Chasing Dreams

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Chasing Dreams Page 6

by Alison Mello

  “Give me what I want, Sky.”

  I grind my hips with him, bite his shoulder, and scream. My orgasm is tearing me apart. He groans, and I’m pretty sure it’s because I’m milking his cock for every last drop, not because I have left marks on his shoulder.

  He lifts me so he can pull out of me and slides me down so my feet are on the floor, but my legs are weak so he helps hold me up. He rests his forehead to mine. “I’m sorry. I’ve never done that before.”

  “It’s okay. I promise I’m on birth control, and like you, I’ve always used other protection so we’re good.”

  He takes the soap and rubs it between his hands to wash my body. “That was amazing, but I can’t believe you bit me.”

  I start laughing. “I’m so sorry, I don’t know what came over me. I’ve never bitten anyone before. Then again, I have never had sex like ours either.”

  “So you’re not going to do something stupid because our sex sucks?”

  I laugh at his joke. “No, it definitely doesn’t suck.” I rinse off and he washes himself.

  When we get out of the shower his phone is ringing.

  “Hey, Troy, what’s up?” he answers.

  Logan becomes aggravated, running his fingers through his hair and pacing the room.

  “Are you shitting me? Troy, I left you in charge for one night.” He grins then and I’m confused. He’s nodding now, not saying anything. “Fine, I’ll deal with Shane tonight.”

  “Is everything okay?” I ask when he hangs up the phone.

  “It’s fine, sorry if I scared you. That was a show. I think Troy is stealing from me. He called to tell me I need to talk to Shane because he broke two bottles of alcohol last night. I know Shane well enough to know he didn’t do that. Troy is covering his ass, and now I have to figure out how to prove it.”

  I slip my bra and dress back on while he’s telling me all of this.

  “Skyler, I need to take you to your car and then get to the club so I can view the footage and see if there’s anything suspicious. Then I have to call Shane so I can talk to him before he gets in tonight. He’s my head bartender and he’s good. I need to make sure I don’t lose him because of this.”

  “That’s fine. I’ll head home, pack a bag, and relax a bit before we head out tonight.”

  “When you get there, tell the doorman you’re my girlfriend and he’ll make sure you’re escorted to your section and they’ll let me know that you have arrived. I’ll come see you first chance I get. It’s only a Thursday night so it shouldn’t be too busy.”

  “No problem, I’ll be there when you’re done. If it’s okay, I’m going to try to get a ride with Sadie since I’m coming home with you, if you don’t mind taking me home tomorrow.”

  He kisses me. “That sounds like a perfect plan.”



  I just dropped Skyler off and I already miss her, but I don’t have time to think about it right now. I need to get to the club before anyone else does and look over the inventory and the videos from last night. While I’m driving there I call Jonah on speaker phone.

  He answers immediately. “Hey, Logan.”

  “Hey. Heard you’re coming to the club tonight. What’s the matter, can’t get enough?”

  “Nah, my girlfriend misses her best friend,” he laughs, “plus I figured it would give me a chance to keep an eye on things on the down low.”

  “You're the man. That’s exactly why I was calling you.”

  “Did Troy call you about last night?”

  “Yeah, how did you know?”

  “Because he was being a prick all night. Shane was busting his ass as always. I think he left once to take a bathroom break, and when he finally went to the back to get some bottles he found his name was on the sheet with two bottles broken. He said it isn’t even his writing. Then Troy told him he was going to talk to you about him being so clumsy.”

  “How do you know all of this since you don’t have keys to the back?”

  “Because Troy and Shane almost threw down on the floor, I had to separate them, and I took Shane outside to calm down because he was pissed. He said he was going to lose his job because Troy had it out for him and he told me what happened.”

  “Okay, thanks for the heads up. It’s time I hide a camera in the liquor closet, but that stays between you and me. No one else can know or word will get out. I want to catch that motherfucker red handed.”

