The Realm's Mystics [Mystic Women of The Realm Series Book 3]

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The Realm's Mystics [Mystic Women of The Realm Series Book 3] Page 49

by Robbie Collins

  The High Queen crouched down, placing her fingers under Ann'wn's chin. Speaking softly, she said, “Look at Me, Ann'wn. I command it of you."

  Ann'wn looked at her Queen, tears streaming from her eyes, “Yes, High Queen?"

  "I place My life in your hands upon every turn. Do you know of this?"

  "Yes, High Queen."

  Gently, she said, “Why would I behead the Force Leader that has protected My valley and realm so well?"

  Ann'wn tried to lower her head, but couldn't, as The High Queen held her head up, “Because I failed you, High Queen."

  She wiped the tears from Ann'wn's face, “No. You failed Me not. One of your actions disappointed Me. Do you see this difference?"

  "But I did fail you, my Queen."

  Very quietly, she said, “No, Ann'wn. Your actions frustrated and disappointed Me. The Mungardies are the ones that failed The Realm, not you. And between My disappointment that we were unable to protect the now defenseless Dungaras, My anger at the Mungardies, and My frustration that Uthrn was afraid to tell Me the report, I became enraged. And yet, never did I think the Dungaras more important than you. Never would I trade a Dungaras or a Mungardies life for yours, My treasured one. Do you see this?"

  "But you are angry with me, my Queen."

  She thought about Ann'wn's statement for a moment, “You say this because of what I did to your neck and ear?"

  Ann'wn nodded.

  "I was disappointed with you, most certain, but not because of the Dungaras. In truth, while that most upset Me, My anger wasn't at you until you came forward in front of all the forces. You placed Me in a most difficult of positions. Are you aware of this?"

  "No, High Queen. I was merely trying to solve the issue for you, to save you the effort."

  She rose, making Ann'wn to also do so. Softly, she said, “Let us strike a bargain. I will not command your forces for you, and you don't do My thinking for Me."

  Ann'wn's head was lowered, yet ashamed, “And I will not question your commands, my Queen."

  San'lr'in’ saw that Ann'wn was returning to her, but knew that it would be difficult for many moments to come.

  "I hope I am not a mean Queen, but I do know that My temper is quick. What occurred the other turn was mostly My anger at The Realm. You must learn to read My moods more carefully. You told Me prior that you are perhaps the best-trained observer in The Realm. Not good enough it would seem, as you didn't really see My anger. You assumed it was directed at you. I make errors also, and I would be less than a good queen if I didn't expect mistakes from My own loyal and most trusted of advisors. Do you understand this?"

  "If I make a mistake, my Queen, it could cost The Realm your life."

  The High Queen placed her fingers under Ann'wn's chin, and once again made Ann'wn look upon her, “Listen well to Me. Hear Me when I say this—I will die upon some turn, Ann'wn. You must accept this as so. But we will not do so by our own hands to each other. We can only do the best we can, even though I must seek perfection in all of us. Do you know how many of the former High Queen's lived out their full lives?"

  "No, my Queen."

  "Of thirty-eight High Queens, only six have survived until they died of overly many cycles. Death comes with the position, Ann'wn. The chances are that at some moment, even you will not be able to save Me. Do you understand what I am trying to tell you?"

  Ann'wn's eyes opened widely at the statement regarding the former High Queens, “This many were killed, my Queen?"

  She nodded, “It is so. But if I am killed, another takes My place. It is as simple as this. And the same occurs with you. If you die in battle, then I must replace you. But never, never will you die by My hand, unless you turn traitor. Do you understand yet what I am trying to tell you?"

  Ann'wn stood up straighter, “I think so, my Queen. I now understand also why you have been given as many powers as you have. The Realm's leaders that voted you in wished not to see you die as easily as these others."

  "Perhaps.” Then she laughed lightly, “And perhaps, as The Realm's Mystical leaders would like Me to survive so that they may reap the rewards of all the training they have invested in Me, the same goes for you. I also would like it not to have to train yet another force leader."

  Ann'wn smiled a little, “I understand, my Queen."

