Peter of the Wind (War of Contractia)

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Peter of the Wind (War of Contractia) Page 14

by Dixon, TJ

  “You are prepared?” Silmarion asks.

  “Yes.” I say calmly.

  “Then take a seat at the front row. Your friends may sit with you, but nobody may interfere once the duel starts. You may take energy from a slave and, or, your friends, if you need it.”

  “Yes please.” I say. “I will take energy from a slave.” Silmarion ports away and is back instantly with a scared looking young girl in rags. “I won’t hurt you or take too much. There’s no need to be scared.” I say and kiss her gently on the lips. I hear Rin take a sharp breath and feel the girl’s energy filling me but I keep my word and stop before taking too much.

  “Silmarion.” Lucy says and as if not having sensed her previously Silmarion goes very tense. “The rules allow a single enchantment or potion I believe.”

  “That’s right, Feline Dragonbreath. So you were still alive…”

  “Oh yes, alive, kicking, punching and biting. I will place an enchantment on the boy just before the fight. Make sure not to start before it is on him.”

  “Very well.” Silmarion says sounding slightly unnerved.

  “Try not to let that Claire girl get away again if you have the chance.”

  “Of course.” Silmarion literally growls at her. For a moment I am reminded of the ‘King of Contractia’ and shiver.

  Lucy looks at me. “Do not give up because of minor injuries such as having all your limbs torn off, or having every bone in your body turned to dust.”

  “How is that minor!?” Rin protests.

  “It is minor because it will not kill him.”

  “Surely I would die of blood loss from the first at least.” I complain.

  “No, not with my enchantment. Do not let the fight drag on though, or it will fade and you will surely die.”

  “Thanks.” I say not sure whether I am genuinely thanking her for the enchantment or wishing she hadn’t said such scary things.

  “You’re welcome master.” She says and I hear the scariest thing of all. Silmarion laughing!

  “When did you, who almost every mage in the royal army trembled in fear at the mere mention of, have a master?”

  “He’s only my master as in pet and master. He has no legal rights over me, so neither will that cruel lady should she kill him.”

  “She will. For you to call someone else cruel though…”

  “I was never cruel, just a flighty perfectionist. I wouldn’t be so sure he will lose though.” Lucy says. “Want to place a bet?”

  “Bets on student activity are against the rules.”

  “Pity.” Lucy says.

  “True.” Silmarion says with a small sigh. Have I ever seen her sigh before? I’m not sure.

  We walk down to the seats at the front and I look at Rin questioningly, because she clearly has something to say.

  “I can give more power if you need it.” Rin says blushing slightly.

  “It’s fine. Any more won’t make a difference.” I answer surprised by her offer.

  The arena audience is full and I feel like we have been waiting for ages but finally that evil woman appears before me. She stands waiting in the centre and I stand to enter the arena, but Lucy stops me and places a hand on my neck. She chants about twenty words or so and I feel energy flowing through my body. “Don’t die. Kill.” Lucy says fiercely and I enter the arena for my first battle to kill another person.

  “You may begin.” Silmarion says and the crowd is roaring.

  “Kill the boy!”

  “Slaughter him!”

  “Show no mercy!”

  I guess they’re on her side I think with a smile but then I am dodging slices of air pressure so strong that I had not thought possible. I strike with lightning but it is like a fly trying to swat a human. Her shield is perfect and she dodges most of my attacks anyway. I remember how I beat the wolves and decide that is the way forward but suddenly my left arm is missing and a pain the likes of which I have never before felt is in its place. Blood doesn’t spurt forth though, and I can still dodge but I need to focus and attack.

  I stop suddenly and focus purely on attack. Her next attack misses as it anticipated a dodge and I strike away from her with lightning before porting it to her. The crowd laugh thinking I have missed. As I am attacking, her next attack slices both my legs off and I cry out in pain but do not stop. The lightning fills her body and she is instantly dead. Moments later the pain causes me to faint, but not before I hear Silmarion call out, “The winner is Peter!”

