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by Cameron Hale

  Leika followed me onto a rock where I stretched out to dry myself in the sun. “You’re very beautiful,” she said, staring into my eyes. “Your complexion rivals the sand on the beach.” Her slender hand drifted to my hair and coiled a thick strand around her fingers. Though I wanted to slap her hand away, a part of me held back. “I’ve never seen hair so pale¾and your eyes are a most unusual blue.” Her expression became serious. “You must be careful. The heat and sunlight on Treor can be very dangerous.”

  She proceeded to remove a tiny ceramic pot from the drawstring bag. “You must use this lotion every day to protect your skin. It is the milk from the wild alarchine orchid.” She opened the container and released the most heavenly fragrance which I recognized as the same Adine wore. “Here, let me apply some now. You have already had more exposure than is good for you.”

  I sat up and started to protest, but was silenced by a delicate touch that gently massaged the silken lotion into my skin. Though it vanished instantly into my pores, the electric touch of her fingers left a stinging trail on my flesh. Overcome by a peculiar languor, I sighed and lay back on the warm rock. My eyes closed. Around me, the pulse of the jungle retreated to distant background noise. Lulled by the delicious heat of the sun and Leika’s ministrations, I felt my resistance ebb away. Now her hands grew bolder, her lotion drenched fingers fondling my breasts and trailing down the curve of my hips. They lingered momentarily before I felt the pressure of her hands spread my thighs. A cooling kiss of lotion teased my cunt and dribbled down to my anus where I felt a gently probing finger…

  Somewhere in the depths of my consciousness, a voice cried out. Struggling against the silken drowsiness that enshrouded me, I sat up and unsteadily rose to my feet. Nowhere could I find my discarded flight suit. Leika watched me a moment before putting aside the pot of lotion and reaching to help me into the sarong she had brought along in the drawstring bag. I could not remember seeing the bag a moment ago, my focus only on the silken fabric that felt like a caress against my skin.

  “I don’t know what’s come over me,” I mumbled, unable to meet her eyes. “I guess the journey tired me more than I realized. I’ve got to get some rest before I collapse.”

  Leika looked into my eyes and nodded. “Of course,” she said, gently taking my arm. “It has been a long day for you. I will take you back to the hut.”

  Though the huts were only a short distance from the lagoon, the path seemed to meander infinitely through the eerily silent cathedral of foliage. My legs became rubbery, causing me to waver and stumble. The heady fragrance of the orchid lotion became almost cloying as it filled each breath I took. Finally, we approached our hut. Soft hands helped me onto a pliant, welcoming bed and before I could even settle down, I plunged into deep, dreamless sleep.

  * * *

  The mournful calling of night birds woke me. Ghostly firelight flickered through gaps in the hut’s bamboo walls. Gasping with thirst, I greedily drank from a pitcher of water on the bedside table. I glanced at Leika’s bed and noticed it vacant. Intrigued, I rose and listened. Distant voices drew me outside. Finding no one about, I followed the path. Through the trees, I noticed figures seated around a large bonfire near the lagoon, its sharp crackling a jarring contrast to the jungle’s nocturnal serenade. A full mauve moon bathed the scene in a magical amethyst light.

  Curiosity piqued, I crept through the foliage until I found a better vantage point. Dancing firelight illuminated the nude women and cast fantastic patterns of color against their flesh. They sat in a perfect circle, arms interlinked, heads bowed in prayer. Murmuring words in an alien tongue, their bodies swayed to silent rhythms.

  Adine stood directly before the fire, her perfectly proportioned body completely visible beneath a transparent silver gown spangled with glittering pearls. Undulating in a primal dance, the movement emphasized the firmness of her full breasts and the voluptuous curve of her ass, offset by a slender torso and lithe limbs. A glint of gold drew my attention to the prominent mound between her legs where I noticed a ring interlinked by a fine chain piercing a tongue of flesh protruding from her engorged lips. Now and again her hand would stray to the ring and tug it, an action that only increased her urgency.

  Chanting discordantly, she poured a steaming burgundy liquid from a jeweled goblet into the flames. A beaten gold mask covered her face, the surface intricately adorned with bizarre symbols. As I watched, it shimmied, blurred and transformed into the face of a monstrous reptilian creature.

