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Bind (Manhattan Lux Book 1): Manhattan Lux

Page 10

by Olivia Devon

  Jinx’s gaze followed his and faltered. She traced her fingers over his pecs, painting invisible designs on his skin.

  “Jun?” he said, using her real name so she’d know he was serious. “Veto, okay? Veto.”

  “No,” she leveled her gaze with his and shook her head. “I’m good. Ropes it is. You can tie me up, cowboy, but first you have to win the bet.”

  “That’s fair,” he said. “Deal?”

  She nodded. “Deal.”

  “Seal it with a kiss?” He strained against the ropes. “I mean I can’t really shake on it at the moment.”

  She sank into him. Her legs slid down over his, her breasts nestling against his chest, and finally she slid her arms up around his neck, pressing her lips to his.

  Wyatt drank her in—the warmth of her skin, her scent, the sweet taste of her lips, the perfect dance of her tongue with his. She was bliss. She was everything. And in just one more minute, she’d be all his. He kissed her harder. Had to keep her distracted.

  Chapter Eleven

  It took her a moment to realize what had happened. Strong hands embraced her. One tangling in her hair, one sliding over her hip to cup the apple of her ass. She was lost in kisses, reveling in the feel of this gorgeous man worshipping her.

  It was the fingers that snapped her out of it.

  Nimble fingers stroked through her folds, teasing her open, and slowly sinking inside.

  Jinx moaned and pushed into his hand, grinding shamelessly as Wyatt added another finger. In, out, in, out. A leisurely pace. No, a gloating pace.

  Motherfucker had slipped her ropes. Again.

  “Surprise,” he said, flipping them over so that she was beneath him. Wyatt held a length of rope above her head and grinned.

  Jinx ran a hand over her face and laughed. “As this point, I’m pretty sure you’re a wizard.”

  Wyatt nibbled her neck and whispered in her ear. “Well I do have a magic wand.”

  “A deal’s a deal,” she said, holding out her hands. “Go ahead. Tie me up.”

  He did. Three turns around her wrists and a loose slip knot. He didn’t tie her to the headboard, just left her hands above her head, and she wondered at that.

  “Taking it slow,” he said, when he caught her questioning look. “Pacman.” He tapped her nose.

  “Pacman,” she said, and started to nod an acknowledgement, but he was gone, head disappearing between her legs, his tongue diving into her like a man on the edge of desperation.

  And then she was on the edge with him, hips bucking even as his hands held her down. Writhing as he swept through her folds, found her clit and sucked, rolling it gently at first and then harder, increasing the pressure until she was crying out his name over and over.

  He rose over her, clasped her face in both hands, and stole his name from her lips, taking each gasp as it left her chest, fucking her mouth with his tongue so that she could taste herself on him.

  Wyatt reached across the bed, grabbed the condom, and ripped it open with his teeth.

  “No, let me,” she said, twisting on her side so that she could roll the latex down over the wide blunt head of his cock.

  When she was finished she didn’t move her hands. The sight of it, her hands cradling his cock, wrists bound for his purpose, his pleasure, sent desire coiling deep inside her, so tight and hot it was nearly unbearable.

  She looked up, anxious to see if his reaction was the same. Bright blue eyes were shadowed now. Dark. Dangerous.

  “Jun,” he whispered and she wasn’t afraid, just desperate.

  Grasping Wyatt’s cock in her palms, she slid them up the length, flexing as she went. He inhaled sharply, fisted his hand in her hair and watched as she stroked, urging her on with little thrusts of his hips and whispered words of encouragement.

  His cock grew harder in her hands, and he ordered her to stop, his voice hoarse and low. Taking her hands in his, he kissed them, then pushed her back against the bed, lifting her arms over her head.

  Lowering his body over hers, he urged her thighs wide with his own, and settled his hips between them. Palming one breast, he pressed the nipple clamp open and removed it.

  She hissed. Blood rushed back into the sensitive nerve endings and set them on fire.

  Wyatt licked the nipple, sucked it into his mouth and then hugged her to him, his cock notched against her opening.

  He pressed forward, hard and thick, and she stretched around him, that delicious fullness sending shockwaves up her spine, his mouth, hot and wet on her breast, matching every spark.

