Rogue Pirates Bride

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Rogue Pirates Bride Page 31

by Shana Galen

  and back at Rummy. “You know it’s an escape plan.”

  “Well, it ain’t a poem professing her undying love.

  Not if I know Raeven Russell.”

  Bastien sighed again and broke the seal on the

  paper. The handwriting was the same he remembered

  from the note in his chamber pot all those months

  ago. It seemed years now since they’d shared that first

  kiss, and he’d thought to punish her by making her

  his cabin girl.

  The note was short and simple: Look under the seat.

  There was only a small bench in his cell, and Bastien

  went to it now and peered underneath. Nothing but

  dirt and mouse droppings.

  “What’s it say?” Rummy asked.

  Bastien shrugged. There was no harm in telling the

  man. “Look under the seat.” Bastien indicated the

  bench. “Nothing there.”

  Rummy scratched his chin. “She might mean

  another seat. You’ll be taken to Newgate in a

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  carriage—not a fancy one, but it’ll have seats. Maybe

  she means those seats.”

  She undoubtedly did. “Do you think if I asked you

  to tell her not to risk it, she’d abandon whatever plan

  she’s concocted?”

  “No. I’ll tell her if you want, but I’ll probably get

  punched in the jaw for my efforts.”

  “Far be it from me to be the cause of a scratch on

  your pretty face, Mr. Rummy.” Bastien sat on the bench

  and stretched out his legs. Rummy was still watching

  him. “How much time do I have?” Bastien asked.

  Rummy shrugged. “Hour. Maybe two. You’ll

  watch out for her, won’t you?”

  “I’ll protect her with my life,” Bastien promised.

  “But you and I both know that may not be enough.”

  Three hours passed before two armed British

  soldiers marched into the brig. They were escorted

  by the admiral, who oversaw Bastien’s removal from

  the cell. One was short and blond, the other tall,

  obscenely thin, and dark. The blond soldier held up

  shackles, but Bastien spread his hands in entreaty.

  “Gentleman, those won’t be necessary. I am unarmed.

  I promise to go quietly.”

  The soldiers exchanged glances. “We’re supposed

  to shackle prisoners,” the dark one said.

  Bastien shrugged and held out his hands. “If you must.”

  The blond shackled him and led him up the ladder-

  ways until he was standing on deck. It was full dark,

  and that was a surprise. A glance at the sky told him

  it was close to midnight. Docks always stunk, and the

  London docks were no different. He was careful not

  to take a deep breath, careful not to look for Raeven,

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  either. He didn’t expect she would be standing about

  on deck, watching him being led away, as some of the

  ship’s crew was doing. He wished she were.

  He was led down the gangplank to an old, sturdy

  carriage. Its curtains were drawn, and a coachman

  armed with a blunderbuss stood beside the open door.

  It appeared as though Bastien would be traveling

  alone. When he reached the conveyance, he looked at

  the soldiers. “Need I be shackled while inside?”

  “You might as well get used to it,” the thin, dark

  soldier muttered.

  “Then give me one last taste of freedom.” Bastien

  held out his hands.

  The blond soldier nodded. “All right. One last

  taste, but if you try anything…” He unlocked the

  shackles and pushed Bastien into the carriage. Bastien

  settled on the poorly sprung seat, crossed his arms, and

  looked bored. He waited until the soldiers mounted

  their horses and the coachman hoisted himself into

  the box before he parted the curtains for a quick look.

  The soldiers were in position, one in front and one

  behind, but there was no other escort. No sign of

  Raeven either.

  He heard the coachman call out to the horses and

  he reached under the thin squab covering the seat.

  His fingers touched metal and, slowly, he withdrew

  a pistol. A quick glance told him it was primed and

  ready to be fired.

  “Thank you, Raeven,” he muttered. “Now stay the

  hell out of danger.”

  Bastien sat quietly for several minutes, listening to

  the sounds of the city, waiting for the carriage to turn

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  into a quiet street. After a time, he could tell they had

  left the docks behind, but despite the late hour, the

  city was busy. He heard voices and the sounds of other

  carriages passing. Still, he bided his time.

  Finally, the carriage turned again, and the noise

  dimmed. Bastien gripped the pistol he’d hidden under

  his coat and took a deep breath.

  “Halt!” a voice called. “Stand, or we’ll blow your

  heads off.”