  "My teachers would tell Me that I have failed in My training."

  "Because you beheaded me not, my Queen?"

  "Yes. It is so. They told Me never to be soft."

  "My jaw, ear and neck tell Me that you are not soft, my Queen."

  She had been looking away for a moment, across the lake, but looked back at Ann'wn, now seeing the bruise upon her jaw, “My hand also has such bruises as this. But soft or no, I know I have made the correct decision."

  "If you are considered as soft, my Queen, I hope I never have to meet a High Queen that is considered as not soft. And I am most certain that the Mungardies think of you as not soft, either."

  The High Queen chuckled to herself, “No. I imagine that they don't. Tell Me. Did My sister and Erthrn do as well as they bragged about?"

  She nodded, “They did well, my Queen. You would have been pleased."

  They began walking back to the island party. The High Queen spoke as if to herself, “Thank the Mothers for our Healer. I know not what I would do without her."

  "My Queen?"

  The High Queen looked startled, “Oh. I am sorry, Ann'wn. I was just thinking to Myself of all that we put on our poor Healer. We overuse her most excellent services and abilities, yet she continues to work ever the more for us. For all her talents, it is her nature that is most prized."

  Ann'wn thought so as well, but also thinking The Healer beautiful, “Yes, my Queen. Of this I know well. She is tireless in her loyalty. And most generous in her abilities."

  As the party ended, The High Queen found her lover waiting alone upon one of the island's beaches. She went to her, “Did you enjoy the party, My Love?"

  Sle'nel’ smiled lovingly at her, always glad to see her, “San'lr'in'. Your raptor awaits you."

  The High Queen felt the wind, sensing the raptor. She gave a soft whistle, then waited. After a moment, she held out her arm and the raptor flew down, landing gracefully upon it. The High Queen ruffled its neck feathers while listening to the message. Sle'nel’ saw that The High Queen was surprised at the message, and saw her look across the lake. When the raptor finished its message, The High Queen smoothed its back feathers and praised it.

  "You have done well, My Brave One. When you grow in need, let Me know and I will see that you have as you desire.” She moved her arm lightly, helping the great bird to fly off.

  "A good report?"

  San'lr'in’ stared across the lake, “A report. Finally."

  "What do you search for?"

  "A messenger awaits Me. But I cannot recall the spell I need to bring her to Me."

  "A spell? You forgot a spell? You?"

  San'lr'in’ looked at her, frustrated, “Yes, Me. I cannot remember all these spells. And I seldom use them.” She became even more frustrated, “What is that spell?"

  "What do you call to you?"

  "Not what, but who. One of the Skr'kinges'. She has a message for Me."

  "Why do you need a spell?"

  The High Queen was deep in thought, trying to recall the spell that would allow the Skr'kinges’ to come to her, “Huh? Oh. They show themselves not unless the key is given. The spell is the key. But what is that spell?"

  "Might I have that spell upon my staff?"

  Yet searching her mind for the spell, it suddenly dawned on her what Sle'nel’ had said, “Of course, My Love. Of course. By the Mothers, it is good that one of us has some intelligence about her this eve. Do you have your staff?"

  "I do. I have been studying the spells. What do I search for?"

  The High Queen looked perplexed, “I know not. Try asking it about the Skr'kinges'."

  Sle'nel’ did, “Here is one. Speaking s
taff-to-staff with them?"

  The High Queen waved her hand, dismissing this spell, “No. That is a useless one. Is there another?"

  Sle'nel’ brushed her hand across the staff, trying again, “Hmmm ... This one uses their secret herbs to produce a special potion that allows those in love with one who is not in lo—"

  "No. Not that one. Stupid spell. Try again."

  "Ah. Perhaps this one. It opens an invisible door. Would this be it?"

  "Yes. Good. Can you do this one?"

  "What if I just give you the spell?"

  "There can be many spells for one thing. You saw this with our lightning spell. They were the same but different. Does this spell require your staff?"

  Sle'nel’ read it, “No. It appears not so.” She read the spell to San'lr'in'. The High Queen listened, then nodded.

