Black Dawn

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Black Dawn Page 2

by Rose Wulf

  “Sorry. Not happening.”

  Izzy’s brown eyes lit with frustration and she stepped back, hands on hips. “Come on, Darr! How dangerous could it really be? I know how to defend myself!”

  “If I could see the future, I’d tell you,” he said. “But since that’s not in my repertoire, I’m going with you. Because once is all it takes.”

  Her mouth opened with obvious intent to continue the argument, but she paused and something else flickered in her brown gaze. A beat later her breath rushed out in a sigh of defeat and she turned, waving absently as she said, “Fine, I give up. You can come. But you have to be as invisible as possible, okay? Britt asked me not to bring you.”

  That was because Britt was both terrified and attracted to him at the same time. And seeing as how it was her bachelorette party Izzy was attending over the weekend, Darr figured she probably didn’t want to spend it fighting an unrequited ache for another man. But he couldn’t tell Izzy that much because the knowledge would just make her uncomfortable. All Izzy knew was that her friend didn’t like being near him.

  “Don’t worry,” Darr offered as he trailed after her. “I don’t intend on making small talk.”

  To this comment Izzy barked out a laugh and turned a teasing grin to him. “Actually, I would pay to see that. Darr-the-dangerous making small talk!”

  He let the scowl slip through this time. She knew he hated that nickname.

  Izzy laughed again and brushed him off. “I’m going to be upstairs packing. You don’t have to follow if you don’t want to, it’s not like I’ll be out of range.”

  Darr inclined his head and took a seat on her sofa. He generally tried to let her have her privacy in her bedroom now that she’d reached maturity. ‘Generally’ being the operative word. She still sometimes had nightmares about the harder times from her childhood, like her mother’s murder and the one time another demon had managed to lay hands on her. When she had nightmares, she preferred him to stay, to stand guard so that she knew she was safe.

  Those were the nights he stood guard inside her room.


  “I thought I asked you not to bring him!” Britt hissed as soon as the women were alone in their cabin. The three of them—Izzy, bride-to-be Britt, and mutual friend Letty—were sharing the largest lakeside cabin of the small resort. Britt’s future sister-in-law and her close friend were sharing the other, smaller cabin next door. Darr was currently walking the property, judging its safety and likely wondering why he’d argued to come at all.

  Izzy sighed and sat on the foot of her chosen bed. “Come on, Britt, when do I go anywhere without him? He’s supposed to protect me and he can’t exactly do his job if I’m two hours away.” By car. Which he would probably not bother with, since he was a demon and they had much faster ways to travel. Even after all these years she still didn’t understand how that worked, but work it did.

  Britt pursed her lips and looked away. “I told you, he creeps me out. I don’t want to be having nightmares this weekend.”

  “I don’t see the big deal,” Letty interrupted, settling on the foot of her own bed. With a teasing grin she added, “He’s deliciously sexy. Hell, I’d show him my address if he let me.”

  Both Izzy and Britt looked at her in confused silence.

  Finally Izzy repeated, “Show him your address?” Letty had said it like a sexual innuendo, but how in the world did that count as a sexual thing?

  Shrugging, Letty replied, “It’s something my aunt said. When I asked her about it once she explained it as ‘when a man looks at you between your legs’.”

  “Oh my God,” Britt exclaimed, turning her back as if to ward off the thought.

  Izzy burst out laughing and collapsed on her mattress. “Wow, Letty, that’s a new one!” Because it was easier to focus on how amusingly silly that comment was than to think about Darr and Letty—or Darr and anyone—in an intimate way. She imagined there had to be some nights Darr snuck off while she slept and hooked up with someone somewhere, because no way could a man as sexy as him go over twenty years without any action. But she didn’t really like to think about it. Those thoughts only brought up pointless jealousy and useless pining or self-pity.

  “Could we please talk about something else?” Britt insisted, acting as though her face wasn’t flushed.

  Letty’s grin was apparent in her voice. “Oh, fine, fine. It’s more important that we talk about your sex life, anyway. How are you and Jude? Compatible in the sack, I hope.”

