Evil's Price: Devil's Outlaws MC (Book One) (Dark MC Romance)

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Evil's Price: Devil's Outlaws MC (Book One) (Dark MC Romance) Page 4

by Raven Dark

  “Whoever they are, they must be bad news if you thought it was a good idea to piss off an MC.”

  “I… I didn’t know.”


  “I didn’t…” I take a steadying breath, feeling naïve and dumb. “I didn’t know what that meant. I didn’t know what you were.”

  Spider makes a noise that sounds like disbelief.

  The other men chuckle.

  “The bitch is lying, Spider.” A new voice speaks up behind me—the third man in the room. “Just kill her ass.”

  “Shut it, Reaper.” His brows knit as he searches my face. I can see it in his eyes, he’s trying to figure out if I’m really that stupid. He releases me and steps back. “Strip.”

  The single command spears through me like a hot poker.

  “Why?” My voice comes out a terrified squeak.

  The men laugh and snort as if it’s a stupid question. Those laughs leave no doubt as to why he wants me to disrobe.

  But Spider doesn’t give the answer I expect.

  “Because I want to see you,” he says, and it’s a purr filled with lust that makes my throat go dry.

  “You want to…see me?” The hunger in his eyes makes it clear even to a girl as sexually inexperienced as me what he wants to see. I can’t figure out if I’m horrified or turned on.

  “Every inch of you.”


  I know, it’s a stupid response. He’s armed and he’s now talked of killing me twice, but the thought of stripping naked in front of him—and worse, in front of all the men in this room—is too horrible to bear. Especially when I know what it will inevitably lead to.

  He takes the gun from his pants and I jolt, my face going pale. I freeze, hope for my own survival trickling in when he doesn’t point it at me, only takes out a rectangular receptacle from inside the gun and shows me the gleaming golden bullets within.

  “Just in case you thought it wasn’t loaded.” He slams the receptacle home and sets the firearm on the platform, a few inches from me.

  He’s not afraid I’ll grab it, if not because he’d stop me and make me wish I hadn’t, then because it’s in easy reach of Arson. He wants it there so I won’t forget again.

  “And if one gun is not enough to convince you of the danger you’re in, we all have them.”

  I look away, letting him know he has me. He can do whatever he wants with me, and he knows it. Heaven help me, I hate him. I hate the heat unfurling between my legs just as much. My body is betraying me.

  “Clothes off. Now.”

  Rage courses through my veins on the heels of shame. The toxic mixture makes my body tremble as I push myself slowly off the platform.

  I’ve spent a week around strippers. Maybe this should be easy for me, but it isn’t. It’s their job. They chose that life. I didn’t.

  “Want us to leave you two alone, Spider?” Reaper teases.

  “Nope.” Spider’s eyes dance. “Stay right where you are, all three of you.” He reaches out and runs one finger down the front of my throat, above the opening of my uniform shirt.

  It’s amazing how sinful and wicked he can make that single caress feel.

  Spider traces the line of the choker collar before he hooks the loop on the front with his finger. “I want her to know you’re watching what I do to her.”

  My jaw clenches. This man is an animal, but I try to make him see reason.

  “Please don’t do this.” I will my eyes to remain steady on his face. Forcing myself to be strong. “If you let me go now, I won’t say anything. I swear.”

  Unfortunately, it’s true. I can’t report this jerk to the cops, and not because doing so would mean I’d have to explain that I tried to steal from this place. I can’t, because if I gave a report, the cops would need personal information I can’t afford to give.

  Spider’s lips twitch, causing a flash of teeth. “The word of a thief. That’s cute.”

  Any hope of getting out of here without further humiliating myself is fading fast.

  There’s nothing left but to do what he says.

  With my hands shaking, I jerk open the buttons on my shirt. My breasts spill out, but I let the shirt fall to the floor.

  Arson whistles. “Nice.”

  Spider’s eyes rake over me again, devouring my breasts. His chest rises on a sharp breath. The fire in his eyes causes my nipples to tighten with need. He reaches out his large hand and cups one breast.

