Made to Love: Carmen and Cooper's Story

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Made to Love: Carmen and Cooper's Story Page 6

by Candace Werts

  “Last night I was reluctant at first to approach you but I knew it may be my last chance to get you to listen. The multiple shots you consumed made me believe that you still cared, but you were on your way to remove me permanently from your life. I know I fucked up, and I truly am sorry. I’m glad we spent last night together; it was nice just to hold you.”

  As we reach my door, I am trying to register everything he just said.

  I ask, “Why don’t we do that again, right now.”

  He anxiously agrees. Stepping in I hear my iPod playing a new set of songs, it’s then I realize Cooper came up here to prepare this. He has gone out of his way to light candles in different locations, the room now glows a golden color. The song playing right now is I’m Sorry by Keith Urban. We lay together on the bed, facing each other. I lean in to feel his lips, and he eagerly kisses me. I can taste the cranberry juice on his lips that we just had with breakfast. Our tongues dance around each other with passion. He pulls me free of my tank, as his kisses become fiercer. His lips land directly on my right nipple. He sucks and licks with greed. He travels to rid me of my red bottoms. I’m naked underneath. Before I can think any further his lips and tongue are on my vagina, sucking, kissing, tracing in the right rhythm to put me over the top. He inserts two fingers as he continues his journey to bring me fast pleasure. His massive bulge, which is in current upright position, treats my body as his only priority at this moment. Closing my eyes, I lick my lips. I stretch my foot out and begin rubbing the outside of the massive package that lies underneath.

  His fingers close in on me and my arousing orgasm. Cooper knows exactly what to do, and how to do it to a tee. He pulls the trigger when he wants to see how my body reacts to his touch, his skills. He takes hold of my right foot before I’m about to let loose, it distracts me.

  When I feel his mouth close around my candy red polished toes. I’m sent over the edge. “Oh, Cooper!”

  I arch up on the bed, he moves to my other foot. After paying it much attention, making my desire rise all over again, he sits my foot back down. He’s wearing a seductive grin. He quickly removes his pants, and his big dick is front and center with my vagina. He begins to climb above where his lips meet mine in the most intense kiss we’ve ever had.

  “I’ve missed you so much,” he says with the rip of the foil.

  He slides it on quick. He starts to tease me with the head, acting as if he was planning to enter, not just yet. He pulls back.

  “I’ve missed you too, Cooper,” I say while using my legs to take charge by attempting to push him inside me and end this current torture. I need to feel him!

  “And you forgive me?”

  He acts like this treatment is even more torture for him, as he refuses again to allow my legs to win. He lets his guard down for one second as he bends down to kiss me. I take full advantage of his tongue and the opportunity presented to take charge. With a brief squeeze of my legs around his obliques, he slides in me with a look of shock and excitement. Then he pulls out and says, “I fully plan on giving us what we need, but first I must know you forgive me.”

  I’m needy of his massive size inside me now, and he’s being incredibly sincere. How can I not forgive him? In due time, I tell myself, he will share what happened. I reach up and pull Cooper with my hands around his neck. I kissed him the way you would if offering forgiveness.

  “I do, Cooper. I want us to move forward, so start with your dick first, we’ll discuss the rest after.” I grip his waste with greedy intentions.

  He kisses my neck and inserts with slowness. He’s fucking me with extreme care, sensual in every move. He allows my pussy to feel all of him; he takes possession of me, bringing me to different experiences with every orgasm that rocks through my body.

  “You feel so good,” he pants. “You always do. But I want to take it slow so I can explore every part of you.” I smirk between moans. “You are guaranteed a one way trip to Paradise,” he says as he thrusts with more force, just enough to where I can worship every bit of him, every last inch.

  My palms are sweaty. I’m trying to grip his shoulder as I prepare to meet the white light. The orgasms are extraordinary. Sometimes they leave my body feeling so weak it’s exhausted. Cooper knows exactly how to give me those. As I lift up and allow it to take its course, Cooper decides to let go as well.

