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Kray Page 62

by Brooklyn Jones

  “Stop it, Tyrex! Someone might hear us.”

  Tyrex continued his assault, squeezing the inside of her thighs. “If they can hear you now, then they definitely heard you you moaning my name last night.”

  Sophia blushed all over. Last night she was too caught up in the moment to keep quiet. “So what do we do now?”

  “I think we should probably get dressed before somebody finds us.”

  Sophia searched for her clothes and found her chest piece hanging from a tree branch. Sophia got fully dressed or at least what this world considered “fully dressed.”

  “Okay, now what are we going to do about us?” Sophia asked.

  “Sit down.” Tyrex motioned to the spot that they had just spent the entire night having sex on.

  “I assume that what we have between us is not exactly accepted here?”

  Tyrex smirked. “That might be an understatement. The history if this ritual goes back a long way. A male Jeorn must find his Intended so they can be Joined. If he can not find a suitable mate then he is put to death.”

  “Sounds barbaric.”

  “That is our culture. We do not think of it in those terms. It's always been like this.”

  “So does that mean there is no future for us?”

  Tyrex shook his head. “You are the one I've been searching for Sophia. You are my Intended.”

  Sophia couldn't handle the emotions. So much had happened to her the past week that she burst out crying.

  Tyrex embraced her. “Did I offend you, Sophia Jordan?”

  Sophia wiped away the tears. “No, Tyrex. I'm just being emotional.”

  “Do you not want to be my Intended?”

  Sophia broke away and put her hands on Tyrex's shoulders. “Of course I do.”

  She knew she was making a big commitment. This was bigger than just “I love you.” This was akin to marriage back on Earth. But she wondered how she could fall so fast for this alien that she knew barely anything about.

  That's the thing. She felt like she had always known him. That this was preordained. She was meant to crash land on this planet and find Tyrex. Now all she had to do was go along with the flow.

  “Then I will have to tell the Council of Elders about my choice.”

  “And what are they going to do?”

  Tyrex looked up at the sun. “Honestly, I have no idea. Nobody has ever done something like this before.”

  “I will stand by you, Tyrex Luk'ta.”

  “Well I hope you will stand by me when I break the news to my parents. I'm more scared of them than the Council of Elders.”

  “Then let's go now and tell them the good news.”


  Tyrex and Sophia walked hand-in-hand back to the village. They received some strange glances from other villagers but they ignored them and kept on walking.

  When they entered the living room of Tyrex's hut, they didn't have to say anything. His parents saw their hands and knew immediately what had happened.

  Lija fell to the ground with tears in her eyes.

  “How could you do this to us, Tyrex?” Kitor said. “You have dishonored the family.”

  Sophia was ready to turn around and run away but Tyrex didn't let go. She never in a million years could've expected a family to act this way. But this was a planet light years away from Earth with different customs. She was going to have to understand.

  Tyrex went to his mother and hugged her. “Don't you understand, Mother? This is what I want.”

  Lija nodded, sniffling. “I know, Son. I want you to be happy. Your father and I will support whatever decision you make.”

  “Lija!” Kitor yelled. “We cannot accept this alien as part of our family.”

  Lija raised from the ground with the help of Tyrex. “We will support our son, Kitor. No matter what he does.”

  Kitor backed off. “What about the Council? They surely will not accept this.”

  “I will speak with them today. No reason to put it off any longer,” Tyrex replied. “Thank you for your support, Mother.” He kissed her on the cheek.

  Tyrex turned to Sophia. “Will you stay here with my parents while I go to the Council?”

  “Do you want me to come with you?”

  “No, that wouldn't be wise. They might see it as an insult to bring you there. This way I might actually have a chance.”

  “Son, I've always trusted your mother in every matter. This is very tough for us but I will go along with her.”

  “Thank you, Father.” Tyrex shook his hand.

  “Good luck, Tyrex.” Lija hugged him tightly.

  Tyrex and Sophia walked outside. “That was terrible,” she said.

  “That actually went better than I thought,” Tyrex replied. He took her in his arms, staring deep into her blue eyes. “I need your strength, Sophia Jordan. Kiss me.”

  Sophia complied, locking lips with the blue alien and enjoying every second of it.

  “I'm going to call an emergency meeting with the Council now.”

  “I'll be here waiting for you,” Sophia replied.

  They held hands as Tyrex walked away, not wanting to let go.

  Chapter Ten

  “There better be good reason you called us here, Tyrex Luk'ta,” the oldest Elder announced. “The Council is very busy.”

