Diablo Lake: Moonstruck

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Diablo Lake: Moonstruck Page 20

by Lauren Dane

  “Welcome back to Diablo Lake, Mac.”

  He laughed. “Thanks. You too. I’ve waited a while before talking to Jace. I wanted to let him get used to me being around. Would you please let him know I’ll be giving him a call this coming week? Believe it or not, Katie Faith, I don’t want any contention between packs. It’s a waste of power and energy.” He shrugged.

  That she believed with all her heart. And hoped he was as sincere as she thought he was. “I will. And I’ll tell my dad you were asking after him.”

  They parted ways at the end of the block when she crossed one way and he headed the other.

  Jace was outside the mercantile, loading big bags of animal feed into the back of a customer’s truck as she approached.

  She paused to take in the glory of the way he moved. So strong and confident in himself. Wearing his typical serious face, he was intent on his work until he stopped, sniffed the breeze and turned to lock his gaze on her.

  “Sweet Baby Jesus,” she whispered. He was so damned gorgeous she didn’t know what to do with herself. She knew she was blushing like mad, but he looked at her, and then began to stalk over, like she was something he wanted to eat up in one bite.

  “Hey there, Katie Faith,” he murmured.

  “Hey there, Officer. Whatcha up to?”

  “Proving you right about bringing more people in off the street because the front of the place looked better. We’ve sold more pumpkins over the last week than we did all season long.”

  It made her so happy to hear that. To know she’d done something positive for him and his family.

  “I love being proven right.”

  “I’d never have guessed. Now tell me why you smell like a Pembry.”

  She told him about her conversation with Mac as he frowned.

  “You’re going to have such a big wrinkle between your eyes from all that frowning by the time you’re sixty. Jeez,” she told him at the end of the tale.

  “Why did he come to you? I don’t like it.” He crossed his arms over his chest and got all bulgy. She may have lost consciousness a second or two and she really wanted to jump on him.

  “Maybe he came to me so you could get all your frowning and flexing done in advance. Or just maybe he thought I’d be a good person to approach you.”

  “Must be it.” He snorted at her. Snorted.

  “Suddenly I’m really thinking I’d rather not ride you like a stallion and leave you sweating and unable to move. I’m thinking I’m going to bed tonight alone,” she said as she began to walk away.

  Panic washed over his face as he followed in her wake, trying to look casual so no one knew he’d pissed her off and was running after her.

  “What are you mad for?”

  She jogged up the back stairs and then to her door. “You know what I’m mad for. You snorted at me.”

  “I snort at you all the time. You say ridiculous stuff on a regular basis.”

  She couldn’t really argue with that. But that didn’t mean she was going to let him blow her off or underestimate her.

  “Wolves aren’t the only power in this town and don’t you forget it.”

  “I haven’t. I’m suspicious of his motives in coming to you, is all. I don’t do anything without a reason and I figure he’s much the same. Always was smarter than the others. He makes you part of this and it puts you at risk. I don’t like it.”

  His pouty frown was even cuter than his alpha frown. “For what it’s worth, I think he was sincere about trying to ease the tension between Dooleys and Pembrys,” she said, wanting to reassure him. “You can talk to me about stuff, you know. I’m not dumb. I won’t betray a confidence and I might have something to offer.”

  He heaved a sigh but didn’t say anything else and she finally lost her composure. He’d been holding back about the fight and she knew whatever had happened was eating him up. If he thought to protect her while he managed something terrible on his own she’d kick his butt.

  “When are you going to tell me what the hell happened at the fight between you and Darrell?”

  He jerked as if she’d hit him. “What do you mean? I told you what happened.”

  “No. You gave me a basic overview. He was insulting and goaded you into a fight. You kicked his ass. His daddy had to come save him. Blah blah. I know that stuff. I’d gotten phone calls about it before you got home that night. This was different. Things between you and Darrell are personal but not about me. Tell me what’s going on.”

  He stood so still, muscles appearing to lock into place as he fought some sort of internal battle.

  She moved to her kitchen and got a kettle on for a cup of tea. “There’s leftover spaghetti in my fridge if you want to stay for dinner,” she called out. “I’m going to change.”

  Jace had been shoving aside talking with her about what had happened ten nights past between him and Darrell.

  She hadn’t pushed, which he’d appreciated. But he’d also used it to hide behind as an excuse to just let it lie.

  He got the leftovers out and set about heating them up while making a batch of garlic bread and some cucumber and onion salad.

  By the time she came out, her hair down, face scrubbed clean of makeup, wearing soft pants and a T-shirt, he’d managed to get her tea steeping and found the words he needed.

  She saw his progress on dinner and smiled. “Thank you.”

  He nodded, pushing the tea at her.

  “I bought beer, it’s in the fridge,” she told him.

  “I saw. Thanks for thinking of me.” He sat. “Do you know much about my father? About what happened to him?”

  “Not much. I mean, there are rumors. I’m sure you know that.”

  “Rumors of what? I want you to be honest and tell me. You don’t need to soften it for me.”

