by Mike Magner
Dioxin, 80
Disability claims, 218–222, 231–232, 260–262. See also Compensation
Dole, Elizabeth, 120–121, 144, 160, 184–185, 231(quote), 247, 258–259
Dreyer, Kelly, 104, 140, 164
Dry cleaners, 90, 166–167, 174, 199. See also ABC One-Hour Cleaners
Dubanevich, William, 238
DuBois, Raymond F., 132
Dugard, Paul, 133–134
Duke, Doris, 3
Dukers, Herman, 143
Duncan, Mildred, 93
Dyer, Terry Fristoe, 43–44, 119–123, 159–160, 185, 225–229
Eakes, Wallace, 57
Eaton, William, 23
Edwards, John (senator), 120
Edwards, John and Connie, 237
Ellis, Earl, 26
Elston, B.W., 94–95
Endangered Species Act (1973), 138
Ensminger, Dave, 63–64
Ensminger, Etsuko Asako, 63–66
Ensminger, Janey, 63–67, 76–78, 104, 145–146, 207, 230
Ensminger, Jerry, 152
background and military service, 63–65
benzene contamination, 197, 199–200
breast cancer in men, 207
CAP, 159, 178, 186, 258–259
congressional hearing, 162–163, 167, 176, 190
congressional support for victims, 247–248
daughter’s illness and death, 65–67, 76–78, 104
discrediting the NRC report, 215
DoD request for exemptions, 147–148
EPA report on TCE toxicity, 134–135
family litigation against the Navy, 233
flawed data discovery, 140–141
flawed NAS report, 204–205
Frumkin’s “national conversation” about exposure, 194–195
“independent” panel, 145–146, 149–150
information gathering, 125–127
Janey Ensminger Act, 248
Marine Corps redacting water well information from ATSDR studies, 242–244
military stonewalling ATSDR, 192
opinion of the Marine Corps, 261–262
scientific panel, 154
statistical findings, 127–128
The Few, the Proud, the Forgotten, 177, 179, 226–227
VA’s shifting position on disability claims, 219
Water Survivors rift, 226–228
Ensminger, Veronica, 65–66
Environmental Health Network and National Toxics Campaign Fund, 99
Environmental laws, 137–138, 265. See also Exemptions
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
citation for violating permit standards, 56
congressional action on TCE standards, 184
daycare center contamination, 84
“independent” verification panel, 144–145
Integrated Risk Information System, 188–190
jurisdictional controversy over cleanup, 85–87, 91
Marine Corps obstruction of government examination, 167–169
PCB ban, 48
regulating industrial pollutants, 32
Science Advisory Board, 132–134
SNARL warnings about TCE and PCE, 52
TCE report on toxicity limits, 130–134
Townsend litigation, 125
trichloroethylene risk assessment, 239–241
Environmental Science and Engineering, Inc. (Florida), 68, 73, 92, 103
Erin Brockovich (film), 120
Esophageal cancer, 250
European Chlorinated Solvents Association, 134
Exemptions, 137–138, 145–148
Fahy, Nat, 93
Falk, Henry, 152
Faye, Robert, 242–243
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 189–190
Federal Tort Claims Act (1948), 232
Feres Doctrine, 231–232, 238–239
Fetal exposure. See Anencephaly; Birth defects; Miscarriages; Spina bifida
The Few, the Proud, the Forgotten, 162, 177, 179, 226–230
Finger, Terry, 221
Finkelstein, J.B., 86
First Barbary War (1801–1805), 22–23
Food waste contamination, 89–90
Formaldehyde, 188–190
Forrester, J. Owen, 238
Frandsen, Richard, 73, 145, 148, 152
Freedom of Information Act (1967), 73, 125, 185–186
French Creek Liquids Disposal Area, 90, 180, 218
Freshwater, Lou, 224