  Tyrex stood before them again, just as nervous as the first time. He needed every bit of courage to get him through this. He gulped. “I have found my Intended, my lords.”

  The Council relaxed in their seats. Tyrex couldn't see their faces but could feel their smiles.

  “We are very pleased to hear this. The Council was confident that Rajla of Tuk'na would be a suitable mate.”

  Tyrex bit his bottom lip. “My Intended will not be Rajla of Tuk'na.”

  The Council whispered to each other. Their plan was not going to work.

  “My Intended will be Sophia Jordan of Earth.”

  The Council of Elders gasped and burst into a cacophony of yelling. Tyrex couldn't hear any single council member over the others. He knew it would be bad but not this bad.

  The middle shadow slammed his fists on his stand. “This chamber will have order.” The Council quieted down but not without a few grumblings. “Tyrex Luk'ta, the Council does not entertain jokes.”

  Tyrex held his shaking hands behind his back to hide his nervousness. Nobody had ever defied the Council. “I'm sorry but this is no joke.”

  A different member shouted, “You can not be Joined with an alien.”

  Tyrex smirked. “I already have.”

  The Council gasped a second time. Outbursts of “blasphemy” could be heard. It took twice as long for them to quiet down.

  “What gives you the right to defy our ways!”

  “I do not wish to defy the Council.” Tyrex centered himself. “My heart has chosen and I will not defy myself.”

  The Council convened, whispering amongst themselves while Tyrex waited patiently. He had no idea what they were going to do. He hoped that they would give up and allow him to be with Sophia.

  But he had no idea what the Trials involved.

  The middle figure finally spoke. “The Council of Elders have not accepted your choice of Intended.”

  Tyrex's heart jumped into his throat. “And if I do not comply?”

  “The punishment will be the same as if you never found your Intended.”

  Tyrex knew exactly what that meant: death. “You must reconsider! I found the one that I was supposed to be with.”

  “We will hear of this matter no longer. You have two days left to find your Intended. It is the Council's recommendation that you choose Rajla of Tuk'na.”

  “Why? Because you guys want to get rid of Sophia?”

  “We will not hide the fact that the village of Tuk'na requires the alien in exchange for their best female mate. A small price to pay in our minds.”

  “I won't let you take her away.”

  “That is your decision, Tyrex Luk'ta. We will convene
again in two days to hear that Rajla is your Intended.”

  The Council of Elders left before Tyrex could fight back. He stood there alone in the dark chamber with tears in his eyes.

  He had no idea what to do.

  Tyrex would do anything for Sophia. But execution loomed over him as he walked slowly back to his hut.

  Chapter Eleven

  Sophia paced back and forth in the guest room. She felt so helpless. Tyrex needed her but there was nothing she could do.

  She thought of all the times back on Earth when she felt useless. When her mother died and her boyfriend broke up with her. They were rough times but she made it through.

  But could Sophia make it through this?

  Sophia heard Tyrex come inside the hut. She rushed out to see him but saw Tyrex take his parents into their bedroom.

  Huts on Jeorn were built with no doors. The rooms inside were open because Jeorns felt that privacy wasn't needed with family.

  Even though Tyrex was whispering, Sophia was able to hear everything they said from the living room.

  “What did the Council say?” Kitor asked. Lija stood beside him, her hands clasped together.

  Tyrex hung his head low. “They refused. Told me that Sophia could not be my Intended.”

  Lija stepped towards Tyrex, her eyes watering. “What happens if you ignore their orders?”

  “They said I would be executed.”

  “No!” Lija fell forward into Tyrex's arms. “It's not worth you dying for.”

  Tyrex held his mother, petting her head. “It's going to be all right.”

  “Your mother is right. Death is too high of a cost.”

  “I don't know what to do.” Tyrex replied.

  Lija cried more. “Tyrex, you must respect their wishes!”

  Sophia stood frozen in place, listening to her heart break. She couldn't let Tyrex die for her.

  She was causing this family so much distress. Was it really fair to them?

  Sophia had only been on this planet for a little while and she was already destroying everything. She knew that there was only one thing left to do.

  “I need some time to think, Mother and Father.” Tyrex walked into the family room and rushed into Sophia's bedroom.

  But it was empty.

  Sophia was gone.

  Chapter Twelve

  Sophia sprinted back into the forest, tears streaming down her cheeks. She just wanted to break down and cry but she had to get as far away as possible.

  A tree branch scratched her cheek as she ran through the forest. She felt like she deserved the pain.

  Sophia ran until her legs burned and lungs were on fire. The wreckage of The Breach stood before her. She bent down on one knee to catch her breath.

