Disarmed by Love

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Disarmed by Love Page 10

by Gail Chianese

  Dante clamped him on the shoulder. Now wasn’t the time to dredge up those memories. “That’s all in the past. I’m over at the Mustang Academy teaching these days.” He turned to the baby staring at him. “Who is this cutie pie?”

  Jax grinned like a fool. “This is our daughter, Adalyn and this gorgeous lady, who is way too good for me, is my wife Risa.” Jax held out his hand to his bride.

  Fiona had wrapped a towel around her body, which was a shame, and held her hands out for the baby. While Jax passed the little one over, Fiona introduced him to her friend. “Come to Auntie Fee. How’s my girl?”

  “How do you two know each other?” Risa asked.

  He looked to Jax for his okay before answering. When his friend nodded he told her, “Spent some time together in Kandahar. This guy,” he clamped Jax on the shoulder again and laughed. “He had my six more times than I can count.”

  “Yeah.” Jax grimaced. “And Dante saved my bacon from being blown up a time or two.”

  “What?” both women said in unison.

  “Don’t be a drama queen. You were at least three feet away from blowing that IED up in our faces.”

  “Bloody hell,” Risa whispered. “Never mind. I don’t want to know. I think this is one of those cases were ignorance is bliss. Don’t you agree, Fee?”

  Fee simply raised her left brow and walked away with the baby.

  * * * *

  Jackson Faraday was anything but a drama queen. So if he said Dante saved his life, he had. Which also meant, Dante’s life had been in danger as well.

  Not something Fiona wanted to think about.

  She let the guys catch up, while she played with her honorary niece. Risa joined her, choosing to pull up a chaise lounge rather than sit on the steps with her feet in the water like Fiona.

  “I think Addie wants to play in the water.” She slipped off the baby’s sandals and held her up so she could “stand” on the step. Addie giggled and kicked sending little ripples through the water.

  “She loves the baby pool Jax bought.” Risa looked at the men, then bent closer. “You’ve been keeping secrets. You didn’t tell me, your best friend in the whole wide world, that you were seeing Mr. Scrumptious there.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Wait.” Risa pointed back and forth between Fiona and Dante. “Strange. That looked like snogging.”

  Fee snorted. “Snogging? Really, Ris. It’s not like that. He’s teaching Dylan how to swim.”

  Risa looked around. “I call bollocks.”

  “I thought you were going to cut back on the swearing now that you have Addie.”

  “Who’s swearing? And stop trying to change the subject. If Mr. Tall, Dark, and Delicious is teaching Dylan, then where is your son?”

  “His father stopped by and took him for a while.” She bounced the baby up and down making her giggle again. “Speaking of, what brings you by?”

  “An errand, some news, and… a question.”

  Fiona glanced up long enough to note the too-innocent look on Risa’s face. “Hopefully, it’s good news.”

  “We’re starting our rescue shelter. Jax got the kennels built and we took in our first two animals. The dog, an eleven-month-old coonhound mix, is so sweet and adorable. With some work, I think he might make a great service animal.”

  Fiona laughed and shook her head because when it came to Risa there was no such thing as a bad animal. They could all be rehabilitated. And every home should have a pet. Except the jerks who abused them. She didn’t even want to think about the things Risa had planned for those people.

  “What’s the other rescue?”

  “A cat. We’ve named her Winnie and she’s beautiful. White with brown and black patches, who purrs as loud as a motorboat.”

  “And what does Morpheus think of your new occupant?” Risa’s cat was great with dogs, but he was the king of the castle.

  Risa slipped off her sandals, hiked up her skirt and stepped into the pool going down to the second step. “Aww, feels so good. It’s barely noon and baking out here—”

  “You’re stalling.”

  “I know. Morph hates Winnie. I figured give them some space and a couple of days and they’d come to terms with sharing the place. But nope. Morph is being very rude.” She twirled around in the water, appearing to think, then bent and kissed the top of Addie’s head. “Which brings me to my question—”

  “The answer’s no.” She lifted Addie out of the water and laid her against her shoulder. “I’d love to help, Risa, but I can’t have pets.”

