nice rest would be wonderful, she thought, but, Miss Addie kept talking so much.

  “I think I’m seeing the whole picture now. Mr. Ashwood is worried you may get yourself in to some trouble now.”

  “Kind of already have.” Charity yawned.

  “Are you hiding from Mr. Ashwood?”

  “I most certainly am.”

  Chapter 8

  Daniel hurried down the street, his body alert, eyes on everything that moved. She was not leaning up against the wooden post across the street from Miss Addie’s boarding house as Thomas mentioned. The kid had a lot of learning to do. Charity coerced the young man to believe what she wanted him too. Had to admit, she was clever.

  Even so, he wasn’t about to let her go off and interview the McKenzie Gang on her own. Not as long as he had any breath in his body. For that matter, this incredulous idea of hers may well get her killed.

  If he hadn’t cornered Handsome Johnny and made him spill his guts, she would be going off in the early hours of the morning to the creek, the same place two resident’s of Wichita Falls got murdered a few years back.

  Daniel would make sure she got her story but she would learn one thing, it took more than one person some times to get the leading story of a lifetime. He wasn’t about to let her go it alone. No way. That’s why he told Johnny the deal was off unless he came along. Johnny had no choice but to agree after realizing there would be no front news article unless Daniel approved.

  The only way Daniel would approve was if Charity was in a safe and uncompromising position. It was why he was about to change the whole interview process. She was going to fight him on this, he knew. Even if his touch made her cringe.

  He’d bet she made that part up too, even if he heard her with his own ears. She had been planning this assignment all along. It was what she wanted. She’d get what she wanted.
He’d give her the glory and then he’d see if she still couldn’t stand his touch.

  Somehow he doubted his touch made her cringe.

  Because she melted in his arms whenever they were in the same room together.

  They were meant to be together. It was inevitable. Their lives were about to change. She was going to get it all, a leading story and a husband who wanted her deep down from the bottom of his core.

  He stomped across the street, stopping in front of Miss Addie’s bed and breakfast. “She here?”

  Miss Addie didn’t look up from her task. “Yes, Mr. Ashwood, she certainly is.”

  “Are you going to stop me from taking her home?”

  “Certainly not. She is however, resting for a spell. May I call on you to come back in a few hours?”

  “That would depend on the fact she doesn’t try to leave here. I’ll sit for a spell if you don’t mind.”

  Miss Addie shook her head. “I’m afraid you may be sitting for quite some time. She had two glasses of Lily’s wine.”


  “I’m afraid so.”

  “That explains a lot.”

  “She’ll be fine here. Come back in two hours.”

  Daniel agreed. Turning on his heels he headed back towards the newsroom. First, he needed to stop and notify a few others about tomorrow morning’s activities.


  Charity woke up in a strange parlor, forgetting for a moment she had gone to Miss Addie’s for a spell. Leaning forward on the settee, she peeked through the sheer curtains to find Miss Addie and Daniel on the porch, conversing. Her head didn’t hurt as bad as she thought it would after two glasses of Lily’s wine, which surprised her. Getting up though was a lot harder than not. She teetered back and forth until she found her footing. Smoothing her skirts, she tip-toed closer to the front door, standing there for a moment before opening. The two talked too quiet for her to hear what they said.

  “Come on out, Charity.”

  She stepped on to the wooden porch, hanging on to the porch rail. Daniel instantly stood, taking long steps to reach her, putting an arm around her waist. He didn’t say a word about the harsh words he overheard her say at the hotel. All he seemed to care about was her state of mind.

  “Now don’t worry none, Charity. We’ll stop by Jenna’s for something to eat, it will make you feel a whole lot better.”

  “I’m not sure I can eat.”

  Miss Addie smiled. “I’ve had an interesting afternoon. Now if you don’t mind, I’d like to retire to my house guests.” Addie had a working bed and breakfast. She took her work seriously to make sure all guests were comfortable and entertained well. Some days she would play the piano for their enjoyment, other times have a social where she invited members of the town to join in.

  Charity turned to Miss Addie. “Thank you so much for your hospitality. I’m not sure how I would’ve gotten through the afternoon without your help.”

  “No worries, Mrs. Ashwood. Good evening.”

  The walk through town to Jenna’s Restaurant was quiet. Charity didn’t want to talk. She liked that Daniel kept his arm around her waist, guiding her down the street, avoiding pits in the road and steering her away from places she didn’t dare step. She felt safe. Safe in his arms.

  She shouldn’t feel that way, after all, they were business partners. Even though he wanted more. Charity should apologize for what she said earlier. “I didn’t mean those harsh words, Daniel. I truly didn’t mean to say those things.”

  He didn’t reply, instead, guided her towards the front door of the restaurant. A crowd gathered outside, waiting to be called in. “It looks packed tonight. Do you mind waiting?”

  “Not at all. My stomach is beginning to grumble a bit. I guess I’m hungrier than what I thought.”

  “Wait here. I’ll go let Jenna know we want a table.” He disappeared inside the building while she waited in line. He didn’t say anything when she apologized. Did it mean he was going to forgive her? The fact is he made her feel more alive than she ever had felt in her entire life. Her whole world came alive at his mere touch.