  "Finally. I recall it now. I wonder where it went in My mind. I should have recalled this spell easily."

  She began reciting the spell and using her hands, as required, but suddenly halted. She turned to her Elf, “Have I told you of these Deep Mystics?"

  Sle'nel’ shook her head.

  "They are the little Mystics of The Realm. Only half our size, and speak not as we do. They only speak their thoughts."

  "Like the Spirit Mothers."

  The High Queen nodded, “And they are extremely shy."

  She began reciting the spell once again, finishing it upon this attempt. Sle'nel’ watched, never quite knowing what to look for with any of the spells. A small light appeared in front of her Queen, swirling within its own boundary, looking alive. After a few moments, a very tiny woman appeared. Sle'nel’ was instantly charmed by this little mystic, seeing that she was, as The High Queen had said, only half their size. And she also instantly recalled these waiflike little-folk from her Mother's memories that had only recently been given to her.

  Sle'nel’ nodded to the little one, speaking Elfin to her, “We welcome you."

  In a high-pitched voice that only Sle'nel’ could hear, the Waif replied, also in Elfin-speak, “You are the Elf. I am T'rl'bre'then. Do you recall my queen, Elf? Although I know you couldn't recall her really, but your mother must have certainly given you her memories. She is a most wonderful queen, and she will be so pleas..."

  The Waif kept talking at a speed that surprised Sle'nel'. She just looked down at the Waif, then to her lover, “You say they are shy?"

  "Yes. Can you not tell this?"

  She shook her head, “No. She hasn't halted from her talking since she saw me. She is yet talking."

  The High Queen was amused, never prior knowing of this, “I hear nothing."

  "It must not be pitched for your ears. It is a very high voice. And a very rapid and endless voice."

  "Is she yet speaking?"

  Sle'nel’ nodded, laughing lightly. She bent down to the Waif and interrupted her, speaking in Elfin-speak, “T'rl'bre'then, my Waif. Halt. The High Queen is unable to hear you."

  "But I was speaking to you only, Elf, as I am most excited. Perhaps you have forgotten, but for every Elf there is a Waif. I wonder who is your Waif. I hope that I am, but I suppose that Queen Lrn'drn will have to make this determination for us. But I hope that I am selected to be your personal Waif. Is it not exciting to know that an Elf and a Waif once again become paired, Elf? I cannot express my delight in this. When are the other Elves going to arrive? I have heard that...

  Sle'nel’ raised her eyebrows in surprised, but humored shock, “Shy, my Queen?"

  "Does she yet speak?"

  "She hasn't yet halted."

  The High Queen laughed, “What does she say?"

  "That a Waif is to be assigned to an Elf as their personal Waif. Something about a Queen Lrn'drn."

  "Is that all?"

  "All? It is so quick that I cannot recall all the remainder. And yet she speaks."

  "Ask her if she will speak to Me."

  The Waif kept talking: “ the celebration. By the way, Elf. What is it that you are called by?"

  The Waif halted, obviously waiting for the answer. Sle'nel’ laughed, “Sle'nel'."

  "Sle'nel'. The protector of love."

  "Sle'nel’ means as such?"

  "All Elfin names have deep meaning."

  San'lr'in’ had waited long enough, “Perhaps one of you would like to include Me in whatever now occurs between you?"

  Sle'nel’ smiled, speaking to T'rl'bre'then, “Perhaps we should include The High Queen in our conversation."

  The Waif turned somewhat serious for a moment, “We understand that she and you are as one now, Elf."

  "It is truth."

  "Good. She is the best of them. My Queen likes her well."

  T'rl'bre'then took a few steps toward San'lr'in', bowing her head, High Queen of all The Realm. Please forgive my rudeness. It is most exciting to see The Elf standing before me. I could contain not my excitement. I come with a message for you from my Queen. She bids you well.

  San'lr'in’ crouched down in front of the Waif, It is good to see a Waif once again. The Realm is saddened for the loss of its Elves, and is sad that its Waifs will not appear without them. What is your report?

