Falling for Her

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Falling for Her Page 9

by A. C. Meyer

  I finish my shower, put on a T-shirt and some panties, and go to the kitchen to fetch something to eat. I make a sandwich and take everything to the table in the living room. Though I live alone, I like the routine of sitting down and eating comfortably. I’ve barely taken a bite when the doorbell rings. Lais always knows the right time to show up; usually, when she can eat something without going through the trouble of preparing her dinner herself. I go to the door, speaking loudly before I even open it.

  “Lais, you need to stop this thing—” I open the door and go silent. Instead of my friend, I find . . . Cadu. “Oh . . .” He studies me from head to toe, then leans his head against the doorframe and moans, shaking his head. “Is everything okay?” I ask, fearful. When he raises his head again, he’s not Carlos Eduardo anymore, looking tired as he just did a second ago when he showed up unannounced, and becomes the image of male hotness: Cadu. His eyes are shiny, seeming to look through me. His hair is a mess from the thousands of times a day he runs his fingers through it. And there’s a shade of a beard on his face, making him look even sexier, if such a thing is even possible.

  He comes to me, and before I can stop him, he throws me over his shoulder as if I’m weightless. I scream as he crosses my apartment after shutting the door and locking it.

  Cadu walks around the apartment with me in his arms. I think he’s looking for my bedroom.

  “Cadu! Put me down,” I say, trying to break free as he grunts something unintelligible. I try to turn so I can hear what he’s saying, but a large hand lands on my butt, reminding me that I’m half naked. Holy Jesus! His hand is strong, and its tight grip on me makes me moan.

  “Jesus, Mari, you’re killing me,” he says, then goes into my bedroom, throwing me on my bed.

  He’s standing in front of me, untying his blue tie, never looking away from me. His gaze is intense and I can’t take my eyes off him. He throws the tie on the armchair in the corner of the room and unbuttons the first buttons of his shirt. I lick my dry lips and he sighs deeply.

  “You’re beautiful,” he says, pulling his shirt out of his pants, and I can’t see anything else.

  He keeps unbuttoning his shirt, one by one slowly, eyes locked on mine. The radio is still on in my room, muffling the TV’s noise in the living room.

  “Do you always have that much noise on at the same time?” he asks, taking off his shirt, and I can barely think. So I just nod. He turns on that smile, showing off the dimples that drive me crazy.

  I feel the weight of his body on mine, each of his arms on one side of my head, his face so close as our lips are separated by barely an inch.

  “I think you’re an enchantress,” he says, seriously, his whole body touching mine.

  “Me? I’m not,” I say, trembling, scared by how intense my feelings for him are, anticipating what’s coming before I even had a chance to prepare for it.

  “Yes, you,” he says and breathes deep, closing his eyes. I feel the curves of his body against mine, his hard chest and his thickness on my belly, and I let out a low moan. “I spent the rest of the meeting thinking about you, your kiss, your taste.” He buries his face in my neck, inhaling my perfume and making my whole body shiver in response. “Then,” he says, lifting his head and facing me again, “when that shit was over, I didn’t even think. I got in my car and ended up here. I promised myself I would behave, that I would just stick around for a bit, long enough for us to order some food and talk about life.” He bites my chin. “But then, just as I was trying to convince myself to keep my hands off you, I rang the bell and a maiden in lingerie opened the door, driving me nuts.” He licks the spot he just bit, and I find strength enough to form a sentence.

  “I thought I was an enchantress,” I say in a hoarse voice, laughing. He bites me again.

  “An enchantress, a maiden . . . it doesn’t matter. They all make boys out of men, make us lose track of time and space . . . make us wish for . . . everything.” Finally, he gives in and kisses me. And it’s a kiss completely unlike any we’ve had so far. It’s full of desire, yes, but it feels right. The perfect fit, as if our mouths were shaped to be always this close together. He deepens it and pushes his body farther against mine. I automatically entwine my legs around his hips, and he moans loudly when our bodies fit together, separated only by the fabric of the clothes we’re wearing.

