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by Adrian Glass

  “Or aliens?” The hosts asks trying to be humorous, Jansky looks in the direction of the audience.

  “Maybe...But we need extraordinary proof...”

  “Of course, well thank you very much for joining us tonight.” He reaches over and shakes Jansky's hand. The audience claps.

  Elly Jansky sits in the back of the cab looking at her cellphone. Suddenly it rings.


  “Hi Elly, look, the settlement, best we can do without drawing this out...He gets the two investment properties, you get the one, apartment in upper Manhattan.”

  “No way, that one still has payments on it, with the market at the moment...If I sell, the price, I could be underwater...I want the apartment with the tenancy, he can have the other...”

  “Then we go to court,” her attorney replies.

  Jansky lowers her head closing her eyes. “Fuck it, ok, my new book sales...That's what is far more important than drawing this out, plus I have seminar talks and more television appearances coming up. Lets just end this now.”

  “Will do, you take care Elly...How did the show go tonight?”

  “Like my agent says, it's all about the sell.”

  “True, well good luck. I'll talk to his attorney tomorrow.”

  “Alright, thanks David.”

  She ends the call, looking at her cellphone again, checking the GPS notification.

  “Driver, this bar on the right, thank you.”

  The cab driver pulls over at the curb, Jansky pays the driver and exits the cab, quickly darting across the footpath she enters through the bar door. Jansky then walks towards the bar, pulling up a stool she sits down. Beside her is a man, formally dressed, drinking from a Martini glass. He turns and looks at Jansky.

  “Hey Elly”

  “Hello Josh...” She replies briefly glancing at the man sitting beside her, Jansky then looks up at the barman. “...Double Scotch and ice please.” She requests as the bartender places the ice into a rocks glass and administers two shots of Scotch whiskey.

  “Fancy seeing you here. A random event in the cosmos. How did it go, tonight?” He asks smiling.

  Jansky tilts her head leaning her elbow onto the bar, pushing back blond strands of her hair. She sips the whiskey.

  “Part of the schedule, late night talk show first, then the seminars thereafter and various network morning shows.”

  He holds up his cellphone scrolling at the electronic book reading App.

  “Downloaded yesterday...”

  She leans over and holds up her glass, the man also leans in her direction and taps her glass.

  “...apparently written by the sexiest physicist on the year.”

  Jansky rolls her eyes while she takes another sip from the whiskey, with her left hand she pushes up her mid length skirt close to her upper thigh revealing her lace edged stockings. The man looks down.

  “I can see why,” he says with a smile.

  She pushes the skirt length back down. “It wasn’t a competition, just some silly article written for an on-line business publication. Something you'd read,” she replies with a grin.

  “Hey I'm not disagreeing, but good-looks and brains...That's what you got Elly.”

  Holding the glass with her left hand she dips her right index finger into the cold amber fluid, at the same time she thinks about her ex-husband and the coming divorce settlement. Withdrawing the wet finger, now soaked with an aged whiskey, she places it against her lips. Briefly licking the remnants, Jansky places the glass down onto the drink coaster, she turns and faces the man.

  “That a-hole wants to settle with two investment properties that we joint purchased, both tenanted, offer is half rental plus I get the third one that hasn't got a tenant.”

  “Markets are bad at the moment, especially the oversupplied property market, with this current investigation into pension funds running losses on their portfolios to offset gains in the stock and bond markets. Investment property was the tax dodge on their other profits. The market becomes a bubble with empty apartments across the city.”

  Jansky picks up her glass. “Yeah and prices are beginning to tumble, especially downtown, anyway, if I don't settle, we go to court...” She takes a large sip from her glass. “...Josh, I'm not going fight this, it's going to waste my time. That's what he wants, this lying, cheating ass-wipe. Plus my lawyer ain't cheap...”

  “And your new book! You just came away form a late night talk show, you've got seminars coming up, university talks...Elly Jansky is famous. Your ex-douche is nothing.”

  Jansky leans across and kisses the man on his right cheek. “Thank you.”

