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Adam Page 16

by Kris Michaels

“Don’t you dare give all the whiskey to those men!” Jade’s head popped up from the far side of the table.

  Ember laughed and slid off the counter. “Jade you might not know it, but Keelee here prefers whiskey to wine.”

  “You do? Yes! Finally a woman who can hold her own.” The smile that split Jade’s face was almost comical.

  “Damn straight she does. Come on, Kee. Let’s get us set up for a party.” Ember grabbed her hand and pulled Keelee toward the door.

  When had she lost control of her life? Oh yeah, about the same time as the King family descended on the ranch yesterday. The family was larger than life and dynamic in a way that took your breath away. The meekest member of the family appeared to be Jewell, but the intensity in her quiet gaze led Keelee to believe the woman was scary smart.

  “I’ll make some snacks for us or we’ll end up drunk. This gingerbread house will look like the elves spiked their hot chocolate.” Amanda headed toward the fridge.

  “The men sound three sheets to the wind already.” Tori put Talon in the playpen beside the kitchen table.

  “Oh Lord, then we need to get some food into them. Those boys need to be able to function tomorrow.”

  Ember tugged on her hand, pulling Keelee completely out of the room. “Figured you’d need a break. They can be pretty overwhelming.”

  “Gee? You think? I mean, they are a force of nature, aren’t they?” They made their way from the kitchen to her father’s study where they kept the liquor.

  “I got used to them. My senior year of high school I practically lived at the King house. A big, warm, loving family.” Ember pulled the sliding door open and started handing Keelee bottles of alcohol.

  “Your dad’s going to have to restock.”

  Keelee chuckled. “Yeah, he’s got quite the reputation in town. The locals don’t quite know what to think of the mass quantities of alcohol we’re consuming. Of course they don’t know about the transitory visitors. Most know we have people here that do training and we’ve never hidden we are building on our land, but the majority speculate. Some of the rumors are getting pretty ridiculous.”

  Ember leaned her hip against the wall and held two bottles of wine in her hand. “Red or white?”

  “Both. Just leave enough for Christmas dinner or there’ll be hell to pay.” Frank Marshall’s voice caused both women to spin toward the door. He and Christian stood in the doorway.

  “Daddy, could you and Christian take these into the kitchen?” Keelee waved at the bottles she and Ember had liberated from his stock.

  Frank grunted. “Pretty intense in there. A hell of a lot of estrogen.”

  “Yep. That’s why Ember and I are going to sit out here for a little bit.” If Keelee had her way they’d have a drink or two before they headed back. It had been too long since she and Ember had visited. So damn much had happened since Ember left.

  Her father cast a look at the whiskey bottles. “I’m going to have to start a distillery.” He loaded Christian’s good arm with bottles and grabbed the rest.

  “He hasn’t changed.”

  “No, and he never will. Thank God. But we have.” Keelee poured a double finger’s worth of scotch into a tumbler and handed it to Ember.

  “Lord woman, the last time we drank scotch we were on the front porch swing.” Ember sat down in one of the two huge leather chairs in front of the fireplace. Keelee poured a drink and sat down, looking into the flames.

  “You were losing your man and mine didn’t know I existed.” They both had needed that drunk.

  “Funny how things work out. Yours remembered you and mine…hell, what he had to go through to get back to me. Girl, we are so lucky.”

  Keelee nodded and took a sip. “Congratulations, by the way. I don’t think I said that, Mrs. King.”

  Ember threw her a massive smile that lit up the entire room. “I’m married! To Joey! God Kee, if you would have told me a year ago I’d be in South Dakota with my husband for Christmas, I would have had you committed.”

  “Life has a way of happening, doesn’t it? I’ve waited years for Adam. I’m almost afraid to believe what we have will last.” Keelee hadn’t admitted that to anyone, but she was scared she’d lose Adam again. Something deep inside her kept that feeling alive. She took a deep sip of the amber liquid. The burn caused by the Scotch was nothing compared to the smoldering coal of fear deep inside her.

  Ember slid down from her chair onto the rug by the hearth. She patted the spot beside her and Keelee moved to sit there. Em leaned into Keelee’s side.

