Beneath the Stands: An Enemies to Lovers, Best Friend's Brother Romance (Sugarlake Series, Book Two)

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Beneath the Stands: An Enemies to Lovers, Best Friend's Brother Romance (Sugarlake Series, Book Two) Page 6

by Emily McIntire

  I walk into the arena and drop my bag in the stands, slinking down beside it. It hasn’t been three minutes when Eli strolls in.

  “Hey.” I wave, jumping from the bleachers and making my way to the court floor.

  He tips his chin in greeting and turns, walking toward the cart of balls against the far wall.

  Well, alright then.

  I follow him, my hands running through my hair. I’m halfway across the court when arms come around my waist, picking me up and swinging me around. I scream from the ambush, blood rushing to my head as I’m flipped over Jeremy’s shoulder. Ass.

  “Put me down, you giant oaf!” I beat my fists on his lower back.

  He lets out a boisterous laugh and smacks my ass. “Say please.”

  “Fuck you.”

  Jeremy tsks. “You kiss your momma with that mouth?”

  “Jeremy, I swear to God if you don’t put me down—”

  “Alright, alright. Calm your tits.”

  He gently slides me down his front. I reach out and grab his nipple through his shirt, twisting.

  “Ow, fuck, Becca.”

  I smile. “That’s what you get.”

  A throat clears, making us turn toward the sound. Eli is glaring, his arms crossed over his chest. Damn, he’s hot even when he’s broody. My core throbs as I get lost in visions of what it would be like to have his tongue dip between my legs the way it did my mouth.

  An elbow in my side snaps me out of my daze.

  “Right. Sorry.” I nod. “Eli, this is Jeremy. Jeremy, Eli.” I wave my hand between them.

  Eli’s brow lifts, his eyes lasering into Jeremy.

  Jeremy rushes forward, hand outstretched. “I know who you are, of course. Huge fan. I watched all of your college games.”

  Eli’s jaw tics, scowl firmly in place. “Fan of basketball then?”

  I laugh. “He’s more than a fan, he’s one of your players.”

  Eli stands straighter, pointing to his chest. “My player? What position?”

  Jeremy beams. “Point guard. I hope I do you proud.”

  “Little tall for a point guard.” Eli rubs his chin. “I think I do remember your face from the roster.” My heart skips when Eli’s eyes meet mine. “How do you two know each other?”

  Jeremy reaches behind himself and interlocks our fingers, pulling me into his side. Eli’s stare snaps to our hands, his eyes glinting.

  “Becca’s been the other half of me since freshman year,” Jeremy says. I grin up at him because it’s true. He’s the only person besides Lee who’s burrowed his way into my soul, stealing a little piece for himself.

  Eli’s shoulders stiffen. “I see. Well, hopefully, she won’t be a distraction. I’d hate to have to remove her because you two can’t keep your hands in check.”

  My grin drops, my veins bubbling with anger. Did he just threaten my job?

  I thought we’d moved forward. That the days of Eli being a complete prick were behind us, but clearly I was wrong.

  He’s still nothing but an asshole.



  I’ve only experienced this particular emotion one other time in my life. It was when I was twelve. Pops entered me into a hoops competition over in Nashville, so I was supposed to practice all that week. It was summer break and Pops told me I needed to stay sharp. But there was a new video game all my friends were playing, and for once in my life, I wanted to just be a kid, so I convinced Ma to buy it and not tell Pops. Whenever he was at work that week, I’d hole up in my room, playing that game instead of practicing. Needless to say, I didn’t win the tournament. Some kid beat me by two damn points.

  Pops has this way of cutting you with his disappointment—his words sharp as they slice into your skin. He wielded his weapon the entire drive home that day, droning on about how amazing the other kid was. How his parents must be so proud.

  That’s when I felt it. The bitter taste of jealousy. But even that doesn’t compare to the lava searing my body at the sight of Becca being manhandled by someone other than me.

  I shouldn’t have touched her.

  But I couldn’t breathe from not touching her. My precious control snapped into a thousand pieces, shattering on the glossy, maple floor. But it doesn’t matter. I could lose my job if FCU found out.

