
Home > Other > Intoxicate > Page 21
Intoxicate Page 21

by Tessa Teevan

  “I wasn’t expecting you.”

  “Sorry,” he chokes out, still not adverting his eyes. Oh yeah, he likes what he sees. We could always meet like this.

  “Xavier, it’s fine,” I tell him, setting the bottle down and going to the closet to pull out two dresses. I hold them up for him. “Since you’re here and not my sister, pick one.”

  “That depends,” he says.

  I hang them both back up and turn to see him patting the bed beside him. Slipping on my robe, I cross the room and then sit cross-legged, waiting for him to continue. He takes my hand and my breath catches. He’s about to cancel on me, and the thought sends a shot of disappointment right to my heart.

  “On?” I manage to ask, proud of myself for hiding my feelings.

  “I’ve been thinking about this for days, Kalli. Are you sure about this? There are other things we can do without you giving up your freedom and tying yourself to me.” He runs a hand through his hair, and I want to protest, but I allow him to finish. “I could probably make you her godmother and guardian.”

  “True.” I swallow down my protest, knowing I can’t push him.

  He blinks, his expression unreadable. “Is that what you’d rather do?” His tone is strained, and I don’t think he actually likes the idea, which makes my heart soar. We’re really doing this.

  “Absolutely not. I am sure, Xavier. Maybe you can do it the other way, and maybe you can’t. But we’re here now. You’ve spent your whole life taking care of someone else. Isn’t it time you let someone take care of you? Let me be that person,” I implore.

  He swallows, and I reach my free hand up to brush his cheek.

  “We’re doing the right thing. And I promise you we’ll have no regrets. Okay?”

  He briefly closes his eyes as my thumb caresses his cheek. I wait for what feels like an eternity before he finally opens them to look at me. The look of sheer determination sends my belly tumbling, because I know what his answer is. A smile forms on his lips as he leans in and presses a kiss to my forehead.

  “No regrets?” he asks.


  He lets out a deep breath and pulls back, his eyes searching mine. I’m scared he’s going to see all of my emotions in them, but if he does, he doesn’t react.

  “Tonight. I want to do it tonight.”

  My heart flutters. “Tonight? Okay. That’s perfect. Then we can enjoy the rest of the weekend.”

  He nods. “And plus, everyone’s already talking about not making it a late night. I figure it’ll be an easy way to sneak off and separate from the group. We might as well get it over with now.”

  Playfully, I shove his shoulder. “Get this over with?” I raise an eyebrow.

  He groans. “God, that came out wrong,” he says.

  “It’s fine, Xavier. I’m only teasing. Wow. So tonight,” I breathe out. “Do you think we should start hashing out the details?”

  “Tonight,” he confirms. “Leave all the details to me. Just do me a favor.”

  “Anything.” And I know it’s true. At this point, I’d do anything he asks.

  He pulls a box out from behind him and hands it to me. “Wear this under the red dress,” he orders, his expression darkening ever so slightly.

  Blinking in surprise that he wants me to wear the same dress from the night we first kissed, I mull it over and determine that it’s perfect. “Oh, okay,” is all I can muster as the butterflies swarm and take over. We’re really doing this! “Thank you.”

  With one last kiss on the forehead, he rises from the bed and strides across the room. Just as he’s about to open the door, he gives me one last look. “See you soon, Kalliope,” he whispers. Then he leaves me alone and gazing at the door after him.

  Opening the box, I see the most beautiful white bra-and-panty set with glittering rhinestones attached throughout. It looks just like a bridal set, and I’m left wondering when the hell he had time to get this.

  Suddenly, the thought that I’m getting married in a matter of hours rushes through my mind, and I hop up and rush back into the bathroom for my second shower of the day. This time, however, I’m getting ready for my groom, and I spend the next half hour preparing my body for him.

  Because tonight? Not only am I going to say, “I do,” to Xavier Cruz, I’m also going to finally have him. Once and for all.