  “You got it. Shane is waiting for your call. He thinks he’s being fired today.”

  “He’s my next call. Troy is an idiot if he thinks I’m firing my best bartender. I’ll see you tonight.”

  I pull up to the club as I’m finishing my conversation with Jonah and I see Troy is already here. What the hell is he doing here already?

  I text Shane.

  Logan: I’m going to call you in a minute from my cell when I walk into the club and I’m going to yell at you. I’m putting on a show for you know who, but it isn’t real and you’re not being fired, am I clear?

  I wait for a response and it literally takes a second.

  Shane: I got it.

  I get out of my car and dial his number as I head into the club. Sure enough, there’s Troy behind the bar counting bottles.

  “What the fuck, Shane? You have to stop breaking shit. This is costing me money!”

  I pause for a minute and Shane says, “Dude…”

  “Don’t give me any lip about it. The next bottle you break comes out of your paycheck, and if your clumsy ass keeps this up I’m going to fire you.” Now I’m in my soundproof office with the door shut and locked. “Sorry, Shane, that was for show because I’m trying to figure out why Troy is in my club already. He called me earlier to tell me you broke bottles but I knew he was full of it, and when I saw his car here I wanted to boost his ego by yelling at you.”

  “Did you talk to Jonah?”

  “Yeah, he told me how you had only gone to the back for liquor once but your name was already on the sheet for two broken bottles. Why you getting so clumsy on me?” I tease.

  “Dude, that’s not even funny. I wanted to punch Troy in the face.”

  “Don’t do that, then he’ll call the cops, you’ll get arrested, and I’ll have to bail you out on the down low and suspend you until I prove it’s Troy.”

  “You do think it’s him stealing?”

  “I know it’s him stealing and I have a plan. Please bear with me, okay? I’ll try to put you guys on opposite shifts or something for now.”

  “Thanks, Logan.”

  “Alright, I’ll see you tonight.”


  I walk out of my office and head straight to Troy. “What are you doing here so early?”

  “I figured after I saw Shane’s name on the list with the two broken bottles I would check the bar counts to inventory.”

  “How many times do I have to tell you that is my problem not yours? I’m not paying you to be here. You do realize that right?”

  “I know, I want to help you out.”

  “Well, thanks for the help, but I got this. You can head home and I’ll see you for your shift tonight.”

  He storms out of my club and slams the door, pissed off that I won’t let him ‘help’ me figure out what’s going on. I wanted to ask him if the bottles broke what was there to figure out, but I don’t want him to realize that I’m on to him either.

  I head back to my office to make a call to the company who installed my cameras and ask them when they can do an emergency wireless install. Luckily, they can get out here this afternoon before 5:00. After making the arrangements, I sit down in front of the screens to review the footage from last night. As I suspect, I find nothing that proves Troy took the alcohol so I’ll have to wait until the camera is up to catch him. I text Jonah to fill him in.

  Logan: I have a plan. Are you ready to bust him Saturday night?

  Jonah: For sure!

  Logan: If we don’t catch him tonight we will Saturda
y night. Come to my office when you get here and I’ll fill you in.

  Jonah: Will do.



  I’m wearing a cute top with a pair of navy blue leggings and calf-high boots. I have my bag ready to go with extra panties just in case Logan rips another pair, and two outfits for tomorrow. We’re waiting for Jonah to show up, and Sadie is pacing.

  “Where the hell is he?”

  She’s totally frustrated and I don’t know why. It’s plenty early and we have a reserved section, so it’s not like we have to worry about seating. He’s picking us up and taking us to the club because he and Sadie are coming back here after and I’m going to Logan’s house. We hear the horn outside and Sadie rolls her eyes.

  “I know parking sucks, but I hate when he toots the horn. Why can’t he call me or text me like most people do?”

  I shrug. “He’s your boyfriend.”