  Has she had a boyfriend this entire time?

  It wasn’t like the kiss was planned. We both agreed it was a mistake, so what do I care if she’s with this guy? It’s better this way. Maybe knowing she’s taken will help me keep my distance.

  I watch the two of them together, envy punching my stomach and stealing my breath. I grit my teeth against the loss.

  Why is he still here?

  “You plannin’ on actually workin’ with me today, or are you gettin’ paid to make eyes with your boyfriend?” I snap.

  Becca spins toward me, her brows raising for a split second before her face smooths. She runs her palm up Jeremy’s arm.

  I grip the basketball in my hands so tight my knuckles turn white. Leaning on her tiptoes, she slides her hands around his neck—those same hands that were in my hair—tugging like she couldn’t get close enough.

  I bite my cheek, the tang of blood distracting me from ripping her out of his arms.

  Jeremy glances my way, a smile splitting his face. “See ya later, Coach. Again, it’s an honor. I can’t wait to soak in everything you’ll teach me.”

  Normally, I wouldn’t be so thrilled with someone shouting my accolades from the rooftops—thinking I’m something I no longer am—but I can’t find it in me to mind this guy’s hero-worship. I can tell it makes Becca uncomfortable, which makes it delightful for me. I smirk as he leaves the court.

  Her eyes narrow, the grin she had for him dropping off her face. “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing’s funny. I like him. He clearly has fantastic taste.” I gesture to myself.

  She flips her hair, smoothing down her tank. “I agree. He has an eye for beauty.”

  “Wow. Humble.”

  “Who said I was talkin’ about me?”

  I step closer, passing her the ball. Our fingers brush, and mine flex to keep from reaching out. I dip my head to catch those jade green eyes. “Come on now, Becca. You know you’re beautiful.”

  I didn’t mean to say that out loud, but I don’t want to take it back. It’s true. She’s a siren. Once she steps into the room, there’s no looking away. I wish I could look the hell away.

  Her cheeks bloom the prettiest shade of pink and my inner beast roars. Jeremy may have gotten her smile, but he didn’t get her blush. She steps closer, the basketball pressing into my stomach. Her tongue jets out, wetting those sinful lips. My mouth waters as it remembers the taste.

  “Eli,” she whispers, leaning in closer, her lashes fluttering. For the first time, I notice the light dusting of freckles along the ridge of her nose. I have the strangest urge to count every one.

  “Eli.” Her breath teases my lips, my mouth parting in response. “Jeremy isn’t—”

  His name is a splash of icy water on my heated body. I wince, stepping back. “Right.” I slide my hand through my hair. “He’s a lucky guy.”

  “No, I…” She stops mid-sentence, shaking her head. “Yeah. He is.”

  I nod, trying to appear unfazed. Calm, cool, and collected. Inside, I’m a mess. The thought of never touching her rips through my chest cavity, slapping my heart. It’s not enough to break, but the bruise hurts all the same.

  Somehow, I regain control and make it through Becca’s lesson. I spend the rest of the day counting down the minutes until preseason, when these one-on-ones with her will end.

  I call Connor on my way home. “What up? You doing anything tonight?”

  “I was planning on taking it easy. My workout killed today, I can barely move. Why, what’d you have in mind?”

  “I was just thinking you could come over and chill. Maybe… bring a couple girls?”

  He chuckles. “Your hand not cuttin
g it anymore?”

  He’s joking, but his words hit a little too close to home. “Something like that.”

  “Oh, you know I’m always down to help you out in that area. I have my sometimes chick on call. I’m sure she has a friend she can grab.”

  “Your sometimes chick?” I laugh. “God, you’re disgusting. It’s a miracle you get laid.”

  “All my ladies know the deal. Besides, I treat them with the utmost respect. I’ve never had a complaint.”

  “Maybe not to your face.”

  “The only thing they give my face is their pussy.”

  “Whatever you say, man. I just got home, so text me when you’re heading over.” I chuckle, hanging up my phone.

