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Disarmed by Love

Page 17

by Gail Chianese

  “Hey, thought I should tell you guys. I dropped my papers and my retirement has been approved. This guy is going home in six months,” Jake said.

  The waitress showed up, and Chin ordered another round of drinks to celebrate, but Dante declined.

  Chin slapped Jake on the back. “That’s great, but I thought you were going to stay in for another tour?”

  “They want me to do a year, unaccompanied in Norway. No way. I’ve already missed a year and a half with my family. Wes is starting his senior year in the fall. And man, I miss Kris’s cold feet on me at night. Among other things.”

  “I don’t know how you do it, Jake. I’d go nuts without my family on shore duty. It’s not so bad when you’re deployed, you know. Time sort of folds in on itself and you don’t realize how long you’ve been gone until you step on that pier and see the most beautiful smiles in the world,” Marco said.

  “This is why I’m still single. That and no woman would pass my mother’s approval or want to. Plus, I’m financially set for when I retire. I don’t have to worry about another job, I can just kick back on some beach, a cold one in my hand and enjoy the view.”

  “I think about being single, especially when I want to use the head. With five women in the house, you don’t get quiet time and the magazine choices are bullshit.” Marco laughed. “I wouldn’t have it any other way. What about you, Dante? You going to be like Chin here and retire to Margaritaville or do you plan to cross over to the dark side with me and Jake?”

  It was a good question. Both lifestyles had their benefits and the drawbacks. Unlike Chin he hadn’t gone into this career with a life plan of staying single until retirement. There had been candidates over the years to tempt him into changing his status, but no real winner. And then there was Fee.

  She did things to his heart and head that no other woman had come close to doing. It wasn’t just that she was good looking or great in bed. She was tough and soft, full of life and love, and she saw the world for what it was and what it could be.

  What he was beyond his issues. She didn’t see a broken man, a damaged sailor, or if she did, she never let on. She treated him with respect, compassion, and gave him hope.

  But was she the one to change his lifestyle for? He didn’t know. They had fun together, he was grounded around her, but he had his career to worry about and there was Dylan to consider.

  It wasn’t all about him.

  He thought about Marco’s question and the answer was… “Who the hell knows. But given the right circumstances, nothing is off the table.”

  “Yeah, you got anyone in mind?” Marco asked.

  He smiled, took a sip of his drink and turned to Jake. “What are you going to do when you get out?”

  “Whatever I can find that lets us stay in Virginia, at least until Wes graduates and leaves for college. Heck, I’ll be a greeter at one of those superstores, checking receipts against the contents of the shopper’s carts. I just want to be with my family.”

  The guys drew quiet for a few minutes and Dante pushed up from the booth. “I’m done for the night. See you guys on Monday.”

  But he wasn’t done, not by a long shot. It didn’t take him long to get where he wanted to be, where he needed to be.

  He knocked softly on the door, and when it creaked open a crack, he smiled and softly said hi.

  Fiona opened the door and stepped back. “What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be celebrating. Guys night out.”

  “I don’t want to be with the guys. I want to be with you.”

  She wrapped him in a hug, her head resting over his heart. “That’s sweet, but I told you. I’m okay.”

  He held tight, and fell a little deeper because her words were so her. She didn’t look at him as unworthy. She looked at him and saw the whole person, capable of taking care of her. She made him feel special, and disarmed him in a way he didn’t know how to explain, but knew it scared the shit out of him. Yet, he didn’t want to be anywhere else.

  “Maybe I’m not,” he said.

  She pulled back, concern on her face as she inspected him. “What’s wrong? What do you need?”

  He cupped her face. She was amazing, beautiful, intelligent, and all his. “You. I need you, Fiona.”

  Her smile was all the consent he needed before he scooped her up and carried her off.

