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Sapphire Page 19

by Taylor Lee

  Jase snorted a mirthless laugh. “I’m not surprised, baby. Women just don’t get what happens when a guy is thinking with his dick instead of his brain. Let me give you a little lesson in how to capitalize on ‘Dick Behavior.’ Ian and I decided that we’d make use of my out of control emotions. We agreed to play up my possessiveness. That I should make such an ass out of myself, that you get sick of it. And that you appeal to Roberto to help you get rid of me.”

  Sapphire came to immediate attention. She stopped trying to decide how she felt about how Ian and Diamond and the others knowing about her relationship with Jase. Instead, she began to focus on the plan. She agreed that the quickest way she could hook Roberto was to make it seem as though she preferred him to Jase. But after a moment’s consideration, she thought she could see another way of piquing his interest and dealing with the upcoming auction. She turned to Jase deciding that it was time for her to test his leadership style. Determine if he was as inclusive as he proclaimed.

  “Hmm. That’s an interesting thought, Jase. But remember, our primary goal is to find the girls that Ventrilo plans to sell and get them out alive. The best way to do that is to get me into the auction.”

  Jase shook his head. “No, baby, we can’t do that. It’s too dangerous. There’s too many fucking things that can go wrong. If Roberto is planning the auction the way our intel describes, his clients are going to arrive with private militias that could protect a country let alone a single man. There’s no way that we can get our resources there in the magnitude we need to take them down. It would be a fucking bloodbath and the likelihood of success minimal.”

  Sapphire interrupted.

  “Exactly. That’s why we have to rely on strategy, not firepower.”

  Jase’s frown darkened and Sapphire thought she’d lost before she ever got started. She was pleasantly surprised when after a moment he nodded in agreement.

  “You are correct, Agent Shaw. And frankly I haven’t been thinking of much else except that strategy and how to design it so we have a ghost of a chance to succeed. I’ve concluded that we need to ensure that Roberto invites me to participate in the auction and that we can get enough of our guys in with me to do a strategic strike and get the girls out. Which, of course, is why we have to make him think that you and I are no longer a couple.”

  Sapphire couldn’t hide her excitement.

  “Honestly, Jase, that’s what I’ve been doing since Noah and Grayson told us about the auction. Only I came up with another plan. Don’t you see? If somehow I can get included in the auction, essentially thrown in with the girls he already has, then I can get first-hand knowledge of what they are doing and communicate it to you.”

  Jase was adamant.

  “No, Agent Shaw, that idea is a non-starter. There’s no way that I would consider letting you go into that auction as merchandise. Hell, the very idea gives me heart failure. How the hell could I protect you if I’m not even there?!”

  Sapphire virtually crowed as the solution came to her. It was too simple, too brilliant not to work. She tried to keep her tone calm professional, not betray the excitement she was feeling.

  “Then how about we figure out a way to make sure that we both are there? Me as merchandise, and you as one of the buyers. All we need to do is figure out how to keep Roberto from suspecting our motives so that together we can free the girls and take his sorry ass down.”

  When Jase didn’t respond, Sapphire assumed he was dismissing her idea. In the dark interior of the automobile she saw his jaw tighten becoming even more rigid. She also swore she saw a tic beating at the corner of his eye. Seconds later he began weaving in and out of traffic heading for the next exit. He took the ramp at breakneck speed then barreled down the service road and pulled into an empty lot.

  Dragging out his cell phone he punched in a code and barked into it.

  “Ian, patch Agent Davis into this call. Agent Shaw has an outrageous idea for how to take down Roberto. I need both you and Diamond to help me convince her that it is too dangerous. And if by chance you agree with her, as I’m concerned that I might, we need to figure out a way to make it work and give both of us a fighting chance to survive.”

  An hour later as they pulled into the valet parking area of the Caligula Club, Sapphire couldn’t resist teasing Jase.

  “What can I say, Commander Malone, except that our plan is brilliant—for a ‘dick plan’ that is.”

  Jase slid his hand across the seat and put it on her knee. Inching his fingers along her bare thigh, he pinched the inside of her upper thigh, eliciting a sharp squeal from Sapphire.