  Shifting, he reached for the other clamp, releasing the nipple before closing his lips over it, chasing away the pins and needles with his tongue.

  She wanted more. She wanted things she hadn’t wanted in ages, things she’d long ago stopped asking for because giving up control was just too scary. But this? This felt too damn good. This man. This raw lust. The only thing she wanted was more. More of Wyatt, more of his hands on her, more of whatever he wanted.

  “Hold my wrists,” she breathed, barely able to croak out the words, half surprised to hear her own demands. “Hold me down, I want to feel it. Feel you.”

  Wyatt kissed her lips, her cheek, her eyelids, and then he reached above them and pressed her wrists against the bed just as his cock sank deep. Sank home. Filling her so perfectly she felt tears prick at the corner of her eyes. Closing them, she buried her head in Wyatt’s neck as he moved.

  “Kitten,” he whispered. He thrust slowly. Long full strokes, all the way in, all the way out. Breaching her pussy again and again. It was agony. It was exquisite. Oh God, she was falling. Spiraling down into an orgasm that was sapping the strength from her limbs, building, building—

  “Jun,” Wyatt whispered again. “Look at me.” And the sound of her name, her real name on his lips, it had those tears pricking again.

  She opened her eyes and he smiled, plunged deep, a little laugh erupting from him when her eyes rolled back in her head.

  “Time for the dirty talk, love.” He grinned, and thrust again, arching an eyebrow at the sounds their bodies made when they joined. “Pussy Music,” he said. “That’s what that sound is. Wet, greedy, sloppy music to my ears.”

  “Ugh,” she sneered up at him. “Still not poetry, cowboy.”

  “No?” Wyatt thrust hard, smirking when she gasped. “That reminds me. You wanted to ride me, if I recall correctly. So why am I doing all the work?”

  Clasping her to him, he sat up, dragged her to the edge of the bed with him and then sat upright, draping her legs around his waist so that his hips wedged tight between her thighs. She looked down, her bound hands a barrier between them, keeping their bodies from joining together completely.

  “Can’t have that,” Wyatt said, and he moved to untie her.

  “No.” Jinx lifted her arms and draped them over his head, resting them on his shoulders.

  “Mmm,” he said. “I like it.” He slanted his lips over hers, talking through kisses. “Beautiful and smart.”

  She laughed and then gasped when he thrust his palms under her ass and yanked her close. Spreading her thighs wide, he lifted her up, slammed home, and Jinx forgot all about laughing. There was only sensation now, only pleasure. Bodies woven together so tightly she couldn’t remember what it ever felt like to be apart.

  “So. Fucking. Sweet.” The words punched out of his chest in time with each thrust. His gaze lowered, fixed on the spot where they joined. Watching, mesmerized by the sight of his cock, hard and wet with her juices, disappearing into her again and again.

  Wyatt stroked her hair, wrapped it around his wrist and pulled, just enough to make her arch her back, just enough so that he could get a good view of those sweet tits, pink tipped and swollen from abuse.

  “Hang on,” he said, brushing his lips against her ear. “Remember what I said in the elevator?”

  “Rides.” She nodded, her hair tickling his cheek. “You like them hard and long.”

  “Can you take it


  It was all the permission he needed. He pounded into her, gripped her hip in one hand, the other still tangled in her hair. Each time he got close, each time he sensed she was close, he slowed. Kissed her lips sweetly. Soft, closed mouth kisses, while they backed off the edge of orgasm together.

  As soon as the danger passed, he started up again.

  She was glistening, sweat sparkling on her skin in the dim light. Fucking beautiful.

  Wyatt snaked a hand between their bodies, pressed the pad of his thumb against her clit.

  Jinx made a sound, half whimper half moan, already clenching around him.

  He glanced down. The way her pussy stretched to take his cock, the way the tiny muscles in her groin shivered and tensed each time she spasmed around him—“Fucking beautiful.” He said it out loud this time, and hoped she caught all the depth those two words held for him. “You are so fucking beautiful.”

  Her head fell against his, forehead to forehead, and he tipped it back again, kissing her lips as his fingers worked in time with his thrusts. Then he felt it, the whole of her body tensing under his hands, her cunt fisting around his cock like a vise, and she cried out, great racking sobs that echoed in the room.