  * * * *

  Fiona stood in Dylan’s doorway with a pile of books in her arms and looked at the mess her son called a room. She hadn’t expected Dante to return last night—not that she was complaining—and so full of energy—good sex will do that to a person—she had started the purge. Clearing out old toys Dylan no longer played with and clothes that no longer fit. It had been part of their weekend plans.

  Strong, warm arms wrapped around her middle and pulled her back against a rock hard chest. Mmm, he smelled good: lavender and Dante. It was a good mix.

  “What are you doing?” His words vibrated against her neck where he was currently kissing her.

  She tilted her head to the side, giving him easier access. “Trying to figure out where to put these.” She lifted the books up. “I’m afraid if I put them on the case, it’ll collapse. We were supposed to take care of this today.”

  “What do you mean?” He was nibbling his way down her neck. The man had an insatiable appetite. Again, no complaints from her.

  “We were supposed to go to this workshop and build a new bookcase together, among other things.” She shook her head. “No big deal. I’ll take care of it later.”

  “I’ll do it for you.”

  “Dante.” She wiggled out of his embrace and walked over to drop the books on the bed before turning back around. “I don’t need you to build it for me. I’m capable and don’t worry, I know the difference between a hammer and a screwdriver.”

  He walked over, slid his hand behind her neck and tilted her head up. “I never said you needed me to do it for you. I’m offering. I know you can take care of whatever comes up around here. But just because you’re capable, doesn’t mean you have to do everything yourself. It’s okay to accept help once in a while.”

  Maybe so, but she hated asking and even accepting felt weird. It made her feel… needy and lacking. Of course, that could be the evil voice of her ex still playing havoc with her head after all these years. But Dante wasn’t Salvador Rossi. He was nothing like him, the complete opposite in fact. So why did she keep waiting for the ugly side of him to surface?

  If she wanted to see where this thing they had going led, if she wanted to see if it would work between them, she’d have to let go. Learn to focus on the here and now, as she’d told Dante.

  “How about you help me instead?” It was a fair compromise.

  He laughed and kissed her on the nose. “You just like to be in charge, don’t you?”

  Nailed it. “Mm-hmm. We’ll need to run to the lumber store to get supplies. But first, you might want to get dressed… right after…” She laughed and pulled the towel wrapped around his waist off.

  Dante turned her around and walked her backwards out of the room, and straight to her bed. Never let it be said the man didn’t know how to take direction.

  A few hours later than she had anticipated, mostly because it took longer to leave than she had planned, they were back at the apartment.

  And maybe having a strong man around wasn’t so bad.

  If she’d been on her own, it would have taken seven or eight—very long, heavy—trips to bring in the wood and supplies from the car. Plus, by letting him help her, she got to stop at his place and meet and play with her namesake, Sinclair the Cat. Risa would be happy to know he was taking his feline parenting duties seriously. Sinclair had almost as many toys as Dylan.

  They took the wood out onto her little patio and sorted the pieces. Originally she had planned on making another case the same size—two and a
half by two feet—but Dante convinced her to go bigger. He had a point. Dylan’s bookshelves were already full and he hated to get rid of any book. She looked at the wood and tools, felt the oppressive summer heat bear down and looked up into Dante’s smiling face.

  “What do you want first?” she asked.

  Thankfully he’d had the foresight to have the store cut each piece on-site, and she’d opted to go with a natural finish, so all they had to do was put it together.

  He rocked back on his heels and eyed her. “Me? I thought you were in charge?”

  “I am and a good foreman knows it’s important to delegate. Builds character in your workers.”

  Not to mention, since they’d picked oak, each board weighed almost as much as she did, or it seemed like it.

  “Here I thought all I’d be in charge of was the screws.” He cupped her hips and pulled them in close. “For the type of assistance you’re seeking, it’ll cost you.”

  The man had a one-track mind. However, given that she benefited as much as he did, she was more than happy to pay up. Plus, she hadn’t noticed his hands shaking lately. Maybe sex and not yoga, was the key.