Freshwater, Mary, 40–41, 186–187, 224
Frieden, Thomas, 242–243
Fristoe, John, 43–44, 119–120. See also Dyer, Terry Fristoe; Strand, Karen Fristoe
Fristoe, Johnsie, 119–120
Frumkin, Howard, 194–195
Gagnoni, Maggie, 39
Gagnoni, Ricky, 39
George Air Force Base (California), 256
Gerberding, Julie, 191
Gervasi, Tom, 220–221, 261
GI Bill, 264
Gilman, Paul, 133
Glaze, William, 132, 144–145
The Globe newspaper, 73
Goldman, Lynn, 188–189
Goodman, Sherri, 254–255
Government Accountability Office (GAO), 188
Government agencies. See Congress, US; Defense, Department of; Marine Corps/US Navy; Veterans Affairs, Department of
Grainger Laboratories, 51–53, 55
Gros, Andy, 114
Gros, Janie, 114
Gros, Mike, 113–117, 154, 162–163, 231–232
Gros, Tom, 117
Grove, Lloyd, 76–77, 126
Guantánamo Bay Naval Base (Cuba), 24
Hadnot Point, 88
air contamination, 92–93
ATSDR study, 102–103, 111–112, 195–196
benzene and solvent contamination, 69–70, 162, 199–200
Camp Lejeune reducing testing frequency, 59–60
cleanup estimates, 93
data flaws, 140–141
extent of contamination, 87–89, 214
high exposure leading to illnesses in adults, 114–115
LANTDIV notification of contamination, 56–57
modeling study on water safety, 166–167
1980s water sampling, 46, 51, 53, 70–71, 73
Hagan, Kay, 196, 203, 208, 214–215, 245, 247
Hagee, Michael, 144, 152
Halogenated hydrocarbons, 235–236
Halogenated Solvents Industry Alliance, 133–134
Halsey, William, Jr., 4
Hardesty, Kendra, 241–242
Hardmon, Tony, 230
Hargett, Mike, 51–52
Harris, Ellen, 149
Hartung, John, 218–219
Health and Human Services, US Department of, 123–124
Health care benefits, 208, 215, 244–248, 260, 264, 266
Hearney, Richard, 144, 150
Helms, Jesse, 120
Hibey, Richard, 228
Hill, Franklin, 169
Hogue, Robert, 252
Holcomb, Thomas, 29
Holcomb Boulevard water system, 70–71, 87–90, 102–103, 140–141, 167
Holliday, Angela, 40
Holliday, John Samuel, Jr., 39–40
Holliday, Louella, 39–40, 113(quote), 118–119
Holliday, William, 40
Honeywell Corporation, 203–204
Hooker Chemical Company, 79
Hossum, Carole, 197–198
House Armed Services Committee, 146
House Committee on Science and Technology, 211–213
House Energy and Commerce Committee, 145–146, 161, 176, 209, 211
Hubbell, Paul, 72
Huffington Post, 242
Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, 189–190
Hyland, Lita, 153–154
Hyman, Jeffrey, 108–109, 127
“Independent” panel investigation, 143–145, 149–152
Industrial sector, 131–134, 143–145
Ingram, Cal J., 56
Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS), 188–190
Internet connecting victims, 224–225
Jacksonville Daily News, 74, 214–215
Janey Ensminger Act, 261–262
Jefferson, Thomas, 22
Jeffords, James, 139, 142–143, 160
Jennings Laboratories, 47
Johnson, Gold, 81
Jones, Laura, 234–237
Jones, Linda, 238
Judge Advocate General (JAG), 232–233
Justice Department, US, 125, 167–168, 265
Kahaly, Bob, 217–218, 224
Kaye, Wendy, 111, 127, 140–141
Keating, Michael, 116
Kelly Air Force Base (Texas), 255–256
Kennedy, Edward, 222
Kennedy, John F., 172
Kerry, John, 183–184
Kessler, J.A., 241–242
Kidney cancer, 134–135, 212, 221, 246
Koehn, Donna, 221
Lachapelle, Norman, 57
Lakeland Ledger, 177, 181–182
Landman, Katherine, 198
Lead contamination, 102–103, 122
LeBlanc, Gerald, 248
Lehnert, Michael, 111–112
Lejeune, John A., 21–22, 25–29
Leonard, Pat, 170, 233
