Darkness Wanes

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Darkness Wanes Page 27

by Susan Illene

  “I’ve been searching for someone powerful and experienced enough to take over running Juneau and the surrounding area.” Lucas paused when Melena gasped. He had not warned her about this, preferring to make it a surprise. “Several individuals from other parts of the country have inquired about the position, but I do not feel they are best suited for the job. You have lived in Alaska for quite some time now, and you need a place for you and Josslyn to settle down. I believe this city could be it.”

  A full minute of silence passed before Nik replied. “But I thought Sayer was handling things well enough.”

  The vampire might appear as shocked as Melena, but Lucas suspected he was at least considering the proposal. According to Sayer, Nik and Josslyn had settled in well enough over the last five days they’d been here. The scare with the forest fire had finally brought them out of their depression and self-imposed exile. They simply needed some motivation to move forward from this point.

  “Sayer has been doing what he can to maintain the city with mine and Micah’s assistance, but none of us have any desire to run it. Juneau needs someone who wants to be here long term and having Josslyn at your side would go a long way with the supernaturals. They prefer leaders with mates.”

  “Well, I…” Josslyn shot a desperate look at Nik. “I’m not certain we’re up to it yet.”

  The master vampire put an arm around her shoulder. “We’ve been away a long time. Perhaps in a few months after we’ve acclimated, we’d be able to consider your offer seriously, but even then I don’t know that we’re the best candidates. Matters in Fairbanks did not end well, and I’m certain many still remember that.”

  “You were railroaded, Nik,” Melena spoke up. “Maybe you made some mistakes, but I promise you Derrick is starting to see how hard your job really was there. Don’t let the past keep you from doing something good for your future.”

  Lucas gave her a respectful nod. He’d hoped his wife would assist him in this discussion despite him not giving her any warning. “Melena is right. In all the time I’ve lived, I can’t recall a single city hit with as many troubles as Fairbanks in such a short period. They didn’t stop after you left. If anything, the problems have continued to escalate. I doubt anyone could hold you at fault for your leadership skills and if they do—“ He waved a hand. “Kill them.”

  “Does it always have to be about violence with you?” Melena kicked his shin under the table. Lucas didn’t give her the satisfaction of flinching from the strike.

  “Did you not threaten to shoot me earlier—and kick me just now? You are every bit as violent as I am, possibly more so,” he said, giving her a pointed look.

  “Fine, let me rephrase that.” She folded her hands on the table. “Does it always have to be about killing with you?”

  Lucas could not resist playing the game. “Only when necessary.”

  “Define necessary.”

  He leaned close to her. “Perhaps it is best that I show you.”

  Nik let out a cough. “Maybe we should discuss this again another time.”

  Lucas straightened and looked at his old friend. “Very well, but I will give you this—if you should choose to take the position, Sayer will stay here for the next few months and help you get better acquainted with the city and its inhabitants. You’ll be able to take over the role slowly and as you’re ready.”

  “That would make it easier.” Nik rubbed his chin, then looked over at Josslyn.

  She worried her lips. “We’ll need to talk about it—privately.”

  “This house and all of Aeson’s former properties would be yours as well,” Lucas said, sweetening the offer. Nik was a long-time friend and one that he truly wished to see back on his feet. The vampire could run a city like this one with little effort compared to what he’d encountered in Fairbanks.

  Josslyn’s eyes rounded. “The house as well?”

  “I’d only ask that you allow me to keep my suite here for when Melena and I come to visit,” Lucas replied. He did like having an easy place to escape for short periods.

  “We would still need to consider it further,” Nik replied, his tone cautious.

  “We leave on Monday. You have until then to decide, otherwise,” Lucas paused for effect, “I may have to give the city over to a witch from New York, who has been pushing for it.”

  Nik shuddered. He was not a great fan of witches after one temporarily stole power from him and kept him under a sleep spell for years. There were several of them still living in Juneau now, but those were no threat to him. The one from New York would be.