  He holds up his glass indicting to the barman from another Manhattan cocktail, he then looks at Jansky who is smiling, her expression is one of a sincere appreciation towards her lover. The bartender places down in-front of the man another cocktail. “Fucked up at the moment, the world, with the military build up in Europe and the South China Sea...Middle East conflicts. It's a new Cold War.”

  Jansky tilts her head back drinking the remainder of the iced whiskey. She places the empty glass back down on the bar.

  “Sure is...”

  “What's the physics community opinion on it?”

  “Cold War part two?”


  “Well, we have Russian, Chinese physicists and scientists all stuck in the middle...It's just like the last one. The question is, how many will come across to America or Western Europe before things get serious...Rumor going around at the moment is they may scrap the H-1B visa very soon. We could have, globally, countries closing up their boarders around the world.” Jansky replies.

  “It's all ready happening, starting with Europe...But Elly I'm curious...What is the scientific community's viewpoint on War? We know a lot, but we don't know how to stop wars...”

  “Maybe it's an inherent human trait.” Jansky nods to the barman holding up her left index finger indicating for another whiskey with ice.

  “Really? A war gene?” The man replies as he sips from his drink.

  “A year or so back I was invited to participate in a conference, on the topic of Human Nature. On the panel there were two philosophers, also invited to take part in the group discussion. One of the main topics discussed in regards to Human Nature was the mentation that leads us to War. As a scientist, we tend to avoid the philosophical discussion of human perplexity. But, I remember what a neuroscientist had suggested, that we could isolate a part of the brain that is responsible for irrational aggression and implant a small prosthesis, very speculative, however according to his neuroprosthetic research it's possible. Curbing that part of our mind which necessitates the illogical.”

  “Don't think that sounds good...sticking something into our brains to make us peaceful.”

  “Or...” Jansky sips her whiskey. “...The human race finds a common enemy. You know what brought humanity together thirty six years ago as a host of nations under the World Health Organization.”


  “Smallpox, we went to war collectively, humanity against that disease and won. Eradicated a horrendous virus. A common enemy brought us together because it was a threat against all of humankind. Our differences were put aside.”

  The man exhales looking across the bar lounge where footage of a sports report is being televised. Beneath the report is breaking news of a latest shooting. This time between a radical left-wing group and Police. “The science of human emotion...”

  “Yet, being a scientist we are taught, one of the first principles of research, is to not allow emotion to effect our work, testable evidence is impassive in it's totality. The quest of moving forward, pushing human intelligence and achievements, is the reward. Although it's hard not to be affected by things going on around us either negative or positive...” She holds up her glass mesmerized by the distortion and refraction of light. “...Regardless, we always attach emotion to our work. It's part of being human.”

  “So as long as we
have emotion, we'll have conflict and wars...” The man replies with a grin while placing the empty cocktail glass onto the bar.

  “I didn't say that...” Jansky replies now feeling the effects of two double shot whiskeys. “...What I was alluding too...” Her tone sarcastic as she straightens her blouse, revealing her cleavage and white laced bra between the unbuttoned neckline of her dark-purple shirt. “ a roundabout way, is that war, au fond, is an illogical concept, but in some-cases necessary...” She looks at the man with a veiled annoyance, which is more of an expression of attraction towards him rather than any suggestive irritation. “...My dear philosopher. I'm even using French terms now. It's whiskey and philosophy...My mentors would be turning in their graves.”

  “They're dead?” He replies smiling.

  “Just one...”

  Both of them begin to laugh, Jansky leans across and holds the man's right arm, leaning her head onto his shoulder. He looks down, at her blouse neckline opening, noticing her breasts and the outline of the laced bra which just covers her nipples.

  Elly Jansky and her lover Josh lie side-by-side, both of them naked, she pulls the bed-sheet back over herself. He continues lying there, he then looks at Jansky.

  “That was a good shot,” he says pointing at a pillow that had lodged atop of his mid-height book shelf, precariously sitting next to a polish granite bookend.

  She begins to laugh. “Moment of passion, grabbed the pillow and flung it behind me...” She turns onto her side holding the sheer bed-sheet that covers her nakedness. “...Sorry.”

  He kisses her forehead smiling. “Would you like some tea...herbal?”