  Izzy did her best to contain herself as she pushed to a sitting position and watched her best friend turn redder.

  Britt released an indignant scoff. “Is sex all you can think about today?”

  “Apparently,” Letty replied. With a shrug she added, “In my defense, I haven’t gotten any in months. Makes me want to try dating again.”

  Izzy stood and crossed the space to sit beside Letty, looping an arm around her shoulder. “Silver lining, Letty. At least you’ve had action in the past few years.” At the look of horror both women replied with, Izzy offered a helpless gesture. “Downside of a studious demon bodyguard. He never sleeps.”

  Letty laughed, exclaiming, “I’m telling you, Izzy, I could give you tips on what to do about that.”

  Britt spoke up practically before Letty was done. “Why do you keep turning the conversation back to that guy? I thought I said I didn’t want to be thinking about him.”

  Izzy sobered and looked away, realizing she’d done it again. Britt had pointed it out to her several times over the years and it never stuck. Apparently she had a bad habit of rounding all conversations back to Darr. But how can’t I? He was the most reliable, stable, and longest-lasting aspect of her life.

  She’d had a mother for a mere eleven years. Sometime during her teens her father had distanced himself from her, or she from him maybe. They’d had their share of disputes as she’d grown. She’d had a few boyfriends, some good friends—all of whom were gone now. Britt was the next in line behind Darr in many ways, as they’d met in high school, but Darr was hands down her rock. The single being she most trusted and relied on. So of course he was always on her mind.

  Or it could be because I’m— Nope. Not going there this time. Really, there was no sense in thinking that.

  “Sorry, Britt.” She paused, stood, and said, “It’s early enough, what say we throw on those new swimsuits and go sunning?”

  Britt broke out in a smile and gave her a short hug. “I knew I loved you,” she joked before moving to her discarded suitcase. Behind them Letty made a squeal of delight and sprang to her feet as well.

  Izzy moved to her suitcase as well and extracted the new bikini Britt had talked her into purchasing. She hadn’t worn something so provocative since her mid-twenties, but Britt assured her she could pull it off. So when it was her turn in the spacious bathroom, she took her time examining her figure in the large window. She wasn’t indecent, thank goodness, but she was definitely flaunting her C-cups. And she was so immensely glad Darr had always been insistent on her staying in good shape. If she had any more of a belly she’d be too embarrassed to leave the cabin. But the emerald-green bikini was very flattering against her paler skin and bright hair.

  She had the uncharacteristic urge to take a bathroom selfie and was suddenly glad she hadn’t brought her cell in with her.

  Letty whistled when Izzy stepped out. “Isolde Duchane, I haven’t seen you in a bikini this good since college. I approve.”

  Izzy cringed at the use of her proper name. Really, of all people to prefer a nickname, Starlette should have understood.

  “I told you you could rock that,” Britt declared with a proud grin and a hand on her hip. “Are we all ready, ladies?”



  Maybe he should have given in this time and let Izzy come to this resort without him. He hadn’t actually seen the suit she’d picked up at the mall with Britt the week before. And that was a good thing. Unfortunately, now tha
t he had seen her, he couldn’t look away.

  Izzy walked ahead of him, beside Britt, with a towel over her shoulder and her hair up in a frizzy ponytail. Flip flops on her feet, sunglasses over her eyes, and her arm looped through Britt’s, she looked like a woman without a care. He ought to have just taken pride in that and moved on, but damn it all his eyes were practically glued to that ass. Perfectly round and oh-so-barely covered by the smooth, simple, emerald-colored fabric. He could envision holding that ass in his hands, preferably without the swimsuit at all—and that was as far as he’d allow that fantasy to go.

  He never expected he’d feel this way about the human he’d willingly tied himself to. At most he’d anticipated spending the first few years after her death feeling confused and maybe sad. But now… He didn’t like to think about it at all.

  “—Can’t bodysurf on a lake!” Britt exclaimed with a laugh as Darr tuned back in.

  Letty laughed and clapped Britt’s shoulder. “You can if the boats are going fast enough!”

