Rogue Pirates Bride

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Rogue Pirates Bride Page 19

by Shana Galen

  back, cupping her face. “Aren’t you going to even

  make a show of protesting?”

  She stared up at him and knew this was what fallen

  angels looked like. “Protesting?” Did he think she

  could actually refuse him? She ran a finger along the

  hard planes of his cheeks, down the smooth bridge of

  his nose.

  “Oui—protesting. ‘No, no, monsieur, we

  shouldn’t,’” he said in a high-pitched voice. “And

  finally you give in because you are overwhelmed by

  my caresses.”

  “I am overwhelmed by your caresses. But I might

  be more overwhelmed if we were both wearing

  less clothing.”

  He laughed, as she’d hoped he would. “I like you

  more and more,” he murmured. She could feel his

  fingers loosening the belt at her waist. “No pretension.

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  Now let me see if I can do something about the

  clothing issue.”

  A moment later, her belt dropped to the floor, and

  he pulled her up, taking his shirt over her head. She’d

  bound her breasts again, but when he reached for the

  cloth, she pushed his hands away. “I’ll do it. You deal

  with your shirt.”

  “Gladly, mademoiselle. Any other orders?”

  She paused in the act of reaching for the binding

  cloth. “Oh, am I…?”

  “No, no. I’m teasing you. This can be fun, no?”

  Fun. She pondered the idea as she unwrapped the

  long cloth. It had never been fun with Timothy.

  The few times they’d been alone together had been

  furtive and rushed. He’d been so intense, so eager

  to be inside her. They’d not exchanged two words

  during the act.

  But Bastien had not stopped talking and acted as

  though they had all the time in the world. And she

  supposed in a sense they did. No one would dare

  interrupt him. But she wasn’t certain she knew how

  to have fun in the way he meant.

  She heard him inhale sharply and glanced at his

  face. He was staring at her, and his expression made

  her knees feel weak. She looked down and realized

  she had but a thin strip of cloth left and she’d be

  bare to the waist. Slowly, she allowed the cloth to

  fall away.

  He didn’t even touch her, but she felt her nipples

  warm and harden under his hot gaze. She could almost

  feel his fingers on her, was eager to thrust herself into

  his hands.

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  But he was not so eager—or if he was, he was in

  no hurry. He sat, holding his bunched shirt in one

  hand, and studied her. She was not particularly modest

  or prudish, but after a moment, she felt herself grow

  self-conscious. She made to raise the cloth, and he

  dropped his shirt and grabbed her wrists. “No, ma belle.

  I’m sorry. I did not see before how perfect you are.”

  She made a sound of denial and tried to raise her

  hands, but he held them down. With a slight move-

  ment, he pushed her back against the pillows and

  leaned over her. “You don’t believe me?” He kissed

  her mouth lightly, and she felt the lightest trace of his

  fingertips on the side of one breast. She arched; heat

  jolted through her body.

  “No, I don’t believe you. I’m not perfect.”

  “Oh, but you are.” He bent, cupped one breast,

  and rubbed his lips against the upthrust nipple.

  “You’re full and heavy.” He traced the sides and

  cupped her underneath as though testing the weight.

  “Pink and cream.” He said this against her nipple, and

  she bit her lip to stop a moan. “Soft and hard.” He

  took the nipple lightly between his teeth and raked his

  mouth over her.

  Raeven couldn’t help but throw her head back. She

  was on fire. Never had she wanted something so much

  as she wanted Bastien to divest her of the rest of her

  clothing and finish what they’d begun.

  “Oh, you like that?” he murmured, suckling her,

  which was an entirely new sensation. “What else do

  you like?”

  “I don’t know,” she breathed. “But don’t stop

  doing that.”

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  He chuckled against her, his stubble tickling her

  sensitive skin. “Don’t grow shy now, ma belle. Tell me

  what you want.”

  She met his gaze. “Really. I don’t know.”

  A small flicker of alarm flashed in his eyes. “Don’t

  tell me you are a virgin.”

  She almost laughed at the worry in his voice. “No,

  but I fear I am not very experienced. I…” She didn’t

  know what else to say without revealing parts of her

  life she had shared with only Timothy and which were

  too personal to tell anyone.

  “Ah.” He was studying her face, his expression

  again full of wonder. “Have you ever experienced la

  petite mort?”

  She raised her brows. “The little death? What does

  that mean?”

  He grinned. “If you have to ask, you have not had

  the experience. I think I know what you would like.”

