Made to Love: Carmen and Cooper's Story

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Made to Love: Carmen and Cooper's Story Page 10

by Candace Werts

  “Please call me Timothy. You make me feel like an old man. You guys sit down and relax, you had a long drive.” He smiles. I catch Beverly shooting me a look of disgust.

  “Yes let’s catch up.” Beverly follows us to the living room.

  There are columns in the living room on each side of the brown chesterfield wrap around leather coach. A large square ottoman is in the middle, different magazines spread across it. Pillows are on the bottom of it.

  “Dinner will be ready in an hour,” Beverly calls.

  Cooper says he’ll take our things up to the guest room. Timothy goes to check on the turkey. Tension levels start to rise when both of them are out of sight. I use this time wisely.

  “What have you been cooking this morning, Beverly? It smells delicious.”

  “Actually, Timothy has been doing all the cooking. He’s fantastic in the kitchen.”

  We gather around the dining room table, which has crystal bowls of stuffing and mashed potatoes. The turkey and ham are at the foot of the table where Timothy is sitting. Yams, macaroni and cheese, and string beans are in orange cookware. Cooper and I sit beside each other, his parents on each end. My dad’s favorite white rolls are in a brown basket. They’re covered with a thin towel, securing the warmth. An antique butter holder is to the right and a knife lays on a plate for us butter lovers. As Cooper’s dad arranges to carve the turkey, he gets our attention.

  “I want to thank you both for coming today. It’s a real treat to have you both at our home for this day of thanks.”

  He starts to slice the turkey. We pass dishes around, filling our plates. Everyone but Beverly. She sits at her end calorie counting. She has some turkey, green beans, and a small portion of stuffing and yams.

  Timothy looks across at Beverly’s plate and shakes his head. “You must be saving room for the lovely dessert Carmen brought.”

  I spoke up. “No, she said she’s allergic to nuts, but I do hope you guys I enjoy. I know I will.” That was risky calling her out like that, but the feeling inside is joyful.

  “Allergic to nuts? She loves her cashews so that cannot be the case,” Timothy reveals.

  Beverly gives a blank look. “I’m just dieting. I’m a health guru. What do you expect?”

  We continue to eat. My stomach is almost at capacity but everything is so good. I decide to give kudos to the chef.

  “Timothy, this is a lovely meal. I hope you didn’t have to get up too early.”

  “I’ve been going at it since six this morning. I was blessed with the cooking trait, more so than Beverly. However, it seems she has become quite the expert in microwave meals.”

  He sends her a flirtatious wink. She blows him a kiss and he catches it.

  After two more spoonful’s of stuffing and mac n cheese I push my orange plate back. The centerpiece is a vase full of dark red and yellow sunflowers. We all finish eating at the same time. I look at Cooper as he happily listens to his mom talk about the dessert she made. Timothy stands to gather the plates and take them to the sink. He leans in to kiss her. She shuts her eyes when his lips meet hers. I wonder if she’s still sleeping with other men. Once a cheat, always a cheat. Normally I do not think like this, but since she has declared war with me, I don’t feel guilty. Cooper and I belong together; anyone who tries to stand in my way will lose.

  Timothy takes it amongst himself to refill our drinks as we all sit and wait for the food to settle. Beverly looks in my direction every time Cooper and his dad are in deep conversation. I really don’t understand why she continues to be nasty. I’d rather be at home than being stared down by her.

  Cooper says to me, “Let’s serve dessert.” I rise to follow him. “I can’t wait to taste you later on,” he whispers as we start towards the kitchen.

  Seems Beverly has followed a recipe for a sea salted caramel layered cake. When I see it resting in the glass container in the fridge, my mouth almost begins to water. It looks exactly like the one from Tasty Creations. If we were having a dessert contest, I would be deemed the winner. We collect the utensils placed near the fridge beside the dessert plates. Laughter is coming from the dining room; Beverly has moved her chair closer to Timothy and his arm is relaxed over her shoulders. We all decide to try both desserts, I honestly couldn’t resist the sea salted caramel. Cooper whispers that he wishes it was me he was licking instead of the fork. Both treats are great not only in presentation, but taste as well. Beverly and I earn many compliments around the table.

