Chasing Dreams

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Chasing Dreams Page 4

by Alison Mello

  I crack up laughing. “Girl, you’re such an ass. I’ll tell you anyway though. My date with Logan was absolutely incredible. We went to the diner as planned and then he took me to this indoor mini golf place. It was pretty cool. It was all dark with black lights and neon paint. We had so much fun. He was wearing these jeans that I swear were tailor made for his ass, with a fitted V-neck navy blue shirt and boy did he smell so good.”

  Sadie’s laughing at me. “Are you going to wipe the drool from your face before you head out?”

  “I will, but only after I tell you about our kiss.”

  “Shut up! He kissed you?”

  I feel like a teenager bragging about how my boyfriend kissed me goodnight, but it was a wonderful kiss.

  “We were walking back to his car and he followed me to my side to open the door for me. He pinned me against his car and said, ‘Do you know I have wanted to kiss those lips all night?’ and then he kissed me.”

  Sadie’s squealing like a high schooler, but I frown thinking about the fact he hasn’t called me since.

  “What is it? Why aren’t you excited?”

  I look at her and shrug. “He hasn’t called or texted since. I sent him a text to thank him and tell him I had a nice time. We had a brief conversation and that was it.”

  “Interesting. Maybe he’s busy with the club. Jonah says he’s having an employee problem and he’s trying to figure out some new big idea he has.”

  “I hope so. I know about the big new idea. He asked me about it the other night. He’s working on promoting a singles night that can replace the 18+ crowd on Wednesdays. He’s assuming now that the college crowd is heading back to school they’re not going to come out as much on a Wednesday night so he’ll have a 21+ singles night. He wants to charge a cover that will include a fruit, cheese, and cracker table, and then they can buy their drinks.”

  “That’s kind of cool.”

  “That’s what I said. He wants to have live entertainment, like a singer or some sort of soft music going to so people can mingle and talk without having to yell. He has even ordered wine for the bar to give it a classier feel.”

  “Sounds like he has a great idea. Did you tell him you sing?”

  I make a funny face at her. “No, you know how I am. I’m not going to be like, ‘Oh I sing, I’ll do it for you.’ That is a little forward, and you know damn well that isn’t me. What if he thinks I’m not good enough for his club?”

  “You know you would be fantastic and he would love to have you. I don’t know why you don’t just mention it to him.”

  “He said he was going to hold auditions. Maybe I’ll go to it and show him what I’ve got. That way I go through the process like everyone else and he can decide based on my level of talent not the fact that he likes my ass. Now, I love you and would love to talk more, but I have to go. I’ll be home late so don’t wait up.” I gather my stuff and head for the door.



  I can’t believe I haven’t talked to Skyler since the night of our date. I’m trying to take it slow but her not calling me is driving me nuts. Maybe I shouldn’t have let her go that easily. We could have gone for drinks or I could have invited her to my place. I don’t have a roommate to worry about, but I felt like that would have been a bit forward. I had drinks with my best friend Trevor last night. We don’t see each other much anymore and I was bored because I was all caught up at work so I needed something to do. The bastard busted my balls because I was talking about Skyler all night. When I got home I spent the next hour in my in home gym so I could tire myself out.

  My email pings, and it’s Jonah telling me that Skyler is singing tonight and he provides me with the location. I plan to show up and act like I’m just checking out local entertainment for singles night and that I had no clue she was singing there. She’ll probably kill Jonah, Sadie, and me if she finds out they helped me. I don’t care. I want to see her and I want to hear her sing. She has the sweetest voice; I bet her singing voice is incredible.

  I grab my keys and head to the front of the club. Troy is working tonight, and although I still suspect him of stealing I haven’t been able to prove it yet. I checked everything over after the weekend; the inventory looked good and there weren’t any suspicious bottle breaks to make up for missing alcohol.

  “I’m heading out to check out some local entertainment for singles night. I’m not sure if I’ll be back or not so make sure everything is locked up solid and call my cell if you need anything.”