  “I need to find someone to take her, Fee. Putting her in a kennel breaks my heart. All she does is cry.”

  “Who’s crying?” Dante asked over her shoulder.

  “Our rescue cat.” Jax told him about their new rescue and the animals they’d taken in, along with a rundown of their permanent menagerie: three dogs, one cat, two bunnies, two pygmy goats, and two mini-horses.

  “Sounds like you guys are planning for the next great flood.” Dante laughed.

  “How would you like a cat?” Risa stepped out of the pool, and smiled at him. It was a smile that could light up the darkest night, and one that didn’t hear no very often.

  He looked at all three of them as if they were crazy. He took a step back and shook his head. “No. Thanks, but I can’t.”

  Risa’s smile dropped and tears filled her eyes. Man, she was good. “Does your landlord not allow pets?”


  “You don’t like animals then?” She was going in for the kill and he didn’t even know it. Fiona had seen this before.

  “Sure, I love animals. Who doesn’t?” Dante looked to Fiona, presumably for help. She hated to break it to him, but he was about to be a cat parent.

  “Great. Then you’ll love Winnie.” Risa clapped her hands and spun around to plant a kiss on her husband’s lips. “I knew this was going to be a great day.”

  “Wait.” Dante held up his hand. “Who is Winnie and why will I love her?”

  “She’s your new cat. She’s so sweet. Of course, you can rename her, if you want.”

  He shook his head and sat down on the chaise lounge. “I can’t have a cat, gang.”

  “For bloody sakes, why not? You just said you love animals and your landlord allows pets.” Risa planted both fists on her hips and glared.

  “Cats are very soothing and low maintenance,” Fiona chimed in.

  “Then you take Winnie,” Dante shot back.

  “Can’t. The apartment has a no pets rule.”

  “I can’t take her. What would I do with her when I deploy again? This gig is only temporary.”

  “Bollocks. That is a problem.” Risa slipped her sandals back on and pressed her finger at the corner of her eye.

  “But you could foster Winnie,” Fiona suggested. “Just until Risa can find a permanent home for her. Plus, she’d be helpful when you’re working on your breathing.”

  The more she thought about it, the more she was convinced that it was the perfect idea. A dog, especially an eleven-month-old coonhound, was too much work, too much energy, and would add to Dante’s stress levels. But a cat? They were undemanding, mostly self-reliant, and purring had been scientifically proven to heal.

  Dante shot her a narrowed glare, but he didn’t say no again. She smiled in return, already feeling the win.

  “Dude, you should give in now. You’ll never win with both of them. Trust me on this.” Jax rocked back on his heels, nuzzling the top of his baby girl’s head. Hard to imagine the big softie was an NCIS agent.

  “I’m not calling her Winnie.”

  Jax chuckled and slapped him on the back. “Welcome to my world, my friend.”

  “Thank you.” Risa hugged him. “Can I bring her over tomorrow? The sooner the better because I have to keep her locked in the la
undry room right now or else Morpheus tries to pick fights with her.”

  “Sure. I’m warning you though, I know nothing about cats.”

  “No worries. Like Fee said, very self-reliant. Make sure she has fresh water and food every day, change out her litter box, and give her love.”

  “Great. All those years of training and now I’m a professional babysitter.”

  He might be grumbling, but he was also trying hard not to smile and failing miserably. Fiona got the feeling Dante Torres was the type of person who never left a man behind, always rooted for the underdog, and had a heart as soft as a marshmallow.

  The three of them made arrangements for Winnie’s arrival at Dante’s place the following day. They spent a few minutes chatting about nothing of importance, then Risa stood and announced they’d better leave before the baby woke. Jax and Dante shook hands and made loose plans for a guy’s night out.

  Risa leaned in and hugged Fee. “I think you should keep him.”

  “He’s not a lost puppy, Ris,” she whispered back.