  He conceded with a grunt. “Yeah, it is, isn’t it? If I can meet the minimum requirements of my role, it just may work.”

  Sapphire lifted a questioning brow.

  “I don’t understand. What’s the minimum?”

  Jase winked at her and drawled. “Well, as Ian and I agreed, my being successful presumes that the first time that Ventrilo so much as touches you, I will refrain from cutting off his dick and shoving it up his hinky ass.”

  Sapphire stared at him in disbelief and then smiled.

  “I see, Commander Malone. I assume that is another consistent element of ‘dick plans.’” She added, “As one of the other parties who will be there when he makes a pass at me, and as much as I would like to help you make your gruesome wish a reality, my sense is that castration isn’t sanctioned by our agency colleagues. At least until we take Ventrilo and his ugly operation down.” Her smile widened. “However, once we accomplish our mission, both you and I know that one of the advantages of working off the grid is that only people like us know what actually happens on the dark side of the veil.”

  Jase squeezed her hand and winked at her.

  “Do you know how sexy you are when you put on your Dark Phoenix cape and demonstrate that you’re as ruthless and unscrupulous as I am?”

  Chapter 27

  When they entered the Caligula Club they were met by Noah Walker. The imposing man’s warning gaze conflicted with his smile and pleasant greeting.

  “Good evening Mr. Malone. Good evening, Miss.”

  He bowed slightly to Sapphire as though he hadn’t met her, and turned back to Jase.

  “Mr. Ventrilo requests the pleasure of your company, and that of your lovely companion, in the Hallowed Hall.”

  Jase frowned, surprised at the request. Ventrilo never played openly in the Hallowed Hall as the hard core BDSM dungeon was called. Roberto preferred acting out his depravity in the privacy of his quarters. No doubt because he was careful about revealing the extent of his personal appetites unless he and his men had thoroughly vetted the invited members.

  Noah explained in a low voice. “Mr. Ventrilo is planning a special evening and extended the invitation to a select group of members. Hence the meeting in the Hall.”

  Jase nodded his understanding of the coded message.

  “Thank you. Please convey to Mr. Ventrilo that my companion and I will be pleased to join him.”

  Noah led the way down the corridor to the opposite end of the hallway from Roberto’s private rooms. He stopped in front of the paneled double doors and knocked. Jase had been in the dungeon only once. At that time, he’d hoped that he’d never be invited again. He was not a neophyte when it came to kinky sex and was knowledgeable about the BDSM scene, but the equipment and contraptions scattered about the dimly lit cavernous hall spoke to darker, bottom-of-the-well passions, more sinister ones than in sanctioned clubs. Instinctively, Jase reached for Sapphire’s arm and pulled her closer to him. He was relieved when she didn’t pull away. There would be time for that later. For the moment, he needed her next to him.

  Jase recognized most of the men who were present. They were the elite members who had private rooms of their own in the darkened corridor of the basement level in the club. They were leaders in a variety of professions, from politicians to CEO’s of multinational companies. The thing they had in common was more potent than money. It was power. N
ot that they weren’t wealthy. Most of them were in the top .001% income level in the country. Whether they controlled government agencies, corporations, political seats, military echelons or merely managed their inherited wealth, in this setting the currency that spoke the loudest was power. That Roberto Ventrilo knew what these men did in the privacy of their off hours, and with whom they did it, was his currency. The drug lord held the balls of some of the most influential men in the country in his hand. That the evening’s host could squeeze said balls at any time he chose—threatening to unmask them and their ugly inclinations—argued that Ventrilo was the most powerful.

  As they were waiting for the Noah’s knock to be answered, Jase asked quietly. “Any word on the auction? Or the girls?”

  Noah nodded in the affirmative and responded as quietly as Jase.

  “Mason told me that Roberto has an announcement to make. Intimated that big plans are on the horizon and that the assholes he invited to join him tonight are going to get a gold plated invitation to attend.”

  Jase blew out a satisfied grunt. The fact that he was being invited into the decadent chamber confirmed that he’d succeeded in creating a cover strong enough to fool an international criminal mastermind. Rather than dwell on his success, he focused on Sapphire. She returned his gaze and smiled sympathetically as if she knew the tornado of emotions storming his brain. He smiled in return and whispered in her ear.