  KALLI MONTGOMERY is going to be the death of me. After we agreed to get married, I didn’t have much time to dwell on it. I was too busy with Ma and Lily, but the minute I was alone in my hotel room, I couldn’t get it off my mind. Everyone else was napping, and all I could think about was making Kalli my wife. As the minutes passed, I became more and more anxious. I knew there was no way I’d be able to last all weekend, so I made up my mind and found myself outside her door, holding the one Christmas gift I hadn’t given her. I don’t know if my brain had known something I hadn’t when I’d bought her the white lingerie, but suddenly, it was what I wanted her to wear the night we got married. Even though I knew I probably wouldn’t see it, just knowing what she had on underneath her dress would be enough.

  Until she walked out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a bra and panties. A miniscule pair of panties. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from her. Her breasts were practically spilling over, and all I wanted to do was take each one in my hands. To rip the material off her and explore every inch of her body like I’ve wanted to for months.

  I knew then and there that I had to have her. I would have her.

  We said no emotions, but we never said no sex. Perhaps this could be a mutually beneficial marriage. Because the thought of Kalli Montgomery in my bed, as my wife, without being able to touch her? It’s an unacceptable one. For six months, I’ve wanted her but haven’t let myself go there. After I make her my wife, all bets are off.

  Even though I know it’ll complicate things, I’m not sure I care. I’m no longer sure I’m prepared to keep emotions out of this marriage, and it scares me that, soon, we’re going to find ourselves on different pages. That’s why I tried to give her one last out. She didn’t take it, and when I suggested we marry tonight, she didn’t bat an eye. Thank Christ. I don’t think I could’ve made it another night.

  It was all I could do not to rush back to my room to plan it all out. This may not be as real as most marriages are, but I wasn’t going to make it something rushed or unforgettable. Kalli may not be getting the anticipation of a wedding day, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t deserve a memorable experience. She’s doing this for me—for my daughter—and I want to make her night special.

  In more ways than one.

  So I spend the next two hours holed up in my hotel room, making plans.

  Step 1: Propose. I’m a traditional guy, and even though I’ll always remember the way Kalli did it at the beach, I want my turn. She may not think she wants it, but she deserves more than just a proposal on a whim.

  Step 2: Take her to the nearest chapel that doesn’t feature a celebrity look-alike.

  Step 3: Kiss her senseless as soon as I’m allowed.

  Step 4: Make her my wife in every sense of the word.

  Step 5: Spend the rest of the weekend repeating step 4.

  Step 6: Go home and hope like hell I don’t find a way to screw it all up.

  That last part is going to be the complicated one. The lines with Kalli have been blurred for so long, and I know that adding marriage to the mix will only deepen them no matter how hard I try to keep things the same.

  The thing is . . . I’m not really sure I want them to. Pact or not.

  MY FOOT taps impatiently as I wait for everyone to disperse for the night. My excitement is getting the better of me, and the more time that passes, the more anxious I become. All throughout the night, I’ve stolen little glances at Xavier, and each time I do, I find that he’s already looking at me. He’s dressed in dark jeans, a black button-up, a dark blazer, and a five-o’clock shadow. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen him look sexier, and I have half a mind to
announce our plans to the table, grab his hand, and find the nearest chapel.

  “You look beautiful.” His breath tickles my ear, his proximity making me feel dizzy as we stand in the hotel lobby.

  Turning, I give him a wink. “You should see what’s underneath.”

  “I intend to,” he responds as he brings a finger up to trail across my collarbone.

  Shock reverberates through me at his implication. I thought I’d have my work cut out for me, trying to convince him why we should sleep together, but it appears Xavier’s come to that conclusion all on his own. My panties dampen with six months’ worth of anticipation.

  “Everyone’s heading to the casino. I told Kale we were going to pop over to the gift shop to get something for Lily. That way, I don’t forget.”

  “Good plan,” I tell him, and he grins.

  Holding out a hand to me, he echoes my words from this morning. “You ready for this, Kalliope?” he asks.

