A Wishing Moon

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A Wishing Moon Page 15

by Sable Hunter

  “Who are you?” She shouted at Arabella. “I’ll call the police!” Kate Thompson threatened her.

  “I’m Arabella Landry, Miss Thompson. Jade is staying with me. I just came to pick up some of his things.”

  Arabella could tell she had pulled the rug out from under the other girl. “Jade is staying with you? What, do you run some type of a private rehabilitation center or something?”

  “Or something.” Was the only answer she gave the stunning woman.

  “Where exactly is my fiancé?” The words pierced Arabella to the heart.

  “I thought you broke off the engagement?” Arabella pointed out in a low voice.

  “That is none of your business, but the engagement is most certainly still on,” she yelled. “I demand to see my fiancé. Give me the address.”

  “He is at Wildflower Way in Wimberley.” Arabella gave her one of her cards. She didn’t want to, but maybe Jade would want to see Kate—after all, they had been engaged. When Kate Thompson stood up, Arabella realized the outcome of their reunion might be one that broke her heart.

  Kate Thompson was so beautiful. Regal could best describe the woman, she was as tall as Jade and had striking Nordic coloring and a more than perfect body. Arabella knew that next to Kate Thompson, she would come up sadly lacking. “What are you doing here?” The blonde demanded.

  “I am picking up some clothes and papers Jade asked for,” she explained politely, holding out the small piece of paper. “I have a list.”

  “Well, give it here.” Kate snatched the list from her hand. “You don’t need to bother. I will bring them to him and soon I will bring him back here—with me—where he belongs.” She stood back and watched the other woman get the checkbook, the papers, and then go to his bedroom and take a suitcase out of the closet and then place a few items in the leather grip. She didn’t have to look for anything; Kate Thompson knew her way around Jade’s bedroom like it was her own. As Arabella watched her, she realized there were women’s clothes in the closet and shoes on the floor and feminine toiletries ensconced in the vanity and on the shelves in the bathroom.

  Doubt and misgivings ripped into her. Quietly, without letting Kate see her leave, Arabella slipped out. There was no use—the Nordic beauty had the upper hand. Without any official status to claim, she backed off and went back to Wimberley to tell Jade he could expect company.

  Arabella drove faster than the law allows getting back to Jade and the rest of her family. When she pulled up in the driveway, she threw a little gravel to one side. Heading to the back of the house so she could talk to Elizabeth and the rest before she saw Jade, she admitted to herself that the possible outcome of this situation was tearing her up. When she entered the kitchen, all of her family was there—Nanette was peeling potatoes, Evangeline had salad makings spread out in front of her, and Elizabeth hummed while she iced a cake. Angelique stood over the stove and turned over pieces of golden brown Southern fried chicken. Arabella’s stomach reacted to the aromas that wafted through the room, but she couldn’t think about food now.

  Everyone looked at her expectantly; her face must have told the whole story. “Kate Thompson will be here any minute.”

  “What?” Evangeline asked, amazed. “I thought she was out of the picture.”

  “So did I,” Arabella admitted.

  “She wants him back, now that he is going to recover.” Elizabeth read the situation.

  “When I went in the apartment, I could tell he is wealthy. I would say she is after his money, but anyone would want him, even if he were a pauper. Jade is worth a million times whatever money he has.” Arabella was shaking. “The picture in the paper, it didn’t do her justice. She is statuesque, blonde, built, and determined.”

  “Jade loves you,” Nanette spoke lowly but emphatically.

  “He hasn’t said so,” Arabella confessed.

  “He doesn’t have to,” Elizabeth assured her. “His heart calls out to yours. I can hear it, baby.” She walked over and hugged her daughter. “Now, get in there and tell your man his ex-fiancée is on her way.”

  They all stayed in the kitchen and out of the way, while she went in search of Jade. She found him doing basic exercises the physical therapist had shown him how to do. She’d left some small weights for him to workout with that would help him regain complete control of his arm and shoulder muscles.