  “Damn, beautiful.” He says as he lies on my chest trying to get himself together.

  My insides and my heart smile again.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Cooper and I need to talk. I forgive him but he needs to know he can’t treat me that way and that it will not be tolerated.

  “Why did you tense up?” Cooper asks.

  “We need to talk about what happened and the things you said. It can’t happen again,” I say.

  “My Carmen, I saw the fear in your eyes when I threw the glass and I never want to see that again. I was thoughtless and caught up in my fury. After talking to my dad, I went into self-preservation mode,” he says.

  “I don’t understand.”

  He sits up. “I know you don’t. You are blessed to have grown up with two parents who love each other and you. I wasn’t so lucky. My dad was a great parent, but my mom is a selfish whore.”

  “You don’t have to explain anymore,” I say.

  There is hurt and anger in his eyes. He pulls me close to him. I can see our reflection in the mirror; we are a good looking couple.

  “Yes I do,” he says. “We cannot move forward if I keep holding onto the past.”

  That statement strikes me hard. We spend the next hour talking about Cooper’s childhood. My heart breaks for him. No child should ever have to witness a parent sleeping around. For his mother to leave Mr. Jackson, after he wanted to work things out was completely selfish. How could she not want to be there for Cooper? This makes me appreciate my mom and all her crazy ways more. I need to call her more. It makes complete sense now that he has never been in a relationship and why he tried to push me away more.

  Cooper shakes his head and says, “My dad seeing her again is unbelievable. She left us and never looked back.” I face Cooper I give him a kiss.

  “You don’t have to understand or like why your dad wants to be with her, but you should not let this ruin the relationship you guys have.”

  “You are probably right. It will be hard because when she left, my dad was depressed. We left North Carolina because everything reminded him of her. That was the only time I ever saw him cry. I do not want him hurt.”

  “And you,” I say. He frowns, but I continue. “You do not want to be hurt either and that’s okay.” Our fingers lock. “Call your dad. Tell him how you feel. Let him know that if being with your mom makes him happy then you are happy for him. You don’t have to start a new relationship with her, just be polite when she is around. And don’t call her a whore.”

  Bursting with laughter, Cooper kisses me on the lips. “What would I do without you?”

  “Hopefully, you will never find out. We all have our demons that we struggle with.” My attention goes across the room to Celeste’s picture.

  Cooper rubs my cheek. “When you are ready to talk about her, I am here.”

  I smile. “Her name was Celeste. She is my sister.”

  That is all I say. He doesn’t ask any questions. We hold each other in silence.

  Chapter Seventeen

  It is three days before my favorite time of year, Halloween. Growing up my mom always made a huge fuss about the day. It became a family tradition to dress up, though my dad hated it.

  This year I am thrilled. Cooper was born on Halloween. We are going to throw him a huge party, even though he is not interested in celebrating. My mom is excited, since she is our party coordinator. Oh how she loves to throw a party. Her services are in high demand and she decides when she wants to work.

  My parents are going to meet Cooper this evening. We are having dinner at his house. Cooper says that he is nervous to meet my dad. I reassur
e him that my parents will love him. I have not been able to get any work done because I can’t wait to see my parents. Then I hear my mother’s laughter. She is walking in front of my father as he smacks her ass. For as long as long as I can remember, my parents have never been able to keep their hands off each other. It is so gross.

  “Hey guys,” I say as I hug and kiss them.

  We go into my office. My dad is looking around at the mess that I have piled up on my desk.

  Tossing her iPad on the couch, my mother grabs my arms, “So tell me all about this Cooper.” My dad grunts.

  “Mom, isn’t that the iPad Dad just got you for your birthday? Where’s your case?”

  My mom is the best when it comes to planning functions, but she doesn’t take care of any of her Apple products.

  My dad shakes his head, “I’ve been telling her to pick one out.”

