A Cuppa Cruise Conundrum: A Cozy Mystery (Sweet Home Mystery Series Book 7)

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A Cuppa Cruise Conundrum: A Cozy Mystery (Sweet Home Mystery Series Book 7) Page 10

by Constance Barker

  He wiped his mouth with a napkin when he was done and leaned back in his chair with a satisfied sigh.

  "That hit the spot."

  "As good as Reva's burgers?" I asked.

  "Maybe not quite as good but it's up there."

  "I loved the fries."

  I would have to ask the ship's new chef what she used to coat them with. I wanted to be able to have them at home, maybe tell Reva's chef how to make them so she could add them to the menu.

  "How about a swim?" Eli said getting up from the table.

  "Aren't you supposed to wait an hour after eating to go swimming?"

  He held out his hand with a grin. "That's a myth. Come on, we can work off the fries."

  I stood and chucked my shorts and t-shirt. I grabbed Eli's hand and we walked to the shallow end of the pool. He walked into the cool water straight to the deep end. I took my time getting in letting my body get accustomed to the coolness.

  "I'll be pruny before you even make it to your waist," Eli said.

  "Stay there, mister. Patience."

  He drifted around the pool, leisurely swimming then treading water. He glanced at me as I inched in a little further then he turned over to float on his back. Would he drift over and splash me? I didn't think he would but we hadn't been swimming together since we started dating.

  I accelerated my progress fighting off a shiver when I walked in more quickly than I usually liked. No time to get used to the water meant I'd get cold fast but Eli was here this time. He could warm me up. I grinned and ducked under the water, swimming easily to him. I surfaced a few inches from him.

  "You made it! I was getting ready to get out."

  I swam into his arms and he hugged me close. "Not yet you don't. You dragged me in here so we're going to swim."

  We swam around in circles instead of laps avoiding all the passengers. The pool wasn't overly busy yet but I knew it would only be a matter of time before more passengers showed up with children.

  "Glad that is over," Eli said. "Now I can concentrate on having a good time with my fiancée."

  I grinned. I loved when he referred to me as his fiancée. I still didn’t know how I’d gotten so lucky but I wasn’t complaining. It almost made me want to test my luck at the casino but I would leave that to Mr. Jenkins. I needed all my money to pay for the wedding I hadn’t even started to plan yet.

  "You're really okay if we have the party tomorrow?" I asked.

  "I can't wait to see you in that new dress of yours."

  I swam into his arms again and kissed his lips lightly. "I think you'll like it."

  "When we get back home we should start planning this thing," he said.

  "I can't wait. I have a few ideas. I can't believe there's so much to think about. Like where to have the honeymoon."

  "We both agree on not having it on a cruise ship, right?" Eli grinned at me.


  "Maybe we could go to the desert."

  "I hear Phoenix is nice," I said.


  The next day the guys left the ship when we finally reached our first port of call. My aunts, Jules and I were sitting in the ship's spa getting pampered. I was stretched out on a massage table with a woman with strong hands digging out the knots in my back. I hadn't realized how stressed I'd been the past couple of days until the masseuse found the knots and slowly worked them away. When she was done I felt loose as a wet noodle.

  I poured myself into a chair in the salon next hoping the ship's hairdresser could tame my thin tresses into a flattering hairstyle. Joseph from Sweet Home’s salon had managed to tame my hair so I was confident the ship’s stylist would have no trouble with my limp locks. Jules sat beside me having her hair styled and it sounded like she was actually humming. While the stylists worked on our hair a manicurist painted our nails. I'd chosen a polish to match my dress. Jules was getting hers painted a bright red.

  “How was your date?” I asked.

  Jules squealed with delight. “It was so much fun. Patrick is a great guy. The magician was pretty good and the dancing was awesome.”

  “I can bet that strutting around the dance floor with Patrick would be awesome.”

  “Is she talking about her date?” Essie yelled.

  My aunts sat a few chairs over talking about the prep for the party and looking forward to the music and food. The dinner we'd had the first night had been delicious but with Margery gone I wasn't sure what we would be getting at the party. Toe had discussed everything with her, with help from my aunts I was sure. I didn't think Essie and Hildie would let Toe handle it alone with no input from them.

  “Yes,” I hollered back.

  “Was it fabulous?” Hildie asked.

  Jules and I looked at each other and grinned. “It was awesome!” we said in unison.

  When the hairstylist was finished my hair she sprayed it with half the can of hair spray then held a mirror behind me so I could see how it looked. If only I could afford to hire a hairdresser to do my hair every day I might have good hair days all the time. As it was I think this was the third one in about five months. I might get better at it if I actually practiced but getting up so early to open the shop meant I stayed in bed until the last possible second. That left no time to fuss with my hair.