  “I’m afraid too. I talked to Joey about it. His past will always haunt us. We both have to deal with that specter in our life. I wake up knowing each morning could be the last I spend with him. It brings the importance of our love, our relationship, into focus. If we only have days, months, or hell, even fifty years, it wouldn’t change the way we choose to live. Each day, to the fullest.”

  “Are you okay with that?”

  Ember held the crystal tumbler at eye level and stared at the firelight through the liquid. “I have to be, Kee. I can’t change what was and I have no control on what his past brings into our future, but I can determine what I do today. I choose to believe our life together will be long and happy. I can’t deal with any other concept. Maybe you need to make that decision too?”

  “We haven’t talked about a future. Not really. We are together. I love him. I’d even leave the ranch if he’d ask me to… but he hasn’t. I guess that’s why I’m feeling kind of insecure. I’ve loved him for so damn long and he is new to the idea of loving me… even though he isn’t.” Keelee threw back the scotch and gritted her teeth at the bite before she shook her head and whispered, “I’m afraid he’ll wake up and realize I’m just a stupid rancher and he could do so much better.”

  Em snorted. “Yeah, better than you? Like who?”

  Keelee lifted off the floor and retrieved the decanter, planting it between her and Ember after she refilled both glasses.

  “Any of those women in the kitchen. I mean, look at them. They are beautiful and smart. All of them have careers. I’m nothing compared to them.”

  Ember put her arm around Keelee. “You are comparing apples to mangos, girlfriend. Adam knows each of those ladies and he’s never expressed any interest, nor do they have any interest in him. Do you want to know why?”

  Keelee shook her head no. “Yes.” The conflicting move of her head and statement made Ember laugh.

  “Because missy, Adam wants a wife and a mother for his children. A woman to create a family with, not a corporate America career-woman type. He wants this!” Ember motioned with her hand, indicating the ranch house. “He is not Jacob or Joey. He loves you because you are a rancher, a nurturer, a beautiful woman and the reason his heart beats. Stop worrying about him changing his mind Kee, he’s smart. He knows what he wants and you, my dear, are it.”

  “And that, my dear sister, is an absolute fact.” Tori’s voice surprised them both. She held a sleeping baby in her arms but still rocked side to side just inside the door.

  “Do you need some help?” Both women lifted from the floor.

  “No, I’m good. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to butt into your conversation. It’s natural to be afraid something so good won’t last. I’m still waiting for the other shoe to drop. Jacob and I had our issues at the beginning of our relationship too.”

  “Here, let me take him up to bed for you. You’re looking tired. You should go rest. Doctor’s orders.” Ember held her arms out for the baby as she spoke.

  They watched Ember go up the stairs with her precious cargo. “So I’m not being an idiot?” Keelee could feel the heat from her blush on her cheeks. She hated asking for advice, even from Tori.

  Tori smiled and shook her head. “Keelee, you are one of the best people I know. You deserve to be happy. Don’t borrow trouble, there is always enough to go around.” She turned to head toward the stairs.

  When she was halfway up Keelee called to her, “H
ey, Tori?”


  “I’m happy for you. I don’t know if I ever told you that.” Keelee knew she hadn’t, at least not with words.

  “I love you too, Kee.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Adam eyed the room. The clinic looked ridiculous. Red, green, gold and blue lights twinkled, sending muted colors around the interior. About a week ago, Keelee had wound strings of Christmas lights around every IV stand in the building and then hung surgical clamps wrapped in garland from the arms of the stands. Ornaments hung from the finger holes of the very expensive medical instruments. Sterilizing the implements she used would take at least a full day, but he’d spend a week cleaning up the mess as long as his woman was happy.

  However, tonight he was paying for that particular weakness. Adam was being ribbed unmercifully by all five of the King Brothers, the Wonder Twins, and Chief.

  “So your inner diva finally erupted.” Joseph’s growl set off an explosion of laughter.

  “Erupted like Vesuvius!” Dixon chortled.

  “Or a Christmas themed orgasm!” That was Drake. And Doc knew they were just getting started. Awesome.

  Doc lowered his head, shaking it. He was smiling like a loon. He deserved the guys’ harassment; after all, he was whipped. But damn it, to see Keelee so happy she almost glowed, he’d take it.