  We arrive at the club after an intense car ride there. Sadie was so mad at Jonah and I don’t know why. I tried to get her to talk to me while she was getting ready, and all she would tell me is he has been acting weird lately. He even tried apologizing for the horn, but she’s in a shitty mood and I feel bad for him.

  When we get to the club, Jonah knows the guy at the door and he tells him I’m Logan’s girlfriend and that Logan has a table for us.

  He touches a button on his ear wig and says, “The boss’s girl is here. Who’s taking her to her table?”

  A woman appears and introduces herself as Kelly. So this is Kelly. She’s the reason I met Logan in the first place since he was working her place as bartender the night I came in and she was out sick. I’m tempted to thank her but I don’t want to upset Logan so I keep it to myself. She takes us to a great corner section that we have all to ourselves, right by the dance floor. Kelly tells us she’s our waitress, and we give her our first drink order. When she comes back with it she lets us know that she’ll be around to check on us. We enjoy our drinks while waiting for the rest of our friends to show up, and sure enough as we are finishing round one Katie and Megan arrive, and as usual Rick and Shelly show up late.

  After Kelly takes the drink order, everyone gets comfortable. Jonah says he’ll be back, that he has to go see Logan for a minute. We start talking and catching up. I tell them how Logan came to hear me sing last night and he wants me to sing for his singles night here at his club.

  “Singles night?” Katie remarks. “Sweet, I need that. B.O.B and I are not on speaking terms right now and I need to take the edge off.” We all burst out laughing because it’s totally like Katie to throw out there that she’s not getting sex.

  “Wait,” I say, “who the hell breaks up with their sex toy?”

  “Me, when the batteries run out,” she says.

  We all erupt into a fit of laughter again, and poor Katie sits there pouting.

  I scan the bar for Shane, trying to figure out how to introduce him and Kelly. Maybe I can at the end of the night if I can get her to stay that late.

  An arm slides around me, and I look up to see Logan at my side. I smile and give my man a kiss.

  “Hey, sweetie, what are you thinking about? You were in a daze.”

  “I was trying to figure out how to introduce Katie to Shane,” I whisper in his ear.

  He laughs. “Good, ‘cause Shane can use a distraction right now.”

  Megan shouts, “You going to introduce us!”

  “Sorry, everyone this is my boyfriend Logan, owner of this fine establishment. Logan, this is Katie, Megan, Shelly and Ricky. Of course you know Sadie and Jonah, or I wouldn’t know you.”

  He says hello to everyone then he tells me he has to go back to work but he’ll swing back over when he can. He gives me a pretty steamy kiss and tells me to have fun with my friends.

  “Later,” I say. When he walks away I look back and their chins are dropped.

  “You two are hot together!” Megan shouts.

  “Shut up, let’s go dance!” I stand, ready to hit the dance floor. The girls follow me, and Jonah and Ricky stay back to hang out and watch us dance.

  We head straight for the dance floor and start dancing in our own little circle. The area Logan set us up in has a bouncer right in the corner and I can’t help but think he stuck us here on purpose. The bouncer was probably told to watch us and make sure no one bothers us. I’m not sure how I feel about this. On one hand it’s sweet that he’s looking out for us, and on the other hand I have to wonder if he doesn't trust me after our conversation today and that kind of bothers me. I’m going to ask him about it tonight when we get to his house.

  We get back to our section after dancing a while and find Jonah and Ricky deep in conversation. We are tired and sweaty. We flag Kelly down and she brings us another round of drinks. We all sit down and relax for a few and then I notice Jonah is on one knee in front of Sadie with a box in his hand.

  “I know I screwed up today and you’re mad at me, but please know it was because I was nervous. Sadie, I love you with all my heart and hope you can forgive me. I want to spend my life with you. Will you marry me?” My friend is now crying and nods. Jonah slips the ring on her finger and they stand up and embrace each other.

  Logan comes over with a tray of glasses, and he tells Jonah congrats and that the champagne is on him.