  I gasped. Leika’s head shot up and turned in my direction, her penetrating gaze searing me like a searchlight despite the camouflage of trees. I bolted into the jungle to the sound of agitated voices; unsure of why I was even running yet compelled to get away from what was clearly not meant for my eyes. Foliage snapped in my face and hindered my retreat along a rough secondary trail. Startled creatures blundered from my path, my sense of direction completely confused. Moonlight starkly outlined the cliffs suddenly looming before me, the jungle thinning as the land began to rise. Voices closed in, the calling of my name prompting an inexplicable terror.

  Torchlight pursued me. Blindly, I stumbled across a path leading up the cliff. At the summit, the Academy glowed surreal in the moonlight, drawing me from the darkness. Footsteps and muttering steadily advanced.

  The climb was long and arduous. I felt myself slowing, fear and the unaccustomed climate sapping my energy. My muscles ached with each breath. I began to think the Academy was nothing more than a mirage when at last I reached level ground. A trio of gem-encrusted domes soared impressively into an ebony sky crowned by the shimmering halo of the galactic swirl. I paused to catch my breath before searching for an entrance.

  Circling the Academy, I discovered a massive arched doorway on the north-facing dome. My hands anxiously pressed against cold metal and the outline of raised petroglyphs. An accessway silently slid open to reveal a huge planetarium beyond, its massive roof gaping open to the inky cloak of night. I stepped inside the dimly lit interior and stared in fascination at the unfamiliar sky. From the configuration of the stars, I knew I was looking at a completely different sector of the galaxy, yet at the same time, I understood that such a vista could not have been possible from Treor’s position. The alien nightscape blazed with a myriad of star clusters bathed in fiery veils of burgundy and orange nebulae.

  “Beautiful, isn’t it?” Adine said, the gleaming gold mask still concealing her face, her body provocatively rubbing against mine. “Few have had the privilege of seeing our home. Our system is located in a region of the galaxy far from here.”

  Her unexpectedly resonant words startled me. I drew further into the darkness and quickly looked around for a possible escape route. Before I could get my bearings, Leika appeared from nowhere and caught me by the waist, cutting off my surprised cry. Uselessly, I struggled against her unyielding embrace.

  Still wearing the hideous mask, Adine loomed like a specter from the darkness and paused to study my frightened expression. Her mask smiled. I instinctively recoiled. “Don’t worry, Marese,” she said, glancing at the sky. “There’s nothing to be afraid of. When you join us you’ll learn all our secrets. The bonding will make you worthy of our trust.”

  “And what are those secrets?” I cried. “Treachery? Deceit? Is this what I strived all my life to achieve?”

  Leika pressed herself against me. Despite myself, I could not help but feel a shiver at the contact. From the entrance, I could sense the disapproval of the other women.

  “Come now,” Adine said. “We all know you have a mind capable of more than this childish display. Limited thinking doesn’t suit you. You don’t know anything about what the Academy truly has to offer. How can you make judgments without facts? Let me explain things so you can understand.”

  She motioned to Leika. Silently, she led me outside, her grip inexorable. The other women flanked us as we made our way down the cliff though never once made eye contact. Anger roiled within me. I chided myself at how easil
y I had been manipulated. At that moment, I was almost embarrassed to think that the mind that had brought me to the Academy had not recognized the trap that I, or perhaps my ambition, had so easily stumbled into. Moving slowly to conserve my strength, I realized why isolation was such an integral part of the Academy myth. Grimly, I could only wonder how many others had been unwillingly conscripted to a cause I could barely comprehend.

  The jungle pulsed with a thousand voices, the serenade following us toward the eerily moonlit beach. Beyond, the water softly lapped at the shore. Ordinarily, the scene would have been enchanting, but I felt only a grinding tightness in my gut. I balked as we approached a huge bonfire blazing on the sand and tried to break free from Leika’s grasp.

  “Let me go!” I cried, intimidated by the roaring, crackling flames.

