Made to Love: Carmen and Cooper's Story

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Made to Love: Carmen and Cooper's Story Page 14

by Candace Werts

  “No cumming my Carmen until I’m inside of you, all the way inside.”

  He swiftly unzips his pant and steps out revealing that enormous dick I’ve been craving for so long. I reach to touch it and he pushes me back down. On top of me I can feel his hardness resting between my fold, he kisses me with powerful force. Sucking on my bottom lip as he pulls away he finds my wetness. My anticipation is met with the shove of his massive size inside my tight pussy. I cum after his second entrance, “Cooper,” I shriek.

  The pace of thrust increases with each time he moves in and out of my ocean. If my pussy could talk to him, oh the things it would say. Don’t stop, faster, harder, I love you. All the things I want to say, but the orgasms have taken control of my vocal cords. One last powerful ram has him at the end of my tunnel and the end of his rope as he let’s go.

  His semen takes custody of my pussy, and so did he.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  I have been at home for the last few days and it has been great catching up with the girls, but I do miss waking up to Cooper.

  Today Giselle is moving into our apartment. Her lease is up and Marcia and I thought it would be fun if we all lived together. That way we can look out for one another. Since I have been spending so much time with Cooper, I have been neglecting my friendships and with all of us in the same place, it will be easier to have girl time. Marcia has been acting differently towards me. I keep asking her what is wrong, but she says nothing. This morning she was cranky because I overslept. Her attitude surprised me because during the weekend she always oversleeps and I have to wait for her. I have got to find out what the problem is.

  Frank buzzes our intercom announcing Giselle’s arrival. In three hours we have finished moving in Giselle. She did not have a lot of things, because her ex-boyfriend took her stuff when she was at work. Jackass.

  We are going to order Chinese food, but Marcia says nastily, “Carmen are you joining us for dinner or rushing off to Cooper’s?”

  I know better than to think Marcia is jealous, but where is all this hostility coming from?

  “Marcia what the fuck is your problem? You have been a bitch for the last few days and I am tired of your shit,” I snap.

  She laughs, “You have some nerve, you just pop up here when it is convenient for you.”

  Giselle interjects, “Guys stop before you both say something you will regret. Let’s just order our food and have some cocktails.”

  “No Giselle if she has something to say, she should say it.”

  Marcia rolls her eyes, “Just go back to Cooper’s house. We are used to you not being here.” She grabs her purse and walks out the front door.

  Flabbergasted, I look at Giselle “What is her problem? Why is she being a bitch to me?”

  “Carmen, she has a lot going on and she is misplacing her anger. You guys need to talk.”

  I go to look for her, but can’t find her.

  I call Cooper. “Hey babe,” he answers. He can always make me smile.

  “Marcia and I just got into a fight.”

  “Are you okay? What happened?”

  “I honestly don’t know. But I am going to stay here tonight and figure out what is going on with her.”

  “I understand. Go find your friend and make things right. I love you.”

  “I love you too.” I’m off to find Marcia’s ass.

  When I find her she is standing by the side of the building smoking a Marlboro light. When she sees me, she rolls her eyes.

  “Leave me alone, Carmen.”

  She is in full blown attack mode; I haven’t seen this side of her in years.

  “Since when did you start smoking again?”

  She purposely blows smoke in my direction, so childish.

  “There are a lot of things you don’t know.”

  Placing my hands on my hips, I say, “Then tell me.”

  Marcia informs me that she received a letter stating that her biological father is due to be released from jail in a few months. Marcia has always been tight lipped about her life before she moved to Virginia. So it is surprising to hear her say anything about her father, but clearly this news has upset her. I hug my friend.

  “Sorry I was bitchy, but it is a lot to take in. I was mad at you because when the letter arrived you were not here. I know that is dumb but I needed both you and Giselle. I don’t want to talk about him and I knew this day would come, just didn’t except it to happen so soon.”

  “Even if I’m with Cooper, you can always call me and tell me to come home. You are my best friend and I will always be here for you, no matter what.”