  “I will let you know,” the vampire promised.

  Chapter Twenty-nine


  Lucas shut the suite door and pressed Melena up against the wall. She arched her back, giving him a good view of her cleavage. Being near her was pushing him to the edge of sanity. It had been too many months since they’d last been together. More than anything, he wanted to bury himself inside of her right then. It was all he could do to hold himself back.

  “Tell me that you’re okay,” he said, staring down at her. “That you can handle this. Because once I start, I’m not certain I can stop.”

  She looked up at him through her long lashes. “I’m fine. Stronger than ever.”

  Through their bond, he could sense the truth. Melena had recovered physically, and she hadn’t suffered any nightmares the last time she slept, but he still felt an obligation to ask. She was his mate, and he wouldn’t risk harming her regardless of the discomfort to himself.

  “You’re certain?”

  Her eyes narrowed on him. “Dammit, Lucas. I’ve never been more sure!”

  “Very well.” That was all he needed to hear.

  He rained kisses down her neck, nibbling her soft skin here and there. She let out a moan, which only encouraged him further. His fingers skimmed up her legs and lifted her skirt. How many times had he envisioned doing this since she put on that dress? The experience was even better now that it was real.

  Melena pushed her hands against his chest. “Wait. I have to talk to you about something.”

  He paused. “Are you not feeling well?”

  “No. It’s not that.” She blew out a breath.

  “Then we can talk later.” Lucas squeezed her tight ass. “You are my wife, and I want you now.”

  Melena groaned, then pushed at him again. “Yes, you can wait a few more minutes. I’m mad at you for not telling me about the offer to Nik.”

  Surely she was not bringing this up now? “It was a surprise.”

  She scowled at him. “Lucas, you are always keeping things from me. Now that we’ve fully committed to each other, I need you to be more open and honest. Even after all this time I barely know you. I mean, for crying out loud—what wife doesn’t know her husband owns a house in France?” Her voice turned desperate. “Do you have any idea how stupid that makes me feel?”

  Lucas barely registered what she said. He considered himself a reasonable man, but she’d caught him off guard. “Can’t this wait until later?”

  “No, because I have your undivided attention right now—which is no easy thing to get. There is always something interrupting us.” She pulled his hands away from her.

  “I agree. There is always something.” Lucas took a deep breath to calm himself. “I am trying to make love to you for the first time in many months, and you are not making it easy.”

  “Then answer a few questions for me,” she pleaded, desperation in her eyes. “After that, we can do whatever you want.”

  Using his body, he pressed her back against the wall. “I’ll make a compromise. For every question, you will do something for me.”

  “Okay.” She swallowed.

  “Take off your dress.” He took two steps away to give her space.

  Melena hesitated for only a moment before reaching behind her to loosen the buttons. A few seconds later the sundress fell to the floor, leaving her in only a bra and underwear. She’d lost her shoes right
after they’d entered the room and began kissing. He took in every inch of her body and barely contained the urge to touch her.

  “First question,” she said, fingering the strap of her bra in a rather tempting manner. She knew how to play this game well. “Tell me something from your childhood.”

  Lucas should have known she’d target the least favorite time in his life. “The home where Micah and I grew up had a dirt floor.”

  “Seriously? That’s hardly worth me taking off my dress.” Melena gave him a perturbed look.

  Lucas stripped off his shirt, beginning to feel too hot. Perhaps if she had to look at him without all his clothes, the game would not last as long. He wasn’t above fighting dirty when it came to Melena.

  Her gaze ran over his chest, but she didn’t move a muscle. “You’re not getting out of it, Lucas. Now talk!”

  He’d known his ploy wouldn’t work, but he had hoped to delay the inevitable for as long as possible. She deserved to hear the truth of his past, whether he liked it or not. He’d just have to give them to her—however painful they might be. “Very well. My mother died when I was about eight years old. She was clearing our roof of snow when she fell and broke her neck.”