  “That’s not important, answer my question,” She says.

  “What is there to tell? He is thirty-two and an executive advisor at the finance company that Marcia works for.”

  “How’s he in bed?”

  “Mom!” “Candace!” my father and I say at the same time. Of course she laughs.

  “Carmen, ignore your mother. How does he treat you, sweet pea?”

  “Dad he is wonderful to me. I really like him, so please be nice.”

  “I am always nice, Carmen. This Cooper is going to have to understand you are our angel and if he hurts you in anyway, he will have to deal with me. And I never miss my target.” My dad loves his guns.

  “Mom, make dad behave,” I beg.

  “Don’t worry about your father. He will be in a great mood tonight.” She licks her lips. They are out of control.

  “Tonight, please keep the PDA to a minimum and mom, absolutely no sex talk.”

  “Oh Carmen, grow up.” My mother acts like she is offended. “Let’s get some lunch.”

  We stroll down the block to the Lunchbox; it’s a cute little deli that offers salad, soups, and sandwiches. Walking in we take three open seats at the bar. Different records are plastered in silver metal frames all over the wall. A jukebox sits to the right, for those who like to choose exactly what tune they’ll be eating to. The bar is designed in a black and white checkered pattern. There’s a large portrait of Marilyn Monroe and James Dean hung before the entrance to the bathrooms. Guess it makes it easier to not accidentally walk into the men’s room. All of us continue to stare at the menu, as if memorizing their selections. I laugh inside.

  While looking at my mom, my dad says. “How about we share a chicken Caesar wrap and you can suck my pickle?”

  “Christopher, I would gladly suck your pickle.” They kiss.

  “Yuck,” I say with utter repugnance, “I told you guys to keep that to a minimum. Anyways, I recommend the seafood salad, it’s to die for.”

  My dad replies, “We had a big breakfast, don’t want to eat something too heavy that will spoil our dinner this evening. I think we’ll just have two Caesar salads. Is that okay with you Candace, love?”

  “That will be perfect,” she says with a smile.

  The waitress comes to take our drink orders first, two sweet teas for my parents and a glass of water with no ice for me. She brings back the drinks, and takes our order. I’m all smiles surrounded by my love ones; the only person missing is Cooper. But soon we’ll all be together. I use this time to catch up with my parents and what’s been going on back home. They say everything is going well. On their way up to visit, they tell me how they placed autumn flowers and a freshly carved pumpkin with the name “Celeste” on her graveside. She always loved dressing up for Halloween.

  The food arrives and brings me back to reality. We begin enjoying our salads. The crab on mine is tender, and every bite welcomes a lemon twist. This salad is one my favorites. I love the bitterness that comes with it, quite the perfect combo on a bed of lettuce with tomatoes, cucumbers, and cheese. Once we’re finished scraping the last with our forks, I call for the check. After paying the tab, I regretfully tell my folks I’ll see them at Cooper’s later and that I have to finish up some things at the center. My mom and dad hug and kiss me bye as we arrive where their Range Rover is parked. I pull Mom aside and tell her to be on her best behavior at Cooper’s later.

  She smiles at me and says, “Honey I won’t embarrass you. Well, not too much.” She gets in the passenger side.

  My dad wishes me a good rest of the work day as I wave them off. Back at the office, my desk seems to have more paperwork than when I left. Soon the clock chimes five o’clock, and I’m off to my man’s house. I check my appearance as I exit the parking lot. I always like to look my very best when he sees me. Thirty minutes later, and rocking out to Miley Cyrus’ “We won’t stop,” I pull into his driveway, right behind his black Mercedes. Your lady has arrived I say playfully to myself, as I step out. He has the door open as I walk up the cement steps leading to his wrap around front porch.

  His sleeves are rolled up, and his shoes are already removed. “Hey there gorgeous, how was your day at the office?”

  I say in my sexiest voice. “It was busy, but I’m so glad to be here with you now.”