  She smiles. “I know, Carmen. I am happy for you.” She finishes her cigarette and says, “Let’s go back in before Giselle thinks we have killed each other.”

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  I am wakened to horrible singing of “Happy Birthday” from the girls. What makes it so hilarious is that they think they sound good. They also shout, “Happy Valentine’s Day.” Marcia hands me a tray with my toothbrush and paste.

  “We know how you are about brushing your teeth first thing,” she says.

  I smile and get to brushing. She has a bowl and water for me to rinse my mouth out. Giselle pulls back the covers and yanks me out of bed.

  In the dining room there is a remarkable set up of red heart balloons, a vase mixed with white and red roses, packages wrapped in shiny red paper, and breakfast taking up the remainder of the table. They even went through the trouble of making pancakes in the shape of hearts. Using chocolate chips, they have spelled “Happy Birthday, Carmen” on my plate.

  Cooper steps out of the kitchen wearing a white button down shirt with thin black stripes. It coordinates well with the crimson red blazer he also chose to wear.

  He walks over to me and gives me a birthday kiss I will never forget. “Happy Birthday, Baby!”

  I look at the girls and thank them, especially Marcia, for inviting my love to share this time with us.

  Everyone takes a seat at the table, Cooper beside me. They all remind me to eat before it gets cold. I glance around as they begin making their plates. Platters of pancakes, bacon, and eggs fill the table. Freshly squeezed orange juice and coffee are provided. As I cut through the wording of my name, I ask Marcia how many cups of coffee she has had this morning in order to pull all this off. I laugh as soon as the statement leaves my mouth. Everyone joins in, except for her; she currently has a mouth full of eggs.

  She chews quickly and responds, “I have only had two cups so far. Why don’t you ever ask Giselle how many cups of tea she has had?”

  Turning my attention to Giselle, she says, “Because my tea is decaffeinated and you have a problem.”

  Marcia rolls her eyes and responds, “I never knew I had such judgmental friends.” We laugh.

  Once we are full, they shower me with gifts. Marcia starts it off. Her gift is a full set of MAC makeup brushes. I hug and thank her. Giselle is next as she hands her present to me. It’s a wine glass that is covered with cosmetics.

  “Thanks Giselle, I love it.”

  “Saved the best for last,” Marcia jokes.

  They watch in awe as Cooper presents me first with a $200 gift card to the MAC counter. Then he pulls a velvet box from the inside of his blazer.

  “Now this is for Valentine’s Day,” he says.

  I can’t hide my excitement at the square shaped box. Taking it from him, I open it to find striking princess cut diamond studs. They are lined in white gold, and look to at least be a carat each in weight. I throw my arms around his neck, and kiss him.

  “Cooper, they’re absolutely stunning, thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, I thought of you when I saw them. Now they will only shine brighter when you wear them.” I am still in shock by the gift when he says, “Well, ladies, you have approximately an hour to make it to Salon L’ Me.”

  “What?” I reply.

  “I made all three of you an appointment at 11 AM; it will give you plenty o
f time to get pampered and a massage. Now don’t be late. I’ll start cleaning up while ya’ll get ready.” The girls and I are speechless.

  We all rush to our rooms to get dressed. Upon heading out, we thank him. Before exiting, I kiss him as he stands at the sink washing dishes. He says he’ll lock up once he’s done.

  “Until tonight, my Carmen.”

  One last kiss and I’m out the door rushing to meet the girls at the elevator.

  Once we get there, we’re sent to the massage area where we lay on the tables awaiting the hands to relax our muscles.

  “This was a total surprise,” Marcia calls from a table down.

  I am in the middle of her and Giselle.

  “I’ll say,” Giselle chimes in.

  An hour later, we are fully relaxed and off to get our nails done. Marcia and Giselle are at the polish center trying to pick a color that will go the best with their attire this evening. Cooper has reservations for all four of us at True Elegance. I’m fully polished with my cotton candy coat and under the dryer when they finally make their selections. Marcia chooses deep purple with a glittery top coat. Giselle goes for a two-toned gold look, the bottom layer is a dull metallic, and the tip is shiny like 24-karat gold.