  He went with her, thrusting once, twice, ten more times until he was shuddering against her breasts, and tearing those fucking ropes off her wrists so she could hold him, could weave her fingers in his hair and kiss the tremble off of his lips.

  They’d gone to the kitchen for chocolate milk. Wyatt assured Jinx it was better than Gatorade for restoring health after exertion. He didn’t think she believed him, but she kissed the milk mustache off him anyhow.

  Aiko got home in the wee hours of the morning. Slapped a folder on the kitchen counter and told him to have a look. “Tonight’s detective work. Rather interesting I’d say.”

  He looked, flipping pages as he read, his mouth hardening into a thin line as his eyes darted over the report. Sighing heavily, he tossed the folder back on the counter with disgust.

  “Wyatt?” Jinx said, rubbing her hand over his shoulder. “What is it?”

  “Daisy,” he said, running a hand through his hair. “Shit. I don’t know what I’m gonna tell Bryce.”

  He stalked down the hall, found his cell phone, and returned to the kitchen.

  “You gonna call Jack?” Aiko asked.

  “I’m texting Daisy,” he said, tapping at his phone. “I don’t know if this number still works, but it’s the last one I had for her. If I can get her to meet with me, to talk, maybe even get Bryce there, we might have a shot of getting her out of this.”

  “Did it go through?” Jinx asked.

  “Yeah.” he nodded. “Someone’s typing back.”

  Jinx came and stood behind him, looked over his shoulder at the screen just as the new text came in.

  “Oh my God!” She clapped a hand over her mouth.

  “What is it?” Aiko asked. “What did she say?”

  Wyatt held up the screen so Aiko could see. Just two words.

  Daisy’s dead.

  Chapter Twelve

  “She’s not dead,” Wyatt said. “I’m sorry. I should’ve realized you’d take that message to heart.” He snaked an arm around Jinx’s waist and kissed her on the cheek.

  “What kind of a person writes something like that?” asked Jinx.

  “Daisy,” said Wyatt. “Trust me, that’s pretty classic. Her way of telling me to fuck off.”

  “Holy shit.” Aiko gaped at him. “That’s messed up.

  “Yeah, that’s Daisy for you,” said Wyatt.

  “So what are we going to do?” asked Jinx.

  “Nothing.” He threw his hands up and shrugged.

  Jinx and Aiko stared at Wyatt like he’d either gone insane or was the most heartless bastard they’d ever met.

  “Seriously.” He held up the phone again and shook it for emphasis. “No killer would write “Daisy’s dead”, that’s just dumb. I promise you, I know Daisy, and that was her sending a very pointed message to me. One she fully expects me to pass on to poor Bryce. Which is something I’m not relishing.” He tossed his phone on the counter and ran a hand through his hair. “We’ll deal with her in the morning. Right now we’ve got to call Jack.”

  “Ugh” said Aiko. Can’t that wait till morning too?”

  “Nope,” Wyatt shook his head. “Can’t sleep till we fill in the boss. Besides, he really needs to know.”

  “What is it? What else did you find out?” Jinx looked at her sister with concern.

  “We got hold of the records for Daisy’s phone,” Aiko explained. “Another little something Wyatt’s NSA buddy helped us with.”

  “I cannot confirm or deny—”

  “Yeah, yeah.” Aiko rolled her eyes. “Anyway, we were able to track some of her movements, and she’s spent a lot of time in this building.” Aiko picked up the folder and held it open for Jinx, dragging a finger down the page till she found what she was looking for.

  “That’s Calvert Place,” Jinx said, glancing up at her. “Jack lives there.”

  “Yeah he does,” said Aiko. “Keeps the whole top floor to himself. I saw it once. Didn’t get the full tour, but damn it’s pretty.”

  “Oh did you see the koi pond?” Wyatt asked. “In that nook behind the lounge? With the little waterfall and the fairy-lights?”

  Aiko whistled. “I did, snuck a peek when Jack was busy. Fucking amazeballs.”

  “Can we focus please?” Jinx said, folding her arms in irritation. “What was Daisy doing at Calvert Place?”