  She raised her brows. “I’d like you to take off the

  rest of your clothes.”

  “All in good time. But once I remove my breeches,

  I find it hard to think of anything but myself. I want

  to think about you”—he rubbed her nipple lightly

  between two fingers—“for a little while longer.”

  He bent to kiss her, and she arched to give him

  better access but was disappointed when he bent

  lower to kiss her abdomen. She thought of pulling

  his lips back to her nipples but resisted when she

  felt his fingers on the fastenings of her breeches—his

  breeches, really. He didn’t even need to unfasten them

  to remove them. They were far too big on her, and he

  ended up pulling them over her hips and tossing them

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  across the cabin. She watched them land on the floor

  then looked back, expecting him to rise over her.

  But he was kissing her stomach now, and his hands

  were on her hips. She could easily see where he was

  going with his explorations, and she tensed, unsure if

  she should allow him.

  He glanced up at her. “I thought you were feeling


  She swallowed. “This might be more than wanton.”

  “What did you expect?”

  She would never have dreamed of what he

  proposed now, but she had to admit she expected

  passion. She expected pleasure. She felt his fingers

  run along her thigh, resting at the juncture of her

  legs. His gaze was locked on hers as he gently coaxed

  her legs open and then caressed her lightly but quite

ively. She jumped, and to her shock, pushed

  harder against him.

  He touched his lips to hers, kissed her cheek, kissed

  her neck—all the while sliding his fingers against her

  deliciously. “If you like this,” he whispered in her ear.

  “Imagine what my tongue will feel like.”

  She groaned. She could imagine it, but she could not

  speak of it. Instead, when he lowered his head again,

  she made no protest and opened willingly for him. At

  first she kept her eyes on the ceiling above them. His

  breath on her thighs was warm, but she dared not look

  at what he was doing. She felt the first light touch of

  his tongue, and she could not help but stare down

  at his dark head. His hair spilled over his forehead

  as he bent to his task. She could not believe she was

  allowing this, but then he glanced up at her—a wicked

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  gleam in his eyes—and she could believe it. She would

  probably have allowed him to do anything.

  He touched his tongue to her again, and the last of

  her thoughts fled. She could think of nothing but the

  mounting pleasure. She’d had a taste of it before, but

  then the experience had ended, leaving her wanting

  more. She knew Bastien would not leave her that way.

  Unwittingly, she arched her hips against him, and

  instead of shocking him, he grasped them and pulled

  her closer. “Come for me, ma belle,” he whispered

  against her.

  His tongue scraped against her again, and her world


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  Bastien watched la petite mort rip through her

  and thought how aptly the French metaphor fit the

  experience. She did look as though she might die.

  She’d flung her head back, reached up to cup her

  breasts, and arched hard against him. Now she lay with

  eyes closed, panting lightly.

  He took the moment to study her body. He had

  not lied when he told her she was perfect. Men had

  many different tastes when it came to female beauty.

  He was of the opinion that most women were beau-

  tiful in one way or another. He might admire one

  woman’s face, another’s legs, a third’s bottom. But

  he could not stop admiring every inch and aspect

  of Raeven.

  Her breasts were exquisite. Like most men, he

  preferred large breasts, and hers were abundant. He

  did not know how she had ever hidden them so well.

  Softly curved, they were almost too large for her small

  frame, for she had a tiny waist and slim hips. And yet

  her legs were long and muscled. And her bottom—he

  would have to turn her over so he could see it in the

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  flesh. But he’d had his hands on it, and he knew it was

  round and firm.

  She opened her eyes and looked at him. The

  emerald color was not quite as sharp as before. Her

  irises had turned soft and muted, her pupils large. She

  gave him a tentative smile. She didn’t smile often,

  and seeing the corners of her mouth turn up now, he

  couldn’t resist kissing her swollen lips.

  “Did I please you?” he asked. He knew he had, but

  he had to ask anyway. He wanted to know what she’d

  say after her moment of uncharacteristic shyness. But it

  had been only a moment. Once he’d applied himself,

  she’d come hard and fast and without reservation. He

  wanted to please her again. But this time he wanted

  to be inside her. He wanted to feel her tighten against

  him, feel those breasts thrust against his chest when she

  bucked against him.

  “Yes,” she breathed. Her voice was low and husky,

  and he didn’t think it was possible, but he grew harder.

  “I don’t think ‘pleased’ is a strong enough word for

  what I felt.”

