Her Wolf's Guarded Heart: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy Romance with Witches, Werewolves, and Werebears (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 10)

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Her Wolf's Guarded Heart: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy Romance with Witches, Werewolves, and Werebears (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 10) Page 17

by Vella Day

  She and Connor returned to the car. “I’m sorry, EmmaLee. What do you want to do now? Put the boxes we have back in the storage unit or take them to Silver Lake? We’ll have to buy another lock if you go with the first option.”

  Connor was being so supportive. If she weren’t so mad right now, she’d say that the intense emotion coursing through her was love. Hell, if she hadn’t already decided to stay in Silver Lake with Connor, she would have agreed all over again. “Let’s take the boxes back. I can get a storage unit in Silver Lake.”

  “My parents have room in their garage. A paid storage unit might not be safe, even in Silver Lake. I don’t trust the thief not to try again.”

  Merely calling the man a thief implied Connor thought the robber might be someone other than Slater. “You don’t think it’s my ex?”

  “He is definitely my number one suspect, but I’d like to know his motive for wanting the boxes before I point a finger at him.”

  “So do I.”

  When they returned to the hotel, EmmaLee was curious what he planned to do about the incident. “Are you going to involve the police?”

  “I’m not sure what they can do, but we need to report it,” Connor said. “The problem is we can’t even tell them what was in the stolen boxes.”

  “I figure they contained more of what we have—only older. Let’s hope the thief left prints or some trace elements.”

  Connor gave her a half smile. “You’ve been watching too much TV. I’ll make the call.”

  Connor was so matter-of-fact on the phone. When he finished, he disconnected.

  “Well?” she asked.

  “They told us to stay put so they can ask questions.”

  Damn. Questions they didn’t have answers to. As much as she just wanted to grab their luggage and drive back to Silver Lake tonight, they couldn’t. No doubt the cops would ask a ton of questions that would dredge up more bad memories—but it couldn’t be helped.

  When the officer arrived, EmmaLee mentioned that her parents’ house had been burned down fourteen years ago, and that she thought there might be a connection to the theft. The officer in charge said he didn’t see how the two were related. She sure as hell wasn’t about to say anything about shifters and dragons.

  Around eight, the officer said they were free to go and promised to be in contact should they find the thief, but EmmaLee was less than hopeful. If the cops located him, it would be due to Connor’s efforts, not the Dunlap Gorge Police Force.

  As soon as the officer left, Connor closed the hotel room door. Circles had begun to form under his eyes, implying the strain of this trip had taken a toll on him too.

  “You up for some food?” he asked.

  Her stomach was too upset to eat, but Connor seemed to want something. “Sure, but nothing too big.”

  “Works for me.”

  They stopped at an all-night diner, and to her delight the menu held a ton of appealing choices. EmmaLee ordered a chocolate chip waffle and a glass of sweet tea.

  She planted her elbows on the table. “With Dr. Crenely dead and the rest of the files gone, I’ll never know why my parents were targeted.”

  Connor reached out and squeezed her hand. “Sometimes not knowing can be for the best.”

  “Perhaps. And Slater? What happens to him?”

  “Ronan wants him for the bounty money. At the moment, we have no evidence he has any interest in you,” Connor said.

  “Maybe not me, but he knows I have that talon.”

  Connor smiled. “That’s my dragon lady. Always on the case.”

  She looked up at him. “What do you mean?”

  “What it sounds like. I don’t think you’ll ever give up trying to find the truth, whatever it might be.”

  The waitress delivered her drink and EmmaLee took a sip. “You’re probably right.”

  “I know I’m right.”

  After a delicious meal that she was unable to finish, they returned to the hotel.

  “I’ll carry the boxes in,” Connor said. “I don’t want this person to break into my car.”

  That thought gave her the chills. “Smart thinking, though I doubt there’s anything of value in those boxes.”

  Connor stroked her cheek. “Not that we can tell, but whoever took the other half doesn’t know that. How about you take a shower while I grab them?”