  Raw heat floods through my veins, making my head feel a little light. I’ve never had a man touch me like this. It’s disturbing how amazing it feels.

  “Such gorgeous tits,” he murmurs.

  Licking his lips, he flicks one nipple with the pad of his thumb. It peaks instantly, hardening almost to the point of pain. My body’s reaction is horrifying. I remind myself of the gun on the platform and force myself not to push his hand away.

  Spider drops his hand. “The rest of the clothes. Off.”

  My throat tightens.

  No. I will not cry. Not in front of him.

  Retreating inside myself to a place where he can’t reach, I bend down to take off my shoes.

  “Leave the heels on.”

  I jerk upright. My eyes collide with his. The smirk he’s wearing as he looks at my shoes makes me scowl, which makes his smile widen.

  He’s a pervert. Why is this making me hotter?

  I sigh, but yank my skirt and panties off, letting them pool on the floor at my feet.

  Chairs creak behind me and Striker makes an approving sound. My humiliation skyrockets. They can see my backside in all its glory.

  But what Spider sees is just as bad. His chest expands sharply, his eyes fixating on the junction between my thighs. “Fuck.”

  There’s so much lust in that word, it’s clear he likes what he sees. The approval makes my insides feel like they’re on fire with half anger, half arousal.

  Lord, I wish the floor would swallow me whole right now. The urge to ball myself up small and disappear nearly drowns me in its depths. I cover myself as best I can with my arms, pressing my thighs together.

  “Will you let me go now?” I grit out.

  “Not a chance.” He pushes my arms down, leaving me nowhere to hide. “Arms at your sides, thief.”

  That word makes loathing for him flare white hot in me. It takes all my effort not to fight him, to instead let my arms hang loosely.

  Spider closes in until his powerful frame is pressed against mine. He slides his fingers over my lower lips and through my folds.

  I jerk, horrified at this turn of events. I don’t know what’s worse, the ache mounting between my legs, or that this animal I hardly know is touching me this way. What he’s doing to me is something that should be reserved for the man I’ll marry, and only after we’ve gone down the aisle.

  When I try to step back, Spider’s arm goes around my waist and he crushes me to him, two of his fingers stroking me slowly. The ache builds until I have to force my hips to remain still and not respond to him.

  His breath fans my ear, his beard tickling my cheek. “I knew it. You’re soaked. Pussy’s begging to be fucked.” The triumph in his voice mocks my shame while the threat he puts on the mention of sex causes my arousal to cool.

  “Leave me alone,” I grind out, shoving at his hand, forgetting the danger and his gun on the platform in my rage.

  “No,” he rumbles in my ear. “You forfeited your life and any right to refuse when you put your greedy little hands on that money. No one disrespects the club, least of all a greedy little brat Dee was good enough to help.”

  Guilt unfurls in my gut. I close my eyes, feeling tears threaten at what I’ve done. I betrayed Dee and I hate myself for that.

  Spider pushes my legs apart with his foot and slides his fingers with a cruel slowness through my folds. The ache building there intensifies. I grip the platform behind me, trying to step back, but he crushes me to him harder.

  “Please, stop.”

  “I t
hink you should find a better use for that mouth, Spider,” Arson says.

  Spider hums in agreement. “Maybe I should make you suck all of us off and not just me, hmm?”

  Suck… Dear God, no. I shake my head frantically.

  Spider’s smile is cruel. He drops his hand, though, and I heave relieved breaths, trying to steady myself as he backs away.

  “Turn around and spread your legs. Let the others see your pussy.”

  And I thought he was going to back off.

  I want to scream at him to stop. Worse, I feel my fists balling up with an urge I’ve never felt before in my life. An urge to hurt him, hit him hard. The realization that I’m even capable of such thoughts sickens me.

  And worse, his command makes me wetter.

  Reminding myself of the gun, I turn around, spreading my legs.

  Striker and Reaper devour the sight of me.

  I turn my eyes away, but Spider cups my chin, directing my eyes right at the full-length mirrors that line the wall opposite us.