  If Troy plans to steal again, tonight would be the night because I told him to lock up. Tonight is 18+ night so it isn’t overly busy and the bar doesn’t do huge business because a lot of the crowd is underage. A lot of the 21+ crowd comes around on the weekend when the younger kids aren’t here, but we don’t do too badly so I won’t have a problem bringing it back in May if this singles night doesn’t do well. My bouncers have a hard time keeping an eye out for underage drinking so I put extra staff on to ensure that doesn’t happen in my club.

  I jump in my car and head straight to the club Skyler is working at tonight. It isn’t too far away, but as I pull up I wonder how much they are paying her. It’s a dump, but she’s doing what she enjoys so I can’t blame her. The outside is all dingy brick and it looks small. When I walk in, I look around. There are plenty of empty tables, so I choose a small one in a corner, and a minute later the waitress approaches. I ask for a scotch on the rocks and never even look in her direction. The stage is small and there are round tables spread out around the place, with the bar in one corner. All of the tables only seat parties of two or four so it would be hard to hold any sort of big party here. There are not a ton of people here, and I don’t exactly fit in. I’m wearing black slacks and a button down shirt, whereas the rest of the crowd is wearing jeans and t-shirts or polos.

  Skyler walks out on stage and the music begins. Her first song is from Shania Twain and she does fantastic.

  When she’s done with her first song she says, “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. If you have requests please let one of our lovely cocktail waitresses know and I’ll do my best to fulfill them.” One of the guys screams out a dirty request and she plays it off well. “Sorry, gentlemen, I only take song requests.” She winks and then breaks into an Ashanti song and I can’t help the smile that spreads across my face.

  This woman can not only sing, but she’s beautiful and can handle the crowd without upsetting them. I sit and watch as I enjoy my drink, thinking about how I’ll get her to sing in my club. That may take some time but I’m confident it will happen.



  It’s pretty busy at the club tonight, and I’m a little nervous, though that’s nothing unusual for me. I get nervous before every show. I do this all the time and I’ll sing almost anything the club asks me to. I’ve sung country and western, R&B, and so on, and I always have pre-show jitters.

  I walk on the stage to start my first song of the night. I scan the room, and who do I see sitting in the back of the room but Logan. Part of me is mad because I didn’t even tell him that I sing, let along where. My stomach’s doing a flip but I can’t lose it now; this is one of my better-paying gigs and I need the money. I don’t like singing in front of people I know, and that includes hot guys that I like.

  I sing the first set of songs in the order they want me to. During the second set, I’ll sing any requests. I pretty much provide a list of songs I know, and some of them give me free reign to sing how I want and others want me to sing in a certain order.

  I’m finishing the final song of the first half, and everyone is clapping.

  “Thank you, everyone. I’m going to take a quick break and I’ll be back to sing your requests.”

  I walk off stage and straight up to Logan’s table.

  “What are you doing here?” He raises his eyebrows, and I think he’s offended.

  “I didn’t know you sang here. I came in to check out the local entertainment so
I could get some ideas for the club and here you are. You never even told me you sang. How come?”

  Why didn’t I tell him? I have yet to land the big gig so maybe I’m not that good, but I can’t tell him that.

  “Have a seat, Skyler.” He gets up and pulls out a chair for me.

  “I don’t have a lot of time. I have to be back up on stage in about thirty minutes.”

  “I guess I better make the most of the time I have then. So why didn’t you tell me you’re a singer when we were talking the other night?”

  “I don’t know. I hardly know you, and I guess I’m shy about it. Plus I didn’t want you to hire me because you like me and then I let you down. I’m not good at promoting myself or talking about it.”

  “Skyler, you have a lovely voice. Do you realize the gigs you could have if you knew the right people?”

  “The manager here says I’m okay and that he books me because I’m pretty and the guys like looking at me. I need the money and I like to sing.” I shrug like it’s no big deal.

  “Skyler, don’t you realize he’s only saying that because he doesn’t want to lose you? He’s breaking your confidence so you won’t look elsewhere.”