  She’s beaming as I stuff the remainders in my mouth. Then she asks if I’ll help her with the dessert plates and clearing the table while the guys catch up. Cooper gives his approval nod, probably hoping I become close with her. I sigh inside as I scoot my chair out to stand. Cooper grabs my hand and squeezes it just a little as he smiles at me. On our second trip to the kitchen, Beverly has her phone out scrolling through the screens. She stops me on my way to the sink.

  “Carmen, come here I want to show you different recipes I was looking at before deciding on the cake.”

  As she slides between pictures, we flip from pumpkin cheesecake to lemon chess pie. Then a picture of Cooper with a blonde headed woman smiling pops across the screen.

  “Stop, let me see that.” I demand.

  Beverly hands me the phone and I examine the picture. Who is this bitch standing beside my man? She had this shit planned all along.

  She stands there smirking. “Ooh I didn’t mean for you to see that, but at least you know what your competition is.”

  I’m too shocked to respond. I sit the phone on the counter and storm away. Her facial expression is of pure victory.

  Cooper is where I left him with his father. “Cooper, I don’t feel good. I want to go home.”

  “Are you okay?” Cooper asks with concern.

  “It just hit me. I’m not sure what is wrong. But I should go home.”

  Beverly walks in the room, “Don’t be ridiculous, it is a four hour drive, just stay here tonight. I will make you some hot tea.”

  Cooper is rubbing my back. “My mom is right, let’s spend the night and we will leave tomorrow. Let’s get you to bed.”

  Timothy says, “Let us know if you need anything. We will bring you some peppermint tea in a while.”


  We get to the guest room and I crawl into the bed. Cooper brings me my PJ’s and tries to help me change. This is the first time we go to bed and I do not want him to hold me. How could I have been this gullible? Working late, huh? That is the most common lie told and I fell for it.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  I wake up early the next morning. “Cooper, I am ready to go.”

  He looks at the clock. “Its 6:15; we can leave in a few hours.”, he says while pulling up the covers.

  “Either you will take me home now, or I will find my own transportation.”

  “What is wrong with you?” he says, agitated.

  “I don’t want to be here anymore. I have had enough of your mother.”

  “My mother? You are still on that? I’m not in the mood for this.”

  He jumps out of bed and gets dressed. I do not care about his mood. I just want to get out of here.

  “Should I wait in the car?”

  Cooper ignores me while throwing things into his bag. I get up to leave and he says, “Don’t be rude, at least tell my parents goodbye. I will wake them, wait downstairs.”

  Ten minutes later they come downstairs. Beverly has that annoying smirk on her face and tousled looking hair. Her black satin robe reveals something lace is underneath. I despise this woman.

  “Mr. Jackson, thank you so much for allowing me to spend Thanksgiving here.” He hugs me.

  “You’re welcome. I look forward to more. Hope you feel better.” He walks back upstairs.

  Cooper goes to load the car leaving me alone with Beverly.

  “Carmen, I do hope you feel better. Would you like some tea for the road? You can even keep the cup to remember us Jacksons by

  Not wanting to cause a scene, I walk outside towards the car. Cooper holds the door so I can climb in. He speaks with Beverly for a few minutes.

  The ride back to my place was extremely quiet.

  “I can carry my bags.”

  “Carmen I have them.”

  When we reach my door Cooper says that we need to talk. Once inside, he sets my bags down.

  “What’s going on with you?” he asks.

  “I should have told you this before but your mother is horrible to me. It started at your birthday and again yesterday.”

  “What has she supposedly done? You pushed for me to have a relationship with her and now she is being mean to you. This doesn’t make any sense.

  “Supposedly? You don’t believe me?” I place my hands on my hips.

  “Carmen, lately you have been acting crazy. I don’t think you know what you are saying.”