  “You are too good to me.”

  Connor moved closer, and EmmaLee had the urge to drag him into the room and tell him to forget about the damn boxes. This lifelong journey of hers had basically come to an end, and what better way to say goodbye than to indulge in the splendor of loving him?

  He tapped her nose. “I know that look in your eyes, but I need to move these first. You’d feel terrible if someone stole them while we were enjoying ourselves.”

  “Why do you always have to be so practical?”

  “I just want to keep you safe.” He winked.

  “Fine.” She was dusty, and a shower would feel good.

  While Connor moved the boxes, she went in to clean up. She’d just shampooed her hair when the bathroom door opened and the shower curtain eased back.

  She twisted around, joy spearing through her at the sight of his naked body and his raging hard on. “What are you doing?” she asked, acting as if she couldn’t figure it out.

  “What does it look like? I’m going to take a shower.”

  Delight filled her. “Let me rinse my hair first and then you can have it.”

  Connor moved closer, his eyes turning a beautiful amber color. “No need to rush. I’ll just enjoy the view.”

  She smiled and then dipped her head back to rinse her hair. A second later, Connor’s mouth was on her right breast, and she squealed. “Don’t get me too excited,” she said. “This tub is way too small to have sex in here.”

  He lifted off her tit. “Who said anything about sex?”

  “Connor McKinnon, I know you.”

  “I hope that’s true,” he said before moving to the other side. “Don’t pay me any mind.”

  EmmaLee laughed. “I can’t ignore you. You’ve kind of attached yourself to me.” As he nibbled on one breast, he slipped a finger into her opening, causing her to clamp down. The intense pleasure made her moan.

  “You have no idea how hard it is to keep away from you,” he said, his voice sounding strained as if he was working to keep his wolf in check.

  “I’m not very patient,” she said, letting the water hit her shoulders.

  He stood up. “I can see that.”

  “You’re not immune either. Your eyes are practically yellow, your beard looks like you haven’t shaved in two days, and your teeth have sharpened.” She ran her hand down his furrier-than-usual chest.

  “That always happens when I’m near you—more so now than ever.”

  He was too sweet. “I repeat. No sex in the small tub.”

  He laughed. “I’m just warming you up. Once I get you to the bed, I’ll be getting you really hot and bothered.”

  EmmaLee laughed. “I’m always hot and bothered when I’m around you.”

  “Mmm, good to know.”

  “I need to rinse.” It took her ten times longer than usual, mostly because she was enjoying herself too much. Testing his resolve however could be even more fun. “I’m done. You’re turn.”

  They stepped around each other, and when Connor faced the wall and ducked his head under the water, EmmaLee reached around him and grabbed his cock. Instantly, his hand was on her wrist. “None of that.”

  “Why not? You played with me. Turnabout is fair play, right?”

  “Not when one of us is a human and the other is a shifter.”

  EmmaLee loved the power she seemed to have over him. “Okay, we’ll do it your way.”

  He set down the shampoo he’d just picked up and faced her. “This isn’t about my way or your way.”

  Yikes, she’d only been teasing him. “I know! Now hurry up. Someone will be naked in bed when you finish.

  EmmaLee stepped from the shower tub and grabbed two towels. After wrapping her head in one, she dried off with the other. Just as she draped her two towels over the shower curtain rod, Connor stepped out, looking sexier than hell. He sure had been fast.

  “I hope you’re ready for some hot loving,” he said as he locked his gaze on her face.

  “I am very ready.” He stepped closer and hugged her. “Ew. You’re all wet,” she teasingly complained.

  Connor’s grin dimpled his cheeks. “Maybe you could lick the water off me.”

  EmmaLee laughed. Life with Connor would never be boring. Even though tragedy seemed to follow her, he was the one bright shining light in her life. “Let’s go into the bedroom where I can begin.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  Her heart swelled. Hand in hand they crossed the room to the bed. EmmaLee sat down and held out her hands. “Stay right there.”

  “I’ll get the carpet wet.”