  I look down at the table because I don’t know if he’s saying this because he likes me or because he really thinks I’m that good. The waitress brings him another drink and I ask her for some water with lemon.

  “What time are you done tonight?”

  “Eleven. Why?”

  “Can I see you when you get off tonight? I need to run an errand, but I would like to see you after work, even if we just go for a coffee.”

  She rewards me with a heart-stopping smile. “I’d like that.”

  We talk for a few more minutes while she drinks her water, and when it’s time for her to head back onstage I tell her I’ll be back at eleven. I give her a small kiss and I leave to run my errand. Little does she know I’m going to see a friend of mine about getting her out of this dump and into some better gigs. She’ll start with working my club on Wednesday nights, and I’m pretty sure I can get her at least one other gig with my buddy.

  I get back to the club at about 10:45, and the place is already quiet, so I have no problem getting a table. One of the waitresses comes over but I tell her I’m all set, that I’m waiting for Skyler. She walks off stage right at eleven and collapses into the chair.

  I beam at her, pleased with myself. “Are you ready to blow this joint?”

  She grins. “Absolutely!”

  We walk out hand in hand and are heading to my car when she stops me.

  “I need to get my purse from my car.”

  When she returns, I give her a quick kiss and open the door for her.

  “Where are we going?” she asks.

  I walk around the other side and climb into the car. “Someplace we can have some coffee and talk.”

  I pull into the parking lot to a nearby cafe and find a spot to park. Surprisingly, it appears to be busy for the late hour; then again this is LA. I open Skyler's door and we walk in holding hands.

  We head straight to the counter and I order my coffee, she orders hers, and I ask if she’s hungry. She orders a bagel with cream cheese and I do the same, then we stand off to the side waiting for our food. When our number is called I let go of her hand to get the tray. I spot a table in a quiet corner and head in that direction.

  “How would you feel if I told you I could get you a gig in a much bigger and much nicer club?” I ask after we’ve taken a few bites.

  “I would say how and what do I have to do?”

  “For starters, I would like you to sing on Wednesday nights at my club. Of course I’ll pay you. Second, have you heard of Club Temptation?”

  “Who hasn’t?”

  “Well, I’m good friends with the owner and I told him about you. He wants to hear you sing, and if he likes you then you get rotated into his live shows.”

  “Are you serious? I’ll admit, I’m excited to sing at your club, but what if your friend doesn't like me?”

  I get up from my seat and switch sides of the table because I want to be close to her. I sit so close my legs are touching hers, and I take her hand in mine. “I’m going to help you see how awesome you are. He’s going to love you.”

  “Thank you.” She blushes.

  “You’re welcome. Now what does a guy like me have to do to get a girl like you to visit me in the club tonight?”

  Skyler giggles. “Ask. I’m off the rest of the night.”

  “Will you come visit me in the club tonight?”

  She looks at her watch. “I don’t know…it’s getting late and I’m a bit tired.”

  I look at her, totally confused, and then I chuckle. “You know what I mean. Okay, will you come visit me at the club tomorrow night?”

  “Yeah, I’ll call a few friends to hang with while you work, and then I’ll see you when you get off. My friend Meghan that works with me at Dugan’s is off too, so she’ll come out with me, and if Jonah is bouncing I’m sure Sadie will come.”

  “I think tomorrow is his night off, so I’m not sure he’ll want to be in the club, but you can ask them. It’s up to you. I have another question. How come you haven’t called me at all?”

  “I could ask you the same thing,” she says with one eyebrow raised.

  “Let’s clear something up right now. I like you, I think you’re funny, gorgeous as hell, and I love your voice. I want you to be my girlfriend and my girlfriend only. I tried to give you space to call me, and it didn’t work out too well for me, so now I’m going to tell you like it is.”

  “Okay,” is all she says, no argument, no fighting me, simply “okay.”

  “Well I have to admit that was a bit easier than I thought.”

