Meeka's Reluctant Mates [Beckett's Wolf Pack, Triad Mates 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Meeka's Reluctant Mates [Beckett's Wolf Pack, Triad Mates 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 11

by Lynnette Bernard

  “Kiss me, back,” she whispered. “Please, Reece.”

  Instead of leaning in to kiss her, Reece pulled his head back, slamming it against the wall behind him. He slapped his hands against the wall, his claws springing free once again and imbedding into the concrete wall. Meeka was at a loss. She had to do something, and it had to be something drastic. Okay. She was good with being forward.

  Raising her hands, she slapped them against his chest and grabbed for the zipper of his coveralls. Unzipping it in one smooth move, she slid the navy material back over his shoulders and pushed it down his arms. She couldn’t get the material past his hands because his claws were solidly gouged into the wall, but it gave her enough material that was loose enough to push it down to his hips.

  Dragging the zipper lower, she reached inside the coveralls and palmed his cock through his black boxer briefs. She couldn’t prevent the whimper of need that escaped her as she felt the hardness of him. There was something so incredibly sexy about a man in his underwear who was sporting an erection. She could feel the hardness of him, the thickness of him, and the length of him. A gush of desire wet her panties. She wanted this man, her mate, deep inside of her. She had never had such desire for any man until she had met Reece and Wade.

  “I love touching you, Reece,” she told him, her voice sultry with desire. “You belong to me, you know. I’m going to love touching you for the rest of my life.”

  “Meeka,” Reece moaned, his injured voice making her name express his torture all the more.

  Meeka smiled. She was getting through to him. Good.

  “Reece,” she whispered, leaning forward and kissing the thick muscles of his chest, rubbing against the scattering of black hair that covered it. “So sexy.”

  She could feel his heart beating rapidly within his chest and smiled. He was going to be hers before the night was over. So was Wade.

  “Where’s Wade?” she whispered as she kissed her way across Reece’s chest and circled his left nipple with her tongue.

  “Outside,” Reece croaked, swallowing with difficulty.

  “He’ll just have to catch up when he gets back,” Meeka said, laughing softly against Reece’s chest.

  Kissing her way back to the center of his chest, she slowly lowered herself before him, kissing her way down the center line of his body, appreciating the sculpted muscles as she went. She rubbed her nose along the line of hair that led to the top of his underwear and leaned against the bulge to breathe in deeply. His scent was intoxicating.

  “You smell so good,” she whispered, kissing him through the soft material of his underwear.

  Reaching up, she took careful hold of the elastic waist of his underwear and pulled down slowly, appreciating the sight that was revealed before her. When she pulled the material below his sac, she rubbed her face over the thick length of him.

  “Beautiful,” she whispered as she reached up and took gentle hold of his shaft, pulling it toward her mouth and kissing the broad head, and licking at the pearl of pre-cum that pooled at the slit.

  “Meeka,” Reece whispered, reaching down to hold her head gently.

  Meeka smiled when she realized that Reece’s hands were back to his human form. Whatever influence she had on him was working. Opening her mouth, she suckled the head of his cock and hummed with appreciation as she tasted his flavor. Pressing forward, she took more of his length into her mouth and licked the thick vein on the underside of his cock before pulling back and allowing it to slip free of her mouth.

  “You taste good,” she told him, smiling up at him and reveling in the soft smile that he gave her.

  She kept her eyes on his as she opened her mouth and swallowed him down once again. She loved the way his eyes flashed golden and somehow knew that it was something that was part of the mating and not due to his lack of control. She pressed deeper and swallowed lightly, massaging his shaft and pulling a deep moan from him.

  She rested her hands against his thighs and held herself still as he moved his hips slowly to press his shaft deeper before pulling out and pushing back into her waiting mouth. She appreciated that he was careful with her. She didn’t have a whole lot of experience doing this. She had actually only done it once before, and it was nothing like this. This was beautiful. This was loving. With Reece she felt a connection. She wanted to please him, and she loved his taste and his tenderness.