  When he saw her, his face broke out in a joyous smile. “Hey, baby. You made that trip in record time.” He looked at her as if to ask where the items were. “Did you get my cell phone?”

  “Jade, I didn’t get anything.” At his confused look, she told him what happened.

  “Kate was there when I arrived.” She watched the changes on his face carefully. He frowned a bit, but she pressed on. “She wouldn’t let me take your things. She is bringing them herself and she will be here any minute.”

  Right on cue, the front doorbell rang. Arabella didn’t wait to hear what he had to say, she didn’t want to see the joy that might travel over his features.

  When Arabella opened the door, Kate just marched in, suitcase and travel bag in hand. “Where is he?”

  Arabella led her to Jade’s room. He hadn’t moved. In fact, he went right on lifting the weights. The thick, strong muscles in his arms rippled and there was no doubt in either one of the women’s mind that this was a real man who, no doubt, would regain complete control of every muscle in his body.

  “Oh darling, how wonderful to see you.” Kate laid down the cases and threw herself at Jade. Jade dropped the weights and held up his hands to stop her forward progress.

  “Kate,” he said her name simply and shortly.

  “Why didn’t you call me, sweetheart? What are you doing in this caretaker’s home? You can afford to hire someone to work out of our home.” She caressed his hair and face and Arabella felt like she could die.

  Technically, Kate was right. She was Jade’s caretaker. In fact, that was exactly the arrangement she had offered to him, that she would bring him back here and take care of him. When she heard this woman say the obvious, it did sound like a simple business arrangement.

  “I didn’t call you because you made it plain you wanted nothing to do with me. Did you think I had forgotten you left your ring lying on my chest?” Jade’s words were flat and hard.

  Arabella could almost see the wheels turning in Kate Thompson’s mind. “I would never have left you had I known there was any chance you would get better.” Arabella did not understand why Kate thought that terse explanation placed her in any better light.

  “Exactly. Kate, I was aware of everything. I could hear every word said. You could have talked to me and encouraged me. You could have sat with me and comforted me, but you couldn’t bear to be in the same room with me.”

  “I have never been good with sick people, but I’m here now. Just as soon as your doctor says it’s safe for you to be moved, we will go home together.” With that declaration, Kate swung around to Arabella. “What are you still doing in here? Give me and my fiancé some privacy.”

  “Don’t go anywhere, sweetheart.” Jade spoke to her gently. At the change in tone of voice, Kate turned to look at him.

  “Why are you talking to the help in that manner, Jade? She is nothing to you.”

  “You’re wrong, Kate. She is everything to me. You are nothing to me.” Kate Thompson’s face blanched white. “I’m not going anywhere with you and before you leave—give me my keys.”

  “Jade, no, we love each other.” All of a sudden, Kate Thompson had turned pitiful. “We’re the same kind of people, you and I.”

  “Give me my keys, Kate.”

  She handed them over.

  “My things are still there,” she whispered.

  “I will have them boxed up and delivered to your parent’s door.”

  “You need me and Daddy, Jade,” Kate whispered, giving her agenda one more shot.

  “If being married to you is the only way I can win, I don’t want to be gover
nor.” His answer clearly and effectively ended the subject. Arabella walked behind Kate as the angry woman stormed out of the room, and then out the door.

  When Arabella closed the door behind her, she turned around and Jade had rolled the wheelchair out to where she stood. “I’m sorry about that, Bella.” He pulled her down to his lap. She tried to get up, so afraid she would hurt him. “Be still.” He held her close.

  “Are you sure, Jade? She is so very beautiful.”

  “Yes, she is beautiful, but she is as cold as ice. I don’t know what I was thinking about with her. You, on the other hand are not only beautiful, but also warm and sweet and hot and responsive.” He nuzzled her neck and nipped at her ear lobe.

  “We haven’t made love, yet. I hope I—” he didn’t let her finish.

  “Dr. Francois is on his way over and whether or not I can make love to you is the only question on my mind. I want you so much, and I feel like I am well enough to love you completely.”

  “We can wait.”