  Jacob walked up and threw his heavy arm across Doc’s shoulders. “Aww… ain’t that cute! Big strapping man is blushing!”

  Chief snorted, “How can you tell?” He lifted his hands at the blinking lights casting a merry glow throughout the room.

  “It’s a team leader thing.” Jacob tightened his arm around Doc’s neck and pulled him in for a hug. A quiet, “She’s good for you, man,” almost had Doc showing the emotion he keep squirreled away. Tonight those feelings were at the surface and he was nervous as a cat in a dog pound.

  It was the night before Christmas Eve. Twenty-three hours before he planned to ask Keelee to marry him. Damn. Talk about a life changer. A loud laugh pulled Adam’s wandering mind back to the impromptu male bonding session.

  “Absolutely not! No way! I’m definitely throwing the bullshit flag on that. Ain’t no fucking way that hot, slinky piece of female took Masterson and Cable down. I mean, holy shit man, she’s what? A buck forty soaking wet?” Dixon’s words set off another round of laughter.

  “Hey! That slinky piece of female is our sister, so watch your mouth. And for your information, yes, Jade did take them both down and broke Cable’s nose in the process.” Jared elbowed his brother Joseph as he spoke.

  Joseph nodded. “She’s dangerous, maybe more dangerous than I am.”

  Joseph delivered the unbelievable line flawlessly. Dixon and Drake gaped at the assassin in their midst. The absurdity of anyone being more dangerous than Joseph stunned the two men. Adam chuckled to himself. Then, as if signaled by some inner timer only the twins had access to, they burst out laughing. Drake fell off his chair rolling on the floor of the clinic.

  Adam grabbed the almost empty bottle of whiskey and lifted it. The scant half inch of amber liquor sloshed noisily. “Who was supposed to bring enough alcohol?”

  Jared sniggered. “Hey, no criticism allowed. That was all that was out and the cabinet was locked. Maybe one of these married men can get his woman to bring some more.”

  Joseph tossed back the last of his whiskey. “Gentlemen, I may be newly married, but I am not insane. I like sex with my wife and I’m not jeopardizing it by suggesting she bring us more alcohol.”

  Justin bust out with a deep belly laugh. “Joseph? You’re afraid of your woman?”

  Joseph shook his head. “Nope, I’m just not stupid enough to piss her off. That red hair isn’t for decoration. It’s a warning and I heed it. You should too.” He leaned back on the floor, resting on both elbows. “Although the idea of angry sex does have its merits.”

  Jacob snorted, lifted a hand and produced his cell phone with an overly dramatic flair. “Dude, you have to learn how to ask so they want to help you. I have the necessary experience and qualifications for this mission. Gentlemen, watch, listen and learn.” He tapped the face of the phone and held it to his ear.

  In a sing-song voice, he crooned, “Hey, baby, will you do me a favor?” Riotous laughter from every man filled the room.

  “Shhh… Hey, hey! I got to listen to this!” Justin’s voice calmed some of the uproar and Jacob smiled widely before he continued.

  “Tori, baby, it seems we have a little bit of a problem.” Jacob’s eyebrow’s lifted as he listened.

  “Yes, we have a problem, darlin’. Currently, we have…” Jacob pointed at each man as he counted. “…four, five, six, seven, eight… nine very thirsty men who are in desperate need of at least two more bottles of whiskey.”

  Jacob nodded as he listened. “We’re at the clinic. What? Uh huh. I know, baby, and I will make it up to you. And I promise you’ll like it when I do.” Dark eyebrows danced as his face lit up with a lecherous grin. This time Justin said nothing to quiet the raucous laughter.

  Adam noticed that Jared took advantage of the distraction and poured the last of the bottle into his glass. Which was interesting; Jared rarely drank more than one drink.

  “Well, did it work? Is she bringing more?” The mountain of muscle a/k/a Jason asked his little brother.

  “She said she would ensure we got the whiskey, but I’m not quite sure who is bringing it because Talon was fussing in the background. If she sends Jade… she better pack three bottles ‘cause damned if that girl can’t drink all of us under the table.”

