Black Bounds

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Black Bounds Page 16

by Charlotte Byrd

  “I have an idea!” Annie announces after we are all sufficiently stuffed with Chinese takeout. “Why don’t we all go out dancing tonight?”

  John starts to protest immediately, to say that he has two left feet would be an understatement. But Annie insists. It’s up to me to break the tie. I’m about to say no, when for some reason I agree.

  “Yeah, sure, why not?” I say with a shrug. I don’t really know what has come over me, except that the idea of staying home and staring at the television screen for another night is not something that I can handle.

  “What? Really?” John asks.

  I shrug.

  * * *


  A few hours later, when they pick me up in the cab, we are all dressed to impress. John is still in shock over my agreement to go.

  “You’ve been in such a funk lately,” he says. “What made you change your mind?”

  “I don’t know. Just reached that point, I guess. Like that line from Shawshank Redemption - Get busy living or get busy dying, right?”

  We arrive at the club that Annie has picked out a few minutes later. Though there’s a line of people waiting in the cold to get in, the bouncer recognizes me and waves us through. It doesn’t hurt that Annie looks amazing. Her long blonde hair catches every ray of light, her strapless gold dress and four-inch heels accentuate her curves. She puts her arm around my shoulder as we walk in and whispers, “It’s going to be okay, Aiden. Everything is going to work out.”

  I nod and give her a small smile. John is a very lucky man and not because Annie is so hot. She’s thoughtful and sweet and loving. In this moment, I would give anything to switch lives with John just so I could have with Ellie what he has with Annie.

  Suddenly, someone runs into me. I get spun around and turn back toward the entrance. That’s when I see the glimpse of her. I can’t be sure it’s her, but I have to find out.

  “I’ll be right back,” I mumble and take off after the girl running from the coat check line.

  This can’t be her. What would she be doing here? No, I’m wrong and stupid for even thinking this. When I step outside into the freezing cold, I see a girl kneeling down on the pavement. Her head is buried in her arms.

  Chapter 30 - Ellie

  When I see him again…

  “Ellie?” Aiden asks. “Are you okay?”

  I recognize his voice immediately, but it takes a moment or two gather my strength to look up at him.

  “Ellie?” he touches my shoulder, sending shivers through my body.

  “Hey,” I say, getting up. He tries to help me, but I push him away. “What…what are you doing here?”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, of course. Why wouldn’t I be?” I say, wrapping my arms around my arms. Suddenly, I realize just how cold I really am. I can’t feel my toes and fingertips. I lick my lips and immediately regret it. When a cold breeze comes through, they turn to ice.

  “I just saw you running out…” his voice drops off.

  “I’m fine,” I say quickly. Why won’t you just go away? I’m lying. He knows I’m lying. What’s the point of this stupid game?

  Finally, Caroline comes out, carrying my coat.

  “Aiden?” she asks, handing me my coat. I put it on as fast as humanly possible, and relish in the warmth. “What are you doing here?"

  “I was just heading inside with some friends when I saw Ellie run out.”

  Friends, huh? Okay, fine if that’s what you want to call her. I can’t help but roll my eyes at his ridiculous explanation.

  I walk over to the curb and hail a cab. One pulls over right away.

  “Let’s go Caroline,” I say in my most decisive voice.

  “Ellie, please, wait,” Aiden grabs my arm. I turn to look at him. A lump of tears is building up in the back of my throat and I say a word out loud out of fear that they will all bubble to the surface.

  The look on my face must say a lot because he drops my arm and Caroline and I get into the cab. As soon as we pull away from the curb, tears start to stream down my face.

  Caroline takes my hand in hers and squeezes lightly.

  “Oh my God, I’m so, so sorry,” I mumble. “I’m supposed to be here for you and I’m acting like such a fool.”

  “No, it’s fine. Really.”

  We don’t talk much the rest of the drive and, when we get home, I immediately head to my room.

  “Hey, are you going to be okay?” I ask. “I’m sorry that tonight didn’t really work out.”

  “I’m sorry that I freaked out a little. It was just all too much, you know?”

  I nod and we bid each other good-night.

  As I change into my pajamas and climb into bed, my phone goes off. It’s Aiden. I press ignore and put on some mindless YouTube video instead. A few moments later, my phone goes off again. This time it’s a text from Aiden. I want to ignore it, but I can’t. Against my better judgement, I open it.

  Thank you for reading Black Bounds! Can’t wait to find out what happens next to Ellie and Aiden? One-click Black CONTRACT now!

  They can take everything from me, but they can’t take her.

  Mr. Black is coming back. With a vengeance.

  “I need you to sign a contract.”

  “What kind of contract?”

  “A contract that will make you mine.”

  This time she’s going to do everything I say.

  She’s going to hate it and then she’s going to beg for more.

  This is the game we play. It’s our game.

  But what happens when others find out? Will we lose everything?

  One-click BLACK CONTRACT Now!

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  Books by Charlotte Byrd

  Debt series (can be read in any order)





  About Charlotte Byrd

  Charlotte Byrd is the bestselling author of many contemporary romance novels. She lives in Southern California with her husband, son, and a crazy toy Australian Shepherd. She loves books, hot weather and crystal blue waters.

  Write her here:

  [email protected]

  Check out her books here:

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  Facebook Group: Charlotte Byrd’s Steamy Reads



  Copyright © 2018 by Charlotte Byrd

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.




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