  It had been a long day. She wanted to eat and go to bed so she could rest up for t he big day tomorrow. Getting the story of a lifetime was the reason she was here, in the west, in Wichita Falls.

  When the door opened and Daniel walked towards her, she realized how lucky she was. This man was her husband, a gentle, kind and loving man who had given her an opportunity to better herself. He was nothing like those reporters in Chicago. He never once degraded her or made her feel as if she weren’t good enough for the job. Charity realized she was falling hard. Fast. There was no stopping her intense feelings for this man.

  “Ben and Lily have a table. We can join them and won’t have to wait in line.” He held out his arm to her, grinning. “After you.”

  She followed him to their table, where he held a chair for her. Guilt reddened her cheeks when she said hello to Lily. Daniel was being so nice to her and she had told Lily she couldn’t stand to have him touch her. She had to clear the air. She coughed, gaining everyone’s attention. “I’m going to come right out and apologize.”

  “Whatever for?” Lily said sweetly.

  Charity looked at Daniel when she spoke. “For speaking ill of my husband to you, Lily. It simply isn’t true.”

  Lily coughed. Charity swore she heard a light giggle. “It’s quite alright, Charity. We had a bit too much to drink, didn’t we? I should apologize for pouring you a second glass but I just love the wine and to share it with others. Perhaps I should give it all away right now since it seems to cause me trouble.”

  Ben shook his head. “No. I like when you drink the wine.”

  Lily’s smile was so wide it made Charity laugh as she watched the two exchange a look. She took her eyes from the couple to watch Daniel. He had been gazing at her while she watched the two. Now he stared outright, grinning. “I’m not sure I like my wife drinking the wine.”

  Charity smiled back. “I am sorry about what I said, truly. Please, forgive me.” She placed a hand over his, wanting him to believe her. She may want to be the best reporter in the west but her feelings for the man in front of her were coming in at a close second. In a way, the idea of being the frontrunner of the newspaper was taking a close second to him.

  Was she in love?


  Charity realized she couldn’t wait to be alone with Daniel. As their dinner came to an end, the two couples hugged and went their own ways. Charity had been waiting to announce to Daniel her plans. She tightened her hand on his arm, which slowed him down for a moment.

  “Everything okay?” he asked.

  “Fine, Daniel.”

  “You certain? You seem occupied about something.”

  The only thing she was occupied with was the fact she had made a major decision while at dinner. “Yes, I believe you are right. It has everything to do with you. Us.”

  He stopped walking and turned to her. “What is it?”

  “I want to be your wife.” There. She said the words he wanted to hear.

  Daniel looked dazed. Confused. His mind seemed occupied as well tonight. Perhaps it was bad timing. Except Charity wasn’t one to pussyfoot around. When a decision was made, her idea was to jump in full force and get through things.

  Daniel’s reaction was startling. She tried to back away from him but his hand reached out. “Do you mean those words?”

  “I, yes. I do.” Her voice wavered. This was a big rule change. “I want to show you I don’t mind your touch.”

  Daniel tilted his head. “Charity,” he said, his voice low, strained. “You don’t have to prove anything to me. I know you weren’t serious. As a matter of fact, I’m inclined to believe you were saying those words to convince yourself more than anyone. Am I right?”

  She nodded. “Can we go inside?”

  People were walking by them as they stood face to face along the side of the street. The sky was beginning to d
arken as the sun rode low on the horizon. Charity wanted this. She wanted to be loved by Daniel. Tonight.

  In the morning, she wasn’t sure what the outlaws would do. The uneasiness in the pit of her stomach when she thought about them was real. What if she didn’t make it back? Was she chancing fate by going out on a limb, hiding in disguise to get a story? At least she had tonight. Charity wanted to know what it was like to be in his arms.

  His hands cupped her cheeks, pulling her to him while his mouth covered hers in a gentle, tender kiss. Her pulse thickened. Charity’s knees began to buckle. It happened every single time he touched her.

  The walk to the newspaper seemed to take forever. Daniel would stop, turn and kiss her so tenderly it made her shudder inside. Then he would pull her along, holding her up while they took another ten steps until he turned one final time and crushed his lips against hers. She pulled away. “We better go inside. I see the drunk coming our way.”

  They laughed and ran towards the door, sliding inside right as the old town drunk came around the corner. Luckily, he never noticed the two. Daniel gazed in to her eyes. “Are you sure, Charity?”

  She smiled. Nodded her head, taking a long, deep breath. Then she took him by the hand, kissing his lips softly before going up the stairs. “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”

  Daniel followed, mesmerized, closing the door firmly behind him.


  A rooster crowed somewhere outside. Charity snuggled against the warmth of his body, smiling when she realized it was Daniel’s strong arm around her. She shook herself awake, not wanting to get out of bed but aware that in just a few hours, her whole world could simply change. For worse or better.

  She was in dire need of a new plan. Charity had let her heart lead her last night, even though she was so happy right now. But it was time to meet Handsome Johnny. She wanted the story, didn’t she?

  Sliding in slow motion from under the sheets, Charity was careful not to wake Daniel. She gazed back to find his eyes closed, a steady movement as his chest rose while he slept. Tip-toeing across the room, she opened her trunk to find the cowboy outfit at the top. She was glad she wouldn’t have to dig through the piles of clothing, making more noise than necessary. .


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