  Leika’s grip merely tightened. With an inscrutable expression, she led me to the edge of the bonfire. Adine approached, her copper skin aglow in the dancing firelight. Her mask grimaced at me like a mythological monster. “Don’t be afraid, Marese. Though your initiation wasn’t to be till the next full moon, there’s no reason why it can’t be performed tonight.”

  She nodded and waved her hand. The women converged upon me and forced me onto the sand while Leika stripped off my sarong. Not even my terror-inspired strength could stave off their hands and I found myself completely immobilized. Ever silent, her huge doe eyes never once blinking, Leika produced a large pot of the orchid cream and slowly rubbed it onto my body. The more I struggled, the more firmly her fingers worked my flesh. Trailing across my breasts, she massaged a large dollop onto my nipples until they rose stiffly. My resistance began to fade as I felt a familiar languor dull my senses. Blinking through blurred vision, I glimpsed Leika continue down the plains and valleys of my belly, hips and thighs, touching, stroking and teasing before finally pausing at my cunt. The other women spread my arms and legs and waited expectantly.

  Lowering her face, Leika encircled my thighs with her arms and raised my ass from the sand. Her strength astonished me almost as much as the force of her narrow, pointed tongue pressed solidly against my clit. Bucking from the unexpected heat of her mouth, I tried to free myself. Instead, she completely engulfed me, sucking, probing and finally penetrating me until my cries rose above the roaring bonfire.

  Exhausted, drenched from the heat of her body and those of the surrounding women, I enjoyed a moment’s respite when Leika released me and rose to her feet. My relief was short-lived, however, when she removed her sarong and turned to Adine standing behind directly her. The two women stood close, and only when I saw the heavily jeweled band clip around Leika’s waist did I understand my ordeal was far from over. With a haunted look, Leika turned to display a massive gold double phallus rising from between her legs. From the size and thickness I could only guess at the racial origin.

  Leika nodded to the women who proceeded to turn me onto my hands and knees. Giddy and disoriented from the cream, I offered feeble resistance as Leika seized my hips and spread me open. She sank to her knees with a shuddering sigh. Now her tongue sought my anus and teased, stretched and probed until it wandered deep inside. Unused to the sensation, I reflexively tightened, but she countered by inserting her cream drenched fingers and thrusting until I admitted her with ease.

  “Now,” Adine muttered above the quickening breath of the women.

  I felt the brutal double thrust of the phallus simultaneously penetrate my cunt and anus. Slick from the ministrations of Leika’s tongue, my cunt easily embraced the huge golden cock, but Leika’s delicate fingers were no match for the enormous phallus seeking entry into my ass. With each thrust of Leika’s hips, I cried out.

  “Open yourself to me,” she hissed in an unexpectedly guttural tone. “Open yourself to absolute freedom of mind and body.”

  I obeyed. Arching myself against her, I did not even notice that the other women no longer held me down, only that I opened myself until both golden cocks were inside me up to the elaborately jeweled hilt of Leika’s belt. She pushed me face down onto the sand, mounted me and squeezed my breasts. Relentlessly driving into me, she uttered a series of garbled cries and nipped at my neck and shoulders. Her tongue lapped my sweat-drenched flesh, her fingers seeking entry into my mouth. We writhed in unison, our panting synchronized until we both screamed from our mutual climax.

  Absolute silence descended. Leika withdrew from me and sprinted toward the water. Discarding the double phallus, she stepped into the cool embrace of the gentle waves and vanished. I collapsed and groveled in the sand, oblivious to the women descending upon each other around me.

  Adine knelt beside me and touched my lips. “Listen,” she whispered, “so that you may now finally understand.”

  A pervasive numbness prevented me from speaking. Though I desperately wanted to seek refuge in the water and cool my scorching flesh, the strength to do so evaded me.

  “Listen,” Adine intoned, her voice wavering as though reaching me from a great distance. “Though you see me in an assumed form, I am of the Nubhl’ha, an ancient race, born long before life touched your world. Through the millennia, a chromosomal disorder dwindled our numbers until we faced extinction. For generations, we struggled to find a cure through artificial means. After those attempts failed, we were forced to look to other species for assistance. Again, we encountered obstacles. Finally, we found a solution through the guise of the Confederation and the founding of the Academy. Here, a chosen few from the most promising of races are brought to us for interbreeding. Not only do we flourish, but the primary goal of the Confederation enables us to legitimately explore deep space and find new sources for our survival.”

