Immortal Beauty

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Immortal Beauty Page 38

by Thomas McDermott

  She was dancing in the forest with a group of women clad all in white, flowing garments. They were singing and dancing around a fire on a hot summer night. The ocean was nearby and she could smell the salt everywhere. They were singing in a foreign tongue but Claire knew the meaning of the words. They were singing to Diana, the goddess of the hunt. The goddess who watched over all animals. These women were Diana’s priestesses. They were a group of virgins who devoted their lives to the goddess and learned the ancient secrets of the forest. She could see deer and rabbits and even a wild cat outside of the circle watching them all complacently. They were part of the ceremony. Tonight, she would no longer be an apprentice but a priestess in the religion of Diana. She had been looking forward to this night for as long as she could remember. They told her that she was special. She had powers handed down from Diana herself and that one day she would lead the group of women who worshipped all that existed in Nature. She sang with a sense of joy knowing that from this night forward, her life would be different. She would live mostly in the woods now and people would come and seek her out to appease the goddess on their behalf. She would teach them how to love and respect all creatures of this world. She knew that it was all connected and that each living thing had a purpose for being here and a destiny to fulfill. This was her destiny and she embraced it with joy.

  Claire came to suddenly. The man was gone and the air was quiet. She looked up to see Magdalene staring down at her.

  “Thank you Magdalene. I owe you my life.” Claire held out her hand for the bird to come. She remembered so many things now. She remembered who she was. She remembered being in Rome so very long ago with her brother and their friends and how they all drank the sacred and stolen waters. None of them knew what it meant at the time but they could all feel the power surging though their veins as they laughed and drank and joked. She got the rest of her clothing on and smoothed her dress and hair. She walked back to her house with a new stature and her head was held strangely high and proud for such a meek thing. At that moment she began to plan her escape. She would gather as much jewelry and money as possible and in the middle of the night, sometime before the wedding she would leave this little town and head north. She wasn’t exactly sure where the waters of immortality were, but she knew she would find them. She was no longer the quiet little girl who was so agreeable to everyone. She was so much more than that now and she had to find out what her new destiny was.

  She told the story to Marcel over time when his sadness threatened to swallow him whole. She stayed with him for a few years in the big house after the horrific massacre in the great room. She stayed with Marcel because she had no place to go. She was introduced to society but had no interest in that whatsoever. She and Marcel lived the life of the idle rich. She only wished that she could have made it back in time to save her friends. Her brother from Rome was already dead before she even arrived. She never got the chance to see him again. More than anything else, she had wanted to see him again and laugh with him the way they used to an eternity ago. She mourned in her own quiet way and as the years rolled by, she found herself bored with this life. There was no purpose or meaning to any of it. She wanted to return to the wilderness. It was the only place she ever truly felt at home. Marcel could feel her slipping away from him even though she was amiable and attentive. He knew that her thoughts were elsewhere. Walking in the gardens, Claire decided it was time to let Marcel know that she was leaving. With Celine gone and the others dead, she felt there was really no reason to stay. Now that she had access to the waters she was stronger than ever and felt the pull of foreign lands and exotic sunsets. She wanted to find the forest near the ocean where she had worshipped Diana. She wanted to climb the mountains and live with the creatures of the earth like she once did. She knew it would be hard for Marcel but it would be harder if she stayed and let the resentments of their bloody bond turn into hatred. She could always return. They had forever. This was nothing at all really. She walked in from the terrace and saw Marcel sitting before the fireplace as usual. She stood behind him and stroked his black hair innocently; lovingly.

  “I’m leaving Marcel.” That was all she said. Without moving, Marcel answered her quietly.

  “I know.” He didn’t want her to see the tears falling from his eyes. He knew that he could not keep her against her will and unlike him, she would not be willing to sit by the fire night after night for twenty or thirty years and wait for them to return as someone else. His loneliness was his punishment and his prison. It was actually a man who had opened Pandora’s box and unleashed the evils into the world. It was this man who fell in love with the red haired demon. Marcel could not be convinced otherwise. God was letting him know that He had not forgotten all the bodies that lay in Celine’s wake and that Marcel was just as guilty as the ancient Celtic Priestess gone mad.