  Bastien heard the soldiers swear and the horses

  protest loudly before he heard the first shot from a

  pistol. He couldn’t tell if it came from the soldiers,

  the coachman, or one of the attackers, and he didn’t

  wait to find out. The carriage was still moving, and he

  had to get out before it stopped and the soldiers could

  secure him. He aimed both feet at the carriage door,

  kicked, and watched it slam open. He rolled onto the

  floor, his head landing near the doorway, and he saw

  the ground rush by.

  Another shot sounded, and someone screamed.

  Bastien still had the pistol in his hand, and he rolled

  to his belly and peered into the dark night. The short,

  blond soldier was coming up beside the carriage.

  Bastien aimed, fired, and watched the man go down.

  Another horse approached, and Bastien prepared to

  throw the used pistol at him when he saw the ribbon

  of ebony hair down the rider’s back.

  “Merde. Get back!” he yelled. “You’re going to

  be shot.”

  “The coachman is down,” she called back. “I need

  to get control of the horses.”

  Another shot rang out, and she ducked. The look

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  on her face when she rose up again told him it had

  been a close.

  “You take care of him,” she ordered. “I’ll slow the

  horses.” And she rode forward.

  Bastien wanted to ask just how she expected him

  to protect her and dispatch the dark soldier, when the

  carriage careened wildly, and he almost tumbled out.

  He caught the edge of the door but lost the pistol. He

  watched it bounce on the road and tumble away. With

  a curse, he levered himself up and crawled across the

  carriage to peer out of the curtains on the other side.

  The dark soldier was right beside the c
onveyance and

  gaining ground. He had his musket aimed for what,

  Bastien imagined, was Raeven’s head. With a roar,

  Bastien slammed the door open, hitting the soldier’s

  horse and startling the beast so it veered off course.

  The thin man tried to control the beast as it knocked

  over a cart sitting beside a building. Bastien now saw

  they were in a narrow lane, but he glanced ahead and

  noted the lane opened into a larger street. There were

  other carriages about, and if he could stall the soldier

  or knock him off the horse, Bastien and Raeven might

  disappear in the crowds.

  When Bastien looked again, the dark soldier had

  the horse back under control and was gaining on

  the carriage. Bastien kept one hand on the door and

  crouched. As the soldier neared, he sprang, He didn’t

  know what he’d intended, perhaps some acrobatic

  maneuver whereby he knocked the soldier from the

  horse and seated the beast himself.

  But he landed on the animal long enough to grab

  the soldier’s boot before he slid down and was dragged

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  along the road. He held on just until the carriage

  wheels were no longer a threat, and then he released

  the soldier and tumbled onto the hard lane. As soon as

  he came to a stop, he raised his head and watched the

  carriage speed away. The thin soldier was fighting to

  seat his horse once again, and Raeven was fighting to

  slow the carriage’s horses.

  With a sigh, Bastien stood up and raced after them.

  Raeven had one of the horses by the reins, and she

  was pulling with everything she had. But there were

  four of the beasts, and even though the one she held

  was considering slowing, the other three were not

  so obliging.

  “Devil take you!” she yelled, turning when she

  spotted movement behind her. She frowned. Hadn’t she

  told Bastien to deal with that soldier? And then her heart

  thudded. What if the soldier had dealt with Bastien?

  She chanced a look over her shoulder and saw a

  man lying on the road. “Bastien!” But she had no time

  for concern. She had to get rid of the soldier before

  she could go back to Bastien. A glance ahead told her

  she was about to enter a busy street. But if she could

  maneuver the carriage into cutting off the soldier

  before she did so, she might be rid of him long enough

  to go back and collect Bastien.

  She measured the distance to the street and decided

  she had about two minutes. She released the horse’s

  reins and began screaming at the beast. She pushed her

  own horse closer to the animal and cursed her poor

  horsemanship. She was just as likely to tumble from

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  her beast as she was to encourage the carriage horses

  to veer right. She screamed again and waved her arms

  as she saw the soldier come up on the other side of the

  carriage. He was almost level with her.

  Another glance forward, and she saw she had

  about thirty seconds left. She kicked her mount

  hard, jerked his reins, and brought him closer to the

  carriage horses. The one beside her shied, screamed,

  and veered away.


  The others began to follow the lead horse, but to be

  certain, she screamed again and pushed her mount as

  close as she dared. The horses and carriage veered hard

  right, trapping the soldier and his mount between the

  conveyance and a building. Too late, the soldier tried

  to slow his animal, but horse and rider were caught in

  a tumble of horses and carriage.

  Raeven didn’t stay to watch the debacle. Instead,

  she whirled around and rushed back to where she’d

  left Bastien. To her relief, he was hobbling toward her.

