Music, Ink, and Love

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Music, Ink, and Love Page 14

by Jude Ouvrard

  Her eyes reverted back on the drawings, she took the color one and lifted it to eye level and then, she repeated the same action with the other one. She really looked confused.

  “At what time is the reservation tonight?”

  “We have to be there by 6:30 pm.”

  That gave us an hour to get ready and thirty minutes to get there and find parking.

  “Are you excited about your birthday dinner?”

  “I am. I don’t know what to expect. I’ve never been to this place.”

  She giggled again. “Me neither, but I heard it’s a good and trendy place.”

  “I’m going to take a shower, are you coming?”

  “Are you really asking?” Nix gave me a seductive look, maybe a promise of what was to come in the shower. A man can dream, right?

  I slapped her ass and she hurried into the bathroom, laughing loudly.

  “Undress me now, fiancée.” I tried to keep a serious look but I couldn’t, role play wasn’t my thing. I could only be myself with her. “I love you, Nix.”

  “I love you too, birthday boy. Stop moving now, I have to undress my man.”

  Why was this such a turn on? Damn, I knew at that point we were going to be late to the restaurant.

  When I first walked into the restaurant, I was surprised to see a band playing jazz music. Their music was smooth, adding more ambiance to the place. The lights were low giving an intimate vibe to the place. The waiter guided us to our table, right across from the band. We weren’t sitting on a two-person table so I started having doubts about what tonight was about. Maybe it wasn’t going to be a romantic dinner? As soon as we sat, the band started playing Happy Birthday and Nix flushed red.

  “Hey, whipped boy.” I heard K from behind me. “Happy birthday, man.”

  “Hey, K, thanks for coming.” And he was followed by Tyler, Bekka, Tiff, Colleen and Dad.

  “Wow! Everyone's here.”

  “Happy birthday, brother.” Tyler gave me a quick hug and so did Bekka. Then, I came face to face with my dad, and I couldn't help but have that huge grin on my face. “I don't think we've celebrated my birthday like this in ten years.”

  “When Nix called, I figured it would be a good idea to change our routine. We can go back to a quiet dinner at home next year if you prefer.”

  “No, this is great. I'm happy to see you here.”

  We shook hands and, for some reason, I got a little emotional at that moment.

  “Happy birthday, Levi. I still remember your 5th birthday. 24 years ago.” Colleen kissed my cheek and sat at the table facing my father. Everyone sat at the table waiting for me to join them but right now, I had to thank my girl for planning all this.

  “You.” I pointed at her. “You are the most magnificent person I know.”

  “Wait, the night is not over.” She teased and immediately, I remember our shower together. Damn, don't get all riled up, Levi. I didn’t know why but damn, I loved sex in the shower, or wall sex. It only happened with her. Nix was special.

  “Levi, what are you thinking about? The vultures?” Only he and I would know that he referred to Nix.

  I turned to face Kyle. “Something like that.” I chuckled.

  My dad brought some amazing tasteful expensive wine to the restaurant and I had two glass within thirty minutes. One thing my dad knew well was his wine.

  I tried to talk with everyone around the table. I realized that Tiff and K were really together and I might have stared at them for two minutes while they were kissing. I stopped watching when Nix kicked me under the table. That hurt, by the way.

  “Levi, stop.” She laughed shyly.

  “Don’t you find them weird together?” I whispered.

  “You say that because Kyle is like a brother to you. You’ll get used to it. Now stop, and look at the menu because the waitress is standing right behind you.”

  Oh crap. A steak, it’s the first thing I saw and it pleased my belly.

  “I’ll have the grilled chicken breast plate with Caesar salad, please.”

  “No pasta?”

  She shook her head no, serious. “I have a few pounds to lose before the wedding, babe.”

  “No, you don’t. You’re perfect like this.” I hated that she was holding back from eating something she enjoyed just to lose a few pounds. She was curvier than some girls but still nothing to worry about and I never complained about it. I actually love this about her.