  “Oh, God, Lucas. I’m so sorry.” Melena took a step toward him.

  He shook his head. “It happened more than two millennia ago. I can hardly recall her face anymore, only the soft sound of her voice. Now take off your bra.”

  Melena composed herself and removed the article of clothing. Her bare breasts sat high, and her nipples were hard, tempting him to suckle her. It was all he could do to continue this ridiculous question and answer game.

  “Next question,” she said, now fingering her lacy underwear. “When was the first time you saw me?”

  She was being kind, giving him something easier to answer. “You were fourteen. Remiel assigned me to you shortly after your sensor abilities developed. I checked in on you through the mental link I was given and watched you getting a lecture from your adopted father. You’d snuck out of the house late at night to visit your witch friend, Kristen.”

  “I remember that.” She averted her gaze. “It was only a few months later that my parents died.”

  He used his thumb to wipe a tear spilling down her cheek. This was a poor choice of conversation for their honeymoon, but something told him she needed to connect with him on a deeper level than what their physical bodies alone could provide. Eli had once told him that opening up was part of the healing process. At the time, Lucas had thought the psychologist just wanted to hear his deepest and darkest secrets, but it felt different with Melena. She wasn’t bringing up their pasts to find vulnerabilities. She did it so that they could face them together.

  “I watched you at their funeral,” he admitted, drawing her gaze back to him. “In all the time I was forced to protect sensors, I never wanted to comfort one, but I almost revealed myself to you that day.”

  Her brows drew together. “Why didn’t you?”

  “Because you were young and you did not need me around to disturb your life,” he answered. It was the truth. Despite his hatred for her kind, even he could recognize her suffering and that his presence would only make it worse. Lucas knew he was a hard man. It wasn’t until the last couple of years that Melena had softened him.

  “You should have revealed yourself anyway. At least it would have taken my mind off of things.” She smiled.

  “Remove your underwear,” he commanded. Lucas had a long list of ways he could take her mind off of things if she let him.

  She let the tiny garment slide down her legs, then kicked it away. “Next question.”

  “This game is getting tiresome.”

  “You’ll survive.” She gave him a patronizing look. “Now tell me about the first job you had.”

  Memories of the Mediterranean Sea filtered into his mind. “I worked for a fisherman. He had me repair his nets and clean fish. Eventually, he taught me more and let me go out to sea with him.”

  “A fisherman?” Her lips twitched. “I would have guessed you’d have been a soldier.”

  Lucas shook his head. “That came later. In the beginning, I needed to stay close to home and war rarely affords that opportunity.”

  “Why did you need to stay close to home?” she asked, confused.

  “You will have to offer me far more to get an answer to that question,” he said, letting his gaze rove over her naked body.

  She licked her lips. “What do you want?”

  “Lie flat on the mattress.” He gestured toward a four poster bed that waited for them at the center of the room.

  It was a spacious suite with several windows covered by thick red curtains. At the far end, there was a sitting area with a cozy couch and television. The suite also had a sizeable bathroom with a whirlpool tub and large, open shower. All the bedroom furniture was made of mahogany, and several Persian rugs covered a white tile floor. It wasn’t exactly suited to his taste, but it was close enough.

  Melena moved toward the bed and lay upon it, leaving her legs dangling off the side. Lucas was pleased. He could work with that and hopefully take her mind off of any more questions. He grabbed each of her ankles and spread her feet far apart. She blushed as he stared down at her. He slowly took in every inch of her smooth, pale skin and the wet folds between her thighs. Lucas found it amusing that she could still feel any embarrassment after all the things they’d done together. He was quite certain he knew her body better than she did.

  Propping her legs on his shoulders, he leaned closer. She shivered as his hot breath blew across her skin. Lucas continued his downward approach, nibbling his way along her thighs. Melena clutched at his hair. He slid his tongue out and caressed her warm center. She jerked underneath him.

  “Lucas,” she breathed.