  He shows up an hour later with his “sometimes chick” Ally, and her friend Sarah, who I get along with surprisingly well.

  Sarah’s gorgeous with her long, strawberry-blonde hair and sweet smile. My usual type, which is probably why Connor brought her. But I’m not into it, no matter how much I try to be.

  “So, what do you do for a living?” I ask.

  She smiles, taking a sip of wine and crossing her legs. “I’m a physical therapist. Specializing in sports therapy, actually.”

  My eyebrows raise. “No shit? I could have used you back when I got injured. My therapist was an asshole. You’d be much easier to work with.”

  She giggles and the sound makes me smile.

  “Well, maybe you can give me some pointers on how to keep my clients happy.” Her cheeks flush with her words.

  Is she flirting?

  I take a sip of my beer, considering whether I want to encourage her. She’s sweet. Docile, even. And while that should be a breath of fresh air, I find myself wishing she’d have just a little bit of bite. But she gets my mind off the redheaded curls that cloud my vision, and that’s enough for now.

  I shouldn’t lust for things I can’t have. Sarah is right in front of me, and she doesn’t make me feel like my soul is crawling out of my skin whenever she’s near. It’s nice, feeling in control again.

  So when she leaves at the end of the night, I take her number. I convince myself she might be just what I need, even if my heart isn’t in it.



  I haven’t seen Eli since Wednesday. Coach Andrews has had me in the office helping him prepare for next week’s preseason, so our “basketball lessons” have been cut prematurely. I’m relieved. Eli makes me want to know him, and that is not something I’ll entertain.

  Emotional connections are fleeting. They whisper like the devil in your ear, telling you to take a bite of apple. I have no interest in falling for the lies. Better to keep our interaction in public places where entire teams surround us.

  I’m thankful it’s Friday night, and I don’t have to worry about running into him at all. I’m finally dragging Jeremy to a club—payment for introducing him to Eli before the season starts. My plan is to relieve this tension that’s been twisting inside me since the moment I face-planted into Eli’s chest.

  When we walk inside the club, we head straight to the bar. The music is loud and the crowd is thick, so it’s useless to try and hold a conversation. I order us a round of tequila shots, we throw them back and then head to the dance floor.

  I’m not much of a dancer, but the liquor loosens my limbs enough to move with the bass as it thumps. I should probably care that Jeremy’s up against my back—it’s not like I can have him take me home, but I’m having too much fun to tell him to stop, so instead, I reach my arms back and around his neck, swinging my hips harder.

  His head dips. “If I were into girls, you’d be giving me a hell of a show right now.”

  I smirk. “Just doin’ my duty of bein’ your beard.”

  He chuckles, his hands wrapping my hips, helping us move to the beat. My eyes scan the area, and suddenly my body jerks out of rhythm, heart stuttering in my chest.

  Eli and Connor are standing across the room. Eli’s leaning against the bar, his attention on some strawberry-blonde girl next to him. My stomach squeezes tight when she throws her head back, laughing at something he said.

  He ain’t that funny.

  My movements are out of sync with Jeremy’s, but he doesn’t notice. There’s an unfamiliar feeling rising inside me. I can’t stand Eli giving that girl his attention. I know how it feels to have those baby blues locked on you like you’re the only thing that matters, and irritation licks up my spine that someone else is getting to feel it. But for the life of me, I can’t look away.

  Like he can sense my stare, Eli’s gaze searches the room until it locks with mine, his eyes widening as they burn a trail along my body. The girl next to him says something, but he pays her no mind.

  My stomach flutters.

  His posture stiffens as he spots Jeremy, his gaze growing cold. The ice in his eyes does nothing but spark a fire in mine. My body moves with intent, wanting, needing him to feel the same stifling grip that chokes my insides knowing he’s here with someone else.

  Knowing I shouldn’t give a damn.

  Jeremy plays his part without realizing, spinning me around, dipping us down and bringing our bodies flush as we rise back up. I glance over my shoulder, unable to keep my eyes away, but Eli’s not looking anymore. His focus is back on the strawberry-blonde.

  The fire sizzles out, and I’m left feeling cold.