  “Levi, it’s cool. Don’t overthink this.”

  “Babe, I don’t want you to change anything, okay?”

  She rolled her eyes and ended up smiling at me when she realized I wouldn’t give up on this. I meant it.

  “Thank you, Angel.”

  I nodded at her. She got the message. I wasn’t going to let her go under unnecessary stress for our wedding.

  “Stop thinking about this, Levi. It’s your birthday. Your day. Enjoy your people.”

  “Our people.”

  She blushed. “True. Our people. My big family.”

  “Always here for you, my love.”

  The rest of the table proceeded to order their food. Bekka and Kyle witnessed my quick discussion with Nix and Bekka had tears in her eyes. Without Nix seeing it, she thanked me. What for? I didn’t know. I was just taking care of my girl like I always would. My dad sat on the other end of the table, too far from me. I wish he could have sat closer, we could have talked more.

  This dinner was giving me a good idea of what our wedding would be like because around the table sat every one of our guests but Val. I smiled at the thought.

  Kyle filled my glass of wine again and I felt like I should have objected. I wanted to enjoy my evening with everyone, drinking to oblivion didn't appeal to me at all. I knew my dad had brought enough wine for me not to be able to walk back to my car.

  The food arrived and the conversation slowed down while we all ate our meal. The steak was cooked to perfection and Nix seemed really happy with her plate and she ate some slices of bread too which I hoped meant that the whole idea of losing weight was over.

  “Can I have a bite of your steak?” She asked offering me a small piece of her chicken breast.

  “Can you get even cuter?” I sliced a piece of my steak and we switched forks.

  “I like it here, I hope we can come back here again.” I told Nix.

  Her eyes closed as soon as the steak landed in her mouth. “This... This is good, Levi and I’m not even a fan of steak.”

  I laughed. “It is actually very good, babe.”

  My dad stood up with his glass of wine in hand and I felt myself melt into the floor of the restaurant. Oh, please God, don’t do this.

  “I’d like to take a minute to wish my son a happy birthday. Next year will be the big thirty and I don’t even want to think about it because it reminds me how old I am.” He laughed while I blushed deep red. “But in the meantime, we’re here together today and we’ll spend a weekend in Los Cabos for your and Nix’s big day. I’m very proud of the man you’ve become. You’re a strong, hardworking business owner.” Kyle raised his hand and my dad rolled his eyes. “He also has a good partner.” His eyes went back to mine. “Happy birthday, Levi.”

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  Tyler started applauding and it appeared that some people from the tables around us applauded too.

  I turned to look at Nix, but her chair was empty. I look around and she was talking to the band, holding a microphone into her hand.

  “Oh my god.” I muttered. “Is she?” I was twisted with happiness and memories from San Francisco.

  “Angel.” She said in the microphone.

  “Rock Star.” My eyes never leaving hers.

  The band started playing a song, but I couldn’t concentrate on it. My eyes and my heart were both in a trance watching her take the spotlight.

  Her beautiful, soft and soulful voice reverberated throughout the restaurant, chills danced down my neck, spine and arms. I would never get tired of hearing
this melodious sound or staring at those beautiful blue eyes that came so much more alive after each word she sang. Her anxiety disappeared and it was just us. Just us, baby.

  Tyler's reached over my shoulder and he squeezed me. “Pure talent, brother.”

  I nodded, too busy to look away from my star. She was shining and kept everyone's attention. Nobody around us ate or drank, they watched her. Nix had hypnotized us all with the beauty of her voice. Each word of Maroon Five’s song made me love her more and more and more.

  The song ended, but I mentally begged her for more. Would I ever get enough of this sound? Never. She took a deep breath when the first person started applauding. Her timidity took over and I noticed her trembling fingers being swept on her skirt, probably to dry them off. I told her I loved her without knowing if she could hear me. The important thing was that she saw me and knew.

  A small smirk appeared on her first as if she was hiding something from me. The guys from the band behind her stepped back from their instruments and Nix moved forward.