  I wake in the arena and it is silent but nobody has left. They are just staring at me in shock. I notice my limbs are reattached and look to see Lucy collapsed on the floor. I pick her up and kiss her on the forehead in thanks. The audience seems to find this funny, but Rin who I notice walking towards me looks furious.

  “Are you stupid?! Letting her take your legs off like that! What if Lucy hadn’t been able to heal you?! And kissing Lucy in front of the whole academy and more… You are just so annoying!” Rin yells at me.

  “They can hear you, you know.” I remind her and she blushes.

  “We have a job to do.” She reminds me and all my emotions come tumbling down. I pray that Hermes is still alive.

  “Do you know where she lives?” I ask and Rin shakes her head.

  “Silmarion does though, and since she is now your property you have a right to know.” The thought of Hermes belonging to me leaves a bitter taste in my mouth but now is the time to save her.

  “That’s right.” Silmarion says and hands me a piece of paper with a rough map and address on it. It is near the market. I port there right away with Rin, without even stopping to thank Silmarion.

  Rin looks at me seriously and says. “Let me go in first. For Hermes sake.”

  “I don’t understand but if you think that’s best. Just don’t get hurt.”

  “I won’t.” Rin says and looking through a window ports inside. After a few minutes I am really worried but finally the door opens and Rin emerges with Hermes floating in front of her. She is alive and breathing but covered in a cloth and unconscious. “Please let me take her to my home to recover.”

  “Of course.”

  “Don’t follow us. I’ll let you know when she is ready to see you.” Rin says.

  “Just make sure she does recover.”

  “She will. The physical injuries aren’t too bad but… I’ll see you later. Wait for me at your tent.” Rin says sadly and ports away with Hermes.

  I port inside the house. The first room is empty but the next room is covered in blood. I pray that Rin was being honest about her physical injuries but there is clearly something serious. Judging from the state of this room I assume she must have been tortured, just like Lucy said. There is a wooden beam standing vertical and ropes hanging from each corner of the room. There are no torture implements, but with magic that doesn’t mean anything.

  I look at the last room but it is empty. I port back to my tent and nervously wait for Rin. Yu Kii arrives first and bows before asking me. “Is she OK?”

  “She’s alive. Rin is with her so she will be OK, at least physically. She clearly went through hell in that house.” I say suppressing my anger as best I can.

  “What will you use her for as your slave?” Yu Kii asks sounding concerned.

  “Use her for? She may be my slave in name, but she is still free in my mind, and I hope she feels the same way.” I say surprised by Yu Kii’s question.

  “She’s lucky then. Not everyone would be so kind.” Yu Kii says with a smile.

  “It’s not kindness. I know what it is like to be a slave and there’s no way I would want to put anyone through that.” I tell her firmly.

  “What about the rest of her mother’s property?” Yu Kii asks.

  “I don’t know what else she owned. There’s the house of course.” I say and shiver remembering the room. “I don’t think I’d want to stay there though, and I don’t imagine that Hermes will. I’ll talk to Hermes about that though. I don’t want to decid
e that for her.”

  Rin ports in front of me looking tense. “She’s ready.”

  “Is she OK?”

  “Sort of. She needs rest but otherwise physically she’s fine. She’s been through hell though so please be kind to her.” Rin says. “She wants to talk to you alone so I’ll wait here. She’s in the room at my house where you rested after you were hurt by the Tree Ent, and my mother is downstairs if you need her.”

  “Thank you Rin.”

  “I just did what anyone would.” Rin says sadly. “What that woman did to her own daughter though… I hope she burns in hell for all eternity. Now go!”

  I port to the room. Hermes is in bed and I can see she has been crying and is obviously exhausted. No surprise there. Her voice though shocks me.

  “Master.” She says weakly.