  “No, we can’t.” He was adamant in his desire to consummate their relationship. He rolled them both back into the room and as she moved from his lap, he picked up his travel bag. Looking inside, he drew out his checkbook and other papers. “I want to help with the expenses,” he began.

  “No, you are my guest,” she contradicted him.

  “Arabella, I am adding to your bills in every way. I have money and there is no reason for me not to pay for my part and more.”

  “No, I will help you file your insurance in the case of the doctor and the physical therapist, but I will pay for the household expenses. I enjoy taking care of you.”

  He looked at her carefully, his eyes narrowing. “I’m not used to someone else taking care of me. It’s usually the other way around.”

  Arabella was about to further state her case, when Dr. Francois stuck his head through the door.

  “How does my miracle patient feel?”

  “Stronger every minute,” Jade admitted. “Arabella, could you excuse us a moment?”

  Being dismissed, Arabella retreated to the kitchen. She knew Jade had some pointed questions for the doctor.

  Evangeline waited at the door of the dining room, wanting to know what had happened with Kate. Her eyes widened in curiosity. “He sent her on her way,” Arabella admitted gratefully. Arabella walked next to her cousin. The kitchen was empty. “Where is everybody?”

  “A woman came who wanted a little help getting her boyfriend back. They took her to your ‘craft’ room to make her a gris-gris bag.” Arabella knew that Evangeline enjoyed her play on words when referring to the room where she kept all of her witchcraft supplies and the small altar of special items she used in ritual—the ‘craft’ room.

  Arabella couldn’t be still.

  “You need to take a breather.” Evangeline pushed Arabella’s hair off her neck. “I know you’re upset from the run in with Kate and now the doctor visit.”

  “I’m okay.” She poured herself a glass of iced tea. “I’m thrilled Jade has made such a complete turnaround, but I know he still has a long way to go. He’s not able to walk on his own yet and I’m nervous about what the doctor will say.”

  The door to the bedroom opened and Dr. Francois called her back in. Giving Evangeline a meaningful look, she left to hear the verdict. When she entered the bedroom, her eyes anxiously met Jade’s to see if she could read his mood. She couldn’t.

  “Sit down, Miss Landry.”

  She obeyed. “Jade is actually improving faster than is beyond my understanding. The muscle reflexes are better today than they were, even yesterday. I would ask you to give him massage therapy tonight, and he is understandably anxious to resume sexual activity.”

  Arabella felt her face flush with embarrassment.

  He continued, “And I have given my permission, if you will be content to be the one on top, so as not to put extra pressure on his back.”

  Arabella thought she would die. This type of sexual frankness made her squirm with embarrassment. “I would never want Jade to take any undue chances.”

  Dr. Francois spoke very professionally and did not appear to be uncomfortable with the conversation at all. When she glanced at Jade, his eyes were smoldering with such heat she felt her clothing might catch fire. As she walked the doctor to the door, her mother met her in the corridor.

  “Sweetie, Tyler called and he wants to take us all out to dinner. What do you think?”

  Unique opportunity,

  As soon as she thought of the possible rendezvous, Elizabeth picked up on the inner monologue. “Okay, sweetie. You stay here and make love to your man and I’ll have a good time with everybody else.”

  “Thanks, Mom.” This time she didn’t protest at her mother’s mind reading.

  It didn’t take everyone long to get ready. The prospect of a night at Ciena, Austin’s premier Tuscan restaurant served as a powerful incentive. As soon as the others were gone, they had the house to themselves. She prepared them a simple supper and went about taking care of a few mundane activities. He did the same, becoming more independent by the hour. The doctor had insisted she continue with his massage therapy, and the idea of having unbridled access to his body sent chills through her soul. They would have to go into the sunroom for that part of the evening. She hoped she could keep her head about her and not attack him out there. After she finished what she needed to do and completed her bath, she washed and dried her hair.