  Dante’s hands slid down to cup her butt as his mouth claimed hers in a kiss that lit up every nerve in her body and promised more.

  With a gentle pat to her bottom he released her. “I better get to work before the boss docks my pay.” Eyes smoldering with passion told her what he’d rather do.

  For the next hour or so, they worked in tandem. She’d pass him tools or hold the board for him, as he drove the screw in deep. Then they’d reverse and he was the helper as she took the lead. They talked about little things that make up a person: ice cream vs. gelato, cake or pie, mountains or the ocean, action or drama or comedies when picking movies, dream vacation destinations, and favorite authors.

  In the end, they had a pretty good-looking bookcase and she’d learned they had a lot in common (gelato, ocean, all movies, Australia and Disney, and too many to list). They carried the finished product into Dylan’s room, and without asking, Dante unloaded the books from the old bookcase and carried it out for her. Again, without being asked, he helped reshelve the books and then grabbed the bag he’d brought along from the apartment. He had refused to share the contents.

  He looked down at the bag, his brows drawn in tight. “I hope you don’t mind and if I’ve overstepped a line, say the word—”

  “Dante, what’s in the bag?”

  “The other day, during our lesson, Dylan had mentioned he’d like to learn about the constellations. I picked these up.” He drew out a couple of books on astronomy and a pack of glow in the dark stars and planets.

  Very strong feelings that she didn’t want to examine too closely exploded inside of her. The gesture was kind, thoughtful and not surprising. Dante didn’t simply humor Dylan during their discussions on whatever topic her son was obsessed with that day, he asked questions, engaged in the conversation and encouraged her son to think. He cared about others. Nor had he crossed a line and she knew it wasn’t a bribe to get on her son’s good side. Dylan adored Dante. Heck, the kid had given his blessing on their dating.

  Not that either knew she knew about that little discussion.

  It touched her how Dante took Dylan’s feelings on the matter into consideration, that he understood she would put her son first. As if that hadn’t been enough to steal her heart away, or the way he’d been there for her when she was upset, he went and did something strictly for Dylan.

  Damn. If she didn’t watch out, she’d totally fall in love with the guy. He already had her swearing… at least internally.

  She stretched, rising up on her tiptoes and kissed him softly. “He’ll love it. Do you want to come over tomorrow night when he gets home and put them up with Dylan?”

  His attention went back to the pack in his hands. “Let’s put them up now and surprise him when he gets home. Then it’ll be like he’s still camping out under the stars.”

  Perfect choice. Most likely his father would bring him home late, it was his MO, and her son would be wired from the weekend. When Dylan saw his ceiling, she doubted she’d even have to tell him once to go to bed.

  Yep, better watch my step or I’m totally going to fall down that tunnel of love.

  Chapter 13

  Fiona lay next to Dante on the mats in the gym. The familiar odors—sweat and cleanser—and sounds—a basketball slapping the floor, the clang of weights—settled around her. Music to her ears.

  “Focus, Dante.”

  “I am or was until you started talking.” He rolled over on to his side, propping his head up on his hand. “You were a little hard on me in class this morning.”

  She rolled over on her side and mimicked him. “I didn’t push you any harder than I did the rest. Or did you think I’d go easy on you because we slept together?”

  “Maybe a little.”

  “And ruin my reputation as the Mistress of Pain? No way. Besides, if I did go easy, then everyone would know I’m sweet on you.”

  He reached out, twirled a stray strand of her hair around his finger. “Are you?”

  “Could be.”

  More than she cared to admit. What she felt for Dante had the potential to bring her a great deal of joy… and pain. She wouldn’t mind a little more happiness in her life. Not that it was filled with sorrow and despair. Take her relationship with Sal out of the picture, and what a person would see is a pretty good life.

  Good parents who gave her a wonderful childhood, the best “best friend” she could ask for, an annoying but loving brother, an amazing kid, and a career she loved. She’d love it more if it paid more, but she was getting there.