  Jansky sits up still clutching the sheet, covering her breasts, propping herself up against the bed headboard. “Mint?”

  “I'm on it,” he replies standing up, she smiles watching his now limp penis waver from side to side as he walks towards the kitchen. Jansky looks over at her cellphone, happy that it has remained turned off, there is a temptation to pick up the phone and turn it back on. She resists the urge, exhaling - this moment is paramount, just herself and her lover. Jansky stares ahead at the darkened skyline of the apartment window, she catches a glimpse of a faint star, with most of the night sky obscured by the city and it's illumination. Josh returns holding two cups of tea, walking to Jansky's side, he places the cup onto the bedside table. He then walks back around to his side of the bed, sitting down, he props himself up against the bed's headboard next to Jansky.

  “I lost my job today,” he says staring out at the night sky.

  She looks at him her expression is one of concern. “Really?”

  He picks up the cup of tea with his left hand and takes a sip, placing it back onto the bedside table.

  “It was systems do a vastly better job than us, the human day trader is all but a twilight.”

  She leans her head onto his shoulder. “I am sorry to hear that...So what's next? New job?”

  He puts his arm around Jansky gently holding her close. She closes her eyes.

  “Gonna leave town, I'm done with the city...”

  She sits upright, angling her self so that she is sitting in-front of him, at the same time still clutching the bed-sheet against her nakedness. “You're a city boy...Weren't you born here?”

  “Yeah, I was, but my Dad came from outer-state though, mom is from Queens.” He gets up again walking to a small table near the apartment's ceiling to floor window, picking up a computer tablet, he then sits back down next to Jansky.

  “Cincinnati, here...” He opens up a file, expanding an image “...this is were I'm gonna build a log cabin, I've already bought the land...It was so cheap compared to this...” Pointing to the city's neon-lit skyline.

  Jansky lies back against the headboard looking out at the dark cityscape that surrounds his apartment, she feels a tinge of sadness at the news that the person she has been seeing as a casual affair may be leaving her. Jansky slightly leans down trying to catch a glimpse of the faint star she saw earlier. Josh places the computer tablet next to his cup of mint tea.

  “See that star...” She points to the very faint dot that sits right at the top of the large window. The man leans forward and peers at the faintness. “...That's Jupiter. Not a star as such, rather it is a densely packed gas giant, it's core, which is still speculation, is most probably a malformed star, that never activated. She stands, leaving the bedsheets behind on the bed, naked, Jansky walks towards the window. Her lover watches as she stands looking up the very faint stars - admiring her behind. She turns and smiles. “...A core that could be a type of liquid, compressed within the weight of it's own gravity.”

  He looks up at her enjoying the sight of her pert breasts and erect nipples.

  “Lets look at the stars...” She requests holding out her hand

  He stands, she notices that his once limp penis is now beginning to harden and lengthen, as it dangles between his legs. The sight of her naked man excites Jansky. She feels a slight trickle of moistness move down her inner thigh. Gravity. She says to her self smiling, he stands next to her.

  “Ok so Jupiter is that one...What's that star to the left slightly lower?”

  “I think that's Uranus...” She turns and looks at the man, as he smiles and looks her, she moves closer to him. “...or Neptune.”

  “You should see the night sky at Stonelick Lake, Cincinnati,” he says glancing at her breasts, his gaze then moves down to where her neatly cropped pubic hair begins. It was earlier in the night when he was thrusting hard and deep into Elly Jansky, as both of them climaxed at the same time.

  He places her bands around her waist pulling Jansky closer, she looks down, his penis now enlarged to it's full length, as it moves up against her pelvis. They kiss, he then places his hand between the crevasse of her buttocks. Pulling her closer, she moves her self back and forth against his chest, her breasts gently being squeezed up against him - her nipples, now sensitive with arousal as each stroke builds into her desire. She moves away, looking down at her crumpled thigh laced stockings, bending down she picks them up and places them over the chair that sits at the corner of the bedroom. She remains in that position, bent over as Josh moves from behind, clutching his now fully erect penis, he guides it to her open lips, gently moving around her wetness, placing the head of his penis at her entrance, as she moves back allowing him to enter her, he then slides his hard veined cock into her, pumping back and forth while bending over - he kisses the side of her neck, reaching around and cupping her right breast. Jansky begins to moan, matching his pumping motion, grinding her buttocks around his penis, as a large thick cock fills her every need. He withdraws, panting, clutching he strained member which is coated with her elixir. She stands, turning around facing her lover, she moves close to him, rubbing up against his hand that is still tightly clutching the top of his pink engorged gland, a single seeping clear droplet of pre-cum has formed at it's entrance. His eyes are closed he then opens them, releasing his hard cock looking at Jansky. “No condoms...I used the last one before.”