  She placed the microphone before her lips and she completely startled me with a “Happy Birthday, Levi” in a very different version than we were all used to hearing. Marilyn Monroe had been very popular with her own version, but what Nix offered me was ten times more romantic, heartfelt and hypnotic. Without being too loud, her voice warmed the entire place. The emotion I felt toward her when she performed this song had me with teary eyes and a heartwarming sensation. I couldn’t think of anyone loving me more than her, apart maybe from my parents but even then, her love for me was beyond anything I had ever lived through.

  Before the song ended, I got up and met her. I kissed her forehead while she sang some of the last words. We stood in the middle of a restaurant and I had to remember that because at that moment, I wanted to kiss her madly, pulled her into my arms and so on and so on.

  Fuck! She... it drove me crazy not to be able to show her how much I loved her for doing this. All I had left were words. Words only represented a small partial of what I felt for her. My feelings were stronger than words, stronger than love.

  “You’re my Star, my love, my future wife, everything I want in life, I love you more than the meaning of love.” I kissed her and she wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a strong hug. It was the best we could do in the restaurant.

  “Thank you, babe, so much.”

  “Anytime.” She said before kissing my lips one more time.

  We turned around to walk back to our table and Nix and I were surrounded by a small standing ovation. She didn’t mean to interrupt the whole restaurant. I knew for sure she thought she was going to sing unnoticed, but such a thing couldn’t happen with a voice like hers.

  We ate cake and enjoyed some more glasses of wine. The night turned out even better than I thought when I walked in here. This night had been engraved in my soul. The two songs Nix had given me healed me from our past memories. She still enjoyed singing and that was fucking fantastic.

  Chapter FIFTEEN

  Hours turned into days and days turned into weeks. The wedding approached and neither of us had purchased our wedding outfits. Nix, Bekka, and Tiff agreed to spend the day shopping for her beach-inspired wedding gown. They had all spent time separately looking at pictures on the internet. At least, she knew what she wanted. Unlike me. Nix had suggested something pale, like tan or beige. She said she didn’t necessarily want me in a suit and that fucking pleased me. Maybe beige slacks and a white linen shirt with the sleeves rolled up. Something like that. Damn, I hated shopping. I prayed that this shopping journey last only an hour or so. I aimed for something simple and light.

  I stopped by the shop before I braved the men's clothing store. Kyle had a client with him and seemed deep into a conversation. I really had nothing to do here, but this place normally calmed me down. I needed it because the day had me in knots. I wanted to see Nix's dress, but I knew she wouldn't show me. I wished to be there with her, but she had her friends and they told me buying the dress was a girl-only type of thing. This sucked.

  Choosing my outfit without her, without seeing her dress, made it harder. This situation had me mopping around and moody. I didn’t even feel like drawing or anything, I just sat there and waited for the time to fly. I watched Kyle until it got too boring, sighed a few times and headed out. I left my car at the shop and walked to the fucking store alone.

  Maybe I should have called my father. He probably would have liked to come, but with his busy schedule, he wouldn’t be able to meet me last minute. I got myself a coffee on the way to keep me warm. Today appeared to be colder than usual, of course.

  I walked inside the store and I was at lost. It reminded me of when I bought my first suit during my time at the Law School.

  As soon as I set foot inside, I was asked if I needed help. I said no because I’m stubborn as shit. All the walls of the store were covered with black, grey, or navy suits. Where could I find the pale section without ending in the baby blue or orange tuxedos like they had in Dumb and Dumber.

  My fingers ran through my hair a few times. I groaned and sighed until my phone rang.


  “Hi, Rock Star.”

  “Hi, babe. I think I found my dress.” Her voice echoed in the phone, she sounded very excited.

  “Can I see it?” Of course I had to ask even though I expected a no.

  “Babe, you know you can’t, but I would love to show you. It’s beautiful, elegant and simple too.”

  “Are you still going for the beach style?”

  “Yes. Where are you?” She asked, curious.

  “I’m trying to find what to wear. I’m shopping for my wedding outfit.”