  “Ever since you have been making time for her our relationship has started to fall apart.”

  “You are being insecure and jealous.”

  “Fuck you, Cooper. There wouldn’t be room for insecurity if you did what you were supposed to.”

  “Carmen, you need to stop. I don’t have time for this.”

  Shouting I repeat, “You don’t have time for this? Well neither do I!”

  “What the fuck does that mean?” Cooper demands.

  “It means we are done.” I say turning my back.

  “Oh Carmen, he pulls me to face him. Don’t say that we’re just having a disagreement. You know how much I love you.”

  “You love me?” I laugh while pushing him away. “Yeah I can tell how much; since you have been parading around town with that bitch.” He looks confused. “Go ahead and think of your lie.”

  “Bitch? What are you talking about now?”

  “Your mother was eager to show me the picture of you and the blonde.”

  “Who? Michelle? She is my new client; my mom referred her to me.”

  “Yeah right. That’s not why she referred you.”

  “I would never lie to you, Carmen. I have always been open with you. You refuse to tell me about Celeste.”

  He has crossed the line. My jaws are clinched when I yell, “Don’t you dare bring her into this.”

  “Why can’t we can never talk about her?” He exhales. “I would never cheat on you. You are the only person who I have eyes for. Remember time stands still when it comes to us. We can get through anything as long as we love each other.” He reaches to touch my face. I back away before he can make contact.

  “Then we have a problem.” He frowns at me. “I don’t love you.” His body crumbles in front of me, as his eyes show the pain that I have inflicted on him.

  He doesn’t say anything, just walks away.

  What have I done? Why would I say that? Lie to him? I want to scream “Cooper,” but it is too late. In a fit of rage, I throw the plaque against the wall. It’s destroyed just like my heart.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  The last month has been hard. Staying in the bed is not an option. I have a business to run. Cooper has not made any contact, but I am not surprised. I broke his heart. Marcia purposely doesn’t mention him when we discuss our day at work. Maybe I am letting my pride and fear get the best of me. No need to focus on the past; time to heal and move on. That would be a lot easier if I wasn’t looking at pictures of us from his birthday. We looked so happy and he loved me. I am not going to shed anymore tears. Maybe I should send these pictures to Cooper.

  As I get ready to leave the office I put on my wool pea coat and cashmere red cap. This December weather is a beast, thank goodness it isn’t snowing. My cell vibrates. The screen says “private caller.” Should I answer? It could be important.



  I do not recognize the female’s voice. “Yes, this is she.”

  “Carmen, this is Beverly.” I am trying to decide if I should hang up on this bitch. She must sense my thoughts.

  “Please don’t hang up.”

  “What do you want?” I ask angrily.

  “Can we meet and talk?”

  “You want to talk? For what? Cooper and I aren’t together anymore. That should please you.”

  “That’s what I want to talk about. Cooper is miserable. It is because he doesn’t have you.”

  Sighing into the phone a tear rolls down my cheek.

  “Can we meet tonight or tomorrow?” she asks.

  “I am busy tonight. Meet me tomorrow at Franks, three sharp. And Beverly if any smart shit comes out of your mouth, I am leaving.”

  “Understood. Thank you, Carmen, see you tomorrow.”

  I hang up without saying goodbye. Fuck, what have I gotten myself into? Tension and frustration are driving me crazy. I need to relieve some stress, time to work out with Jillian Michaels. She will make me forget my troubles by causing a different kind of pain. After a rigorous workout that consists of hard core strength training with cardio, I feel better. Marcia texts letting me know she is bringing dinner home. I take a bath. Marcia brought home one of my favorites, Chinese. I pour us each a glass of Moscato. Before we devour our food, I tell her about the call I received.

  “Guess who called me?”

  Marcia looks up. “Do I even want to know?”

  “Beverly.” Her mouth falls open.

  “Yes girl, she wants us to meet.”

  “Meet for what? She was a complete bitch to you, twice.”

  “That’s what I asked. She said Cooper is miserable without me.”