  Claire was kind and waited a full week before departing. She was heading south in search of the sun and the sea. She knew that Diana’s woods were below France and most likely in Greece or Italy. She would let her instincts guide her. She wondered if the cult existed after so much time. On the day she left the sun was shining brilliantly and as the light fell on her hair it gave her the appearance of a halo. The angel was fleeing this dark and lonely place. Marcel could not beg her to stay even though he could not bear the thought of being alone in the chateau. They were both oddly quiet as Claire took her leave. They did not speak but held each other tightly for a very long time. His beard scratched her sensitive white skin and her tears fell without a sound onto his dark woolen coat. Finally Claire ended the embrace and kissed him tenderly on each cheek. She smiled at him, hoping that he would find a way out of his dark thoughts sometime soon. She agreed to contact him from time to time and he would send her the water whenever she requested. She liked the feeling of power she had after drinking from the fountain so freely for so long. She knew she would never stop. She never wanted to be that timid and agreeable little girl who ran away from her riches to discover a world far grander than even they could imagine. She now had possession of Celine’s white mare and jumped on her back without effort. The light was beginning to be so bright it looked to Marcel as if Claire and the horse were becoming the light itself. It was the most spectacular illusion and held him breathless for a moment. The only contrast at all was black Magdalene perched atop Claire’s shoulder and the bird stared indifferently at his breaking heart. He could barely see Claire now as she rode off into the brilliance, but he heard her words very clearly:

  “Let me know when they come back.” And she was gone.

  Marcus stood there a very long time. He did not want to face going in the house alone. It is impossible to say how long he would have remained there when one of his servants interrupted his dark thoughts.

  “Ah, Monsieur! Is your cousin gone?” The motherly woman could sense his sadness. The entire household had fallen in love with the little angel who could talk to the animals. They saw her as a sort of saint.

  “Yes. She is gone.” He smiled at her kindness.

  “Don’t worry Monsieur. Here is something that might cheer you up.” She handed him a piece of paper. It was an invitation written in gold ink. He wanted to throw the paper onto the ground for he was seized with foreboding. It was an invitation to a grand salon in Orleans. It was for one week from this day. It was the introduction to society and the court of a Mademoiselle Sandrine Le Ragois. A new discovery of the Marquise Hallay of Orleans. Marcel tried to still the growing terror in his chest. He grabbed the naïve servant by the arm rather roughly which completely surprised her as she gave out a small cry.

  “Who is this Sandrine? Do we know her?” Marcel looked at the woman who was in shock. Her employer seemed unpleased, even angry and she thought he would happy to have a diversion. Now he looked as if he were going to be sick. She had to get him inside.

  “Nobody knows her Monsieur, but the stories are already spreading around Paris quickly. She was discovered floating in the Seine and th
e Marquise rescued her quite valiantly. They say she is a red haired beauty with the creamiest skin in all of France. They say she bathes in goats milk!” She stopped suddenly and thought of the former mistress of this house. They used to say the same thing about her in whispered circles. She suddenly felt completely insensitive to Monsieur D’Aumont.

  “I am so sorry Monsieur. I did not even think of the resemblance to your wife. I am so stupid at times.” She felt his arm on her own as if they were comrades instead of master and servant. If any of the staff saw this, they would talk about it for weeks!

  “It’s alright Theophile. Don’t even think about it. Celine isn’t the only woman in the world with red hair. It’s quite alright.” The woman stood there for a moment waiting for his reply to the invitation. He simply stood there staring at the golden ink.

  “Would you like me to reply that you are unavailable?” She was trying to make it easier for him.

  “No, that’s quite alright. I’ll go. I’d like to see this new discovery myself. She sounds like she has a fascinating story. Besides, it would do me good to get out of the house. I haven’t really left since Celine…” He couldn’t go on.

  “I couldn’t agree more sir!” This news seemed to brighten up the simple woman who cared so much for her kind and sad master. The smile on her face did not go unnoticed by Marcel. She felt he deserved a little fun and a great deal of happiness. She excused herself to have the reply sent immediately. She didn’t want him to have the time to change his mind. She excused herself and went to find the other servants to fill them in on the bit of news. Gossip was all they had for entertainment in their lives and already the story of the mysterious Sandrine had kept them entertained for a few days now as her incredible tale traveled through the lips of the servants of all the great houses of France. Theophile was excited that the Count was going to attend. He would be able to give her a first hand account of the woman from the river.