  I slip my hand into his and press myself up against his arm. “I’m ready for this. The question is: Are you ready for me?”

  His eyes dance as he looks down at me. “I’m ready for you, Kalli. I only wish I’d been ready for you a long damn time ago.”

  His words warm my heart, and I know we’re doing exactly what we said we wouldn’t.

  But that’s okay with me. I wouldn’t be Kalli Montgomery if I didn’t try to break the rules.

  AS XAVIER and I walk down the Strip, I’m surprised he’s taking his time. Our pace is leisurely as we take in the sights and sounds of Las Vegas. Part of me was expecting him to go straight to a chapel and, as he said so eloquently, “get it over with.” Instead, he’s unhurried, and in turn, I’m soaking in every moment leading up to our I dos. Perhaps he’s doing his whole anticipation routine. Whatever it is, I’m not complaining.

  It’s not long before we find ourselves in front of the Eiffel Tower. Xavier stops in his tracks, and I look up at the impressive replica. It’s almost as good as the real thing, and suddenly, it feels almost like a metaphor for what this is between Xavier and me. Sadness washes over me, but it’s quickly erased as Xavier places a hand on the small of my back and leads to me a private corner, away from all the tourists.

  He sits down on a ledge and takes my hand, pulling me in between his legs until I’m looking down at him.

  “It doesn’t feel like it’s enough to say the words, but I’m going to anyway. You will never know how grateful I am for you. For your friendship. Your love for my daughter. For your relentless devotion and patience. I know we made that stupid pact, but I want you to know how I feel before we go any further.”

  “Xavier—” I whisper, but he hushes me.

  “Let me say this while I have the courage to do so. For so long I’ve shut myself off. I’d forgotten what it was like to be with someone you cared for. And then you showed up.” He smiles as if remembering our summer together. “You came in and my life hasn’t been the same since. You tilted my world on its axis. You’ve made me want things I haven’t wanted in so long. If I let myself, I could fall in love with you. So damn easily. And it scares the hell out of me.”

  I’m rendered speechless. He could love me? These are the words I’ve been longing to hear for so long. Sure, it’s not a love declaration, but it’s more than he’s ever said. My heartbeat quickens as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small, velvet box.

  Oh. My. God.

  I’m mentally freaking out right now, and my breath catches. While I’m on the verge of hyperventilating, my eyes race from his eyes, to the box, and back to his eyes. He’s watching me intently, his dark eyes boring into mine. This is the moment I never knew I was waiting for, and even though our circumstances are different than most, I’m overwhelmed with emotion.

  “Cásate conmigo?” he whispers, the words sounding romantic with just a hint of desperation. “Marry me, Kalliope. Be my wife.”

  The world around us seemingly disappears as the words resound in my ears. Never did I imagine I’d get a proposal in a million years, much less a ring, from Xavier.

  It’s not real.

  I push the thought from my mind. Tonight—for one night—I’m letting it be real. And maybe, just maybe, someday, it will be.

  Tears prick my eyes, and I can’t help the one that spills over and down my cheek. Xavier reaches up and captures it with his forefinger.

  Finally, I find the strength to speak even though my voice is shaky. “What you’re afraid of? I think I’m already there. Which makes this whole thing even crazier.”

  He swallows hard, but his gaze doesn’t leave mine.

  “Yes, Xavier. Si, yes, oui—in every language, I will marry you.”

  A beaming smile spreads over his face as he stands, picking me up and twirling me around. When he sets me back on the ground, he opens the box and holds it up for me. My hand rushes to my mouth when I see what’s inside.

  “Xavier!” My eyes race to meet his. “This is Mom’s.”

  He grins as he slides the ring on my finger. It fits perfectly, just like we both knew it would.

  His hand comes up to cup my chin. “I got your mom’s blessing.”

  My eyes widen. “Does she know?” I ask, surprised she would give it to him under the circumstances.