  She grips him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders pulling him close kissing his neck, they then both kiss passionately, she reaches down with her left hand moving the top of his dick around her clitoris and soft lips, smearing the large pink cock-head with her juices. Trying to reinsert it back into her throbbing folds, her eyes shut as she manages to slide the top of his penis back into her, stepping up on her toes. The head of his dick moves back into her waiting desire. She holds him close trying to gain momentum once more, he the reaches around lifting Jansky up, cubbing her buttocks, his dick embedded into her divine wetness - her passion is now overwhelming, placing Jansky back down onto the bed, with a single thrust he pumps deep into her as his pelvis compresses against hers. They begin to fuck hard. She moans at each thrust, wrapping her legs around his waist, she locks onto him in her momentum of lust. Moments away from orgasm, he sucks on her breasts, moving his tongue from each nipple, licking and sucking. He begin
s to grunt, Jansky yells out as she throbs and tightens around his thick and hard penis, she feels the first wave of an intense orgasm envelop her, leaning up he begins to maintain an affixed pump, without withdrawing, Jansky's lover and herself move within a unison pace - adjoined in pleasure.

  She yells out, as her folds clamp and release around his engorged length. He maintains his hard thrusting now determine to gush his seed into her. Three more pumps and a final thrust as his penis stiffens then releases it's milky fluid, spilling deep into Jansky, she continues to pull him close as a second orgasm forces her to pull her legs up further - as he angles for a final thrust, leaving himself deep into her, he feels the last stages of his release. Looking down at Jansky, as she looks up at him, both are still connected, he leans down and kisses her gently on the lips. Withdrawing his penis, as a congealed string of his and Jansky's juices show the intensity of their passion. Her legs still spread, as he then moves to her side, she smiles turning onto her left side closing her eyes. Jansky's lover then cups her from behind holding her close, with a light kiss to the back of her neck. They both fall asleep.

  April 2014, SED (Science, Entertainment and Design) Conference,

  Vancouver, British Columbia.

  “Ok...” Elly Jansky sits quietly on the toilet inside the cubicle holding the pen like apparatus up. “...False negative, false negative...third test here, here we go...Negative! Three times in row. Phew!” She wipes, standing pulling up her knickers straightening out her skirt, placing the pregnancy test back into her handbag she exhales staring ahead at the closed cubicle door. “Good afternoon, my name is Elly Jansky, I am a theoretical physicist and cosmologist. Before I start this presentation today, this is a true story, I tested my self just moments ago to see if I was pregnant...Looking for the hormone chorionic gonadotropin that if detected in my urine would indicate that I'm pregnant, very much like the beginning of planetary and solar systems creation...the distribution of matter within its compressed formation, given the right environment, can develop into...” Suddenly the main toilet doors open, she quickly exits the cubicle and smiles at the cleaner who begins to spray and wipe down the sink areas. Jansky looks briefly in the mirror checking her hair and makeup. She leaves the female toilets quickly walking towards the main backstage area of the conference, she sees a man with a headset microphone and computer tablet. He nods, indicating for Jansky to ascend the stairs to the main stage she hands him her handbag, in which he then places into a personal safe to the side of the small stair case, closing the safe door. He then hands Jansky a small microphone head set, placing it around her ear, affixing the microphone so it's just above her chin, the attendee then adjusts the receiver so it sits at the back of her skirt. Checking that the microphone is ready to be activated, he raises his right hand showing five minutes. Jansky closes her eyes and breaths slowly. Ok she whispers to herself making her way to the main stage.


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