  “Just call me Peter like you always have. Officially you may be my slave but you should consider yourself free. I do.” I say and she bursts into tears. I don’t know what to do so I just stand there for a moment in blind panic.

  “Thank you.” She says weakly and I see a smile through the tears. “I should have known.”

  “I’m not going to ask what she did to you, but if there is anything I can do, or if you want to talk about anything please let me know.” I say and she shakes her head still crying and smiling.

  “You did more than I could possibly ask for already. I want to help you now, but I’m so weak I don’t know what I can do.”

  “Let’s just work together then and see what we can do. It doesn’t need to be about what either of us can do alone, but rather let it be about what we can achieve together.”

  “You’re too good with words. I pity Rin.” Hermes says with a small grin.

  “Why do you pity Rin?” I ask confused.

  “You’ll know one day.” She says weakly.

  “Why does everyone seem to say that?” I ask shaking my head.

  “Because no matter how invincible you may seem, deep down you’re just a child.” Hermes answers the question even though I expected no answer.

  “Umm… Rin said you just need to rest. Do you want me to go?”

  “Would you mind if… Is it OK to… Could you, just this once, watch over me, whilst I sleep?” Hermes asks with a trembling voice.

  “Uh, sure. No problem.” I say and grab a chair and put it closer to Hermes. Sitting I ask, “Is this OK?”

  “Thank you.” Hermes says and closes her eyes. She is soon snoring. When Lucy wakes I ask her to let Rin know and I port her to the tent.

  It is getting dark and I am struggling to keep my eyes open. Suddenly there is a scream downstairs. I am fully awake again and Hermes sits bolt upright. I rush to the door but it explodes in flames and only a hasty wind shield protects me. Through the flames and the wind I hear a cackling laugh.

  “Do you have the power to port?” I ask Hermes and she nods. “Please get help.”

  “Shouldn’t I help you now?” Hermes asks me nervously.

  “No. Please be quick.” I say as the flames start to reach me. Hermes ports and I pray she really is quick. My power is fading fast and I am worried about Rin’s mother.

  “So you sent the bitch to get help?” A woman’s voice comes through the flames.

  “Who the hell are you?” I ask.

  “Like anyone would answer that even to a walking corpse!”

  “I don’t plan to die.” I say but the flames are really starting to hurt and I have no power left to attack.

  “How did such a weakling kill her?” Laughs the woman trying to kill me.

  “You knew that woman?”

  “Oh yes. I knew her. Now die!” The flames increase and my already stretched power just isn’t enough. I am engulfed by flames but suddenly I am soaked and unable to breath. Then just as quickly the water is gone. I see shards of ice sink into the woman. Cursing she tries to port but with my last ounce of energy I interfere with her port and she finds herself upside down. Her head is suddenly encased in ice. I look back and not surprised see Rin.

  “Port downstairs now.” I say urgently and Rin’s eyes widen in panic as she does so. A minute later she comes back up and looks relieved.

  “Mother’s OK. She was just stunned by a weak lightning attack. It seems either you or Hermes were the real target.”

  “Where is Hermes now?”

  “Yu Kii is with her. They were looking for a teacher in case I wasn’t enough. Ah, looks like they found one.” Rin says as Yu Kii, Lucy, Hermes and Silmarion appear.

  Silmarion takes a closer look at the frozen corpse. “You did this?”

  “Yes, but…” Rin says nervously.

  “Great job. She’s a wanted criminal. Wanted dead or alive. There’s a bounty at the town hall, so you should pick it up.”

  “What did she do?” I ask.

  “She killed some noble’s daughter. Apparently the death scene was horrific.”

  “What was her connection to Hermes’ mother?” I ask.

  “Probably a lover.” Hermes answers.

  “She was into that sort of thing was she?” Silmarion asks.

  “She was into all sorts of things.” Hermes answers obviously depressed.

  “Is everything OK here now?” Silmarion asks.

  “Yes.” Rin answers.

