Thanks to You

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Thanks to You Page 10

by Kelsey Cheyenne

  The fact I’m alone works in my favor. I wouldn’t be able to mask my nerves any longer and my best friend would definitely be suspicious and question me. I’m surprised she hasn’t already, but I bet she’s avoiding the topic altogether.

  I take a long, hot shower, exfoliating my every pore, shaving almost every hair off my body, and making sure I smell like lavender.

  I should’ve picked out my outfit ahead of time, but I was too busy packing all of my decent clothes, it seems. I have nothing to wear!

  I step into my walk-in closet, spinning a three-sixty to take in my options. Black skirt? Too slutty. White dress? Too conservative. Pink crop top? Too flashy.

  I need an outfit that says, Yes, I think you’re incredibly gorgeous and yes I’m trying to impress you, do you like what you see? While simultaneously being like, Oh, this old thing? I just threw it on!

  It’s now one o’clock and I only have an hour until Chase picks me up. I give up on my clothes for now, though going nude would absolutely make me seem like I’m trying too hard. I take my time styling my hair and once my blonde locks are in perfect, cascading curls my outfit will undeniably come together.

  My phone chimes and I open the text from Kenz.

  Kenzie: I forgot my key again. Leave the door unlocked when you leave?

  I need to buy that girl a necklace with our key on it or something. I hate leaving the apartment unlocked. It’s not that we live in a bad part of Philly, but we’re not all that far from it either.

  Knuckles tap on the apartment door in a rhythmic beat and I roll my eyes. Guess she couldn’t wait until after I left. At least now she can help me pick out an outfit for a casual, lonely train ride to visit my brother. That’s believable, right?

  I’m in my bra and panties, but it’s just Kenz, so it doesn’t matter. We share clothes; we change in front of each other. We’re practically sisters and that’s what sisters do.

  I hide behind the door as I open it to prevent anyone else from potentially seeing me in this state. “Girl, for someone so smart you have the memory of a fish. How do you keep managing—OHMYGOD!” As I register the person standing before me, it clicks that it’s not my best friend at all.

  I dart down the hallway and into my bedroom, hiding as mortification spreads through me. “Sorry, I’m early,” the deep voice calls from down the hall alight with humor.

  Chase just saw me in my skivvies. He’s the only man in the history of the world who shows up somewhere early and I decide to open the door in my underwear. Why, why, why me?

  “What are you doing here?” I call from behind the door which I locked for effect. Not that he’s going to beat the door down to come in—not that I would mind if he did—but I’m practically naked and a lock seems necessary.

  “I thought we could get an earlier start.” His voice comes right outside my door, meaning he followed me down the hallway. Should I be this excited at the fact he saw me in my underwear and continued into my apartment and is now lingering right outside my door?

  I saw his eyes travel down my body. His mouth pulled up into a sinfully sexy smirk full of surprise and promises. I’m sure he watched my ass run down the hall away from him simply because A, he’s a guy, and B, I’m wearing a freaking thong.

  It’s a good thing I’m still in my underwear because I think I need a change of panties anyway. I dart into my closet and grab the first items I see. Unfortunately, I’m left with the slutty black skirt and my gray long-sleeve crop top with black ankle boots. It’s comfy and cute though a little too dressy for a road trip, but I don’t have time to change.

  I ease open the door, but Chase isn’t right outside my bedroom anymore, thank God. I don’t need him to be this close to my bed. I may pounce him and I don’t need any more embarrassment for today.

  I grab my bag and head down the hall. He’s in my kitchen drinking a glass of water. Sure, make yourself at home. “I preferred the last outfit.”

  My face heats and I drop my head back. Lord, strike me dead. “Let’s never bring this up again.” He’s a gentleman, taking my bag from me and leading me out the door with his other hand resting on the small of my back.

  “Oh, I’m going to bring it up again. With you, alone…” He whispers the promise in my ear and goosebumps pebble on my skin. This will be one hellish car ride.

  Read Chasing Red for free in Kindle Unlimited!


  First, I have to thank my sister for reading the first draft of this story and still believing in me. Also for always knowing my stories better than I do. I would actually be lost without you.

  To Kurt, thanks for not leaving me everytime you ask me "Whatcha writing?" and I respond with, "a book." It's all Thanks to You that I continue to write with your support and belief in me (see what I did there?) I love you more than you love dad jokes.

  To my parents, thanks for supporting me and turning a blind eye to the sex scenes. Also thanks for never talking to me about them.

  To my mistletoe magic ladies, this book could've never come to fruition without all of you. We made magic happen and we all kicked serious ass. You all rock.

  To KB101, for talking me off every ledge and continuing to support me even though I'm a forgetful hot mess.


  Kelsey lives in Pennsylvania with the two loves of her lives, one of which is her golden retriever, Hudson. Her friends make fun of her for being dark and twisty, but here's proof that sometimes even she can write a Happily Ever After.

  A closet romantic with a cycnical shell, Kelsey enjoys writing everything from romance to murder. Without her tribe by her side, none of this would be possible.

  She spends most of her time reading and writing, listening to true-crime podcasts, bingeing on Netflix, and rocking out to Taylor Swift.

  Oh, and throwing epic birthday parties for her dog. Yeah, she's that kind of dog mom.






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