  “It’s better than sleeping in a wet bed. Let me help you dry off first. After all, it was your suggestion.” She leaned over, drew his cock toward her, and sucked him into her mouth.

  He clutched a handful of her wet hair. “Dear goddess, your mouth is heaven.”

  The first taste had her reeling, and she wanted more—much more. EmmaLee had spent her life searching for something. Today, she realized what that something was—Connor McKinnon. He was a man who was protective, kind, caring, super hot, and a beast in bed. Sure he worked a lot, but he’d never hit her or take advantage of her.

  One minute she was pumping her hand up and down his thick shaft and the next, she was on her back with her legs over his shoulders.

  “My turn,” he growled.

  Connor was the best lover. Not only did he genuinely want to please her, he knew exactly what she liked. And as much as she loved his cock, his tongue could twist her insides until she wasn’t able to think. Given all that had happened recently, that was a good thing. The first swipe across her clit had her letting out a growl of her own.

  “You’re like a racecar,” he said.


  “You can go from zero to sixty in three seconds.”

  “And whose fault is that?” she asked, failing to contain another smile.

  “Oh, it’s definitely mine.”

  It most certainly was. On the next lick, she clawed the bedspread and lifted her hips for more. His thumbs pried open her lower lips, and when he sucked hard on her little nub, she almost came right then and there.

  “Please, Connor.”

  He looked up at her. “Please what?”

  “I need your cock.”

  “You’ll get it.” As if she hadn’t asked, he continued flicking his tongue while he reached up and pressed on both nipples.

  The quick shot of pain morphed into an incredibly strong erotic pulse. She’d barely reached his shoulders when her orgasm overtook her. EmmaLee’s chest heaved as sparks of need tripped up her spine.

  “I can’t wait any longer,” Connor said. “If I don’t make love with you right now, my wolf might take over and make an appearance.”

  “Then take me now.” Even though she thought his wolf was one sexy animal, there was no place for him in the bedroom.

  With her legs still slung over his shoulders, Connor crawled forward until his cock was pressed against her opening. She drew his head toward her and locked lips. The kiss spoke of eternity. A second later, he plunged in, and she soared. Their breaths mingled as he pumped into her, over and over again, while keeping a rhythm she tried to match. Stars flitted across her vision as blood pounded hard in her ears. They devoured each other, needing each other and loving each other hard.

  Breasts pressed against his rock hard chest, EmmaLee had never felt so complete in her life. Connor broke the kiss and trailed his mouth down her chin and across her throat.

  “I love you.” He whispered it so softly she had to repeat it in her head to make sure she’d heard it right.

  “I love you too.”

  Connor stilled, and when he lifted his head, she thought she’d ruined everything. But then he grinned, and his sharpened teeth told her she’d just given him the keys to the kingdom.

  “Then you will be mine,” he announced.

  Joy slammed into EmmaLee, nearly robbing her of much-needed oxygen. While they hadn’t talked about her being his mate, everything pointed to it being true. She expected him to sink his teeth into her neck right then and there, but instead he slipped her legs off his shoulders, and hugged her tight.

  The tender motion made her love swell even more. “Come for me again,” he said.

  “Yes.” It was all she could manage to say.

  Connor eased in and out, creating a slower build up this time, until she finally had to grab his hips and lift up to make him go faster.

  “You want it hard, dragon lady?”

  “Give me all you got.”

  What happened after that was a total blur. Connor went after her with the fury and force of a tsunami. Who came first she didn’t know, but he certainly transported her to a different place and time for those few moments. When they were both spent, they lay in each other’s arms. Exhausted, they fell asleep.

  Sometime later, EmmaLee roused to the sound of running water. Connor returned with a washcloth to clean her up.

  “I think it’s a little late for that,” she said. “I’m not sure we can salvage these sheets.”

  “They’re hotel sheets. They must be used to it.”

  She chuckled. “You’re probably right.”