  We make our way back to the apartment, excited to get dressed for the celebration to come. Marcia suggests we all meet in the living room for a photo once our looks are perfected. Entering my room I see the special birthday outfit Cooper has picked out hanging from the closest door. I hear my phone go off and I see it’s a text from Cooper.

  Hey beautiful, hope you enjoyed the spa trip with the girls. A car will be downstairs for all of you at 6 PM. Until then. I love you.

  I respond:

  Thanks babe. You’re just full of surprises today. Only makes me love you more than I already do. Until then. XOXO.

  I apply my makeup and then walk over to the lingerie chest and get my new black tights. The only thing I will be wearing with color tonight is my red leather jacket. Even my undergarments are black, strapless bra and lace thong. I think about what’s to come after dinner. Unzipping my dress, it is black with a jewel neckline, the see through material ends right where my strapless bra sits. The bottom half flares out, and is poufy on the side, due to the multiple layers of fabric underneath. It gives the dress a sexual appeal. Sitting on the bed, I slide my newly pedicured feet into my peep toe black suede pumps. They tie at the top; the outer and inner sides have a sharp cut out design. I’m just glad they’re comfy.

  I glance in the mirror quickly to check myself out. My ears are full of sparkle, thanks to Cooper. I smile and grab my black clutch, making sure all the necessities are placed inside. Closing the heart on my Tiffany bracelet, I head to the living room for our close up.

  Marcia is wearing a strapless purple satin gown with black tights. The bow in the middle of her dress matches the ones resting on the back of her suede purple high heel booties. Purple teardrops dangle from her earlobes.

  “I should have known purple would be your choice of color,” I say.

  I’m almost knocked off my feet when Giselle struts into the room. Her dress is strapless as well, coral. However, the top half is embellished with gold sequins. The bottom flares when she turns abruptly, and acts like she’s on the runaway to walk back down the hall. Her sheer tights are met with five inch suede Mary Jane heels. They are a lighter shade of coral from her dress. The gold buckles are locked around her ankle, the straps and heels are dazzled in gold crystals. She pairs it with a tan and coral purse.

  “I must say you ladies look stunning.”

  “Not as much as you do, birthday girl.” Marcia smiles while trying to get her phone ready for our picture taking.

  “Ok ladies, we must make this quick. Cooper has a car that will be arriving for us in exactly ten minutes,” I announce. They are surprised. Before they can comment, I say “I know he definitely has a way of making a lady feel special.”

  Giselle replies, “Real special.”

  I laugh. Marcia calls us all to gather around. Once she is satisfied with the angle she counts down from three to one and click, our photo appears.

  Marcia comments, “Aren’t we quite the sexy, diversified group? Giselle Barbadian, Carmen Bi-racial, and me, Italian.”

  I speak up and say, “Yes. We are the multicultural version of Charlie’s Angels, only we are too hot for our own good.”

  And with that being said we make our way downstairs. We’re all astounded by the sight of a limo at the curb awaiting us. Just when I thought the surprises were done, here comes this. I grin as the driver holds the door for us. Champagne is already in sight when we get in, compliments of my man. A brief toast is made in my honor, each say something that is heartfelt.

  We arrive at True Elegance, and Cooper is waiting outside for us; he looks sharp wearing an argyle sweater vest made with grays, blacks, and red. He wears it over his white dress shirt with my favorite crimson red blazer. His slacks match impeccably with his black leather jacket. He holds the door as we begin walking towards it. He greets me with a kiss as the girls walk ahead of us.

  “Carmen, you look amazing.”

  He twirls me around making the bottom of my dress swing around. Scrutinizing me he says, “There’s just one thing missing.”

  I begin looking down wondering what I’ve forgotten. He tells me to turn around and close my eyes. Following orders I do so and I feel him lift my hair up and slip something around my neck. “Ok, that’s much better, you can open them now.”