  He bends down to kiss me and grabs my bags. He pours me a glass of wine while I kick my feet up and relax for a little while. He breaks my relaxation when he puts his hand out to guide me to the area of his huge walk in closest. He points to a clear hanging area on the left side of the wall.

  I see a single black dress hanging and he says, “I took the liberty of picking this out for you to wear.”

  He chose a black satin cocktail dress. The neck line is lace and ends right where my girls begin. “You can pick whichever shoes you’d like though,” he says with a smirk.

  My choice is black satin peep toes, with silver 4 inch heels. I’m going for the seductive look; I can’t wait until Cooper sees me. He jumps out of the shower, as I finish putting on my thigh highs topped with a lace finish. I step into my dress, and Cooper quickly zips me up.

  “Wow, you couldn’t zip me up fast enough, huh?” I say chuckling.

  “I know what you have on underneath there. I will probably die before the night is over just trying to keep my hands off of you.”

  “Oh, Cooper,” I smile.

  Cooper asks, “What time are they going to be here?”

  He looks tasty in his solid dark red button down shirt, matched perfectly with light gray slacks. He’s completed it with his Christian Louboutin black dress shoes. He’s marking this special occasion by bringing out those red soles. Every time he takes a step, I get a little hotter. I told him that he doesn’t have to be so formal, but he isn’t listening to me. He is so nervous.

  “Baby, relax. They won’t be here for a while. That gives us time for a quickie.”

  “Don’t be silly, Carmen. I am about to meet your parents sex is the last thing that should be on my mind,” Cooper responds.

  Irritated I say, “Then sex will be the last thing on my mind tonight.”

  “My Carmen, don’t be upset, I am nervous to meet your dad. That’s all. Sex and you are always on my mind.” I smile and he gives me a kiss.

  Two hours later my parents arrive. My dad looks handsome in a pressed black dress shirt and black slacks. His paisley tie is black, purple, and silver. It stands out with the all-black wardrobe. My mother looks beautiful in her red dress which hugs her curves perfectly but not too tightly. She has matched it with a black satin belt that is tied to her right hip. She has on her favorite black pumps with the red heels. My mom coordinates with care, I’m sure she helped my father with his ensemble this evening. My mother hugs Cooper, but my father shakes his hand.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Williams it is such an honor to meet you,” Cooper says.

  “Call me Candace. Mrs. Williams is my mother-in-law,” says my mom.

  My dad states, “You may call me Mr. Williams.”

  I look at my mom. She shrugs her shoulders and follows Cooper in to the living room. He prepa
res everyone’s drinks. My mother drinks Chardonnay, my father and Cooper have a Scotch while I have a glass of Moscato.

  My father breaks the tension by saying, “You have a nice place here.”

  “Thank you Mr. Williams,” Cooper replies somewhat nervously. “It’s a place to lay my head, nothing special.”

  Cooper needs to loosen up. I know he is trying to make a good impression on the two most important people in my life. We lock eyes and smile at one another. I’m thinking of undoing his shirt button by button with my teeth. My mother startles my thoughts as she asks what’s being served for dinner.

  “We are having baked chicken, green beans, fried potatoes and Dad’s favorite white roll.”

  I request my mother’s presence in the kitchen to check on our meal.

  “I’ll be delighted too, that way the boys can have their time, and we can have ours.”

  Did she really have to pinch my dad’s ass on the way out? With an appalled facial expression, I sigh and catch Cooper in mid laugh. It’s good to see him laugh; hopefully leaving him with my father isn’t a bad idea. As my mother and I approach the kitchen everything smells wonderful. Cooper has already done the tiresome task of setting the table for four. He makes my heart smile.

  “So now that we’re out of ear sight, tell me all about Mr. Jackson and his bedroom skills,” my mom says, taking a big sip from her wine glass.

  “Is that all you ever think about?” I laugh while checking the chicken in the oven. Putting the glove to the side, I take a seat beside her.


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