  Risa turned her head and studied Dante for a few moments, then turned back. “I wouldn’t be so sure. He definitely has that lost aura about him or maybe he’s already found his way home, and simply hasn’t realized it yet.”

  “Again, he’s not a puppy, Risa.”

  “Oh no, he’s definitely full grown and very nicely so.”

  Fee shook her head and rolled her eyes. “Stop. You’re married. But I’m curious, do you know something I don’t?”

  “Call it intuition. That man has been running from something or to someone for a long time now. Actually, I think he’s been running for so long that he may not recognized when he’s won the race.” She smiled quietly. “If anyone can help him find his way, it’s you. I should know, as you’ve been my beacon in the fog for as long as we’ve known each other.”

  Fee gave Risa a fierce hug. “Stop or you’ll make me cry.”

  A few moments later Risa and Jax left with Addie still conked out on her daddy’s shoulder. Dante crossed his arms and looked down from his massive height at her.


  “Two on one? You could at least give a guy a warning.”

  “I thought about it, but where’s the fun in that?”

  “I think I missed the fun in that little ménage à trois.”

  She dropped her wrap and stepped into the pool to cool off. Had the temperature skyrocketed? She stepped down another level, and another until the water lapped at the undersides of her breasts. Fiona scooped up a handful of water and let it slowly slip through her fingers to trail down her front.

  Dante’s eyes flared with interest and he followed her into the pool. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her to the deeper end. She couldn’t feel the bottom, but she wasn’t afraid.

  “So you’re into threesomes?” she asked, as she dribbled water over his shoulders and sculpted upper arms.

  “Depends on the circumstances. A reconnaissance mission? Sure. Poker game? You bet. When dealing with a woman? Never. I find that one on one works best in that situation.” He nibbled his way down her neck and followed the line of her swimsuit top with kisses.

  “Good to know.” She sighed. His mouth was like a branding iron against her skin. Fiona leaned back in his arms, arching her back. Dante ran his palm over her abdomen and up her ribcage. Every nerve in her body sang out in joy. She had her legs wrapped around his waist, making her fully aware that he burned for her as much as she did for him. Honestly, she wouldn’t have been surprised to see steam rising off the pool around them.

  Oh man, what am I doing? A quick look around confirmed they were still alone, but that could change at any minute. A neighbor could look out and see them or even worse, her ex-husband could show up with their son in tow.

  She untangled herself from Dante and paddled the few feet across the pool until she could stand on her own again. “We can’t do this, Dante.”

  “You owe me, Fiona.” He followed after her, gliding through the water.

  What was he talking about? She had already paid him for her son’s swim lesson with her morning yoga class. Did he think she was going to barter services for hers as well? Or was he talking about the fact that she’d gotten him all hot and bothered and stopped? She doubted Dante was the type to push. “Do I now?”

  “I refuse to call her Winnie.”

  Oh, the cat. She’d forgotten about her. “What do you want to call her?”

  “I’m thinking Sinclair.” His gaze dropped to her chest.

  She lifted his chin until they were eye-to-eye. “You’re going to name the cat after me?”

  “Yep, then I’ll remember every day how I ended up in this mess.” He gave her a lopsided grin and pulled her onto his lap as he sat on the steps.

  “Uh-huh. You could have said no.”

  “Then you wouldn’t be in my debt.” His hand was caressing her thigh, getting higher and closer to an area best left alone in a public setting.

  Fiona slid off and climbed out of the pool. A little distance might cool them both off. Goodness knows the pool didn’t. “It wasn’t my cat. So why do I owe you anything?”

  “I did help your best friend out. And admit it, one more minute of those big brown eyes of hers pleading with you and you would have caved and broken your rental agreement.”

  She tied her wrap around her and squeezed the water out of her hair. “Tell me. How am I ever to show you my proper gratitude for saving me from slipping into the life of a criminal?”

  His dark brown eyes turned the color of the midnight sky, as he seemed to contemplate her offer and play with the knot on her wrap.

  “Have dinner with me.”