  “Are you all right?” she asked.

  At the same time, he called, “Are you mad?”

  She slowed her horse and offered him a hand. “I

  might be. Get on. Hurry.”

  He didn’t argue. He took her hand, swung up

  behind her, and grabbed on to her waist. Warmth

  flowed though her when his hands were on her again.

  It had been so long since she’d felt his touch. But she

  pushed down the stabs of arousal and spurred her horse

  back the way they’d come. She didn’t think the soldier

  would be any threat to them, but she didn’t want to

  take any chances. As soon as she saw a narrow alley,

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  she cut through it and emerged on a busy street on

  the other side.

  She slowed the horse to a walk and hoped they

  didn’t look too conspicuous. The last thing she needed

  was to try and explain herself to the watch.

  “Might I ask where we’re going?” Bastien said in

  her ear. She shivered and gripped the reins tighter.

  “Berkeley Square.” Wherever that was. Wimberley’s

  coachman had given her directions, but those were

  from the docks. Now she was hopelessly turned around.

  “What is in Berkley Square?”

  She wanted to see his face when she told him, so

  she turned in the saddle and smiled. “It’s where your

  brother Julien resides.”

  His face remained perfectly blank for three long

  seconds, and then he blinked. “What did you say?”

  She had to turn forward again, but she was still

  smiling. “I said it’s where your brother Julien resides.

  I have it on good authority he and his wife live at

  Fourteen Berkeley Square.”

  Bastien’s grip on her waist tightened. “Is he

  expecting us?”

  “No. And, I have a confession.”


  She couldn’t stop grinning. It was so good to have him

  with her again, even if it was only for an hour or so.

  “What’s the confession?” he asked.

  She turned to face him. “I have no idea where

  Fourteen Berkeley Square is, and I’m afraid if we don’t

  find it soon, half the soldiers in London will be after us.”

  To his credit, Bastien only closed his eyes and

  muttered, “Merde.”

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  Julien was alive. Not only was his brother alive,

  Bastien thought, but he was alive and had been living

  in England for all these years. Bastien had asked a

  jarvey to point them in the direction of Berkeley

  Square, and if they’d followed the directions correctly,

  he and Raeven were only a few blocks away.

  In a few moments, he would see his brother again.

  Bastien hoped he didn’t bring half the British

  Army down on Julien. By now, the soldiers at the

  prison would have noted Captain Cutlass was late

  in arriving and would be searching for him. When

  they found their compatriots and h
eard the story—

  assuming the two men were able to tell the story

  of Bastien’s escape—they’d scour London looking

  for him. Bastien knew his time with his brother

  would be short. He intended to search out a vessel

  as quickly as possible and return to Gibraltar. The

  Shadow stopped there yearly, and he would surely see

  Ridley and the rest of his crew again soon. As long

  as he steered clear of the British Navy, he’d be free

  to carry on as before.

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  In front of him, Raeven turned her head to peer

  at him. Her hair brushed against his cheek, and he

  smelled cherries. He tightened his hands on her

  waist and thought how hard it would be to leave

  her. But this life of running and hiding was not a

  life he wanted for her. She belonged somewhere

  safe. Her father would keep her safe. Perhaps he’d

  marry her to some respectable Englishman, and

  she’d have a dozen children. He’d like that for her.

  He’d like to know she was safe and well, married

  and a mother.

  He couldn’t give her that life.

  “That’s it,” Raeven said. “That’s Berkeley Square,

  and I believe that’s number fourteen.”

  The house was an enormous tower of white. Lights

  blazed in the windows, making it appear a beacon

  in the darkness. Bastien realized he was holding his

  breath as Raeven stopped the horse in front of the

  town house. The trees in the park were bare, but the

  last of winter was behind them, and Bastien could

  imagine the place when surrounded by verdant leaves

  and a rainbow of flowers.

  Raeven glanced back at him, and he forced himself

  to breathe.

  “Are you ready?” she asked.

  “As I’ll ever be.” He dismounted then helped her

  down, as well. She felt warm and soft in his arms. He’d

  missed holding her. He would miss holding her.

  He’d wanted to marry her, but he realized now

  how selfish an idea that had been. He was a pirate with

  several prices on his head. He could never give her a

  family and home like the one they stood before.

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  He started up the walk and felt Raeven hesitate

  beside him. “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  She glanced down at her black breeches and the

  belted black shirt she wore. “I look a fright.” Indeed,

  her hair was streaming down her back, and she had


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