  “Show time, Agent Shaw. Time to get your game on.”

  Sapphire smiled sweetly.

  “It’s always on, Jase. I only show it when I wish to. The rest of the time I keep it under wraps so I don’t scare the men I’m about to trap.”

  Jase grunted in mock disgust. “I’ll remember that, Agent Shaw. As long as you remember that I’ve been trapping saucy little girls since I was five years old and to this day my streak is unbroken.”

  She tossed her head and said, “To this day.”

  At that moment, the door opened and no fewer than six obviously armed men were stationed inside. Jase was pleased to see Grayson among them. They stood three on either side of the door, allowing Roberto Ventrilo to make his entrance. Striding in as though he’d entered a grand hall and not a sinister dungeon in the basement floor of his insidious club, Roberto moved from guest to guest, glad handing them like the accomplished politician that he was. When he saw Jase his smile widened, looked almost genuinely affectionate.

  “Ah, just the man I want to see. The only way I know if I’m dressing au courant is to see if I can match this son of a bitch.” He glanced around the room clearly enjoying the fact that all eyes in the room were on him. Clapping a big arm around Jase’s shoulder he inquired rhetorically to the group, “Tell me, gentlemen, have you ever seen a better looking guy than this one? I presume you agree, Jase?”

  Jase glanced pointedly at the men in the doorway and said with a pleasant grin, “Not a chance, Roberto. Given that you have at least six imposing men who would disagree, let me say that no one in this room comes close to you, Sir.”

  Roberto laughed loudly as though Jase had said something hilarious rather than subtly implying that the only way Roberto gained his prominence was the amount of hired muscle he had.

  At that moment, Ventrilo focused on Sapphire. His eyes widened and darkened. He shook his head as a look of wonder crossed his face. For the moment his approval almost seemed genuine. Watching the odious man appraise Sapphire, looking her over, his obsidian eyes flashing with greed, Jase knew they had fooled themselves. The plan that had seemed foolproof in the abstract became as dangerous as they all knew that it was. Roberto’s exclamation shook him out of his troubled reverie.

  “Holy Christ, Jase, isn’t it bad enough that you are the most goddamn handsome son of a bitch in the room, do you have to be accompanied by the most beautiful woman?”

  Jase kept his tone even allowing a slight smile to quirk his lips.

  “I believe we’ve established the pecking order among the men in the room, Roberto, but I will agree with you. With apologies to the myriad other lovelies who are here tonight, I will agree. My paramour is indeed beautiful.”

  He lowered his voice and spoke to Roberto in an aside, “If only she didn’t know it.”

  Roberto flashed him a surprised glance, then turned back to Sapphire. Grabbing her hand, he pulled her close to him and ordered, “Turn around, my dear. Let me look at you, all of you.”

  Sapphire frowned slightly then raised her chin as if she might refuse his request. Jase moved closer and said in a low voice, “You heard Mr. Ventrilo, Sapphire. Turn around so that he can admire your lovely…dress.”

  Sapphire shrugged and turned in a circle. Or a better description, Jase thought, was that she sauntered in a circle, exaggerating the sway of her curvy hips from side to side. When she faced Roberto she gave him a sweet smile.

  Jase reached for her arm and jerked her next to himself. Turning to Roberto, his voice was low, hard.

  “I apologize for my paramour’s forward behavior, Roberto. She’s new to the scene and needs significant training.”

  Ventrilo looked from one to the other of them and said carefully, “Yes, Jase, I can see that.”

  He slid aggressively next to Sapphire and put a heavy hand on her shoulder. Reaching for her throat, he ran his finger around her collar. Sapphire frowned at him and tried to pull away, but his hand on her shoulder was firm.

  “I see you are wearing your Master’s collar.”

  Sapphire rolled her eyes and brushed his hand from her shoulder.

  “I prefer to think of it as a necklace.”