  He suckled and licked as she squirmed underneath him, unable to stay still. Through their mate bond, he could feel her passion rising. He enjoyed making Melena feel this way. She was completely helpless and vulnerable to him at that moment. It occurred to him that this was what love was about—giving of oneself completely despite the seeming danger.

  Lucas inserted two fingers between her soaking wet folds and sucked on her harder. She writhed side to side, begging for release. He quickened his pace. An advantage of their mating bond was that he could feel when she was at the edge of release. There was no point in dragging this first one out—they’d waited more than long enough already. Lucas kept his pace steady until her body froze and she screamed out her climax. Waves of her passion poured toward him, nearly bringing him to his knees. He continued to work her until her last twinges faded away.

  Melena pulled her legs away from him and rose up. Before Lucas could determine what she was doing, she had his belt undone. He started to help her with his pants, but she shoved his hands away and gave him a determined look.

  “Oh, no. It’s my turn to take over.”

  His dick grew stiffer than before at her words. He preferred to be in charge, and she usually didn’t argue, but once in a while she insisted on reversing their roles. Lucas could hardly stop her, considering she always made it worth his while.

  Melena shoved his naked body onto the bed. Like some manner of cavewoman, she crawled over him. Her wild hair billowed around her and weaved its way down past her breasts. She took his hands and raised them above his head, holding them there. They both knew he could easily break free, but he enjoyed the thought of being at her mercy. She’d become primitive and carnal. Lucas liked seeing this new side of Melena and wanted to find out where it might lead.

  She took hold of his cock and stroked it once, then held it still. He ground his teeth, wanting more. After watching her find release moments ago, he was near the edge. The sly grin that spread across her face told him she knew what she’d done—the wicked woman.

  Melena leaned down and ran her tongue over the head of his dick. Two little swirls and then she stopped. He was going to die from this sort of torture, and he
had no idea why he allowed it to continue. No, that was not quite right—he knew the reason. The beautiful woman holding him captive had some kind of mystical control over him that he couldn’t fight. At least, not now. He was too curious to find out what she’d do next.

  Melena leaned down toward him once more. This time, she took his whole cock into her mouth, inch by inch. Then she pulled back to his very tip before sinking down again. Three times she did this. Lucas was embarrassed to realize he was shaking by the time she stopped. Melena had wound his body so tightly, he hardly had control over himself anymore.

  She rose over him, straddling his hips on either side. Her fingers curled around his manhood and guided him toward her entrance. Lucas waited with bated breath to feel her wet core surround him.

  Melena paused. “You will be answering more questions after this, correct?”

  Her voice was husky, but there was a thread of steel lying underneath. If Lucas didn’t agree, she’d make him pay the price. The damn woman was torturing him for information, and the worst part was that he enjoyed every minute of it.

  “Yes,” he growled out.

  She gave him a pleased smile. “Good.”

  Melena sank down on top of him, taking him into her body. Lucas let out a groan. Finally, she gave him exactly what he needed. Melena started slow, but her speed increased with every rise and fall of her body. He brought his hands up to grip her hips. She didn’t stop him from guiding her to his relief. She pressed her hands flat on his chest and met his gaze. He saw determination, love, acceptance, and an untamed spirit in her eyes. This was the woman he’d fallen in love with, and he wouldn’t have her any other way.

  Melena’s warm depths squeezed him hard as she pulled up. Then she relaxed and sank back down. Over and over the rhythm continued until he could hold back no more. Lucas let out a shout as he released inside her, jerking hard. She moaned as well. They clutched at each other as they climaxed, experiencing a high he doubted they’d ever forget.

  When it was over, she collapsed against his chest. Lucas wrapped his arms around her. His mind turned foggy as contentment overtook him. He had Melena in his arms—healthy and whole—and for once there was nothing interrupting them. If only it could be like that all the time. He reveled in the silence and the feel of his wife’s soft breaths grazing over his chest.


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