Torch (Dixie Reapers MC 2)

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Torch (Dixie Reapers MC 2) Page 3

by Harley Wylde

  “What happens now?” she asked.

  “You’re going to have to be more specific, baby.”

  “I don’t know what my role is. I know I’m inked as being yours, but I don’t understand exactly what that means. Are there duties I need to perform around here? Am I free to get a job outside the club? I don’t know what my typical day is supposed to look like.”

  My arm tightened around her. “You’re not a prisoner here, Isabella, but when you leave the compound, there are precautions that will need to be taken. Even though you’re mine now, you’re still the daughter of Casper VanHorne, which means you’re still a target. You will likely always be one, even if your dad were to retire. If you leave for any reason, even to buy groceries, I want you to promise you’ll at least take a Prospect with you.”

  She made a face. “Just not the one manning the gate tonight.”

  I turned my face to look at her. Fuck if I could remember who was assigned to that post tonight. “What’s wrong with the guy at the gate?”

  Isabella bit her lip like she wasn’t sure she should say whatever was on her mind. But if that asshole had said something to her, I wanted to know.

  “It’s not entirely his fault,” she said. “He didn’t know who I was.”

  “What. Did. He. Say?”

  “He wanted me to…” Her cheeks flushed.

  Jesus, it was like pulling teeth to get her to talk. “Just tell me.”

  “He wanted me to suck his cock,” she blurted. “But once he saw my tattoo, he backed off.”

  The urge to go beat the shit out of the guy was a hard one to fight off, but I couldn’t go around pummeling every guy in my club. At least he hadn’t physically harmed her. My guys were a bit rough around the edges, and if they saw a pretty woman they wanted, they didn’t hesitate to go after her. And Isabella was so damn beautiful I knew trouble was going to follow her. The sooner I introduced her to everyone the better. The fact he’d backed off when he’d realized she was mine was the only thing saving his ass right now. That and the fact she said he hadn’t touched her. If he’d laid so much as a finger on her, he’d be learning a lesson from my fists.

  “I’ll make sure everyone knows who you are so it won’t happen again,” I said. “My men might get upset when I bust their heads every time they flirt with you. And, baby, as sexy as you are, men are going to flirt. I know it’s unreasonable for me to think otherwise, but once they know you’re mine, they’d better keep their fucking distance.”

  She smiled a little. “I think I like the caveman routine. But if that guy telling me to suck his cock was his way of flirting, I think they need lessons on how to get a woman more than they need their asses beat.”

  I snorted but couldn’t disagree with her. Assuming they were looking for more than a good time. But most of my guys were content with club sluts. It pissed me off that they’d thought Isabella was one. Just looking at her, you could see the innocence in her eyes. How the fuck they’d missed that I didn’t know. Or maybe they hadn’t looked past the curves she’d grown over the last few years. She’d been beautiful before, but now she took my fucking breath away. I knew I was a lucky bastard that she was mine, even if she hadn’t had a say in the matter. Or me either for that matter. If I hadn’t been backed into a corner, I’d have been banging club sluts the last three years and sure as fuck wouldn’t have an old lady.

  “You need to call your dad in the morning,” I said. “And expect a visit from him once he knows you’re here.”

  She groaned and buried her face against me. “Do I have to?”

  “Yeah, baby, I’m afraid you do.”

  “I guess hiding from him for three years is long enough. I know he looked for me.”

  “He was never going to find you,” I said. “I wouldn’t let him.”

  Isabella slowly looked at me. “What does that mean?”

  “Honey, I’ve known where you were this entire time, and I made sure your tracks were covered. If you didn’t want to be here, I wasn’t going to force the issue. I made sure someone watched over you but kept their distance so you could spread your wings a little.”

  She blinked, opened her mouth, then snapped it shut.

  “I figured you’d come home when you were ready, and if you didn’t, I’d have eventually gone after you,” I said.