  Chapter 8

  Fiona stood in front of her webcam and turned one direction, then the other, scowling at her image.

  “Bugger.” Risa grimaced on the screen. “What the bloody hell are you wearing? Is that a twinset?”

  “Yeah. So?” Fee stared at her open closet. Not seeing a lot of promising options. It had been… Wow!—eleven months since her last date.

  “Fee, sweetie, this is a date, not a church social or a parent-teacher conference.”

  “It looks nice.” Fee adjusted the cardigan and twisted to the left, adjusting her skirt here and there.

  “I can’t believe I’m saying this to you.” Risa sighed dramatically. “The goal isn’t to look nice. The goal is to look amazing, stunning, sexy. All things that outfit is not. You can’t even see your feet in that skirt. It’s summertime. Show some skin. Maybe you’ll even get to give Rafe the night off.”

  Fee rolled her eyes in response to Risa’s comment about her battery-operated boyfriend.

  “Yeah, but Rafe doesn’t judge. He doesn’t care if the girls are sagging and that I have stretch marks on my thighs and tummy.”

  Risa snorted. “From what I saw today, I don’t think Dante has a problem with the way you look. And why would he? You’re perfect.”

  Fee snorted and tossed the discarded cardigan into the corner with the other outfits she’d tried and rejected. “You have to say that. You’re my best friend.”

  “And as such, I tell you the truth, even when you don’t want to hear it.”

  Fee grabbed the computer and flopped onto her bed. “Ris, I don’t think I can do this. It’s been so long, I’m not sure I remember what goes on or the rules. Plus, the last couple of attempts at dating were total failures. I should cancel and just concentrate on being a mom. Dylan’s going through a stage right now.”

  “Stop. Stop it right now,” Risa commanded through the computer speaker, coming through loud and clear. “You are an intelligent, funny, interesting and beautiful person. Be yourself. Don’t worry about rules or what comes next. Just enjoy the moment and you and Dante will have a wonderful night.”

  “Mom?” Dylan called out.
“Katelyn is here.”

  She poked her head out her bedroom door. “Be there is a minute.” Closing the door, she spun around, looked down at her clothes, and froze. “Oh man. Now I’m running behind. What am I going to wear?”

  “The white scoop neck t-shirt with the cap sleeves with your burgundy skirt. It hugs your curves and shows off your legs, and those babies need to be on display. Be sure to wear your black suede pumps.”

  Fiona yanked first the sweater shirt off, then the skirt. Both ended up in the reject pile, but she made a note to put them both in the donation bag. She ran to the closet to search for the items Risa selected.

  “Wait,” Risa called out. “Come back here and stand in front of the camera.”

  Fiona did as asked, waiting for the comment.

  “You’re killing me, Fiona. March yourself over to the dresser and exchange that ratty bra for the lace push-up we bought last month and put on the matching pants.”

  “Fine, but I don’t plan for him to see either tonight. It’s the first date.” Fee riffled through the drawers until she found the set that had been an impulse buy.

  “It doesn’t matter if he sees it or not. You’re wearing it for you.”

  She had to admit it did perform miracles when she’d tried it on at the store. And Risa had a point. If I don’t feel sexy, no one else is going to see me that way either.

  Quickly, Fiona swapped out the old with the new, pulled the t-shirt over her head and shimmied into her skirt before stepping into her shoes. She took a long look in the mirror and smiled as she turned around to face the camera.

  “Well?” she asked.

  Jax stopped as he walked by and whistled. “Wow. You look amazing, Fee. Try not to give my boy a heart attack when he sees you, okay.” He winked and disappeared.

  “He’s right. Now that is a date outfit.”

  Fee pulled her hair up into a tight ponytail, slipped on dangling earrings and looked back at the computer. “Thanks and thanks for talking me through this nightmare.”

  The doorbell rang and Fee’s insides jumped. She pressed her hand against her stomach and took a deep breath. “That’s him. I’ll call you tomorrow and let you know how the night went.” She blew her friend a kiss, shut down the call and walked out of her room.


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