  Hearing a noise to her right, she shifted her eyes, careful not to lose her prize that was slowly pumping into her mouth. Seeing Wade coming through the front doorway of the shop and locking the door behind him, she could feel the speeding up of her heart as she saw him freeze and take in the erotic sight before him.

  “Sweet hell,” he whispered as he took in the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. “Meeka.”

  Meeka reached out with her right hand and beckoned him toward her. Pulling off of Reece’s cock with a wet slurp, she kissed the tip and smiled up at him.

  “Keep this hard for me,” she teased him, loving the slow smile that crossed his lips.

  “Just for you, little one,” Reece told her, unable to do anything but promise her just that.

  Meeka kissed the side of his cock then nudged his sac with her nose. She kissed his full balls before reaching out and pulling down on them lightly. She loved the moan that left him. Looking up at him, she smiled once again.

  “I’ll be back to suck on these as soon as I see to Wade,” she promised.

  Turning to face Wade, she crooked her finger to draw him closer. Wade was easier to convince than Reece. He came to her immediately, making Meeka laugh softly.

  “Did you want something, baby?” Wade teased her.

  “Yes, Wade.”

  “What, honey. What do you want?”

  “You,” Meeka said simply, smiling up at Wade with open need. “Please unzip your coveralls.”

  Wade unzipped immediately, shrugging the heavy material off his shoulders to hang at his waist. When Meeka reached out and hooked her fingers in the waist of his underwear and tugged him closer, he went willingly.

  “Do you mind if I have my way with you, Wade?” she asked, smiling when she saw that his gray eyes flashed golden immediately.

  “No, I don’t mind,” he whispered.

  “Then come closer,” she told him, loving that he took a step toward her without hesitation. “You’re going to have to help me, Wade.”

  “Whatever you need, baby,” he promised.

  “Good. Because I need you,” she told him firmly.

  Wade closed his eyes and took a steadying breath before opening them to look down at the woman he adored as she knelt before him. He never would have ever expected Meeka to be here, willingly settling between them.

  “I need you, too, Meeka,” he said finally, his voice deep with sincerity.

  Meeka gave him the most loving smile. He needed her. Reece needed her. Maybe Mother Fate was right. These men did care about her. She was afraid to think that they actually loved her, but she thought that they might come to love her if she showed them how wonderful their lives would be if they shared them.

  Reaching up, she ran her hand over Wade’s hard bulge, unable to keep the soft sounds of need from escaping her. A fresh gush of liquid coated her panties. She desired these men. She wanted to love them and please them.

  “I don’t have a lot of experience with men,” she whispered. “I need you and Reece to help me.”

  “Little one, you’re doing terrific,” Reece told her as he took hold of his hard and leaking shaft and tapped it gently against her cheek.

  Meeka laughed softly and turned to kiss his shaft before taking it into her mouth and sucking on the head. She swirled her tongue across the underside of the cap and smiled as Reece groaned and gripped her head gently to hold her in place while he pumped in and out of her mouth three times before pulling away.

  “I’ll be right back,” she promised, smiling up at him.

  She loved the soft chuckle that escaped him and realiz
ed that it was the first time she had heard Reece laugh or had seen him so relaxed and happy. Turning to face Wade, she smiled up at him as she rubbed up and down the length of his shaft with her thumb through the material of his underwear.

  “I think you guys should know that I have a thing about seeing my men in their underwear,” she admitted, laughing softly as both men’s expressions turned completely serious and their eyes flashed golden as their wolves enjoyed that she had called them her men. “I love the look of your bodies. I love the feel of your hardness. I love that the prize behind your underwear belongs to me.”

  “Baby,” Wade whispered, overwhelmed by her sexy words and her declaration of ownership of them.

  “Pull down your underwear, Wade,” she whispered. “I don’t want to let go of Reece.”

  She slowly stroked Reece’s impressive cock, doing her best to wrap her hand around its girth and realizing that she couldn’t quite encircle it completely.