  “Why did I have to crash here? Why did I have to meet the man of my dreams?”

  Sophia walked over to the grave of McCready. “Maybe it would've been better if we died with the rest of the passengers.” She looked over the mound of dirt and wished that she could've switched places with McCready.

  The Breach looked exactly as she left it. Burn marks covered the control panels. Broken cables were strewn about the cabin. Sophia sat down in the same seat that brought her to this planet.

  A light bulb clicked in Sophia's head. “Maybe I could try to contact another ship or send out a distress signal.”

  She slapped her forehead. “Why didn't I try that before!”

  Most of the control panels on the ship had been destroyed. Each one Sophia tried was powerless.

  Sophia slammed the panel on the far wall. The screen lit up with a dim light. It had just a little bit of juice left. “Thank God!” She swiped through the menus looking for anything that could communicate.

  Systems Check.


  Nothing that could be used to talk with another ship or send out a distress signal.

  “What am I supposed to do now? There's no way I can survive here on my own.” Sophia searched for food and water that she already knew wasn't there.

  “I could go to the neighboring village. They already want me there and Tyrex would be far away.”

  Sophia nodded to herself, acknowledging that it was the best course of action. The only way to avoid being hurt any further.

  But she had no idea what direction the village was in. She tried to remember if Tyrex had said anything about its location.

  But thinking about Tyrex was dangerous business.

  His naked blue body on top of her...

  His strong hands explored every inch of her body.

  Sophia shook her head to get the image out. Tears crept into her eyes. “Keep him out. Thinking about Tyrex isn't going to help.”

  Sophia left The Breach and looked in each direction. She knew the way back to Tyrex's village. “I'm just going to have to guess.”

  She picked the opposite way from Ja'la village. “Even if I can't find the other village, I'll at least be farther away.”

  Before she could leave, Sophia heard a rustling in the trees. She swung around and couldn't see anything. “Please don't be an alien creature here to eat me.”

  Tyrex ran through the trees and found Sophia standing outside the ship.

  “What are you doing here?” Sophia asked.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Fuck the council,” Tyrex said, inching closer to Sophia.

  “What do you mean?” Sophia backed away. She didn't know what she was afraid of. But she knew that she was hurt and Tyrex was the cause.

  “I'm not going to listen to them anymore. You're my Intended, Sophia Jordan.”

  “But you'll be executed, Tyrex.”

  Tyrex moved towards her. “I won't let them. Together we can fight them.”

  Sophia turned away. “I don't belong here, Tyrex. Maybe it would be best if I went to the other village.”

  Tyrex put his hand on her shoulder and spun her around. They both looked into each other's eyes. “You're mine, Sophia. I won't let you go.”

  Sophia marveled at his determined face. There was so much power behind his eyes. She would believe anything he said. Do anything for him. Now she felt dumb for even thinking about running away in the first place.

  “I'm sorry for leaving you. It's just that I heard you talking with your family...and I got scared.”

  Tyrex put his finger on her lips. “Shh. You don't have to explain. I should be the one apologizing. I never should've talked to my parents without you.”

  His hand caressed her cheek. Sophia grabbed his hand and held it close to her face. She felt safe again. Like nothing could hurt them now.

  Tyrex pulled her close and kissed her hard. Sophia melted instantly in his arms. The heat of his body radiated to her. Their tongues touched and Sophia felt an electricity flow through her.

  “How do you do this to me?” she asked.

  Tyrex craned her neck to the side and nibbled on it. “We were meant to be,” he whispered in her ear.

  Sophia felt lightheaded. Tyrex was too much for her. Too much man. Even though he wasn't even a real man. But his parts down there worked just the same.

  She could feel him grow against her, throbbing. Nothing in the world felt better. Sophia reached down and drew an outline around his big cock. All she had to do was reach under his leather wrap for easy access. All of his manliness was waiting for her.

  Tyrex fit his fingers of one hand in the waist of his Sophia's leather wrap. His other fingers slipped into the back of her chest piece. His muscles tightened and in one grunt, he ripped the clothes from Sophia until she was naked before him.

  She stood there frozen still, her arms at her side. Tyrex looked her up and down, his eyes focusing on her bountiful breasts.

  “You look amazing,” Tyrex said.

  Sophia blushed. “Am I very different from Jeorn females?”

  Tyrex shook his head. “Only your skin color. Which I find a massive turn on.”

  He undid the leather around his waist and let it fall to the ground.

  Sophia took in a sharp breath. She'd seen it before but this time it looked bigger than ever. Erect and bouncing with every pulse.


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