  “Thank you,” she said softly. “You could have forced me to come back anytime. It was wrong of me to run like that. I was an adult and should have come back like I was supposed to. But thank you for giving me some space.”

  “I’m not going to keep you under lock and key, Isabella. You want to make friends and go do girly shit with them, I’m not going to keep you from it. But I will protect you at any cost, and if that means someone follows you around town, so be it. And God help anyone who thinks they can take you from me.”

  “You’re a little intense,” she said.

  She wasn’t wrong. At least, not where she was concerned. Just the thought of someone taking her from me was enough to make me go on a rampage. Waiting for her hadn’t been easy, but at least I’d known where she was and that she was safe. If someone dared to take her or harm her, they’d answer to me. I’d just have to beat her dad to them, otherwise, he might not leave me much. I’d seen the pictures of what he did to the men who took her before. At least, I’d been assured those were human bodies, but the carnage hadn’t left them recognizable as ever having been men. Casper VanHorne was definitely not a man to fuck with. If he ever found out I’d helped his daughter stay off his radar, there would be hell to pay.

  “Where’s your stuff?” I asked. “You didn’t have anything with you at the clubhouse. I should have asked sooner, but I was a little preoccupied.”

  “It’s supposed to be delivered tomorrow. I’ll just have to wear my outfit from today until the boxes get here. I shipped everything but what I was wearing. I dropped the boxes at the post office when they first opened with one day-shipping, then caught a ride here.”

  “If I’d known you were coming, I would have had you escorted, and a Prospect would have hauled your stuff home in the truck.”

  She shrugged. “I hadn’t spoken to you in three years. I didn’t know what kind of reception I’d get when I arrived. Honestly, I thought you’d be beyond pissed at me. I was a little scared. I had visions of public punishment in front of your club the entire way here.”

  I gripped her chin and forced her to look me in the eye. “I will never hurt you. No matter what you do, I could never take my anger out on you. I might yell sometimes, but I will never lay a hand on you when I’m upset, and I won’t allow anyone else to either.”

  “My dad is going to lose it. You know that, right? It’s not going to be pretty when he shows up here.”

  “Your dad has been worried about you. It’s understandable that he’s upset, but you know he loves you more than anything.” I smiled at her. “You just bat those pretty blue eyes at him and give him a hug, and I bet everything will be forgiven.”

  She snorted. “You obviously don’t know my dad very well.”

  Her stomach rumbled and I smiled, pressing a kiss to her temple. “I’ll order us some burgers and get a Prospect to bring them over. You want fries or onion rings?”

  “If I say onion rings, does that mean you won’t kiss me again tonight?”

  “Baby, even if you had onion breath or morning breath, your lips would still be the sweetest I’ve ever tasted.”

  Her cheeks flushed, and I winked at her as I got out of bed. I grabbed my jeans off the floor and pulled my cell phone from the pocket. Calling the clubhouse, I placed our order. Isabella snatched my discarded shirt and pulled it over her head. I had to admit, she looked much better in it than I did. Then again, she’d look sexy as fuck in anything. I walked over to the closet, then reached into the back. I’d had something made for her a while back, thinking she’d come home. My hand closed over the black leather, and I pulled it off the hanger.

  I tossed it onto the bed, and Isab
ella held it up. A smile curved her lips when she saw the Property of Torch patch on the front, then turned it over. The back had the Dixie Reapers logo in the middle. The top rocker said Dixie Reapers MC, and the bottom rocker said Property of Torch. She touched the stitching reverently and then slipped it over her shoulders. She fastened the buttons, and my cock got hard as a damn steel post when I saw the swells of her breasts push up over the top. Fuck me! I hadn’t gotten hard again so fast in a long damn time. Not that I’d ever admit to being old, but I sure as fuck wasn’t twenty-something anymore. For that matter, my thirties were a thing of the distant past too.

  I pulled my jeans up my legs and carefully zipped them, but left the button undone. The way her hands were caressing the leather was almost enough for me to say fuck the food and crawl back into bed with her, but she was hungry, and I was going to take care of her. With one last look at the tempting woman in my bed, I went downstairs to wait for our dinner.