  I shook my head to clear the pervasive fog. “Then…” I mumbled with uncooperative lips, “this is all a lie¾you, you’ve used generations of women like¾animals merely to propagate your species…”

  Adine’s mask scowled. “You’re a stubborn one. Why do you fight us? You’re part of an ambitious plan that will take you to the borders of the universe. Think of the possibilities. Nothing on Earth or any other world could come remotely close to offering the opportunities awaiting you. It’s time you understood that you’re not like everyone else, Marese. You have been truly gifted, but you must also be willing to accept and use the gift to its full potential.”

  Dizziness overcame me as Adine rose and raised her head to the sky. Swaying in a trance, she began to recite in a rapid, singsong chant. The women ceased their frantic coupling and formed a circle around the fire, joining the chant. Leika appeared above me and stroked my face. Her sable eyes held mine in a hypnotic stare. Clasping my hand, she raised me to my feet and held me in a lover’s embrace, her hands idly fondling my breasts.

  A blinding pillar of light arced across the inky horizon and veered toward the shore. I shuddered against the site and felt Leika’s instinctive tightening around my waist. The chanting reached a crescendo when a large, claw shaped vessel landed further down the beach and abruptly ceased as several dark, hulking figures emerged from the ship’s glowing portal.

  I noticed the women’s enraptured faces. Following Leika’s fixed gaze, I gasped as I recognized the living versions of Adine’s mask drift eerily across the sand, their voluminous black cloaks billowing in the breeze.

  Adine removed her gown and prostrated herself in the sand before the tallest figure. The glowering, black-clad giant glanced coldly at her before surveying the women. I felt my blood chill as his unblinking, slitty eyes the color of dying embers fixed on me. He barked something to Adine, who promptly rose and clapped her hands at the other women. Obediently, they formed a half circle and removed their gowns. With closed eyes they knelt in the sand, their hands planted firmly on their thighs.

  The leader approached the women and dropped his cloak into the sand. Unwittingly, my eyes followed his gloved, clawed hands unlatch a belt-like contraption hugging his midsection. A huge, mottled double phallus emerged, the dimensions exact to the golden effigies that had so thoroug
hly violated my body. One by one, the leader presented himself to the women. Only when all had taken both phalluses into their mouths did he move on until the bizarre homage was complete.

  With a guttural grunt, he motioned to his entourage. Following his example, they approached the women, but now extracted a higher homage as each woman offered herself to the exquisite pain of the double phallus. Though familiar with alien anatomy, the positions and unusual insertions I witnessed disturbed me. Orifices, maws and flaps opened, extended or retracted to accommodate. A bizarre symphony of cries whimpers and barks rose above the crackling flames. I winced against an onslaught of unpleasant acrid odors.

  Adine clapped her hands in an expression of ecstasy. “The bonding is complete. The seed of our people will spread far and wide…”

  The leader watched impassively before turning to Adine standing quietly behind him. Bowing her masked head, she reached between her breasts and proceeded to pull open a serrated flap of skin revealing a spongy, pulsing orifice that dripped a clear fluid beneath. Uttering an eerie cry, the leader rammed his exposed phalluses into the opening.

  Breeders… I thought dully. That’s all we ever were…

  I turned away in revulsion at Adine’s impalement and excited, garbled cries. Sensing a momentary relaxation in Leika’s grip, I pulled myself free and bolted for the sanctuary of the jungle. Though she uttered a surprised grunt, her reactions appeared dulled, as though aroused to the point of stupor by the rutting around her.

  Blundering through the foliage, I zigzagged wildly, stopping only to grab a sarong from the hut. I desperately wanted to find my shoes to protect my feet against the ground, but could not find them. Oblivious to the ache in my loins from Leika’s assault, I continued. The silence of the normally whispering jungle filled me with a sense of dread, but try as I might I could not still the din of my panted breath. I listened constantly for the sounds of pursuit, my fear increasing because I heard none.


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