  He slows down and I come to my senses again. I open my eyes lazily and he’s looking at me with a dangerous smile on his face. I try to move so I can be on top of him, but he keeps me still, trapped on my bed. I run my hands down his back, reaching for his pants, but then his words make me stop.

  “If you don’t keep still, I’ll make a fool of myself,” he says and laughs.

  “But I want to . . .” I try to speak, but he places his finger on my lips, silencing me.

  “I know. And I do too. Very much. More than anything. And if we start now, I won’t be able to stop. Our first time will not be a quickie after work,” he says, and I feel tears in my eyes. I’ve never been with a guy who actually worried about doing something special, especially a moment like this. I realize then that, before Cadu, every relationship I had had been a superficial one . . . even my last relationship, which lasted longer, was never half as good as it is now with Cadu.

  He looks curiously at me and wipes away a tear I couldn’t hold back.

  “Shhh . . .” His gaze changes as his face lights up with a lovely smile. “I know . . .” he says, seeming to understand perfectly what I’m feeling. “I feel the same way,” he says, and kisses my lips softly. “But this weekend you’ll be mine.” He smiles again, this time he has a naughty boy look on his face.

  “Will you tell me where we’re going?”

  “I will. After you tell me where the bathroom is. I need a cold shower to clear up my thoughts,” he says, and we both laugh. He gets up and gives me his hand to help me up too. I show him the bathroom, give him a clean towel and leave him to his shower, thinking of putting on some clothes while he’s at it. “Mari?” he calls me, and I go back to the door.


  “Don’t you dare change your clothes. I want some time to take in the view,” he says in a naughty way, and I’m shocked, thinking that maybe he’s able to hear my thoughts!

  After the shower, he exits the bathroom wearing only his pants, which hang on his hips, reminding me of the moment I had my legs around his body. I shake my head, trying to push the memory away before I jump on him and make him finish what he started. The doorbell rings and before I can move, he goes to the door.

  “That heavenly view is all mine,” he says, making me blush at the thought of all the clothing I’m not wearing. Cadu goes to the door while I hide in the hall, and he greets the delivery boy. Jeez! When did he order food? I hear him talking to the delivery boy and then he says, “Keep the change,” and closes the door.

  He goes to the dining table and places the pizza box on it, while I go to the kitchen and fetch glasses, plates and cutlery. When I get back, he turns to me, cracking a smile when he sees me.

  “Thank you, pretty,” he says, showing off those dimples.

  “I’m the one who owes you thanks. I was doomed to a dull sandwich and you saved my life with a delicious pizza,” I say, laughing. Then I step closer, inhaling that wonderful smell. “Oh, my God! Cheese and pepperoni!” I get closer to the box and inhale deeply the scent of food perfection. It’s a bad habit, I know, but I can’t help it. He laughs out loud and I turn to him, embarrassed. Nice, Mari. Bad habits in front of your hot boyfriend is not a good way to make him like you. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it,” I say, and he pulls me closer, kissing the corner of my mouth.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll never look at a cheese and pepperoni pizza the same way again,” he murmurs, still holding me. “You’re unbelievable, Mari. I’ve never met anyone like you. I think you’re a witch.”

  “Oh, no!�
�� I say, laughing. “I’m fine with enchantress. Maiden too. But a witch? Noooo. Witches are ugly. They’re no good.”

  “You’re the hottest witch I’ve ever seen. You’re charming. You’re a mix of witch, maiden, and enchantress, trapped in a princess body.”

  Oh, man. Tell me, how am I not supposed to fall in love with this man?

  “Come on, let’s eat before I change my mind.” He pulls the chair out for me and once I’m settled, he sits by my side.

  I serve the pizza and he looks strangely at me. I hand him one of the plates with a slice on it and he takes it with a smile. Suddenly, I realize that this is probably not something he does a lot. I can’t picture him at home on a Friday night, eating pizza, and drinking Coke. Damn, I don’t even own those fancy fabric napkins.

  “Mmmmm,” he moans by my side, and I’m pretty sure I can see him with his mouth open, almost drooling. “You were absolutely right. This is the best pizza ever.”