  Sidling up to Jase, she said, “Darling, do you mind if I find the bar? I could use some refreshment.” She flicked at an imaginary spot on his lapel and said with a tinkling laugh. “It’s a little hot in here, don’t you think?”

  As she strolled across the floor, smiling coquettishly at the men who were watching her in amazement as she passed, Jase groaned.

  “Don’t even say it, Roberto.”

  He shook his head and blew out a frustrated sigh.

  “This is the last time I’ll let the face of an angel and a gorgeous body convince me that all women are ultimately submissive. Christ, I’ve never run into anyone like her. On the one hand her behavior is amusing; on the other hand it is infuriating.”

  Roberto stared at Sapphire’s retreating back, a greedy smile playing on his lips. However, when he met Jase’s gaze, his eyes were hard, devoid of humor.

  “Maybe what she needs is a firmer hand, my friend.”

  Jase snorted in agreement, “Or maybe what she needs is the hell beat out of her.”

  Roberto waved a careless hand at the accoutrements around the room.

  “Well, you don’t have to look hard in this room, Jase, to find instruments that could be useful in training her.”

  Jase put up his hands in defeat.

  “I don’t know, Roberto. I never thought I would say this about myself or about a woman, but I think she is untrainable—at least by me. She seems to have an indomitable spirit. She enjoys baiting me, taunting me more than she does pretending to obey me.”

  Roberto narrowed his eyes watching Sapphire openly flirt with the men standing at the bar. He studied her for a long moment.

  “Did you ever think that she simply isn’t the right woman for you, Jase? Yes, she is beautiful. But beautiful women can be trying. They’re spoiled. Essentially, they are like small children. They have been told so often that they are beautiful that they think that’s all it takes to get what they want. They’ve never been taught to obey. Like spoiled children, a harder hand is needed to teach them to obey.”

  Not taking his eyes off Sapphire’s curvy bottom, Roberto added. “You might not believe this, Jase, but some men will pay dearly for an opportunity to teach a woman like Sapphire how to behave.”

  Jase guffawed. “Where the hell are they? I’d love to see the guy who could train that ungrateful brat. Hell this week alone, I’ve bought her more than $10,000 worth
of clothes and you can see how much she appreciates them. Look at her. Fuck, she’s practically begging John Phillips to fondle her ass.”

  Roberto raised a brow and rubbed his hands together as if considering. His voice dropped to a low pitch.

  “Interestingly enough, Jase, I’m planning a high level event. It is invitation only and carries a high price. But the women I’m making available are worth what they cost. For choosy men like you, finding the right woman, one who best suits your specific needs, can be trying. That’s where I can help.”

  “What are you talking about, Roberto? A fucking car auction, only one where you buy and sell women?”

  “I prefer to think of it as a marketplace. One for the connoisseur who insists on the finest commodities and has the wherewithal to acquire them. For example, certain men that I know would pay through the nose for the opportunity to bring a haughty bitch like yours to heel.”

  At the sound of her tinkling laugh, Jase looked across the room and scowled, seeing Sapphire perched on a bar stool. A full glass of scotch in one hand and a lit cigarette in the other, she was gazing up at a beefy man who, in addition to being a sitting U.S. Senator, was known for his penchant for beating his subs so badly that he kept his personal physician on call when he spent long nights at the Caligula Club. Frowning thoughtfully, Jase turned back to Roberto.

  “What’s in it for me?” He added with a snort, “Hell, man, it would be nice if I could recoup some of the thousands I’ve spent on her already.”

  “To begin with you could find another woman who is more suited to your needs, more amenable to commands. The trick is to get them young enough so that they haven’t learned how to price their looks. I can tell you from my experience that once you’ve tasted genuine jail bait, it’s hard to go back to more seasoned meat.”

  Jase shrugged. “I’ll admit it sounds interesting, Roberto. Of course, if I did let her go, I would expect some recompense.”

  Ventrilo’s face lit in a salacious grin. “Tell you what, my friend. In exchange for your troublesome bitch, how about I give you, gratis, your choice of the lovelies we are featuring? Of course, I would expect you to purchase another at a later date at full price. Just so you understand, for the quality we are talking about the usual entrance fee is $1 million to have a seat at the table.”


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