Amaranthine Special Edition Vol I

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Amaranthine Special Edition Vol I Page 8

by Naylor, Joleene

  She clutched an armload of pink cloth to her chest and approached Katelina without looking up. When she spoke, her voice sounded as weary and strung out as she looked. “The mistress sends you this, with her compliments.”

  Katelina stood quickly and blinked in surprise as she realized this must be a real servant and not a joke. Reluctantly, she took the clothes and noted with an almost abhorrent disgust that bandages were also on the woman’s neck and chest, peeping out from beneath the dress and held on by large quantities of white medical tape. She looked like she’d been mugged by thieves wielding a letter opener as a weapon.

  Katelina turned her attention to the dress she’d been given. It was a light, creamy pink with no sleeves and a knee length skirt. A swath of pink lace decorated the bodice, along with a broach set with pink stones that caught the light. The dress probably cost more than she made in a week! The thought both delighted and horrified her.

  Unsure what else to do, she gave the maid a wan smile and murmured, “Thank you.”

  The maid continued to stare at the ground, her eyes unwilling to meet Katelina’s. “When you’ve dressed, the mistress wishes to see you, to welcome you properly.”

  “All right.” Katelina stopped herself from saying “thank you” again, but it left her standing mute in the middle of the rug, the dress dangling from her fingers.

  The servant woman shuffled out of the room quickly and shut the heavy door behind her.

  A few minutes later, Katelina stood before the mirror, examining the new outfit. As she turned this way and that, she whistled softy to herself. If Oren could afford to buy his wife dresses like this, he wasn’t doing bad at all; especially when she just handed them out to strangers. She wondered suddenly where his money came from, when the door opened again to reveal the maid.

  “If you'd like to come to the kitchen for something to eat?” It was really more a request than a question.

  Katelina hesitated. Jorick had said to stay in the room until he came for her, “no matter what,” but she was hungry. Besides, she didn’t think following someone as brow beaten as the maid could lead to any serious trouble.

  “Okay,” she answered at last and abandoned the mirror to make her way through the door.

  The maid shuffled down the dimly lit hallway and Katelina followed her. Her eyes roamed to the paneled walls set with heavy doors. She couldn’t help but wonder what lay behind them. Were there more bedrooms? Perhaps one of the doors led to the bedroom Jorick was staying in?

  Her questions remained unanswered as they turned and descended the beautifully carved staircase to the green hallway, then past the intricately painted portraits whose eyes stared uncomfortably from their gilt frames.

  The kitchen was towards the back of the house. It was large and tiled, the furnishings mostly wood and ceramic; old fashioned appearance with all the modern conveniences. The gleaming overhead lights made the white counters glitter and the polished wood shine.

  Katelina sat at the table where the maid indicated and a plate was set in front of her by a worn out looking brunette wearing a knee–length dress and a cardigan. Her sleeve rode up a little as she stretched to set down the plate, revealing a white gauze bandage on her wrist, just like the maid's. She noticed Katelina staring at her injury and pulled her arm away hastily, then hurried back to vigorously scrubbing the cutting block.

  The plate contained spaghetti and meatballs, and the smell told Katelina that it came from a microwaveable container. She'd eaten the same meal for lunch before. Peel back the corner of the carton, pop it in the microwave and five minutes later – PRESTO! – spaghetti and meatballs that tasted like cardboard.

  As she chewed the instant food, she realized how hungry she was, and mentally calculated how little food she’d had in the last twenty-four hours. It took all of her will power, but she forced herself to eat casually instead of wolfing it down. She needn’t have bothered because the three servants were too busy scrubbing the already gleaming surfaces to pay attention to her.

  At the clinking of the fork on the empty plate, the maid who’d led her there looked up from her counter polishing. Her eyes met Katelina’s and dropped away quickly, almost fearfully. She folded the wash cloth and discarded it before she hurried to the table. “Please follow me.”

  Katelina nodded curiously and followed the maid out of the kitchen and back into the dark green hallway. Her skin crawled as they reached the stairs and ascended them. She glanced around nervously, feeling like evil eyes were watching her. Deep inside, she knew there was something wrong with the house. An urgent voice in her mind told her to dash to the front door and escape, but Jorick’s promise of safety stopped her. He’d kept his word and so far she had no reason to doubt him.