  I’m not too happy with him right now, but this makes me ease up a bit. I’ll be bringing this up later; I don’t want to ruin my friend’s engagement.

  He sits next to me and asks, “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I don’t want to talk about it while our friends are celebrating.”

  “Promise we’ll talk later?” he asks and I nod.



  “Are you ready to go?” I ask Skyler

  I have to admit I’m a bit nervous right now. She seems mad and I have no idea why. While I want to give her a chance to bring it up, at the same time it’s bothering me. She was fine until I came over with the champagne. I wonder if she’s disappointed that I was really busy all night and didn’t have the chance to hang with her more.

  Skyler managed to get Katie to stay so she could introduce her to Shane and they seem to be hitting it off, but I want to get out of here. I kick everyone out of the bar so I can lock up.

  When we get to my car I open the door for her so she can get in, then walk around to the driver’s side to get in myself.

  “Thanks for the VIP section tonight,” she says, looking out the window. “We had a lot of fun.”

  “You’re welcome, Skyler. You can have that section anytime you want. Just let me know and it’s yours.”

  She chuckles to herself and continues to look out the window. I let it go until we get to my place because I want to be able to look at her when we have this conversation.

  We pull up to the building and she lets herself out as the valet approaches. She heads to the door and the doorman opens it. “Good evening, Miss Skyler,” he says.

  “Good evening, Greg,” she replies.

  Greg nods at me. “Mr. Michaels.”

  I nod back. “Good night, Greg.”

  I race to the elevator to keep up with Skyler. The elevator arrives, and the tension is so thick I could cut it with a knife. For the life of me I have no idea what the hell I did wrong, but she’s cute even when she’s pouting and mad. The entire ride to my floor is taken in silence.

  As soon as I close my front door behind us, I take her arm. “Can you tell me what has you so upset? Because I’m totally lost right now.”

  Skyler shakes her head at me. “You have no idea?”

  “No. Are you mad because I had to work and couldn’t hang with you and your friends?”

  “What? No, I’m mad because you had me babysat on the dance floor. I opened up to you today and told you the mistakes I’ve made, and instead of talking to me about it you put a babysitter on me so I won’t dance with anyone.”

  “Skyler, you’re not doing this.”

�m not doing what?” she yells.

  “You’re pushing a fight on us. Why? I did not have a babysitter on you. You were in a section of the club where I had a bouncer. He’s there to make sure things are safe. That is it.”

  She sits on the couch and buries her face in her hands.

  I sit next to her. “I can understand why your thoughts went there, Skyler, but don’t try to break us up before we even have a chance.”

  “Why would you even want me to stay after this?”

  “Sky, we click, don’t you see it? Our schedules are similar, we enjoy the same scene, and we have amazing sex. Why would I want to throw that away over a misunderstanding?”

  “I’m sorry, Logan. I’ll try harder. I told you I’m not good at this.”

  I rub her back to calm her down. “Let’s go to bed. It’s late.”

  Chapter 6


  I’m sitting at my desk working when my phone pings. It’s a text from Skyler, and I’m pleasantly surprised. She felt so bad the other night that she’s been trying so hard to make it up to me ever since. Though I keep telling her it’s fine, she hasn’t stopped saying sorry. The text she sent me is a picture of her blowing me a kiss.

  Skyler: Have a good night, can’t wait to see you tomorrow.

  Logan: Don’t work too hard. You’re going to need your energy for tomorrow.

  Skyler: Tell that to my boss at Dugan’s. It’s a Saturday night it will be packed with guys watching sports to escape their wives.

  Logan: Maybe I should hire you to tend bar at my club.

  Skyler: Lol you're funny, you know what I mean.

  Logan: Yup, those lonely bastards get to stare at my sexy woman all night and yes I’m jealous. I want to stare at you all night.

  Skyler: You can tomorrow night and Monday night.


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