  “Then I should be going, but boy, just so you know, the queen has already approved an amendment of all academic rules to change the term from girl to student. Unfortunately that means no more duels, but on the plus side you can now apply for a room at the academy if you want it. That might be safer. Now that you have attracted so much attention, there are bound to be more people after your life. You might want to get a room as well Yu Kii, as a friend of Peter your life could also be in danger.”

  “How much is a room?” I ask.

  “A single costs five silver a week, and a double costs seven silver a week.”

  “That’s a lot. Five silver…” I say. I earn enough to afford it but it will still hurt my income.

  “How about I share a double with you?” Hermes asks me. “It would be cheaper.”

  “Is a girl even allowed to share a room with a boy?” Rin asks seeming upset at the suggestion.

  “Like I said, the term girl was changed to student, so there is currently no distinction in the rules. Now I really must go. Submit your application to me or any teacher when you are ready. The form can be found in the town hall or at the academy in the lunch room.” Silmarion says and ports away.

  I drop back down to the chair and beckon Lucy towards me. “Could you heal me again? I got a little burnt.”

  “You will be the death of me boy.” She says.

  “I’ll get a healing potion.” Rin says.

  “No, I’ll do it.” Lucy says and the green light flows over me. “I wouldn’t want you forgetting about me just because you got yourself a concubine.”

  “A what?” I ask.

  “It’s not like that!” Hermes protests. “I don’t think Peter sees me like that.”

  “Of course he doesn’t.” Rin says. “He’s still only twelve. But sleeping in the same room is still wrong.”

  “Why?” I ask confused as to what everyone is talking about.

  “Girls and boys just shouldn’t sleep together.” Rin says.

  “Masters and slaves should though.” Hermes says pouting a little.

  “Not long ago you were terrified what would happen now you were a slave!” Rin shouts at her and Hermes falls back onto the bed. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to shout.”

  “And so you should be.” Rin’s mother says hobbling into the room. “You’re going to look like the bad one if you keep up this jealousy.”

  “I’m not jealous.” Rin protests.

  “So what is the matter?” Rin’s mother asks me.

  “Hermes wants to sleep in the same room as me because it’s cheaper to share a room.” I say.

  “Well that’s a good idea. How about Yu Kii shares one with Rin too? You’d be safer sleeping in
the same room as each other than in single rooms. That, more than the cost, is worth it in my opinion.”

  “Fine…” Rin says giving up. Yu Kii smiles and nods.

  “Rin, could you pick up the forms when you collect the bounty?” I ask.

  “What bounty?” Rin’s mother asks in surprise.

  “This woman apparently killed some poor girl before coming here. A noble’s daughter no less.” Rin says and then sighs. “Fine I’ll sort that all out now. Yu Kii, make sure you stay here in case any other weirdo decides they want to kill us. I’ll be right back.”

  A while later we enter our new room and take a look around. It has been a long time since I went into Rin’s room and I hadn’t seen any others. It seems more spacious than I recall but perhaps it is just less cluttered. There are two beds and each has a small table beside it. Otherwise it is bare. There is a small window though, for which I am thankful.

  “I want this bed.” I say and fall onto the bed closest to the window. Hermes puts her bag next to her table whilst I put my blanket onto my table, which Lucy lays on.

  “That’s fine.” Hermes says and sits on the other bed. “No matter how many times I say it I can’t thank you enough for what you did and went through for me.”

  “You don’t need to thank me. Just be yourself.”

  “I really am tired so I’m going to go to bed. Do you mind looking away whilst I change?”


  “Change into my night clothes.”

  “Oh. You wear different clothes at night. Sure go ahead.” I say turning away. “Let me know when I can turn back around.”

  After a minute Hermes says, “I’m done.” I turn and find her in bed. I quickly clean myself using magic without undressing, and then get into my own bed.

  “Goodnight Hermes. Goodnight Lucy.” I say.

  “Goodnight Peter. Goodnight Lucy/Hermes.” They reply.


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