  The maid led her down the second floor hallway, in the opposite direction of Katelina’s room. A door stood open and Katelina stepped through it to find herself in a large nursery. A crib sat in the middle of the room, painted white and surrounded by bright happy colors. Despite the reds, blues and yellows smiling at her; the room made her feel queasy. Even the happy clown painted on the wall seemed to leer menacingly and the stuffed toys on the shelves bore malice in their shiny eyes.

  The dark haired woman she'd seen last night sat in a white rocking chair, clutching the baby to her. Katelina recalled Oren addressing her as Jesslynn, and imagined that they made quite a contrasting pair with his blonde mane and her raven colored tresses. The woman was actually quite beautiful: her large, sorrowful eyes held their misery, yet reflected back a haughtiness that made Katelina look away.

  The bandaged maid moved from Katelina’s side and took the baby from her mistress, murmuring softly about a bath before feeding time. Jesslynn nodded, like a queen on her throne.

  Before anyone had bothered to explain why Katelina had been summoned, the small boy she’d seen last night came dashing into the room, pulling along a wooden duck on wheels. He was followed by the blonde girl he’d been playing with, the one who was neither young nor old. He hurried past Katelina as though she wasn’t there and climbed into Jesslynn's lap. He whispered in her ear, then settled himself comfortably.

  Jesslynn’s voice rang through the room, “Alexander says that you look very pretty in my dress.”

  Trying to ignore the sensations creeping up her spine she forced a smile for the little boy. “Is this Alexander?” He didn’t reply, but stared back at her, nodding solemnly.

  She was usually good with children, so she tried again, her smile larger this time. “Thank you, Alexander.”

  He made no reply and his mother said smugly, “Oh, he won't answer you.” Her lips curled tightly in a smile as she stroked his head, the same way someone might pet a cat. “Alexander will only speak to certain people.”

  “Oh.” She couldn’t think of anything else to say besides the obvious, “Gee, sorry your son is mentally challenged”, but that seemed like a bad idea. Maybe whatever was wrong with the child had something to do with the mysterious illness the whole household had? She found herself wondering if they weren’t inbred, though Oren and Jesslynn looked nothing alike.

  She studied the woman, looking for some hint at the malady, but found herself distracted. Jesslynn's eyes seemed to smolder with something... Katelina thought it might have been power, though that undeniable sorrow seemed to hold them. The combination made them spellbinding.

  Jesslynn continued to pet the boy, her eyes fixed steadily on her guest. “He is a delicate child with a very complex mind.”

  Katelina simply nodded and Jesslynn turned her attention to Alexander, bending so close to him that her dark tresses hid her face. “Have you fed yet, my darling?”

  The child shook his head no, and she told him to find Margaret, the secretive smile still clinging to her ruby lips.

  He climbed down and scampered past Katelina. His wooden duck jogged along behind him as he disappeared through the door, leaving the blonde woman – child behind.

  Jesslynn's voice floated around the evil nur
sery like music, commanding Katelina’s attention, “Children can be so.... impetuous.”

  “Mmmm–hmmm.” Katelina fought the desire to look at the dark woman. Her heart hammered in her chest with the exertion. All she wanted was to get away and go somewhere safe and sane, away from Jesslynn’s probing eyes and the thick, suffocating feeling of evil. Every nerve in her body jangled expectantly, waiting for something terrible to happen, some scene from a horror movie to unfold. She found her attention drawn momentarily to the crib and, even though she'd seen the poor servant woman, Margaret, take the baby, she still expected to peer into it and see a demon grinning back at her.

  Her eyes flicked away from the crib nervously and landed on the ageless girl. She stood like a sentinel next to a shelf of toys and looked them over, one after another, when she’d finished she started over again, her pale hands clasped in front of her. Her skin was almost translucent, and her hair spilled down like curling rivers of molten gold, pale against the soft lilac dress she wore.

  “Have you eaten?” Jesslynn's dark eyes stared into Katelina's blue ones. They mesmerized her until she forgot that there was anyone else in the world.