  As much as she wanted to push forward, take a leap of faith and tell Dante how she felt, she had to admit the fear of getting burned again terrified her.

  “Would it be so bad? Being sweet on me and letting others know?” He tugged the strand and pulled her mouth closer.

  The flinch happened before she could stop herself. It wasn’t Dante. He was wonderful. It was more along the lines that she didn’t know if flaunting their relationship at work was the best idea. What if they broke up? How awkward, not just for them, but for their co-workers. And if this thing was the real deal?

  It would seem a little odd that they hid their relationship.

  He pushed to get up and Fiona reached out and grabbed his arm.


  “Don’t worry about it.” He dropped back down. “Your silence speaks volumes.”

  “No, it doesn’t.” She pushed him onto his back, climbed over the top and straddled him. She ran her fingers up his abs, exposing the flesh below. Her mouth followed her fingers, leaving light kisses in their wake. “I’ve got nothing to hide.”

  She nipped at his bottom lip, then soothed it with more kisses.

  He slid his hands lightly down her back. “I have an idea.”

  “Do you now?” She had scooted back and now straddled him in a way that gave her a firm idea of what he was thinking.

  “How about Dylan stays the night with Billy? That’s the kid upstairs, right?” At her nod, he went on. “We grab some take-out, evict Sinclair from my bed, and we take this conversation to the next level.”

  Mmm, she liked the sound of that, except… “Can’t. I’m teaching at BEND IT tonight and I promised Dylan some quality time with the two of us tonight.”

  “Rain check?” He hooked his feet around her legs and in one swift motion had her on her back. Dante planted a hand on each side of her head, trapping her with hands, feet and body. “We’ll have to make the most of now to hold us over.”

  His mouth hungry on hers took her breath away in a kiss that was sweet and demanding. Filled with promise and passion, he took his time, tasted, tested, and left her wanting more. Which was amazing given the number of times they’d, uh, satisfied
their craving over the weekend.

  The door to the small gym swung open and Dante growled. She laughed and rolled out from underneath.

  “There you are,” Skip growled back, shifting his gaze upward.

  “What’s up?” Dante stood, grabbed a bottle of water and chugged it.

  “You’re needed tomorrow morning to lifeguard for the NSI class.”

  “Got it.”

  Skip turned, hesitated and turned back.

  “Was there something else you needed?” Dante asked.

  “Nope,” Skip said, as his sad, soulful eyes landed on her.

  Dante shut the door of the small room they were in. “Where were—”

  She held up her finger as her cell phone rang out with Mamma Mia! “Hi, Mom.” She smiled and danced out of his reach.

  “Fiona, darling. Is there anything you’d like to tell me?” She used that voice, the one that made her squirm as a girl when she had a secret eating at her soul.

  She held up her finger to her lips. “Uh, not that I can think of, Mom.”

  “Really? Because, I ran into Sal today at the store.”

  Shit. Damn. Fudgebuckets. What did he say?

  “Oh, yeah. He stopped by on Friday, took Dylan camping this past weekend. Dylan had a wonderful time, so warn Dad. He’ll probably beg to camp out in the backyard next time he’s over.”

  “He did mention the trip, among other things.”

  Fiona rolled her eyes, as she reached for her own water bottle. Her mother didn’t particularly care for Sal, never really had, but she’d remained civil with him for Dylan’s sake.

  “Mother, just spit it out and tell me what he said.”

  Her mom waited a beat. “Who is Dante, Fiona Shannon Sinclair, and why haven’t you told me about him?”

  Fee breathed her own sigh of relief. At least her ex had kept his custody threats to himself this time.

  “He’s a friend—”

  “That you’re dating.”

  “—that I’m spending time with and getting to know better. Dante’s also teaching your grandson how to swim and let me tell you, Mom. Your grandson is like a fish in the water. You’d be so proud. Within just a couple a lessons, Dylan was swimming across the pool.”


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