  The ship's makeup lady arrived at my chair to accentuate my eyes and highlight my cheeks. She picked a lipstick that went with my complexion and my dress. When she was finished with me she helped the others with their makeup. I was happy she went light on the makeup but still made me look nice.

  "You look beautiful," Jules said.

  "Thanks. You look fantastic too."

  We twirled in the chairs to face my aunts.

  "Your fellas are two lucky guys," Essie said.

  When we were all finished we made our way back to our cabins to get dressed. I'd booked us the last possible appointments of the day so we wouldn't be walking around all day and ruin the hairdresser's hard work. The only thing left for us to do was don our party dresses and go to the party.

  In my room I pulled out my dress and fought the urge to knock on Eli's door. I was sure they were back by now. The ship wasn't leaving port for another hour, but with the party to get ready for, I knew they wouldn't stay ashore until the last possible moment. I would see him soon enough.

  I pulled on my dress, loving the way the material felt when it draped over my legs. The satin clung to my body accentuating my frame. I twirled a few times enjoying the swish of the skirt.

  Satisfied with the way I looked I made sure I had my cabin key, lipstick to touch up my lips after I kissed Eli, and left the room.

  Jules and my aunts were waiting in the hallway already. Not too eager to get to the party, were they?

  "Lily, you look gorgeous!" Jules said.

  "You guys look amazing," I said.

  "Let's knock the men off their feet," Hildie said.

  We hurried down the hall not wanting to be seen by the guys before the party. Let them wait. I wanted Eli to see me for the first time in this dress in the nightclub.

  When we got to the club it was decorated with streamers and balloons. A few tables sported exquisite centerpieces. Some of the Sweet Home folks were already there with more trickling in. At the front of the nightclub, right near the dance floor, there was a table set up for our group with places marked for Eli and me in the middle and the others spread out in a boy/girl fashion. I noted that Patrick had a spot at the table. I nodded at his name then smiled at Jules.

  A DJ played a funky dance beat. A few guests were already dancing. Somehow Moira had snuck in and was dancing with a few other Sweet Home teenagers off to one side. I didn’t mind them crashing the party. Actually I was happy to see so many familiar faces after the shock of the murder. Sweet Home folks made the party feel more like home.

  We took our seats behind the main table and people watched until the guys arrived. Just as the food was coming out of the kitchen, the trays positioned in a row over what looked like B
unsen burners, the men arrived. It was like their stomachs had radar. I stood and made my way to the club’s entrance, stopping about half way there entranced by Eli’s presence. All signs of seasickness were gone. He looked amazing in the black suit he wore. Jules had worked her usual matching magic and helped him pick out a tie. That was the only explanation as to why the tie around his neck matched the color of my dress perfectly.

  The moment his gaze found me his eyes widened, his lips curled into that grin I loved so much. His legs swallowed the distance between us in four huge steps. He took my hands in his and leaned back to get a better look at me then swooped in to brush my lips with a soft kiss that made me melt.

  “You look stunning,” he said.

  My stomach fluttered. An automatic smile curved my lips. All the firsts as an engaged couple were nothing compared to the firsts we would have as man and wife. I couldn’t wait for those firsts. Before that could happen however, we needed to party and then plan the wedding.

  “You look amazing,” I said. “How did I get so lucky?”

  He pulled me into his arms for a long lingering kiss. When he broke the kiss he smiled and caressed my cheek with his fingers. “I’m the lucky one.”

  We walked over to the table and took our seats. The night was a whirlwind of dancing, eating and a speech or two. When the DJ played a slow song I grabbed Eli’s hand and dragged him to the dance floor. Out of breath from the fast beats of the dance tunes it was nice to just sway to the music and not move far. I nestled my head into the crook of his neck and breathed in his cologne. I could stay there all night but the club would close and we’d be forced back to our cabins.


  The cruise went by in a blur of events, one day merging into the next to the point where it was hard to distinguish individual days. It seemed like yesterday that we’d arrived on board but five days had gone by and we were arriving back in Florida.

  After the party we still had a few days left to enjoy the cruise. With the captain and Sarah in the brig, Patrick had taken over the captain’s duties. Once they docked, another captain would be assigned and I knew Jules was hoping Patrick would get the job.

  All of us had gone ashore at our second port of call. It had been nice to get off the ship and explore a little. Dinner on land had been exotic and delicious. But the longer I was away from Sweet Home, the more I couldn’t wait to get back. If I missed it this much after five days I doubt the honeymoon would be a long one.

  Eli had radioed ahead so there was a police cruiser and a coroner’s van waiting for us when we docked. We stood on the deck watching as the dock got closer. Patrick was at the helm so Jules hung out on the bridge out of the way until the ship was docked. As soon as we were ready to disembark she and Patrick would join us.