  “I have to ask. Where did this come from? I don’t remember you ordering it.”

  “I ordered it when I got here. I got the phone number from your doorman,” he says, taking another bite.

  “I wouldn’t think you’re the kind of man who would enjoy such a simple thing as a cheese and pepperoni pizza . . .”

  “I’m a simple man, Mari. Moments make me happy, not things or situations. I don’t care if I’m sitting in your living room eating pizza or if I’m in a five-star restaurant. The moment and the people I’m with are more important than anything else,” he says and smiles.

  We keep talking and eating. He’s a fun and delightful person to be around. A polite, intelligent, and easy-to-talk-to kind of guy. I feel like I can tell him anything and Cadu will always have a funny or interesting remark to make about it. Hours go by and the Friday I thought would be boring turns into a wonderful night.

  Then he checks the clock and runs his hand through his hair, getting up from the couch.

  “Shit. I’ve got to go. You need to get some sleep.” Jeez! It’s almost midnight!

  “It’s okay, I’m used to going to bed late,” I say. I yawn, despite what I just said, and he laughs.

  “Yeah, Miss I-don’t-want-to-sleep. But you do need to rest, because you still need to pack and we’ll hit the road tomorrow.”


  “Yeah.” He smiles like a little boy. “You’ll have to pack a small bag. Clothes for Saturday and Sunday. It’s a little colder there, so bring a coat. Comfortable clothes, okay? A pair of sneakers and something more sophisticated to go out at night, if we want to.” I face him, confused.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Somewhere I call heaven. That’s all you need to know.”

  “Oh . . .” I whisper, and he comes nearer, snaking his arms around my waist.

  “This weekend will be special. I’ll take you to heaven because that is where angels ought to be.” His lips find mine and I feel a shiver down my spine. He kisses me softly, but deeply. His touch combined with his words dazzle me and drive me mad. “Where is that cell phone of yours and all its thousand alarms?” he asks, and I point at the table.

  Cadu takes the phone, opens the alarm, and smiles when he sees my multiple ones set. He presses a few options on the screen and places it in his pocket. His smile widens as he walks to me. When he’s closer, he takes me in his arms.

  “Oh . . .” I murmur and he smiles, taking me to my room. “What are you doing?” I ask, confused and dumbfounded by the smell of my soap on his skin.

  “I’m putting you to bed.” He places me in my bed and covers me with a blanket.

  “But I have to—” I start talking, but he interrupts me.

  “I’ll clean everything before I go. I want you to rest. Your alarm is set for five to eight tomorrow morning. I set eight alarms, ten minutes apart. You’ll have to explain it to me later.”

  “It’s so I can wake up gradually,” I say, feeling my cheeks getting warmer.

  “Oh, Mari. What will I do with you?” he asks, smiling. I smile back, thinking of what I should do with him. Cadu kisses me lightly on the lips and steps back, turning off the light. As soon as I close my eyes, I feel my body relax as sleep takes over me. From afar, I hear the tap turn on in the kitchen, and my last conscious thought is that, besides everything, he’s also an accomplished man. A truly happy man who has set his sights on his goals and has accomplished all he has dreamed of.

  I fall into a deep sleep and find myself in a beautiful place, on a dark night filled with stars. I can’t stop looking at the beautiful night sky, and while I’m still dreaming, I feel something warm over my body and the softest kiss on my lips.

  “Sleep well, my angel. Tomorrow at this time, we’ll be sleeping together, and you’ll be in my arms. Then you’ll be completely mine.” His husky and sexy voice resonates in my ears, and before I realize, it’s all dark. The warmth he gave me is what lulls me back to sleep.


  I went home drunk.

  Drunk in desire, happiness, passion. I spent the whole meeting thinking of her and when it was over, I didn’t even think, I just left the room, took my car and drove to her neighborhood. I have never felt this way before. Mari is the least superficial person I know. She’s amusing, funny, clever. And humble. I’ve never met a woman who could make me feel so completely at ease.