  Chapter Twenty


  EmmaLee was working away in the office break room, and Connor was with Ronan in his office discussing their plan for finding Slater Coghill, when Jackson stepped into the office. “I’ve got something.”

  They both looked up. “I could use some good news. Tell us,” Connor said.

  “Timothy Delahart made a mistake. He used his debit card at an ATM in Chattanooga.”

  Ronan sat up straighter. “When?”

  “Less than fifteen minutes ago.”

  Ronan stood. “I need to go after him. Where was this ATM? He won’t still be there when I arrive, but I might be able to pick up his scent.”

  Connor appreciated his new recruit’s enthusiasm, especially after the fiasco with Slater Coghill.

  Jackson flipped through his phone. “Bank of Chattanooga.”

  “Do you know where he’s staying?” Ronan asked.

  “As a matter of fact, I do. Delahart is at the Train Station Inn Motel.”

  Ronan looked at Connor. “I won’t ask how you know that, but thank you.” He turned back to Connor. “This might be my only chance to nab him. I hope you weren’t counting on my help with Slater just yet.”

  “Not at all, but this seems too easy to me. It’s almost as if Delahart wants you to find him so he can take you down first,” Connor said.

  “What else is new? Bounty hunters often become the hunted.”

  Connor closed his laptop. “If you’re determined to go, I’m coming with you.”

  “What about EmmaLee?” Jackson interjected.

  “She’s in the break room doing more research.”

  Jackson nodded. “I can watch her if you want.”

  “I’m not sure I can handle you two being in the same room for that long. You’ll fill her head with all sorts of crazy stuff.” Actually, Connor thought it was cute that they had so much in common.

  Jackson grinned. “I’ll be good. I promise.”

  “Actually, I was hoping you’d volunteer. We might not be back before five, so can you do me a favor?”


  “So she doesn’t feel like a prisoner, can you drive her back to the guesthouse when you’re ready to leave and watch her there? You can ask my dad to help if you need to leave.”

  “Can do.” Jackson looked over at Ronan. “If you need any more information, let me know.”

  “Do you know what
kind of vehicle Delahart is driving?” Ronan asked. “I wouldn’t put it past him to swap out his Jeep.”

  Jackson grinned. “I do.”

  As soon as Jackson had given them the rest of the information, Ronan left to gather his gear, and Connor called Rye to fill him in on the latest news regarding Slater Coghill. Since Rye was an excellent sounding board, he told him of the possible connection with the theft of EmmaLee’s parents’ belongings. Connor then told his brother he needed to leave town for the day. “She’ll be in Jackson’s capable hands.”

  Rye chuckled. “She seems special—more special that just someone to keep safe. Is there something you need to tell me?”

  From his tone, their father must have leaked the good news. “I can tell you’ve figured it out, so yes, EmmaLee is my mate.”

  “Well, it’s about time. Does she know?”

  “No, and I’ll tell her when the time is right.”

  “I understand. I can take a sweep around the old homestead to make sure everything remains calm.”

  “I appreciate it. I’ve been meaning to ask, have you spoken with Finn lately?” Connor asked.

  “As a matter of fact, I stopped by the bar yesterday. Zane challenged me to a game of pool.”

  He’d heard the man from Cargonia was quite good. “And?”

  “He cleaned my clock.”

  Connor laughed. “I meant did you speak with Finn? Although, I am thrilled that someone finally kicked your ass at pool.”

  “Oh, piss off. He obviously has some super pool playing powers from the other realm. I did speak to Finn afterward, and you were right. He looks like death warmed over. He told me the same story you did. Our baby brother is convinced his dream girl is real somehow. Not that he’s delusional enough to think she’s in his room at night, but there’s something about her that calls to him. I’m not sure what to make of it.”

  “Maybe you could ask James what it might mean.” As the Alpha of the Clan, Rye had quick access to the resident immortal.

  “I might have better luck with Ophelia, though the old lady can be a bit mysterious in her explanations.”

  Connor chuckled. “So I’ve heard. I hope that Finn decides to get some help before it kills him.”


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