  “No idea,” Aiko shrugged. “So, we checked the cameras in the building to see what she was up to, and found footage of her entering an apartment on the 10th floor.” Aiko pointed to the folder. “Next page,” she said. “The apartment is owned by a photojournalist who is currently out of the country. Not supposed to sublet in that building, so we figured Daisy was squatting. Malcolm got a key from maintenance and took a peek inside. He said the place is trashed, so our guess was right. The real tenant probably has no idea Daisy was even there.”

  “Still, somebody should’ve known.” Jinx clucked her tongue. “Security should’ve noticed. Jack will be pissed.”

  “All the more reason not to bug him about it tonight,” said Aiko. “I’m guessing she was there in some misguided attempt to spy on him, cause more mischief. Doesn’t matter, she’s gone, and he’s not in any danger. Security knows who she is now. They’ve been told to detain her if she shows up again,” said Aiko.

  “Aiko.” Wyatt’s tone was stern, big brotherly.

  “Fine. But I’m not doing it,” said Aiko. “You call him, I’ll just sit here in case he has questions. But only if you make me one of those glasses of chocolate milk.”

  “Alright.” Wyatt grabbed his cell phone. “Chocolate milk, coming right up.”

  “Put it on speaker,” said Jinx. “So I can talk to him too. I’m done being left out of everything.”

  Wyatt tapped the speaker button, then set the phone on the counter. As it rang he grabbed a clean glass from the cupboard, poured milk, added chocolate powder and stirred. The ringing continued. No answer. Wyatt handed the glass of milk to Aiko and was just about to hang up the phone when someone answered.

  “Hello?” Jack’s voice was husky, but alert. Wyatt glanced at Jinx, and saw her expression mirror what he was thinking. Surprisingly, they hadn’t woken him. It was 4 a.m. and Jack Calvert was wide awake.

  “Hey Jack!” Wyatt. “Sorry to call so late, or early, or whatever but um—” Wyatt broke off when a peel of girlish laughter sounded from the speakers.

  Wyatt grimaced at Jinx and mouthed “He’s not alone. Fuck.”

  “Oh hey, sorry.” Wyatt, tried to sound casual, but it didn’t work, his tone overloud and awkward and totally obvious. “Didn’t realize you had company.”

  “Never mind that, Wyatt,” Jack snapped. “Just tell me why you called.”

  “Well uh—”

nbsp; There was more giggling and soft cooing sounds, and then Jack must’ve dropped the phone because there was a thump, some rustling noises, heavy breathing, another thump, and then they heard Jack hiss “Kristie, stop! Jesus, gimme a minute.”

  “Mother fucker,” Jinx mouthed the words to Wyatt. “What the fuck is he doing with her? She works for me!”

  Wyatt winced and shook his head. “I dunno,” he whispered. “I’m sorry. He’s a total slut. Always has been.”

  “Wyatt?” said Jack. “Are you talking to someone? Am I on speaker?”

  “Um, yeah, sorry, yeah. Just here with Aiko and Jinx, we’ve been—”

  “Up late working on the security issues at the club,” Aiko said.

  “Yeah, your club,” Jinx added, her tone dripping with enough snark that Wyatt didn’t know whether to flinch or high-five her. “The one with all the loyal employees and the strict no fraternization policy.”

  “Ooooo.” Wyatt mouthed. “Burn.” He offered his fist. Jinx bumped it and winked.

  “We have no such policy,” Jack said coldly. “Because if we did, I’d be turning over my entire staff every month. And I’d have to fire both you and Wyatt right now. So save the sass Jinx.”

  “Whatever you say…boss,” she sneered.

  “And Wyatt?”

  “Yes boss?”

  “Take me the fuck off speaker right now and tell me whatever you need to tell me. I’m busy.”

  “Right. Gotcha.” Wyatt grabbed the phone, tapped a button and walked away from the women, running through the gist of the night’s developments as fast and succinctly as possible.

  “..So then Aiko tracked Daisy’s cell phone to your building. She’s been lurking in an apartment that belongs to someone else.”

  “That’s just bizarre,” said Jack.

  “Yeah. I was hoping you’d say that. Because that’s what I think too.”

  “It doesn’t make sense. What could she hope to gain by doing such a thing? It’s not like she could surveil me by living in the same building. The penthouse has its own elevator, straight to the garage. And round the clock security.”


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