  When I got to her building, I had butterflies in my stomach, a feeling of expectation. I asked the doorman for help in ordering the pizza, since I am not familiar with much around the area. He suggested I order cheese and pepperoni, her usual pizza.

  I went up to the third floor where she lived with my heart beating fast. I rang the doorbell, planning on smiling and telling her I’ve missed her, but all thought and speech evaporated into thin air when she opened the door wearing that black cotton T-shirt. Who knew that cotton could drive me crazy like that.

  I get out of my car in my building’s garage and step into the elevator, reliving the moments I spent with her. The seduction games in her bedroom, the look of pleasure on her face, her smile, her perfume. I get inside my home remembering our dinner. I don’t even remember how long it has been since I’ve eaten pizza and had a nice conversation with a woman. Eating pizza is unthinkable amongst the people I know. I go to my bedroom and when I turn on the light, the image of her lying in my bed on the first night we ever spent together hits me at full force, and I realize I’m in love. I take off my shirt, throw it at the chair in the corner, and I smile, realizing that how I feel doesn’t bring me fear, but joy. I am irreparably in love with that enchantress with brown eyes and delicious curves, and all I could think of was taking care of her and making her happy. And that was what I intended to do over the weekend.

  I’m planning on taking her to my house in Itaipava, my favorite place in the world. I spent every summer vacation there with my grandparents. After they died, that small piece of heaven was left to me. I have never taken anyone there. It is my safe haven. A place where I can go, enjoy the cool weather, and be left alone with my thoughts. That house is the place where I’m truly happy. But I can’t wait to share my special place with her, just like she’s shared every aspect of her life with me.

  I go to the bathroom. I’m anxious and excited for the weekend. I wash up and get ready for bed, making plans for the next day. I think I’ll leave my house around nine thirty, so she can have time to rest and pack her stuff. It’s easier for me. I don’t have to pack, since I keep many of my belongings there. I lie in bed, remembering the moment I put her to sleep. The memory of her sleepy kiss warms up my heart and envelops me in a calm sleep, filled with happy dreams about the girl who is already so important to me.

  Saturday arrives at last. I wake up early, and go straight to the kitchen for a cup of coffee to wake me up. I walk to the window in my room carrying my cup and look at the incredible view ahead, thinking about how lucky I am. I
have a job I love, a comfortable life, and a wonderful woman.

  My telephone vibrates with an incoming message, distracting me from my thoughts. It’s a message from Mari.

  I finish my coffee, brush my teeth and leave to pick her up. I turn the stereo in my car on and “Magic,” by Coldplay, starts playing. I remember our conversations about music on our very first night together and that she said she loved Brazilian pop-rock. It is funny how much music has played a part in our moments together, and how eventually the perfect song starts at just the right moment. It makes our story that much more special. I switch songs and her favorite song starts playing. I sing along while I go through the tunnel. When I realize what I’m doing, I start laughing at how strange this is. I can’t remember a single moment in the last few years when I felt so relaxed that I sang in the car.

  Since there’s no traffic on Saturday morning, it only takes a few more minutes until I arrive on Mari’s street. What I see when I look at her building leaves me breathless. She’s standing in front of the building, wearing a pink blouse that highlights her breasts and a pair of tight dark jeans that fit perfectly on her hips. She carries a light jacket in her hand and by her feet there is a small black bag. I stop the car and see her smile. I get out, go to her, and before I can stop myself, I run and lift her off the ground in a tight hug, as if I haven’t seen her in forever. She was consuming me and I couldn’t help my own feelings.

  “You look beautiful,” I whisper in her ear and she smiles.

  “Thanks.” I let her go, take her bag from the ground, and hold her hand, leading her to the car. “Will you tell me where we’re going?”

  “Hmmm . . .” I place her luggage in the trunk, then open the passenger door for her to climb in. “Not yet. What kind of kidnapper would I be if I told you where I’d be holding you hostage?” I ask, laughing as I close the door and go around the car. When I get in, she faces me with a warm smile and sparkling eyes.


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