  “That he was executed for violating pack law and that it’d been about a woman. I always figured it had to be pretty bad, much more than just an affair. I mean, that code of silence thing is pretty hard core and only for the worst of crimes, right? But you and your brothers weren’t outcast and you’re Prime, so I gather whatever it was didn’t blow back on you.”

  “That’s pretty much it. I don’t know the whole story myself. The sentence was handed down in secret. He was executed and his name was struck from our records so all I had was rumors really. The same ones you heard I bet. Before I beat the hell out of Darrell, he brought it up. And so did Scarlett to you.” Jace licked his lips. “I hate that they can talk about it, hell, that Darrell and his momma probably know the details and I don’t. Because my family obeyed the law and theirs isn’t. And they want to use it to hurt me and hurt you and my pack and it’s not something I’m prepared to let continue.”

  The outrage coursed through him at the utter unfairness in that.

  “I imagine that’s got to suck. The not knowing. And then Darrell maybe knowing instead? I’d punch him too. How can he get away with that?” She was so angry on his behalf and it mattered so much.

  She made things better.

  He got the feeling the Pembrys would use anything they could to hurt Katie Faith because she was his only real weakness. Though she made their pack stronger, she was someone he’d die for, which was a way to get to him.

  “I made an official complaint about it. Of course making that complaint to the father of the offending wolf and the husband of another doesn’t do much for my confidence anything will be done.”

  “And in the mean time, they could end your career as a cop.” She frowned. “I know Dwayne declined to file a complaint, but I don’t like threats like that hanging over you.”

  That she’d be so angry on his behalf was just another reason he loved her. “Thing is, I’ve been realizing I didn’t really have much of a future in law enforcement anyway. Not as a cop. I’ll be Pat
ron soon enough, which means my loyalties would be divided and I’ll have to resign. I think the people in this town deserve more than that. Until then though, I’ll work as long as I can because my salary allows me to stash money away for our future.”

  “You’re saving for our future?” She blinked back tears as her mood softened.

  “Hell yes. You think a mug like me can keep a prize like you without a nice house and money in the bank in case we need a new roof? I can’t afford a mansion, but I can keep you well. Our kids will go to college so we’ll need to save up for that. Braces maybe. It’s my responsibility.”

  “I don’t need a mansion. I just need you. And I need you to not focus so much on braces for children we don’t even have because it’s making you stressed and grumpy. We’ve got time.”

  “Wolves are planners. It’s what we do. I guess I assumed you knew that. Why I didn’t figure Darrell was lazy with you too, I don’t know.” He put his palms over her hands. “You’re my woman. My mate. Of course it pleases me to take care of you. Thinking about our future doesn’t stress me out. Witches like numbers and wolves like plans.”

  She laughed a moment. “Fair point. You’re a lot like engineers at times. Which involves numbers too. But in a way you guys seem to take to from the cradle.” She licked her lips. “I love that you want to protect me. Even if I push you when you go too far, you make me feel safe.”

  It was exactly what he’d needed to hear.

  “Your wolf needs to listen to me and trust me.” She took his face in her hands and he loved her so much it hurt. “No one wants more for you than I do. We’re together in this. So I need you to lighten your load with me sometimes as much as you need to unburden yourself. I’m not fragile. I won’t fall to pieces if you share with me. Okay? I don’t want you dealing with this crap on your own.”

  Leaning in, he touched his forehead to hers. So grateful he had her. Letting that knowledge soothe his agitation.

  “I want a life with you. Forever. Wolf and man trust you utterly.”

  “Then what’s bothering you? Are you worried about my ability? Or that I’d leave like I did after Darrell dumped me?”

  He shook his head, kissing her slow as he backed her into the bedroom. “I’m not worried about either of those things.” Hell, he was proud of what a powerful witch she was and he knew to his toes they were together for the long term.

  He pulled her shirt off, followed by her bra. All her pretty skin aroused him. Bared just for his touch. For his mouth and gaze.

  He drew his fingertips up her ribs, sucking in her gasp as he kissed her once more. Restless and needy, she writhed to get closer. “You’re my witch and I’m your wolf. There’s special magic in that bond. Can you feel it between us?” He spoke, his lips against hers.

  “From the first moment you kissed me I wanted you. Even when I shouldn’t have. I never imagined feeling as if I belonged with someone. Not like this. Belonging to someone.”

  Her breath hitched as he cupped her breasts and flicked his thumb back and forth across her nipples.

  That was all the last bit of proof he’d needed. Darrell had never even halfway loved Katie Faith. A wolf took mating very seriously. It was more than marriage. It was a true partnership even as he’d continue to protect her however he had to.

  “Planning our future will never be a source of stress for me. It’s what I’m supposed to do for us. You’re my mate. Taking care of you, building a life that makes you happy and keeps you safe is what I was born to do. Nothing pleases me more than our connection.”

  After a rather hectic few moments of kicking clothing off, they fell into bed, tangled, heated, sliding skin to skin.

  He ached with how much he needed her. His pulse a drumbeat in his cock. Her smell aroused him beyond bearing as he licked a trail from one nipple to the other.

  She reared slightly, groaning as her nails dug into his ass.