  Katelina found herself walking forward, closer and closer to the great queen on her white throne. The dark hair flowed over her shoulders, shimmering like the wings of a raven. Her dark lips were full and soft, her skin flawless, her eyes commanding, calling her forward... Yes... Whatever the great queen wanted... Nothing was too much to offer her…


  The shout jerked Katelina back into the real world. Her head felt heavy and fuzzy. She blinked and found herself kneeling on the floor at Jesslynn’s feet. She looked up to find the crazy blonde girl next to her on all fours, peering expectantly into her face. Her mouth opened, revealing a quick pink tongue and long, white fangs...

  Katelina leapt to her feet quickly. She raised her hand to the throbbing pinpoints of pain on her neck, but pulled it away when she felt something damp. Two pin sized dots of blood glistened on her palm, an echo of the mark on her neck.

  Her stomach turned. She finally understood what was wrong with the occupants of the house: they were vampires. For the love of God, they were vampires!

  Jesslynn wiped her mouth. A strange smile flickered on her lips. “What?” she asked innocently, looking at the newcomer. “I only tasted her.”

  Katelina stumbled as she backed away, but strong hands caught her shoulders and kept her from falling to the floor. Panicked, she twisted her head around and found herself looking into Jorick's face. Relief swept over her, but it was short lived as she realized that, though these people were vampires, Jorick had brought her here. He’d said that vampires were evil, that they were working with Claudius.

  She tried to make her mouth work, tried to ask Jorick what he was thinking, but the redheaded woman came in and interrupted her.

  She crossed the room slowly, her hips swaying sensually beneath the sultry black dress. Her eyes glittered, but when she reached Jorick she pouted out her lip as she touched his shoulder. “Ah, Jorick, you have to share. No fair bringing fresh blood into the house just for yourself.”

  Katelina tried to understand the implications. Was she implying that he was… But no, he couldn’t be like them… like Jesslynn and the blonde and those who had attacked them… In a sickening moment, she knew it was true. He was a vampire! Jorick – her savior, the one who had promised to protect her from the monsters – was one of them! She’d trusted him! She’d believed in him!

  Her knees trembled as the full impact hit her. Oh God! She was trapped in a house full of vampires!

  “You should share,” the redhead insisted again. “She has plenty, after all.”

  “Her blood is not for anyone to drink!” Jorick raged. “I made that clear to Oren!”

  The redhead rubbed her body against him, purring as she pressed her breasts into his arm. “Maybe you did, but do you really think Oren can control me?”

  Jorick stiffened at the contact and pulled away from her. “I expect him to be able to control his own offspring.” He drew his lips back and snarled at her.

  Katelina whimpered and looked away from him; away from the vampire fangs. She had to be trapped in a nightmare!

  Jesslynn cut into the conversation, her tone amused. “Why should he control us? Why should he even listen to you? You’ve never controlled him! You couldn't even stop him from making us!”

  “And look what he made,” sneered Jorick. He nodded towards the blonde woman – child, who was still on all fours licking her lips and staring at Katelina like she was a pork chop. “Her mind was lost.”

  Jesslynn stood quickly, the great queen angered. “She is mine! How dare you!”

  Margaret chose that moment to return, interrupting what could have been an explosive argument. She carried the baby in her arms and the little boy followed behind her, still tugging his wheeled duck. Katelina wanted to grab the children and run. She wanted to save them from this demoness with her pale skin and sorrowful eyes, save them from the redheaded slut, the crazy woman child, and all the rest, but Jorick held her firmly.

  Alexander and Margaret crossed the room until they reached Jesslynn. She looked at them and her face caught between expressions of anger and doting. She settled on the latter as the servant held the baby out, offering him freely.

  “Would you like to feed him today, or do you wish me to, Mistress?” Margaret’s voice was hollow and emotionless.

  Jesslynn's eyes glowed. “Oh, I think that you can manage it for today. I haven’t fed nearly enough.” She smiled evilly and pulled the woman's dress open, exposing her bare breasts to the cool air.