  “Who are you with?”

  “I’m by myself.” It sounded like I was very lonely. I guessed I was.

  “Nobody could go with you?”

  “I didn’t ask anyone.”

  “Babe... Do you want me to meet you somewhere?”

  “Will they let you?”

  “If I want to be with you, Levi, nobody will stop me.” Her loving voice comforted me.

  A grin spread on my face for the first time today. I told her where I was and waited for her to save me.

  I wandered through the aisles, my eyes looking at the clothes but really, my mind didn’t register anything. My girl was on her way and that had to make a difference.

  “Do you need any help, sir?” One of the sales specialists asked.

  “I’m okay. My fiancée is on her way.”

  “Congratulations.” He said. “My name is Gerald, I’ll be around if you need any help.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  A few minutes later, I heard giggles and laughter and a very loud British accent. She brought the girls with her, I should have thought about that.

  “Baby, we’re here to help.”

  I walked closer to her and gave her a gentle kiss. “Why is your face covered in glitter?” Her skin sparkled with very tiny diamonds.

  “I tried a sparkly dress to please Bekka and now I’m covered in glitter. Don’t worry, the dress didn’t make the cut.” She laughed.

  I tried to smile at her, but hearing how excited she was about her day, it bummed me.

  “I wish I could have been there with you, Nix. I hated that I couldn’t.”

  Her eyes saddened. “I thought about you a lot. I tried to pick a dress you would like and I missed you a lot. We’ll get to spend plenty of time together, babe.”

  “I know, I’m just being a pussy.”

  She chuckled. “Maybe a little, but I love you even more for it. What guy on this planet would actually want to go shopping with his fiancée for her wedding gown?” She crooked her eyebrow.

  “I’m probably the only one, but it makes me fucking special, babe.”

  Tiff looked at us in awe. “You guys are too freaking cute.”

  “Let’s get rolling, now.” Bekka smacked my shoulder. “It’s time for the makeover.”

  My heart hitched. �
�No, makeover, it’s just for a day. I’ll be back to my own style the following day.”

  “Chillax, Lev.” She kidded but I didn’t. I hated wearing formal clothes.

  I followed the leader, Nix, and her cheerleaders. I let them pick the clothes and I tried on numerous of different things. I was hot and tired.

  “I like this one better.” I finally said, taking control. It looked exactly like what I had in mind. Pale beige slacks and an off white linen short-sleeve shirt.

  “I love that we see your ink. I didn’t want you to hide too much.” She fixed the collar of my shirt and stood on her tiptoes to reach my lips. Hell yeah, I looked hot and she approved. Shopping was fucking over.

  “Yeah, I guess I kind of feel like myself, a little.” Not so much but I had to do this for my big day. I smiled. “Thank you, babe.”

  “You look lovely. Thank you.”

  I paid for everything and I got out of there as fast as I could. Bekka had Tyler's car parked right in front of the door and that really surprised the hell out of me because he had never ever let anyone touched his car. That proved to me how much he loved her.

  Bekka and Tiff sat in the front seats, and I sat with Nix in the back. Nobody said anything about where we were going, but I figured we would go to the club or to Tyler's place. The simple fact that I had found what to wear made my day.

  Minutes later, we were entering Tyler's apartment and he greeted us with maybe a bit too much enthusiasm. Something was up, I could feel it.

  “Are you hungry, Levi? Do you want to go out and grab something?”

  Hmm. “Yeah, okay.” Something was up because I saw the tray of snacks on his kitchen counter.

  “Hey, Rock Star, I’m going out with Ty, okay?” She stopped talking with the girls and came to see me. She draped her arms around my waist, and rested her head on my chest. The best feeling in the whole fucking world. “I can’t wait to be back home. It’s our last weekend in the apartment.”

  I squeezed her closer. “I know. Hopefully we’ll be able to relax together tonight. I missed you today.”

  “I think you are being a big baby about today.”

  “Maybe.” I flushed. I knew I was.


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