  My hand reaches for my neck where I find a white gold heart necklace with ruby and diamond accents. The pattern matching the same as the earrings he gave me for Christmas. It lies smoothly against my breastbone, and the gems sparkle with beauty.

  “Oh my, Cooper, I love it. You’re definitely spoiling me today.”

  “Well today is not only your special day, but also the day of love. I’m not giving you anything you don’t give me each and every day my Carmen.”

  He wipes the tear before it has a chance to fall, “It’s too early for that. Just remember the best is always yet to come.”

  With a soft kiss, he leads me to the back of the restaurant where I’m assuming Marcia and Giselle are already waiting. As we walk, I think this day could not get any better. I feel so blessed for all the love I’ve received thus far. When we reach the back of the restaurant, the room is dark as I enter. Suddenly the lights flick on and I’m welcomed with a loud “Happy Birthday.” I look around to see my parents, his parents and all my staff from the center. We all eat and enjoy each other’s company. Champagne is distributed across the room for anyone who cares to indulge. Multiple people have gotten up to toast me well wishes for my twenty-sixth birthday.

  Cooper hasn’t left my side all evening. The girls and our parents sit directly across from us. Soon the cake is brought out, its round and frosted with white icing. “Happy Birthday, Carmen” is written in red with a single rose lying across the top. One lit candle sits in the middle. As the singing begins even the people in the restaurant have gathered in the room to partake in the event.

  Songs play over the intercom as the waiting staff clears the table. “Love and Marriage” and “Going to the Chapel.” The melodies playing above don’t register as I mingle around, talking with the girls and people from my center. Everyone is laughing at things Marcia says.

  When the room quiets down I hear, “Marry Me” by Bruno Mars. Confused by the selection of music, I turn around to find Cooper. Taking me by my hand, he leads me to a chair that is sitting empty in the center of the room. He kisses me as he motions for me to sit down. At that precise moment, the next track by Jason Derulo comes on. It’s also titled, “Marry me.” Cooper positions himself on bended knee.

  With Jason’s sweet singing in the background he takes my hand and says, “My Carmen, you are my everything.” He opens a red box, and I’m presented with a flawless three carat platinum heart shaped engagement ring, semi mounted with diamonds. “Will you do
me the honor in spending the rest of your days on this Earth as my wife?”

  I’m stunned; I look at my parents for approval. They nod in acceptance. “Yes, Cooper, I will marry you.”

  Tears of joys stream down my face as he slips the breathtaking ring on my finger. We embrace and kiss passionately. Our parents rush over, both of our mothers are crying. They all offer their congratulations and of course, the girls are dying to get a glimpse of the ring. It’s the most exquisite thing I’ve ever seen. This day has been full of celebration and unforeseeable things, I couldn’t be any happier. Well, at least until later tonight, I think to myself while finishing my glass of champagne. I have much appreciation to give my fiancée. Cooper and Timothy take my gifts out to the car. When they come back in, we say our goodbyes. I ask Cooper if he’ll be coming home with me this evening.

  He responds “No, you will be staying at our future home tonight.”

  Blushing, I tell him I will have to go home to gather some of my things.

  “Nonsense, I already have your overnight bag at my place.” I took it with me this morning after I finished cleaning up; I hope you don’t mind.”

  “I don’t mind at all,” I say with a wink. Turning to the girls, “Ladies, I want to thank you both for making this birthday the best a girl could ever ask for.”

  “Please, you need to be thanking your future husband over there,” Marcia says as she lifts my hand admiring the ring once again.

  “He sure knows how to pick them,” Giselle chimes in.

  “I would give him approval in helping my next serious man pick out a ring for me.”

  We all laugh as they hug me goodbye.

  My parents are ecstatic over the events which occurred tonight. My dad kisses me farewell but not before he tells me “Sweet Pea, Cooper is quite the gentleman. He definitely caught me off guard with his question, of asking me for your hand in marriage. I almost cried like your mother. His respectful manners made me more than proud to accept his proposal. You two are destined to live happily ever after as your mother and I.”


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