  Marcel stood on the terrace holding the invitation. He was suddenly glad that Claire was gone. He knew who this Sandrine was. It could be no one else. He should have known that it would take more than a sword through the heart to kill Celine. He knew that she would want the house and the waters below. His heart was too weary from the recent battle and he decided then to deliver an olive branch. He knew that if he couldn’t defeat this devil then he would make a deal with her. He went to his library to begin thinking of how he was going to propose a truce to such an ancient evil. It would not be easy. He realized that his sadness had left him. There was too much to do and too much to prepare for. He was swept away by all the details of this new turn of events. He had to find a way to appease Celine so that they could live somehow in peace. The idea of tricking her was quickly dismissed. She was too skilled in the art of deception and would recognize one right away. What she was not used to was the simple truth. He would be honest with her and make arrangements to send her the water, much the same way he would with Claire. This would at least buy him some time but he knew that someday she would come for the very house itself and the treasure beneath. In her mind the waters under the hill belonged to her alone. This invitation was just another reminder from Celine that she would never be satisfied until the waters were hers again. In an odd way he was glad that she was not dead. He had loved her for so long it was hard to forget they were happy at one time, but he must never forget how dangerous she would always be. She would kill him in an instant if it would secure her the house. He truly had a formidable enemy to deal with now and the very last thing she would expect would be a truce. He began to write his reply to the invitation carefully choosing red ink to remind Celine of all the blood she had shed in the name of ambition. He had failed his new friends and the results had been tragic beyond belief. Somehow he must find a way to protect them from the rage that consumed Celine.


  Sasha glanced around at the lovely room for one last time. She couldn’t believe that it was so difficult to turn her back on all of this. There was something intrinsically romantic about this house and the endless wealth. She was determined though and no amount of luxury or the unexpected sadness she felt at leaving her new friends could change her mind. She looked again at the marvelous bed and the ornate furnishings. She stood by the windows and surveyed the unbelievable gardens. All this beauty was so deceptive for it carried within it the very seeds of disaster. She couldn’t bear to go through the pain and the loss again. She couldn’t risk loving and then losing Taylor. It was better to leave now before she had invested too much emotion and before she had become accustomed to all of this beauty. Taylor was waiting for her in the hall and when she finally emerged form the room he looked at her lovingly and that same glance broke Sasha’s heart. She quietly took his hand as they walked up the staircase, leaving the fairy tale behind.

  “Would you please tell the others I said goodbye?” She squeezed his hand tightly. “I just can’t do it.”

  “Of course, whatever you want.” Taylor was strangely subdued. They had never even talked about him coming with her. They both knew the choices they had made and that he had embraced his new destiny. Even Sasha knew that love was not stronger than fate. He walked with her to the taxi stand and pushed the button for her. For a while they didn’t speak. They were content just to be together for a little while longer.

  “Can I come see you before you leave?” Taylor asked while scanning the chaos that was Paris.

  “Yes. I’d like that very much. I just can’t come back to the house. I have the feeling if I returned I might not have the strength to leave again. There’s something seductive about all that old world beauty.” A tear fell from her eye.

  “Not nearly as seductive as you baby.” He smiled, trying to make light of the situation. They both saw the taxi pulling around the corner coming for it’s fare.

  “I don’t know when I’m leaving, but it will be soon. There’s nothing here for me now.” She couldn’t look at him.

  “Nothing?” Taylor was hurt.

  “You know what I mean. I just cant risk losing you again. I don’t think I would survive. I didn’t before and I don’t know if I can do it again.” She removed her hand from his and started to open the car door.

  “But you’re losing me now Sasha. I don’t see the difference.”

  “The difference is that you are alive and well. That’s how I want to remember you. Please be careful Taylor.” She grabbed his handsome chin in her hand and forced him to listen closely. “If it were me, I would kill Celine before she had a chance to retaliate. But that’s just me. Apparently I am not only beautiful, but a trained killer.” Her laugh was a bitter one and she quickly got into the taxi. Taylor leaned his head in and kissed her fiercely. He didn’t want her to see his own tears. Finally he broke away and turned his back on her.

  “Trust me I have thought about it.” Taylor leaned his head into the taxi and kissed her again and again. He didn’t want her to see his tears. Finally he broke away and turned his back on her. “I’ll come and see you tomorrow. I’ll call first.” He could say nothing more and she was obviously crying into her hands. Sasha looked up to see his tall figure turn and walk down Rue Raynouard, back to the enchanted chateau that they could have shared together forever.


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