  It set him on fire that she demanded her pleasure. So sexy and fierce. He slid kisses down her belly and over to each hip. Her taste beckoned and once he took that first long lick he hummed.


  She shivered as he petted her with covetous hands, kissing her, tasting her as she warmed, heated under his touch.

  All his. Every beautiful, tasty inch of her. The strength in her muscles as she strained to get more from him.

  He gave it to her, reveling in all that soft, sweet honey between her thighs. Here she was vulnerable and open to him utterly.

  The sounds she made drove him, battered at his control as he feasted on her, wanting her orgasm, craving that rush of magic she threw off as she came.

  Her fingers tunneled through his hair, pulling him close as pleasure seemed to rush over her skin like a shiver.

  Even as she came she wanted more of him. Knew she’d never get enough even if she spent the whole of the rest of her life at his side.

  And she planned to do just that.

  She tugged his hair. “Inside,” she managed around a desire-thick tongue.

  “Yes,” he growled as he went to his knees at the foot of her bed and brought her to the floor with him, settling her on his thighs as he thrust up into her pussy in one movement that stole her breath.

  It drove her wild when he used his strength like that. He could pick her up like she weighed nothing.

  So. Hot.

  He ran his hands over her skin, sending ripples of sensation through her. In contrast, he fucked her hard and fast.

  All she could do was hold on as he sent her careening over cliffs and into the sea. He was a rollercoaster of a force in her life and she’d never been happier.

  “I tell myself over and over that I want you slow but once we get started I can’t stop myself from gorging on you,” he murmured against her collarbone before kissing the hollow of her throat.

  She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, holding him close so she could nibble on his earlobe to make him snarly growl that way he did when she licked him in one of his favorite spots.

  “Gorge away,” she said as he slid impossibly deeper, resulting in an unladylike grunt.

  He gripped her hips, pulling her forward on his cock, sliding her clit against the line of his cock as he ground up and into her.

  Just when she was sure she wasn’t able to come again so soon, it hit her, sucking her under as she held on, her teeth finding that spot on his neck where he loved to bite her too.

  He shuddered hard with a groan and held her in place as he climaxed.

  For long moments they panted to get their breath back, still in a tangle.

  “I do apologize for doing this on the floor but I seem to have lost control of my lower extremities,” he muttered, making her laugh.

  “Just don’t look under my bed because there’re dust bunnies. Oh!” She wriggled free, grabbing a lost sandal. “There it was. Now it’s not even sandal season, of course.”

  “There’s such a thing as sandal season?” he asked her from his spot on her bedroom floor.

  “Duh. Do you wear sandals in February? No. You wear them in July. Sandal season.”

  “Well there you go. Learn something new every day, I guess.” He rolled to his feet and she had to pause at her closet door to take him in.

  “Damn, look what I got in my bedroom. It’s a wonder I ever leave.”

  He grinned at her. “Darlin’, if it were up to me, you never would. We’d just lock ourselves in, fuck, sleep and eat. That’s all we need.”

  The way he saw her—his gaze roved slowly from her toes up to her face—left her a little faint.

  “Never in my life did I imagine someone who looks as good as you would look at me the way you do,” she told him.

  “Never in my life did I imagine being able to look at someone like you and know you were all mine.”
r />   He didn’t tease. His voice was serious, which moved her to seek him out, burrow into his embrace.

  Chapter Twenty

  Katie Faith knocked on Patty’s door as she called out a hello. She didn’t want to just barge in and her hands were full anyway.

  “Katie Faith?” Patty came in to the front room from her kitchen with a smile. “Come on in!” When she got a few steps closer she noted the things in her visitor’s arms and hurried to open the door for her.

  “Hey there. I got a little crazy with pumpkin and ended up baking all morning long. Want a share of my loot?” She desperately wanted the matriarch of the family to like her and if it took pumpkin nut bread and spice cake, she’d darned well bake her heart out.

  “I just made a pot of coffee. Come on in and have a cup with me,” Patty told her as she led the way through the kitchen.

  She’d been in Patty’s kitchen a few times before. Always with Jace. Katie Faith had to find her own way with each member of Jace’s family, most especially the woman who had been the only mother he’d had for most of his life.

  “I’m glad you came by. I know you’ve been busy with your daddy and the Counter but you made time to redecorate the front of the mercantile so nice.” Patty indicated she sit at the table.

  A cuckoo clock on the wall above the fridge chirped once. “I love that clock. I don’t think I noticed it before.”

  Patty carried coffee and plates over for the treats Katie Faith had brought. “I have to disable the bird when JJ is home. We had to come to an understanding about that about thirty years ago or so.” The grin she turned Katie Faith’s way reminded her of Damon. “Some battles you lose to win the war.”

  “An excellent relationship tip.”

  Patty chuckled as she stirred two heaping teaspoonfuls of sugar into her coffee. Jace was the same way. Most werewolves had a wicked sweet tooth. “How are things?”

  “In general or anything specific?”

  “Let’s start with in general and see where that takes us.” Patty tipped a fat slice of the pumpkin bread onto a plate for herself.


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