  His huge hand is trapping my jaw, leaving me nowhere to look but at my naked body pressed to his powerful frame, my legs spread. I can see the tattoo of a spider and its web on the back of his hand clear as day. The rings on his fingers gleam wicked and demonic in the room’s golden light. My chest rises and falls hard with something between panic and excitement.

  Even the pastors who raved about the horrors of the world never warned us about anything like this.

  “Look at yourself,” he rumbles in my ear. “Look at you with those beautiful tits and that perfect pussy bared for us all to see. So fucking gorgeous, little thief.”

  What is he going to do to me? The hunger in his voice eats at my soul and strokes my sex.

  “Please…” I beg.

  Spider growls and shoves my chest down onto the platform. Even before he moves in behind me and kicks my legs further apart, panic morphs into terror.

  A hard bulge presses into my sex, making me jolt. I swallow. Arousal and humiliation fight for headspace as it hits me what that is. I try to jerk upright, but he grips my shoulder, and I can’t move.

  I don’t need to be experienced to know what’s coming now.

  “Give us a show, Spidy,” Arson says. “She deserves what she gets.”

  Wow. They’re all as bad as him.

  Spider runs his palm up my back and seizes my hair in his fist, pinning me in place. My heart batters my ribs.

  “You can’t do this,” I spit. “You can’t!”

  Spider slides his hand over my butt cheeks as if he’s committing every inch to memory. “Fuckable ass,” he hisses. Then he slides his fingers into my sopping folds again, then his fingers still.

  I wait with bated breath to see what he’ll do next, but his fingers don’t move. What’s he waiting for?

  “Have you ever fucked anyone, thief?” he says in my ear, but loud enough for the others to hear.

  My eyes water and I push the tears back. “No.”

  Please, please, no. If there is a divine God, I wouldn’t complain if he sent a lightning bolt down and fried Spider and the others right now.

  “She’s lying,” Striker says. “No one that hot hasn’t spread her legs at least once.”

  “Shut the fuck up, Striker.” Spider slides two of his fingers into me.

  I wince at the sting, turning my head away in humiliated horror.

  My captor makes an approving sound deep in his throat. “So fucking tight.” He stretches me with his fingers. Testing my virginity, I realize. “Perfect for my cock.”

  His cock. Dear Jesus, I’m not ready for that.

  Spider slides his fingers in and out. The pain is so intense, I huff in huge breaths, my thighs shaking with the effort to pull away. I try to lift my shoulders up, and the hand gripping my hair moves to my neck, once more pinning me in place.

  Tears, of pain, but also of grief for what he’s taking from me, make my eyes blur and drip onto the glass platform.

  I hate myself for crying almost as much as I hate him.

  Spider pumps his fingers in and out a few more times. My thighs shake even more, my legs barely holding me up, my breathing coming in small, choked gasps.

  Then he bends over me, and his lips brush my ear as he slides his fingers out at last. “Mine.”

  The single word slides through my pain-addled brain and I try to make sense of what that means, what he might intend to do to me.

  “Gorgeous, greedy little thief.” His palm whacks my butt cheek, and it’s like a final insult. The sting makes me whimper. For some ridiculous reason, the pain also makes the unsatisfied feeling burning between my legs intensify again.

  I can’t believe what he just did to me. Can’t believe what just happened here in this room.

  Spider turns me around just in time for me to see him slip his fingers into his mouth.

  I stare at him, caught between embarrassment and an upsurge of absurd arousal. He’s licking my juices off of his fingers, along with the virgin’s blood that coats them.

  I’ve never seen anything so wicked in my life.

  Or so sexy.

  “Get dressed,” he orders, picking up his gun and slipping it into his hip holster. The action draws my eyes to his waist, and then lower, where there’s a huge, heavy bulge between his legs.

  “Let me go,” I tell him as I pull on my clothes, though I don’t really expect him to do it.

  “No. We’re leaving now,” Spider adds coldly. “Make a sound when we get out of here, and I’ll show you what pain really is.”

  I get the message. Screaming bloody murder is out of the question. There has to be another way to escape. I’ll just have to be vigilant and watch for it.