  “Oh, yummy,” she said, teasing him. “This is going to feel so good inside of me.” She pulled up on his shaft, realizing that the length was just as impressive as the girth. She would guess him to be at least ten inches, probably eleven. “You’re going to fit really deep inside of me, Reece. Do you want to be deep inside of me, honey?”

  “Yes,” Reece whispered. “But I shouldn’t. I don’t want to want you.”

  “Well, hell, don’t make me feel bad or anything,” she told him, frustration filling her words.

  “Go ahead and get out of that one, partner,” Wade told him, laughing softly.

  “Be quiet, both of you,” she warned them gently. “I’m not going to allow you to reject me anymore.”

  “Little one, I’m not rejecting you. I’m protecting you,” he told her gently.

  “No. What you’re doing is hurting me,” Meeka said calmly. “I don’t have much confidence in myself as a woman, Reece. I need you to want me as much as I want you.” She turned to face Wade and saw the emotions that were displayed openly on his face. “I need you to be honest with me, Wade. If you and Reece really don’t want me, I’ll walk away right now.”

  She watched as Wade looked at Reece, his eyes pleading. It was obvious that he was waiting for Reece to give him permission to act on his feelings. Meeka realized in that moment how good of a friend and triad partner Wade was to Reece.

  “Reece,” Wade whispered. “We both deserve this happiness. We both deserve to love our woman. She’s our mate. She’s our life.”

  Meeka’s heart raced at Wade’s words. She watched silently as Reece looked down at her silently. It took forever before she saw the slow smile that came to his lips.

  “She is,” Reece said finally, his rough voice strong.

  “Everything will work out. I promise,” Meeka told them both, leaning forward and kissing Reece’s hip before turning slightly and doing the same to Wade’s.

  “I hope so, baby,” Wade said gently as he reached out and carefully petted her long, black hair. “I love the softness of your hair.”

  Meeka smiled and leaned into Wade’s touch. She closed her eyes as pure pleasure raced through her. Her men were going to give their relationship a chance. She would show them that everything would be fine. Once they claimed her with their mating bites, they would ingest her blood and they would begin to heal in both body and spirit.

  Turning, she kissed Wade’s shaft through his underwear and nuzzled against his balls. “Pull down your underwear, Wade,” she told him quietly once again, smiling as he immediately did as she asked. When his cock bounced free, her entire body clenched with need at the sight of his perfection. He was long, thick, and all hers.

  Leaning forward, she kissed up his length and nuzzled into the light brown hair that was nestled around the base of his cock. Breathing in the scent that was uniquely Wade, she found her mouth salivating and her channel clenching at the thought of him filling her to capacity. She wouldn’t think about how the two men were ever going to fit inside of her together. She had to trust that they knew what to do to make that happen. She knew that they would be infinitely careful and tender with her. She was looking forward to the claiming.

  “You smell like my mate,” she whispered, taking a deep breath and drawing in his scent.

  Wade’s unique scent called to her on a basic level, just as Reece’s scent called to her. Whatever deity had come up with the concept of triad matings, she would be forever grateful to him or her. She would never be able to choose between these wonderful men.

  “You both belong to me,” she told them gently. “I’m going to love you so much. I hope you’re prepared to be cherished.”

  Both men’s instant growls made her smile. The way they both touched her face so gently made her happy. She was never going to get enough of her men.

  Opening her mouth, she leaned forward and took the head of Wade’s cock into her mouth, sucking on it firmly and reaching up to cradle his sac in her free hand. With her other hand, she slowly pumped Reece’s shaft, loving the silky firmness of him.

  Wade pumped into her mouth with slow, shallow thrusts, moaning as she accepted all that he did. Meeka didn’t think she was going to last much longer. The need she had to have both men bury themselves deep inside of her was almost a living entity. She wanted them both with a fierceness that might have frightened her the day before, but so much had happened in the past two hours. She was certain that the urge to mate was something that was natural and destined.