  “I told her the plan. She just smiled and mumbled something about not seeing what’s in front of me. And you know what? She’s right.” He pauses. “I know I’m breaking every rule here, Kalli, but the thing is, I don’t care. As terrified as I am that this could blow up in our faces, I knew that, if we did this, it had to be perfect. Plus, I’m pretty good with explosive things,” he teases. “I won’t allow anything to blow up.”

  “All right, Cruz,” I tell him. “Let’s get married.”

  MY SENSES are working in overdrive. The proposal was simple yet so romantic. So unexpected. I barely register the whirlwind around us as Xavier leads us into a chapel, where he already made an appointment. I tease, asking if we can have Elvis marry us. Xavier gives me a look that tells me, Hell no.

  Once the papers are signed, the package paid for, it’s time. Butterflies swirl in my belly as the music begins. As soon as I walk down the short aisle, everything else fades away. All I see is him. Our vows are standard, quick, and before I know it, I hear the words I never thought I would.

  “I now pronounce you man and wife.”

  Looking up at Xavier, I wait for the next five.

  “You may kiss the bride.”

  The officiant barely gets the phrase out before Xavier’s lips descend upon mine. His hand reaches around to the small of my back as he pulls me into his chest forcefully, his lips not leaving mine. His tongue demands entrance, and I open willingly, allowing him to caress me, claim me as his wife. His wife. I have no idea how much time passes as he licks, sucks, and nibbles, claiming me as his bride. All I know is I never want this moment to end.

  Sliding my hands up his chest and around his neck, I press myself against him. The swelling of his erection sends a pool of wet anticipation between my thighs as I sigh in pleasure against his mouth. Abruptly, he pulls away, breaking off the kiss, leaving me panting and wanting more. So much more.

  He brings his forehead to mine and looks into my eyes. “Wife,” he whispers, his hand running up and down my spine.

  “Husband,” I respond, falling right into the role with extreme ease. A shiver runs down my spine as I say the word.

  A throat clears behind us, and Xavier stands up straight, wincing at the display we just put on. He reaches into his pocket, hands his phone to one of the witnesses, and asks for a photo. My heart warms at the thought, and as we pose for a couple, I know I’m in trouble.

  Because I’ve been Xavier Cruz’s wife for two minutes.

  And I never want to be anything else.

  XAVIER TAKES my hand and leads me out of the chapel. He pushes me up against the wall, his hands cupping my face. “No regrets?”

  Is he crazy?

  “Never,” I whisper, loo
king up at him.

  He leans down and presses a kiss to my lips, this time making it soft, unhurried. When he pulls back, desire dances in his eyes. “I’m the luckiest man in the world,” he declares on a whisper. “I will never deserve you, Kalli Montgomery, but I’ll spend our days together trying to change that.”

  I raise an eyebrow at him. “Don’t you mean Kalli Cruz?” I ask, loving the way the name rolls off my tongue

  “Kalli Cruz,” he repeats.

  Scratch that previous thought. I love the way it rolls off his tongue.

  His forehead wrinkles as he drops his hands from my face. “I suppose we have a lot to talk about.”

  Leaning up on my tiptoes, I plant a kiss on his lips. “We have all the time in the world to talk. Right now, though, I think a celebration is in order.”

  His worry fades, and he looks at me with piqued interest. “A celebration? Well, wife, what did you have in mind?”

  “I’m thinking we go back to the room, order champagne, and see where the night takes us. After all, I’m wearing what you requested. Don’t you think it’s time you unwrapped me?”

  His eyes darken as they gaze down my body. He takes my hand and starts towards the hotel, practically running. As I try to keep up, my excitement builds until I’m practically bursting with joy.

  I’ve never been happier than I am right now.

  And even if it all blows up in my face later on, I won’t care. Because I will never forget the night I married Xavier Cruz.

  AS SOON as we were pronounced husband and wife, I couldn’t help myself from kissing her crazy. I wanted to ravage her right there, not caring who would see us. And then, outside, when she offered herself up to me, I wanted to toss her over my shoulder and not put her down until she was naked beneath me as I made her mine completely.


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