  I’ve never wanted to hurt a man until now. The burning need for retribution makes my heart hurt.

  “What are you going to do to me now?”

  He said I was his. My mind races with panic over what might await me now that this whole humiliating game of his is over.

  Spider runs his fingers over my mouth. I can smell the faint scent of my juices on them and it makes my head swim, reawakening the arousal that still has my sex soaked.

  “You belong to me now, little wildcat.” His eyes are heavily lidded, giving him a wickedly sexy, sleepy look, his voice throaty. “For now, I’m taking you back to the clubhouse with us.”

  Heaven help me, how does he make that name sound so sexy?

  I don’t know what a clubhouse is, but I’m certain I don’t want to go there, or anywhere with this animal. I need to figure out how to get away from him before we leave this place.

  “And then what?” I press, finishing with getting dressed and then facing him.

  Spider doesn’t answer, only giving me a sinful smirk that scares me as much as it makes my fists clench.

  Oh, Lord. I’m in so, so much trouble here.

  Of Spider, I am certain of one thing. He is something a lot worse than a monster or an animal. He’s the devil himself.


  The Monster’s Promise

  When I’d made that damned decision to take the fucking thief into the party room, I hadn’t thought this through. Thinking too much in this life makes a man hesitate. It gets you dead.

  When I’d seen her in that alley clutching that tip jar, it pissed me off. This strip club belongs to the MC, and that means that everything within its four walls belongs to us. No one steals from the Devil’s Outlaws. She needed to be taught a lesson.

  A personal lesson that she’d never forget.

  She’d stared at me, looking so innocent and frightened, as if I was a monster she’d never seen before. That intrigued me. I needed to be the one to show her what kind of monster she was dealing with.

  Then, as soon as I saw that killer body of hers, I knew I had to have her.

  That soft, smooth skin, untouched and waiting for me to mark her. Tits, firm and round and just the right size for my hands. Dark curls meant to wrap around my fist. That soft pussy, like silk on my fing

  The fear in her eyes—fear of me—was like an aphrodisiac.

  Then I saw how wet she was after I’d made her strip.

  I felt her juices coating my fingers. Her fighting so hard not to respond to my touch. Her fear made my cock painfully hard. I’d never had every cell in my body react to a woman this way before.

  That threw me. Women mean nothing to me. They’re there to for my pleasure and nothing more. I like it that way. Yet my whole body craves her.

  What the fuck?

  The little thief is mine. She just doesn’t know it yet. As of now, the life she once knew is gone.

  I keep a tight grip on her wrist while I head out of the party room with the others. With every step, she tries to pull out of my grasp. Her wrist is so small and fragile in my fist, but I won’t ease up.

  A loud thumping noise greets us when we step out into the hall. I feel a tugging on my arm and look over my shoulder. She’s stopped dead in her tracks.

  “Is there a problem, Wildcat?” I’ve heard Dee call her Stephanie. I doubt that’s her real name, but it doesn’t matter. We won’t be getting to know each other, and this isn’t a fucking date.

  “What is that?” Her voice shakes as she tries to pull her hand free. Her eyes are riveted to the room across the hall, where the sound is coming from. It’s the Outlaws’ private meeting room.

  The thumping gets louder, faster.

  I laugh. Does she seriously not know?

  Saying nothing, I smirk and wait for her to figure it out.

  Pip groans and a lusty cry from Monica reverberates through the whole hall.

  Stephanie’s—or whatever her name is—eyes widen, and her cheeks flush a glorious pink. The sight has me imagining all the things I will do to her to make her blush.

  “Oh, dear Lord,” she mumbles, catching on.

  I reel her in, gripping the back of her neck. I could snap it like a twig.

  “You’d better get used to that sort of thing. We aren’t shy about fucking our women.”

  Her face turns even redder. Fuck, I’m going to devour her.

  She pushes at my chest, desperate to get away from me. Tough shit for her. She’s mine now.

  I crush her to me, gliding my palm over her cheek, tracing her lips with my fingers. She tries to jerk her face away, and when I won’t let go, she deflates. Helplessness fills her eyes. She looks everywhere but at me.


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