  He looked into her eyes and saw she was completely

  serious. If he had not already been an arrogant man,

  he would be one now. “That’s only the beginning, ma

  belle.” He kissed her lips again. How did she manage to

  taste like cherries after more than a day at sea? “I can

  show you more pleasure.”

  She yawned and stretched. “That’s quite all right.

  I’m ready for a nap now.”

  One look at his face, and she burst into laughter.

  “Oh, you should see your expression, pirate.” She

  put a finger under his chin and pretended to close his

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  mouth. It hadn’t really been hanging open. At least he

  didn’t think it had. “You’re the one who said love-

  making can be fun, no?” She mimicked his voice and

  accent, and he gave her a grudging smile.

  “I didn’t think you had much of a sense of humor,”

  he said.

  “I guess you don’t know everything about me.”

  No, he didn’t, but he thought he would like to.

  And if he couldn’t know everything, he’d like to

  know much, much more. He nuzzled her neck. “Why

  don’t we become better acquainted?”

  She pushed him back. “Very well. Why don’t you

  remove the rest of your clothes? I feel quite exposed,

  lying here naked with you still wearing breeches

  and”—she made a sound of dismay—“you haven’t

  even taken off your boots.”

  “Would you like to take them off for me?” He

  took a moment to enjoy the image of her removing

  his boots, naked, then he stood, removed them himself

  and stripped off his breeches. He would have climbed

  right back beside her warm body, but she was staring

  at him so intently, he glanced down to see what was

  amiss. Had he been wounded in the fighting? Was he

  covered in bruises?

  He could see nothing remarkable and gave her a

  questioning look.

  “I suppose I’ve seen naked men before,” she said

  slowly, her gaze roving over him. Bon Dieu but he

  was feeling almost self-conscious at the intensity of

  her perusal. “But I’ve never seen anything like you.”

  Women had complimented him before, but the

  words had never meant anything to him. He did not

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  know why, but he wanted to please this woman, this

  Raeven. Perhaps it was because he knew her praise

  was rarely given.

  He gathered her into his arms, pressing his body

  against her warm, soft flesh.

  “Your shoulder,” she breathed. “Does it pain you?”

  For a moment, he had no idea what she spoke of;

  then he remembered the wound Gaston sewed closed.

  “Not when I’m with you.” One hand found her

  rounded hip, and he fit her to him so she was pressing

  intimately against him.

  She gasped and whispered, “You don’t waste

  any time.”

  “I’m eager for you, ma belle. I’ve been waiting many

  long months and imagining this moment since I first

  saw you in that gown.”

  “Really?” She looked up at him, her emerald eyes full

  of questions. “Is this how you imagined it would be?”

  “It’s better.” He bent, kissed her mouth, opening

  her to delve his tongue inside to taste. Her tongue met

  his eagerly, her body moving against him as he deep-

  ened the kiss. He could feel her trembling beneath

  him as he pressed her legs open farther, felt her moist

  heat against the tip of his erection.

  He moaned. “Mon Dieu, but I want you.”

  “I want you too,” she whispered, and that was

  all the invitation he needed. He slipped inside her,

  sheathing himself in her heat. He could not have

  imagined such molten heat or that she would fit him

  like a glove. He moved inside her, felt her tense,

  adjust, and finally accept him. He moved again, and

  she tightened around him.

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  With gritted teeth, he held himself in check. “Do

  not do that, chérie,” he ground out, “Or this will be

  too quick.”

  Her response was a moan and to tighten against him

  again. He would have to go slowly another time, he

  realized. This first time he was too eager—she was too

  eager—and so he gave up the soft, slow movements to

  thrust hard and fast.

  Her eyes flew open at his new pace, and a cat’s

  smile crept across her face.

  “You like that,” he said, driving into her again. But

  she was too far gone to answer. She gripped his unhurt

  shoulder then his bicep, and with a cry, her hips rose

  to meet his. Their bodies thrust and parried, thrust and

  parried, and finally he sank into her and surrendered

  to the white oblivion. He’d felt her shuddering release

  only a second before, and he thanked God, as he didn’t

  think he could have survived her another moment.

  Later, when his breathing slowed and he could

  think again, he rolled away. Normally, he would

  think of some excuse to go on deck, smoke a cigar, or

  breathe fresh air. Instead, he gathered her close. She

  smelled much better than the men on deck and was

  far warmer than the brisk ocean breezes. At least that’s

  what he told himself as he burrowed his face into her

  hair and lazily stroked her back.

  He didn’t doze. He was too aware that Jourdain


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