  The twins’ eyes traveled from brother to brother, expecting someone to refute the claim. Chief chuckled when Joseph clarified, “She drank Franklin under the table at the Tavern in England. Dude still won’t drink Irish whiskey.”

  Jared shook his head before he finished his quickly disappearing drink. “Nah, she’s probably pouting. I’m sending her out right after Christmas. She has a quick mission overseas for Jacob and then she’s heading to D.C. to testify. Then, unfortunately, she’s in the queue for an assignment she isn’t going to like.”

  “She ever liked a job?” Chief raised his glass in a silent salute. “To Jade, the only woman I know who can kick your ass, drink you under the table and still make you wonder how these thugs can be related to something that beautiful.”

  Justin raised his glass, “Here, here! To impeccable breeding.”

  The toast led to more of dubious worth containing limericks about tigers and several more ridiculous stories before the clinic door opened.

  Christian Koehler pushed the door open, struggling to keep hold of an enormous tray of food with his one good arm. In addition to the platter, he had a bulging canvas tote hanging over his shoulder. “Tori said there was a bunch of old reprobates up here who wanted more whiskey. Miss Amanda insisted if I was going to bring you more alcohol you’d need food too. She and Miss Betty built you a spread.” Dixon took the massive tray loaded with sandwiches and carried it to the table.

  Pleasantly buzzed but not really willing to admit it to anyone, Adam watched as his new friend-slash-project-slash-patient Christian shrugged the bag from around his shoulder and lifted it onto the clinic counter. He pulled two bottles of whiskey out. A loud chorus of cheers and accolades met the revelation. His face lit up. His smile radiated with happiness. Happiness was an emotion Adam hadn’t seen on the young man’s face in the three weeks he’d been at the ranch. The bottles were opened and passed around while men attacked the huge tray of sandwiches. Christian unloaded the canvas tote and added four huge water bottles and a liter jug of soda onto the table.

  “I know my mom made you bring Coke for me, right?” Jason gave Christian a pat on the back and sent the young man staggering forward a few steps. “Sorry, dude. Maybe you need to work on your balance.” With a chuckle the giant picked up the plastic jug of soda and walked away.

  Adam yelled after the walking piece of granite, “Jason, you know C
hristian isn’t twenty-one yet. If he’s staying, that’s his drink too.”

  Jason raised the liter jug to his lips and took a drink. “Let the boy have a real drink. This is mine.”

  Justin and Jared ambled toward Christian. Justin handed the young man a tumbler of amber liquid. “He’s staying. Our philosophy is if you’re old enough to go to war, you’re old enough to have a small drink with friends.”

  Christian smiled and took the glass. Justin had poured a slight amount into the glass, but the young man didn’t seem to mind. Inclusion and acceptance were what was necessary for the boy, and Adam thanked God his brothers got it.

  Jared shifted his attention from Chief and Jacob’s conversation and gazed toward Christian. He smiled at Justin’s overture. Christian and Jared’s eyes met and held. Although it was brief, the moment they exchanged was intense. Adam glanced around the room. The only other person who noticed the interaction was Jason. The big man smiled briefly at Adam and poured himself some more soda.

  “A toast!” Jason’s voice roared above the din of conversation. The men stopped and held their whiskey glasses. “To Doc, the best combat medic on the face of the earth and to his happiness. Which damn well better include Keelee or we’ll all kick his fucking ass!”

  “Hear, hear!” The chorus rattled the stainless steel trays on the counter.

  Another inch of whiskey filled the glasses before Jacob lifted his glass. “To Christmas, with friends and family!”

  Adam drank with the rest of the men. It had been a very long time since he’d gotten shitfaced. The fact he was choosing to do so now had nothing to do with that question he was going to ask tomorrow. Nope, not a thing. Adam tossed back the remainder of his drink and held out his glass. Jacob leaned forward and splashed a good inch of liquor into his glass. Who the hell was he kidding? If liquid courage could pull him through the massive case of nerves he had tonight, he’d be okay with it. Thirty missions under his belt and the simple act of dropping to one knee scared the shit out of him. Justin raised his glass for another toast. Adam lifted his in unison and went all in. He was with trusted friends, in love and for once in his life was on course.


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