  The women slowed, looking for a good spot to spread out their towels, and Darr slowed obligingly. He had, after all, promised to be as inconspicuous as he could. It was simply hard to be inconspicuous when he was a 6’6” ‘hard ass’ demon, as Izzy often said. They chose a spot, Izzy considerately taking the spot closest to the shade line, and Darr rested a shoulder against a tree trunk. They’d be sunbathing and swimming for a couple of hours, probably. It was fortunate they’d chosen a smaller resort. Darr had only discovered two other pairs occupying the other cabins. A couple in their sixties and a father and son who’d been leaving to fish the lake.

  His attention shifted as he noticed the other half of the bachelorette party approach. Britt’s future sister-in-law, Ainsley McManus, and Britt’s cousin who happened to also be Ainsley’s good friend. He forgot the cousin’s name. The cousin was the only one not wearing a revealing bikini, but he barely registered the needless detail. They may as well all have been wearing baggy sweats for all he cared.

  “How many demons get to spend their days watching a bunch of human women flaunt bodies like that?”

  Darr slid his gaze to the side to study the newcomer. It was Zahk, one of his few friends. They’d met centuries earlier before Zahk had been sold off to a master who’d shortly died and thereby given Zahk his freedom. They’d reconnected sometime in the past decade quite by accident, but Izzy had encouraged their friendship. And so long as Zahk continued to respect that his priority was Izzy’s safety, Darr was happy to spend time with his friend.

  “More than we know, probably,” Darr finally replied. “What brings you out here?”

  Zahk moved to lean against an opposite tree so he could face Darr and still see the women. “Come on, why can’t a guy check in on his friends from time to time? You’re terrible about answering my calls.”

  “You know I can’t leave Izzy alone.”

  With a dramatic eye roll Zahk said, “You could return a voicemail.”

  Darr cringed and looked back to his friend. “Sorry,” he offered. “I lost my phone a couple weeks back. Haven’t bothered to replace it yet.”

  Zahk arched a dark brow at him. “I never took you for lazy.”

  Izzy’s shriek tore Darr’s attention and he nearly lurched forward before he realized what had happened. One of her friends had snuck up behind her and dunked her in the lake unceremoniously. She was already laughing and splashing them back.

  Zahk chuckled, the sound dark and echoing. “You know, for one of the scariest bastards I’ve ever met, you’re such a puppy with that one.” He made a whipping sound for effect in case Darr had missed the point—which he had not.

  Relaxing against the tree, Darr reflexively replied, “Her life is tied to mine, remember? She dies, I die, that sort of thing.”

  To this Zahk gave him a somber, long stare. There was disbelief in his eyes. “Yeah,” he said. “About that… Word on the street is Old Duchane’s not all that good with spells. I mean, there was that whole succubus thing last year.”

  Darr pinched the bridge of his nose. Yeah, that had been a nightmare. Idiot man had needed a date for a professional shindig and thought he’d coerce a pretty demon into putting on a sexy act. And boy had she. If Izzy hadn’t stopped by with the rental suit he’d needed, the man would probably be dead.

  And Darr’s secret would be blown out of the water.

  “For one thing,” Zahk continued, “how come you didn’t let it happen? You’d be free, you know. I mean, really free.”

  “I’m fine here,” Darr insisted. “I already have the freedom I craved.” And that, at least, was entirely true. He really had no desire to leave Izzy at this point, and any time spent dwelling on that reality disturbed him.

  “This isn’t freedom,” Zahk argued. “This is just another breed of slavery. You’re trapped in this deal so long as Old Duchane lives.” He pushed off the tree and moved to clap his hand on Darr’s shoulder. “Darr, buddy to buddy here, let me kill him for you. You’re not bound to protect him and Izzy doesn’t have to know until she’s back in civilization.”

  Glaring, Darr spun to face his friend. “No. You won’t lay a finger in any way on Duchane, is that clear?”

  Zahk stepped back, brown eyes wide. “What, do you care about that drunk?”