  Descending the stairs, she checked to make sure all the doors and windows were locked per her grandmother’s request. She left the deadbolt off the front door so the gang could get back in when they returned from their outing. When she went to the sunroom, she was a bit surprised to find the massage table had been moved. She wondered if Jade had got somebody to move the cumbersome unit for him or had he foolishly moved it alone? She hoped he hadn’t hurt himself. Then the thought of his explanation to anyone who might have helped him—“Would you please help me move the massage table to my room so Arabella and I can…” Her thoughts wouldn’t go quite that far.

  Regardless of how it had happened, she secretly thrilled to the prospect of getting her hands on his body. She wore a snow-white eyelet ensemble and her hair hung straight and thick, a startling contrast to the color of her robe. He was waiting on her, sitting on the side of the bed, unapologetically nude.

  He stared at her as if he could eat her with a spoon. “I’ve been waiting for you.”

  She did not know what to say, so she said nothing. “Are you ready for your massage?” She tried to be professional, straightening the soft mattress and the coverlet so he could lie down in comfort. She glanced away as he stood and eased himself up on the table. Averting her eyes, she was aware he made no attempt to cover himself and all she could think about was how she had loved every inch of his substantial manhood the night before. Right now, she was shyer than she had ever been in her life. The table protested his weight and when all sound of his settling himself down ceased, she turned to look at him on the table.

  Her breath caught. His broad, tan back completely covered the surface, making the table seem almost miniature. His backside begged to be touched—her hand almost brushed his hip and she jerked it back realizing there was real work to be done.

  She came near to him, trying to remember what the physical therapist had told her. The bottle of oil sat on the bedside table and she retrieved it, pouring some in one palm and then rubbing her hands together, warming the oil. Taking a deep breath, she began working the muscles of his back, rubbing out the knots and kneading the hard, warm flesh. Arabella visualized healing blue light coming from her fingertips, using this opportunity to ply her traiteur skills. She moved her hands up his back and then down, paying careful attention to his spine. She drew her hands down both sides and settled on his lower back intensifying the pressure she was putting on his muscles. Despite the lack of wisdom in the act, she could not resist massaging his beautiful buttocks. She heard him groan at her fevere
d touch.

  “Arabella, I’m coming off this table, before I cum on this table.” Even though he meant the remark to be humorous, she did not feel like laughing.

  She felt like losing her virginity.

  She stepped back as he dismounted. His penis was already completely distended, full and heavy with need.

  “You look like a virgin bride in this gown,” he whispered.

  She swallowed hard and answered him carefully.

  “I am a virgin.” He knew that secret. What would he say if she told him she longed to be his bride?

  “Not for long.” He pulled the robe off her shoulders and the gown over her head.

  “I don’t think we finished your massage.”

  “You can touch me anytime you want to, sweetheart, but right now I am dying to touch you—all over.” He drew her down onto the bed and then covered her with his body.

  “Be careful with your back,” she warned.

  “Don’t worry, I plan on following the doctor’s instructions, but right now I feel wonderful.”

  * * * *

  She hugged his neck and kissed his eyes and cheeks. “I am so glad you feel better. I want you to walk and run and do everything you used to do, and everything you ever wanted to do.” Her lips moved across his jaw and down his neck, her tongue darting out to taste his skin.

  Jade endured her tiny kisses until they became unbearable. “Enough!” He pulled her arms from around his neck and pulled them over her head preventing her from moving an inch. She was completely at his mercy. “Remember how you teased me, ordered me not to move, and tormented me with your hands and mouth?”

  “Yes,” she gasped hoarsely.

  “It’s my turn, now,” he breathed.

  And so the loving began. He kissed her face, her lips, and her neck—warm, gentle kisses that spoke words to her heart his lips had not uttered. He lowered himself on the bed, until his face was even with her full, round breasts. He put a hand on either side of her breasts and he pushed them together, his gaze scorching her skin. He rubbed his face over the soft mounds of flesh, and then began feasting on them with his mouth. He paid special attention to her nipples, he knew she loved having them kissed and suckled. As he paid homage to her breasts, taking as much of them into his mouth as possible, she began to moan.


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