  Wade pulled out of her mouth, reached down to grab her beneath her armpits, and haul her up against him so he could claim her mouth. She went willingly. When Reece came up behind her and pinned her tightly against Wade as he kissed the back of her neck, she thought she had died and gone to heaven. The passion of both men consumed her. She lifted her left arm and wrapped it around Reece’s neck as he stood behind her and licked at her neck before biting down on it lightly. She couldn’t prevent the moan of desire that left her as Wade claimed her lips and thrust his tongue inside of her mouth, mimicking the actions she knew he would do to her body once they took her to their home.

  “Please take me to your bed,” she begged between kisses.

  She had barely spoken the words when she found herself lifted and held against Reece’s chest before he slung her over his shoulder as he turned them both and exited the back of their shop. She saw Wade follow them out, slamming and locking the shop door behind them.

  “Where are we going?” Meeka asked softly, hoping that they had finally decided to claim her.

  “We’re going home,” Reece told her, his scratchy voice filled with need. “Be quiet, woman!”

  Meeka couldn’t prevent the giggle that escaped her as happiness filled her. “Don’t tell me to be quiet!” she yelled, reaching down and slapping Reece’s ass lightly.

  “Wade, hold her hands!” Reece demanded. “Keep her quiet!”

  “The only way we’ll keep her quiet is to keep her mouth busy with other things,” Wade told his triad partner as he reached out and gripped Meeka’s face between his large hands. “We’re going to keep your mouth occupied, baby. What do you think about that?”

  Meeka smiled at Wade and held onto Reece’s back as they traveled to their home. She couldn’t help but laugh with complete happiness. These two men were going to be hers. She was absolutely good with that.

  Chapter 9

  Meeka remained silent but smiled widely as she was carried the few hundred feet to the log home that the men shared near the body shop. She loved the look of the cozy home. She hoped that she and Eric would soon be sharing this home with her mates. The next few minutes would probably determine their future. She wanted this future with her mates. She wanted their little family to live in that wonderful home and enjoy many years of happiness, laughter, and children.

  Wade preceded them up the front steps to stand on the porch of the home that he shared with Reece. Unlocking the door, he opened it wide to allow Reece to carry Meeka inside. His heart was racing. He couldn’t beli
eve that they were actually going to claim their woman. He never thought they would ever reach this point in their lives. He was thankful that Reece had finally decided to take a chance. He knew that it would work out just as Meeka had promised them.

  “Are you going to ravish me now?” Meeka teased them as Reece carried her up the long staircase and down the wide hallway to a double door that was made of the most beautifully finished cherry wood she had ever seen. “Wow. Beautiful doors.”

  “Thank you,” Reece said, smiling proudly. “Wade and I made this room for our mate.”

  “You made it for me?” Meeka whispered, smiling softly at their thoughtfulness.

  “Well, we made it for you and us,” Wade corrected her. “We hope you’ll want to share it with us.”

  Meeka laughed as she reached out and gripped both of her men’s hair and tugged them closer. “Try and sleep anywhere else and you’ll have to deal with me. Am I clear, Mates?”

  “You need to be sure about this, Meeka,” Reece told her gently. “I don’t want to hurt you or Eric. I can’t guarantee that I won’t lose control over my wolf.”

  Meeka heard the sadness in Reece’s voice and her heart broke for the two men who had suffered for so many years. She couldn’t fault him for his very real worries. He was only thinking about the well-being of her and her son.

  “Reece, put me down, please.”

  He lowered her slowly to the floor, stepping away from her to give her room. She stood before them silently, looking at the men who had captured her heart. They looked so hesitant to come anywhere near her.

  “I have no doubt in my mind that the both of you will be gentle and loving with me and my son at all times. It won’t matter if you’re in your human forms or in your wolf forms. You’ve already shown me how loving you are when you’re a wolf,” she told them calmly. “You didn’t hurt me either time. In fact, you helped clean away the blood from my face and helped with my wound.”


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