  Marcia looks away and grabs her drink. “What?” I ask.

  “He is miserable. He looks like he lost the love of his life, which he has. It’s depressing seeing him like this. Cooper misses you.”

  “How do you know this?”

  “He told me. He asks about you almost every day.”

  “What? Why are you just telling me this?”

  “You made it clear that you didn’t want to discuss Cooper. I feel what happened is horrible and I already told you how I felt. I was only respecting your wishes.”

  “If he misses me so much, why hasn’t he called me?”

  Marcia looks at me with complete shock. “Are you really going to ask that question? You told the man you didn’t love him. Why would he call? You fucked up and you have to fix it, not him.”

  I nod my head. “You are right. I did fuck up and hurt him.”

  “Now what are you going to do about Beverly?” Marcia asks.

  “I don’t know. Hear what she has to say? She better not be bitchy.” We laugh. Beverly is the definition of a bitch.

  Marcia and I enjoy our meal. Since it is Thursday we get ready to watch the latest episode of Scandal. We love Kerry Washington.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  I didn’t go to the center today. Knowing that I will be meeting with Beverly has me on edge.

  At 2:45 I walk into Frank’s and she isn’t there yet. The hostess seats me at a table with a window view. I request a shot of tequila. Hopefully this will help with my nerves. It doesn’t. The closer it gets to 3 the more anxious I become. Beverly strolls in like she is the Queen of England. Even though I loathe her, I can’t help but appreciate her style. She hangs her coat on the back of her chair. When she sits down the tension is thick.

  “Hello, Carmen. Thank you for meeting with me.”

  “You said you wanted to talk about Cooper. Talk.”

  She stares at me. “Cooper is unhappy and I hate seeing him like this. He misses you,” she says.

  “Beverly, you don’t want us together. So why are you really here?” It is obvious I hit a nerve.

  “Okay, Carmen, Cooper is not very happy with me. He knows about our conversation on his birthday and the picture on Thanksgiving.” A tear falls from her eye.

  I will not feel sorry for her, after what she has done. “What do you want me to do? Your relationship with Cooper is not my concern.”

  “We got off
on the wrong foot and for that I am sorry. I am the reason why you guys are not together and I want to make things right.”

  I laugh. “The wrong foot? No Beverly, you let me know what you thought of me and it was not nice. You showed me a picture of Cooper with a client, but you implied it was a romantic interest.”

  “Yes, Carmen I did all those things. It was wrong and I apologize.” I roll my eyes. “Seriously Carmen, I was jealous of seeing how much my son loved you, but hated me. It hurt and I took my pain out on you. It is my fault that Cooper and I are not close. Please accept my apology. Give you and Cooper another chance. Don’t keep punishing yourselves because of my foolishness. Everyone can see that you two are made to love one another.”

  “This is a lot to take in.”

  “I know it is.” She puts on her coat. “Please think about what I said.” Beverly walks out the restaurant.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  The closer it gets to Christmas, the more Beverly calls. At first it was once a week now it is up to three times. It’s weird how nice she is after being such a raging bitch.

  I had to come clean to my parents about the break up. They made sure I was doing okay, but the disappointment was evident.

  My father said “Maybe he wasn’t the right man for you. Don’t worry you will find him.”

  My mother on the other hand, has always had the gift of seeing through my shit. “Carmen, you love that boy and he loves you. You are throwing away your chance at love and happiness, for what? Because you are scared? Life isn’t always easy and we personally know this, but you cannot let past hurt stop you from enjoying your life. Cooper is a great man, but I cannot tell you what to do. I will always love and support you.” She kisses my forehead. “Celeste would want you to be happily in love.”

  My mother is right. Celeste would be upset if she knew how I treated Cooper. She was such a hopeless romantic. She always said being in love is a magical feeling. Before going back home, I decide to visit her grave, something I haven’t done in two years. Pulling into Westland cemetery makes me miss her more. I place white roses at her grave site. They were always her favorite. I know I haven’t visited and I am sorry for that.


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