  Isabella brought out tendencies I didn’t even know I had. I couldn’t remember a time I’d ever been gentle with a woman or gave a fuck about anything other than getting my dick wet. But with her… I shook my head. She was mine, my responsibility, and I was going to give her everything she needed. Maybe not everything she wanted, because there was a difference, but I’d take care of her the best I could. Despite the fact I’d had her watched the last three years, there was still a lot I didn’t know about my woman. I looked forward to figuring her out in the days to come.

  A knock sounded at the door and I opened it. The Prospect on the other side held out two containers of food. Johnny had been a prospect since he was seventeen. Tank had found him on the streets, digging through the trash for food. The kid had had a hard life and had been living on the streets a few years. He’d been with us two years now, but I’d been waiting for him to mature some more before patching him in. In some ways, he’d grown up too fast, but he still had that lightning-quick temper a lot of young guys had and didn’t always know how to control it. I had no doubt the vote would pass when the time came to patch him in. He always did whatever task was handed to him without complaint, and I knew if shit went down, he’d have my back. All things considered, he was a good kid.

  “Thanks, Johnny.” I took the containers from him. For a kid of nineteen, he was a big bastard. Taller than my six-three, and even wider. He’d packed on some serious muscle since finding a home here. “I’m going to assign some prospects to watch over Isabella when she’s not with me. I’d like you to be one of those men.”

  He stood a little straighter. “I’ll protect her with my life.”

  I fought not to smile. “I know I can count on you, Johnny.”

  Dismissing him, I closed and locked the door before returning to my room and my woman. She was leaning back against the headboard, her legs crossed. My shirt was so damn big on her it was hiding that sweet pussy of hers. Her hair was tangled around her face from me holding onto it, and her lips were swollen from my kisses. I stood in the doorway a minute, just admiring her. When she saw my appraising gaze, her cheeks flushed. So. Fucking. Adorable.

  I stepped over to the bed and climbed onto the mattress next to her, leaning back. I opened the first container and handed it to her when I saw her onion rings inside. She hadn’t specified how she wanted her burger, but I remembered my reports saying she had a bad reaction to tomatoes, so I’d told them to leave off the tomatoes and ketchup. Her eyes lit up when she saw the massive burger and what had to be close to twenty damn onion rings. I didn’t know where they thought she was going to put all that food as tiny as she was. She bit into her burger, and her eyes closed, an expression of bliss crossing her face.

  “When’s the last time you ate?” I asked before biting in my burger.


  I stopped chewing and stared at her, but she seemed oblivious as she inhaled her food. Now I felt like a complete shit that the first thing I’d done when I saw her was drag her home and fuck her, when she’d probably been starving the entire time. Much to my surprise, she finished every damn bite of her food, and it was only then that I realized I never got drinks for us. I fucking sucked at this taking care of someone business.

  “I’ll run grab us some drinks,” I said after swallowing a bite of food.

  “I’ll get them.” Isabella smiled. “If I’m not back in five minutes, send out a search party because I got lost.”

  I snorted. “The house isn’t that damn big.”

  She flashed her ass at me when she stood up and sauntered out of the room. I didn’t think she was doing a sexy walk on purpose, but it was more that she just walked that way. Her hips swished from side to side as she stepped into the hall and disappeared from my sight. She returned a few minutes later with a bottle of beer in one hand and a soda in the other. Isabella handed the beer to me, and I took a long pull from the bottle before setting it aside.

  “Thanks, baby. I see you didn’t get lost as you’d feared.”

  She smiled at me as she cracked open the can of soda. “I’ll have to explore tomorrow, when it’s daylight and I can see everything better.”

  “We can change anything you don’t like. Except my recliner. That stays.”

  “I wouldn’t take your favorite chair from you.”