  There are fourteen of them that wait near the gates. They are heavily armed, and their leader is one of your former teachers. They appear to wait, only, and have done no battle against the side of The Realm, but have done much battle against the long-gone traitors.

  You have found them, then.

  We never thought to look at the gates. But perhaps they just now come. Their encampment is well organized, yet well hidden. Look up in the trees near the gates, and you will see them.

  Do they try to enter the gates?

  They have not the key, and the gates hold well. But they try not.

  Do they seek to surprise Me?

  You expect an ambush? No. We think not. You could always use the underground tunnel up to the gates. They know not of this. Do you recall this?

  Does Sle'nel’ know of this passage?

  She will after her visit with the Shrd'ilker'ins.

  Do they seek to overtake Me?

  They cannot overtake you. Your powers are well beyond theirs. Avoid the sword with them, as they are most skilled yet, although you could overtake them in this as well. It would just be a waste of your moments. The Realm has given you what you need. Trust in your powers more. We sense that it becomes the moment that you will need to use more of them. Perhaps it is the moment to make them well known, but we know this not for certain. This is not for us to know. But we sense the moment comes.

  And the traitors?

  We have found one, but hope this one leads us to the others. We will find them soon enough.

  They are not near the gates, as well?

  No. You will be contacted when they are found. You may trust this to be so.

  San'lr'in’ thought on her answers for a moment, It was told to me by the Deep Mystics that My powers should remain hidden until there comes a big change in The Realm.

  It comes.

  What change is this?

  The Waif shrugged, not knowing or caring, I know not, but would guess that when the gates are entered by an Elf, much change will occur. Even now, the possibility creates much excitement.

  It is believed then, that when the one Elf enters, the others will return?

  It is the legend. And the Protector of Love has arrived.

  The protector of love?

  She pointed to Sle'nel', It is her name. Sle'nel'. The Protector of Love.

  Her Elf name has a meaning?

  All Elf names have deep meaning. Your powers are yet strong?

  They are readied.

  I am told that you will visit with us soon. Be this truth?

  It is truth. We will visit on our way to El'fs'nd'lle.

  We are overjoyed to have an Elf with us again. Our celebration has not halted for many eves. We look forward to your visit, High Queen. Do you recall where we are?

  I will get an escort from the Shrd'i

  High Queen. The Deep Mystic High Council will meet with you upon your arrival to the Shrd'ilker'ins.

  San'lr'in’ was uncertain if she thought this a good report, Then I look forward to meeting with them.

  She bowed her head once again, We will keep careful watch for you until all your answers have arrived.

  Thank you. Please give My regards to your queen.

  T'rl'bre'then bowed her head, then turned back to Sle'nel', “We have a surprise waiting for you upon your arrival. We have guarded it for many, many cycles now. It awaits your presence, of course, and I cannot tell you what it is, but I know you will like it. It was your mother's. You know your mother was a most excellent Elf. There were none better. She could use th—"

  Sle'nel’ smiled, interrupting her, “Will I like this surprise?"

  "Oh yes, Elf. Much so. And we are all excited you are here with us. You have been given your memories from your mother?"


  "Do you recall our Queen?"

  "Not at this moment, but I knew not who or what you were until I saw you."

  "Queen Lrn'drn'. She was one of the ones to vote in The High Queen."

  She nodded, “I do have this memory. She liked my mother very much, and was very saddened at her funeral."

  "Would you like me to remain with you until your arrival at our village? I could teach you, and then I could also be near you. This would be most exciting for me. I like to travel upon the horses of the Valley. They are nice horses. We use not any horses, but we need not, and they are overly large for us, anyway. But they are yet—"

  Although she was charmed by the Waif's looks, after listening to the endless talk, Sle'nel’ had enough. As politely as she could, she interrupted her, “We leave in the morn for the Shrd'ilker'ins, then will visit your town directly following. Do as you wish, but I think it might be more exciting for you to just await our arrival, with all the other excited Waifs. And besides, now you can return and tell them all about me."

  "A most excellent idea, Elf. I must leave at once to do so. Even now they know that I may have met up with you. They will all be waiting, so I should leave so that I keep them not from—"


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