  I pull out of Jeremy’s arms, motioning to the bar. I order a shot as soon as I get there, the burn helping to numb the ache in my chest. Slamming the empty shot glass on the bar, I head down a long hallway to find the ladies’ room. There’s no line, which is surprising, since it’s a one-person bathroom.

  I’ve just turned around to close the door when a hand slips between the crack and shoves it open. I gasp, the force pushing me away. Eli stalks in the small room and reaches behind him, shutting the door and flipping the lock.

  “This is the ladies’ room, asshole.”

  His mouth quirks, but he doesn’t speak, just continues his trek toward me. My ass bumps the sink. He steps into me, his chest rubbing against my braless nipples through the thin material of my dress. Thick arms encase me, those big hands grabbing on to the edge of the counter. Leaning in, his nose trails down the length of my neck, and I swear he’s inhaling my scent. My entire body clenches, and a knot forms in my stomach.

  “What–what are you doin’?”

  “Do you enjoy torturing me, Rebecca?” His voice is low. It rumbles against my skin and sends goose bumps blazing down my body.

  “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “I think you do.”

  Each breath is a tease, his lips skimming my skin on every exhale. A moan slips out, unbidden.

  His arms flex. “Does it feel this way with him?”

  “What way?” My stomach rises and drops so fast it makes me lose my breath.

  “Like I’ll die if I can’t touch you.”

  My heart quickens, blood singing through my veins, begging me to just give in.

  I push into his body, surrendering to the feeling. “So touch me.”

  His head shakes against me, his jaw tense. “You aren’t mine to touch.”

  “I’m not Jeremy’s either.”

  His head snaps back.

  “What about that girl you’re with?” I ask.

  “Just a friend.”

  My fingers trace the veins in his forearms as I slide my hands up, reaching to cup his face in my palms. “Eli. Touch me.”

  His nostrils flare, his body rigid against mine. I wait but he doesn’t make a move.

  My stomach sinks at the rejection and I take a step away, but I don’t get far. His arms leap from the sink, wrapping around my waist and jerking me against him.

  My breath whooshes out of me, every nerve ending lit up from his touch. My hands go back to palming his jaw. His arms tense around me while he lifts me off the ground, bringing my face to his.

  “Don’t tell me what to do,” he growls as our lips meet.
r />   I should care that this is happening. I should stop it. But I don’t. The memory of his taste has been all I’ve thought of since the moment it hit my tongue.

  I’ll be damned if I give it up again.



  I see Becca and my mind is lost. Like usual, everything fades away but her until I can’t think straight. She’s been dancing on that kid Jeremy when she should be dancing on me.

  I tried to ignore her and put my focus on the girl who’s within my reach. But looking at Sarah after soaking in Becca is like trying to see after staring into the sun.

  When I see her storm off from the bar, I follow her down the hallway. I know it’s wrong. I know what will happen the second I get her alone, but I’m so far past the point of caring. My need for her is absolute. Screw the consequences.

  It doesn’t matter that we’re in a dirty restroom in the back of a club. I couldn’t care less about the people we both have waiting for us.

  She’s fire. Absolutely insane. But I love the way she burns.

  I grip her waist tight, her tongue caressing mine with a softness I didn’t expect. I turn us slightly, slamming her against the wall, kissing her deeper. Those mile-long legs wrap around my waist, and I groan, pressing into her center. She rotates her hips, grinding against me, working my erection through the fabric and goddamn it feels amazing. My lips break away from hers, trailing kisses down her cheek.

  “I didn’t take you for the soft and sweet type,” she pants.

  Annoyance flickers at that fucking mouth, stoking the flames of my desire. My hand grasps her throat. “You’ll take it any way I decide to give it to you, baby girl.”

  She tries to respond but my grip tightens, squeezing hard enough to feel her heart race under my palm. Her head tilts back as she lets out a moan.

  “You don’t like soft and sweet? How do you want me then? Do you want me here?” My thumb presses into her lip. “Want me to choke you with my cock until tears stream down that pretty, porcelain face?” Her legs tighten around my waist, eyes flaring.


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