  It was hard not to scoff at the idea. Quite frankly he all but detested the moron. But no matter her qualms with her father, Izzy still loved him. Most days. And he had no intention of allowing her to feel the pain of that kind of loss—again. “No,” he said. “But I was told to protect Izzy from everything. Including avoidable emotional pain.” It was a stretch, but a truthful one.

  “I can’t imagine Old Duchane knew how to be so specific.” Sighing, he turned toward the parking lot. “I’m not in the mood for this now. Have fun sporting that hard-on you won’t do anything about.” And then the shadows rose up, seeming to tug him into the ground as he vanished.

  Darr ground his teeth and turned his attention back to Izzy. She didn’t seem to have noticed his brief companion and he was glad. But what Zahk had said rang in his ears and a weight settled in his gut. Was he planning something? Had the suggestion actually been a subtle warning?


  “Please tell me where you found that place, Ainsley,” Britt pleaded as the women let themselves into the larger cabin after dinner. “That meal was delicious.”

  “It was just a little thing called Google,” Ainsley said with a laugh.

  “Now that we’re all fed and we all have some alcohol in our systems,” Letty said, “who’s ready for a game? I brought all the dirty ones!”

  Letty’s hand was on the suitcase supposedly filled with naughty games when Izzy felt a tell-tale tingle trickle over her skin. She lifted her eyes to the darkest corner of the cabin—the corner beside her chosen bed, of course—just as Darr stepped into view.

  “Izzy,” he called in his deep, rough timbre.

  Ainsley and Britt’s cousin both cried out in surprise and even Britt and Letty jumped.

  “Is that—?” Ainsley whispered with a glance toward Britt.

  “Izzy!” Britt cried, a mixture of fright and frustration in her voice. She really did hate being around him.

  Izzy apologized and waved her hand in their direction to pacify them as she moved up to her bodyguard. “What is it?” She knew for a fact he’d have continued hiding in shadowy corners silently if there wasn’t something important on his mind.

  “Not here,” he said quietly, his voice sending delightful shivers down her spine. He reached out without another word, and wrapped a single arm around her waist before stepping back with her into the shadows. Izzy closed her eyes to minimize the disorientation as he transported them to a private location, her hands twisted in his tight, black shirt.

  A moment later the sensation of movement faded and his grip loosened, though he made no move to step back until she released his shirt.

  Lifting her gaze to his ashen one, Izzy repeated her ear
lier question. “What is it, Darr? Is something wrong?” She thought she’d seen Zahk with him earlier, but she thought nothing of it—Zahk was known to show up randomly from time to time. Had it not been a pleasant visit? Or was this something else?

  Darr’s expression was somber. “I’m worried there will be an attempt on your father’s life tonight.”

  Sucking in a breath, Izzy gasped, “What? Why?”

  “Zahk was here earlier,” Darr replied. “It was something he said. I think he was trying to warn me.”

  Pressing a hand over her heart, Izzy stepped into Darr and rested her head on his chest. Dad… It wouldn’t be the first time he’d angered someone—human or demon—to the point where his life was threatened. The first time he’d crossed that line, her mother had paid the ultimate price, and when he hadn’t learned from that lesson, Izzy eventually came to the conclusion that she needed to distance herself from him. But she still loved him.

  Arm coming around her again, this time in an embrace, Darr rumbled a soft question. “What do you want me to do, Izzy?”

  Tears stinging her eyes, Izzy swallowed them back and inhaled a deep lungful of his scent. Crisp like mountain air, with just a hint of molasses. “I know you don’t like going,” she acknowledged, “but please don’t let him die. Not like that.”

  Darr was silent for a long minute, undoubtedly debating her request with his situation. But finally his hold tightened as he embraced her and his lips came to the side of her ear. “Stay inside, stay safe, and call for me if anything happens. I’ll be back before morning.”

  Her heart warmed at the intimate way he held her and the tender tone in his voice. He might be a demon, but as far as she was concerned he was really her guardian angel. Or a knight in shining armor, maybe? “Thank you,” she whispered.

  He loosened his hold, nodding when their eyes met, and took her hand in his. The next thing she knew her stomach was bottoming out and her feet were standing once again on an old wooden floor in a dark corner. But Darr wasn’t with her.


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