  Eli had his arm around me and I snuggled into his embrace. It hadn’t been the cruise I’d been fantasizing about, what with the murder and all, but it hadn’t been horrible either despite the death and the cheating crew. The parts that didn’t include those things had been fun. I’d been so tired from the engagement party I’d slept in until ten. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d slept that long.

  The ship chugged to a stop and the huge ropes to tie it down were thrown over the side. Ground crew hefted the ropes over posts to keep the ship from drifting away. Not that such a huge vessel would drift so fast no one could catch it. That made me think about the lifeboat. Would they search for the missing lifeboat or just replace it and write it off? With a confession from Nate, would they need the murder weapon?

  Passengers started to leave the ship lugging their luggage and souvenirs behind them. Mr. and Mrs. Carver, Mr. Jackson, Karen and Albert Baumdardner, the teenagers from the party with Moira in tow all disembarked while we waited for Jules.

  Finally Jules and Patrick arrived. Jules was all smiles with Patrick’s arm around her. The two seemed to float along the deck and people parted to let them pass.

  “I’m kind of sad to leave,” Jules said.

  I nudged her and grinned. “I wonder why.”

  “I have some paperwork to do but once my duties are done I have a few days ashore. I’ll meet you at, what did you call it?” Patrick asked.

  “Coffee Cabana in Sweet Home,” Jules said.

  How had Mildred and Trevor fared looking after the place? The relaxing had been nice but I missed the shop. Missed chatting with the customers, hearing the local gossip. I missed eating my aunts’ baked goods. The ship’s cook had been good but no one could hold a candle to my aunts’ muffins. I clutched my purse a little tighter because one thing I came away with from the trip was the recipe for those French fries I couldn’t get enough of. Since I was the bride to be, the cook had graciously given me the simple recipe but made me promise not to share with anyone other than Reva.

  “Seems fitting that we meet back there,” I said.

  We waited while Jules said her “see you soon” to Patrick. She kissed him on the lips and he pulled her in closer when she started to pull away. When the kiss ended Jules was starry-eyed and grinning. She touched her lips and walked as if in a daze toward the exit. Eli picked up her forgotten suitcase and we all followed her off the boat.

  “Ready to start planning a wedding?” Eli asked when he finished loading the car.

  “So ready.” I nudged Jules. “Can I assume a plus one for you?”

  She smiled dreamily and rocked side to side. “Maybe.”

  “We should get back to the Coffee Cabana to make sure Mildred hasn’t destroyed the place,” Essie said.

  Though I was sure Mildred and Trevor had done just fine I was anxious to see the shop again. Having someone else make the coffee and bring it to me had been nice but I liked the way I made my latte. And I wanted to catch up on the gossip we’d missed.

  We piled into our cars and headed to Sweet Home my thoughts swirling with wedding plans, invitations, and a multitude of other things. I was going to need to start a list as soon as I got home.

  Thanks for reading!

  You can find all of my books by visiting my Author Page.

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  You can read Constance Barker’s books for free with Kindle Unlimited.

  These books are all from my Caesars Creek Series

  A Frozen Scoop of Murder (Caesars Creek Mystery Series Book One)

  Death by Chocolate Sundae (Caesars Creek Mystery Series Book Two)

  Soft Serve Secrets (Caesars Creek Mystery Series Book Three)

  Ice Cream You Scream (Caesars Creek Mystery Series Book Four)

  Double Dip Dilemma (Caesars Creek Mystery Series Book Five)

  Melted Memories (Caesars Creek Mystery Series Book Six)

  Triple Dip Debacle(Caesars Creek Mystery Series Book Seven)

  Whipped Wedding Woes(Caesars Creek Mystery Series Book Eight)

  A Sprinkle of Tropical Trouble(Caesars Creek Mystery Series Book Nine)

  A Drizzle of Deception(Caesars Creek Mystery Series Book Ten)

  Sweet Home Mystery Series

  Creamed at the Coffee Cabana (Sweet Home Mystery Series Book One)

  A Caffeinated Crunch (Sweet Home Mystery Series Book Two)

  A Frothy Fiasco (Sweet Home Mystery Series Book Three)

  Punked by the Pumpkin(Sweet Home Mystery Series Book Four)

  Peppermint Pandemonium(Sweet Home Mystery Series Book Five)

  Expresso Messo(Sweet Home Mystery Series Book Six)

  Whispering Pines Mystery Series

  A Sinister Slice of Murder (Whispering Pines Mystery Series Book One)

  Sanctum of Shadows (Whispering Pines Mystery Series Book Two)

  Curse of the Bloodstone Arrow (Whispering Pines Mystery Series Book Three)

  Mad River Mystery Series
  A Wicked Whack

  A Prickly Predicament

  Eden Patterson: Ghost Whisper Series

  The Mystery of the Courthouse Calamity


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