  I finished my food and set the container aside, then drained the rest of my beer. It was still early, too early to sleep, and my dick was still hard as fuck. Isabella got up and went into the bathroom. I heard the sink turn on and then silence. When she didn’t come back after a few minutes, I got up to investigate and found her staring at her reflection. Her fingers were tracing over the stitching of her cut, but I couldn’t read her expression.

  Seeing my name across her back was a thing of beauty, though. I came up behind her, bracing a hand on either side of the counter, and nuzzled her neck. She reached up, and her fingers played with my beard. My gaze met hers in the mirror, and the need I saw in those pretty blue eyes had me reaching for the zipper on my jeans. I lowered it with a rasp and pulled out my cock. Isabella’s breath hitched, and she leaned forward, her hands on the counter in front of her.

  Without a word, I lifted the hem of the shirt she’d borrowed, exposing the most luscious ass I’d ever seen. My cum had dribbled down her thighs and dried on them, and I was more than ready to give her some more. I flattened my hand in the middle of her back and pressed her down so that her breasts pushed against the counter. I could see them in the mirror, spilling out of the top of the cut and peeking through the gaping neck of the shirt.

  Her breathing grew harsher as my fingers skimmed the lips of her pussy, finding her wet and ready. I gripped her with both hands, spreading her ass cheeks open and parting that pretty pussy. With a single thrust, I entered her, not stopping until I was balls-deep inside her. Isabella gasped, but her pussy squeezed me, trying to suck me in even more. I didn’t know if I wanted to watch her face in the mirror, admire my name across her back, or watch my dick slide in and out of her. I drew back, my shaft shiny from how fucking soaked she was, then I slammed back into her.

  “Fuck! You feel incredible, baby,” I said, my voice a near growl.

  Isabella moaned, and I glanced at the mirror, trying to judge if she was in any pain. The bliss on her face said it was the exact opposite. I watched my cock as I drove into her again and again. That gorgeous pussy of hers was stretched tight around my dick as I powered into her. I fucked her hard, fast, and deep, loving the clasp of her silken walls along my cock. I adjusted my thrusts so that I stroked across her G-spot. It didn’t take long before she was screaming out her release, soaking both of us. She whimpered, and I let go, filling her up. My cock jerked with every spurt of cum until I had nothing left to give. Buried inside her, I panted for breath. I could feel my cock pulsing in time with my heartbeat, and I wished I could stay inside her all damn night.

  My dick began to soften, and I pulled out of her, watching our mingled fluids slip down her thighs. I helped her off the counter and turned her
to face me, brushing her hair back. Cupping the back of her head, I lowered my lips to hers and kissed her, long and deep. When I drew away from her, I started removing her cut and then the shirt before starting the shower. Isabella stepped under the spray, and I kicked off my jeans before joining her.

  I didn’t have any of that girly soap that women used, but I kind of liked the idea of her smelling like me. I soaped her from head to toe, and she winced as my fingers slid across her pussy.

  “Sorry, baby. I shouldn’t have been so rough.”

  “I liked it,” she said.

  “You’re probably going to be sore tomorrow.”

  She shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal, even though I knew it was. Every time she sat tomorrow, she’d be feeling me, where my dick had stretched her wide and fucked her deep. I really was an asshole, especially since I’d gladly do it again if my cock were up for it. Lucky for her, two was my limit for the night. Sometimes getting old was a bitch.

  We finished getting cleaned up, then I dried her off. I switched off the bedroom light, and we crawled into bed. Isabella curled up on her side, and I pulled her tight against my chest, her ass snuggled against my cock. With an arm banded around her waist, I closed my eyes and fell into the deepest damn sleep I’d had in for-fucking-ever. Too deep.

  Chapter Three


  My eyes slowly opened the next morning and my vision blurred for a moment. When everything cleared, I realized I was staring at a pair of black tailored pants that were attached to two legs. My gaze drifted upward, stopping on the hands clasping a gun at the man’s waist and then farther up the dark red button-down shirt. When I reached the man’s face, I groaned and buried my face in the pillow.


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