  Jesslynn used a single, long nailed finger to cut a line across the maid’s tender flesh. Crimson blood rose quickly to the surface. Margaret, expressionless throughout, lifted the baby and pressed its eager mouth against the bleeding wound.

  Katelina's head swam as she stared at the spectacle before her – trying to figure out what they were doing to the baby. She twisted in Jorick's grip and saw Alexander standing next to the blonde. His own small set of fangs gleamed in the light as he made some comment to his companion.

  Katelina jerked her gaze to Margaret and saw two brand new puncture marks in the woman's neck, too small for any adult to make.

  Jesslynn caught Katelina’s horrified gaze and smiled.


  Chapter Nine

  Katelina's head swam with the realization of what she was witnessing, and she’d have fallen if Jorick hadn't held her up. Jesslynn seemed to enjoy Katelina’s horror. Her cold, cruel laughter echoed through the evil nursery.

  “Enough, Jesslynn,” Jorick snapped. “I don’t know if you’re trying to impress me or intimidate Katelina, but either way it’s pointless.”

  “Impress you?” she asked mockingly and took a step forward. “Hardly. And as for your snack...” she smiled cruelly and added, “She should already be properly intimidated, if you’ve done your job correctly.”

  Katelina whimpered, and Jorick bit back, “I don’t require kowtowing servants like you.” His eyes moved to Margaret and her peculiar outfit. “A creative punishment, I suppose, if you find holding power over the weak so interesting.” His eyes moved back to Jesslynn. “But it’s of no concern to me. What matters is what you've done. I've granted this girl my protection, and by doing this, you have violated it.” He took a step forward and shuffled Katelina behind himself, still holding her firmly. “You know the penalties for such an act!”

  “You are in my house – ” Jesslynn began but Jorick cut her off.

  “No!” His voice quivered with barely contained rage, “I am in the house of your master, Oren, and I am his master. If The Guild–”

  The redhead moved to Jorick’s side again and laid her hand on his arm. Her voice was liquid velvet. “Would you sic The Guild on us, Jorick?”

  “I rather doubt it.” Jesslynn sneered. “It’s unlikely they’d be happy to see him.”

“I don't need to go to The Guild,” Jorick snapped.

  Jesslynn ignored him and moved to Margaret, who was still feeding the tiny vampire baby. A thick silence descended, broken only by the small, sucking noises issuing from the babies tiny lips, a sick mimicry of more wholesome things.

  When she made no answer he continued. “Anything I wish to do, I will do myself. I don't need to hide behind them.” He took a deep, breath, but it failed to calm him. “I say only that if The Guild were to hear of this – all of this – you'd be severely punished, and you know it!”

  Jesslynn sniffed disdainfully. Her eyes challenged him and held his gaze with a haughty gleam. “I do not fear them, and I do not fear you.”

  Oren’s voice sounded from the doorway. His tone inflected with cautious curiosity. “What is this?”

  Katelina’s attention shot to the newcomer and she thought sarcastically how lovely it was to have another vampire crammed into the room. Just the way she intended to spend her day, surrounded by a bunch of blood drinking monsters! She twisted in Jorick’s grip, but he held her firmly and she surrendered. She wasn’t going to get loose, and even if she did, where would she go?

  “Nothing, Oren.” Jorick answered. “Yet. If Jesslynn persists, though...” he trailed off, his voice cold.

  “I have done nothing wrong!” Jesslynn insisted, taking several steps toward Jorick. “Your human came to me willingly enough! Didn't she, Bethina?” She flashed a fanged smile at the crazy blonde vampiress who nodded in response.

  Katelina balked at being called Jorick's human, but no one seemed to notice.

  “Jesslynn!” Oren yelled. “You knew the conditions!” He strode forward, and stopped in front of Jorick, his muscles tense. His hands were clenched into white knuckled fists at his sides and his amber eyes glared dangerously at his wife.

  Jesslynn scowled and tossed her head. “You speak of conditions as though he does us a favor by coming to us in his hour of need! Bah! I have no need for such favors.”

  At her words, Oren’s temper flared. He jabbed an accusing finger at her, his words choppy with fury, “You forget all that he has done for us – for me! For our fight! He is here because of it!”


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