  “Logan, I told you I’m not good at this and I may screw up, which is why I hadn’t called you. I was too busy trying to figure out why you hadn’t called me. I thought I screwed something up the other night and that’s why you didn’t call. I like you though.” Her blush creeps up her face.

  “You keep shocking me with this shyness of yours. You looked so strong and confident with your friends, and when you were on stage you were so bold when you handled the men who were flirting with you, yet with me you’re shy and timid.”

  “You’re different, Logan. It’s easy to be confident when you’re around a guy you could care less about, but when you like a guy and he’s as confident as you are, it’s hard. My past has been filled with crappy relationships, and that wears on a person.”

  I rub the back of my fingers across her cheek, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. “How about this? I promise not to let you screw this one up.” A small smirk spreads across her cheeks and she nods slightly. It was barely there but I caught it. I move my lips to hers so she knows I’m going to kiss her and she meets me halfway. I kiss her softly and then caress her nose with mine before I kiss her again.

  “Will you come to my place tonight? I want to show you where I live and spend the night with you.”

  She bites her lip and nods. “Let me text Sadie so she doesn’t get worried.”

  I catch her hand and pull her toward the door. “You can text her from the car.”

  I can’t wait to have her in my home.



  We pull up to Logan’s building and the valet greets him. When we get out, the valet gets into the car and heads off to park it. I look at him a bit shocked, and Logan shrugs and walks toward the front door.

  “Good evening, Mr. Michaels,” the doorman says.

  Logan smiles at the man and replies, “Good evening. Greg. I would like you to meet my girlfriend Skyler. When she visits, please be sure the valet puts her car in one of my spots and you see that she’s let up right away.”

  Greg extends his hand to me. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Skyler.” Then he looks at Logan. “I’ll take care of it right away, sir.”

  We walk to the elevator and take it to the top floor of the hu
ge building. The elevator opens into a stunning foyer with double doors that open into his actual home.

  “Feel free to look around,” Logan says. “I’m going to get us a glass of wine so we can relax.”

  When we walk in, the first thing that catches my eye is the beautiful floor-to-ceiling windows on the left that are arched at the top, and in the middle of them is a door that opens to a huge balcony that overlooks LA. I walk through his open living room with its pretty gas fireplace and immaculate hardwood floors to check out the view. As I suspected, it’s amazing. He has this cute little patio furniture set that seats four out there too.

  I turn around and notice he’s standing on the other side of the living room in his large, open kitchen. There is a huge island that has a snack bar on one side and the gas countertop cooktop on the other side. Behind the island are a state of the art stainless steel convection oven and microwave. His kitchen looks like it has never been used.

  He walks toward me and hands me a glass of white wine.

  “Your home is lovely. Do you cook?”

  He laughs. “Why do you ask?”

  “You don’t look like one to cook, and your kitchen looks like it has never been used.”

  He bursts into laughter. “You're half right. I actually do enjoy cooking, but I have a housekeeper who comes in daily to clean and make sure this place stays in mint condition because I’m not home enough and I work too hard to worry about it.”

  I can’t imagine ever being able to afford a housekeeper, so I sip my wine.

  “Come on,” he says, “let me show you the upstairs and I’ll give you a t-shirt of mine so you can get comfortable.”

  The upstairs is equally as stunning. There is one bedroom downstairs and two more upstairs. One is his and has a master bathroom with a huge tub and shower with his and her showerheads. The walk-in closet is massive, and that is when I see he has way more clothes than me.

  He takes a t-shirt from one of the drawers and tosses it to me, but I purposely miss it so it lands on the floor. I decide to mess with him. I have been itching to feel his fingers on me since I met him, and I can tell from the bulge forming in his pants he wants me too. I walk over to the shirt in my three inch heels and bend over to pick it up with my legs spread apart. My dress is so short it gives him a bit of a view. I toss the shirt onto the bed and walk toward him with a look that clearly says I want you. He sets his wine glass down on the dresser, then takes mine and sets it next to his.


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