Leukemia, 40–41, 66–67, 76–78, 104–110, 115–117, 127–130, 147, 187, 203, 223–224, 231, 237, 246
Levesque, William, 182, 205–206, 211
Levinson, Daniel, 243
Lewis, Eddie, 41–42, 118
Lewis, Eddie, Jr., 42
Lewis, Joan, 41, 118
Libert, Rachel, 229–230
Lilley, M.G., 68, 72
Lindley, Edward, 20
Linton, Arthur E., 84
Liver cancer, 129
Lloyd, Orville B., Jr., 82
Los Angeles Times, 132, 240, 255
Love Canal, 50–51, 79–80, 265
Lowder, Bob, 249
Lunsford, Andrea, 101–102
SS Lurline, 5–6
Lymphoma, 127, 134, 217–218, 223, 234, 238, 246
Maas, Richard, 155–156, 158
Mabus, Ray, 209, 211
MacPherson, Colin, 217, 223–224
MacPherson, Jody, 217(quote), 223–224
Marine Corps/US Navy
actions tainting the reputation of, 258–260
Amos stonewalling media and victims, 251–253
awareness of VOC contamination, 162–164
bonds of loyalty, 263–266
claims for compensation, 170
concealing contamination data, 211
constraining data access, 141
downplaying severity of contamination, 74, 84–85, 126, 165–166, 179, 187–188, 210–211, 240–241
EPA limits on TCE contamination, 131–134
exemptions, 139
family litigation against, 232–233
Feres Doctrine limiting legal claims, 232–233
“independent” Marine Corps panel, 143–145, 149–152
information Tarawa Terrace residents of water contamination, 73–74
jurisdictional controversy over cleanup, 85–87, 91
lack of response to panel findings, 159
linking TCE to lymphoma, 218
linking VOC to childhood illnesses, 75–76
NRC study hampering veterans’ access to benefits, 215
obstructing government investigations, 167–169
off-base contamination, 80–81
opposition to childhood leukemia investigation, 109
political pressure on the ATSDR, 191–192
Public Health Service conflict of interest, 98
redacting water well information from ATSDR studies, 241–244
stonewalling Camp Lejeune victims and Congress, 251–255, 264–265
tainting the NRC study on contamination-illness link, 186
underreporting benzene contamination, 210
US Navy safe drinking water standards, 259
USGS groundwater study proposal, 82–83
Martin, Dave, 159
Maslia, Morris, 243
Masry, Edward, 120
Mathis, Wayne, 79(quote), 84–85
Maurer, Kevin, 210
McCall, Denita, 154, 159, 227
McConaughy, David, 198
McLaughlin, Carrie, 36, 38
McLaughlin, Michelle, 37–38
McLaughlin, Sally, 35–37, 183–184, 221–222
McLaughlin, Tom, 34–37, 183–184, 221
McQueen, John, 29
ATSDR report, 103–104
benzene measurements, 210
breast cancer in men, 177, 181–182, 206–207
cleanup efforts report of 2013, 249–250
congressional criticism of NAS report, 214–215
“independent” Marine Corps panel, 152
locating affected families, 110–111, 165–166
military constraining data access, 141–143, 211
military stonewalling ATSDR studies, 192
military stonewalling victims and, 251–253
Navy involvement in NAS study, 205–206
1985 coverage of contamination, 84
notification of water contamination, 74–75
pressure for VA disability compensation, 221
survivor activism, 120–121, 226, 228–230
Melts, Milton, 90
Melts, Victor, 90
Mess Hall Grease Disposal Area, 89–90
Methylene chloride, 55, 70
Michael Baker Corporation, 210
Miller, Brad, 208–212, 230, 244, 253
Millice, Kenneth, 51
Mirex (insecticide), 89
Miscarriages, 38–39, 41, 79–80
Mortality study, 193–194, 209–210
Motz, Kendra, 54–55
Mull, Scott, 143
Mundt, Bert, 67–68
Mundy, Dave, 94–95
Munsell, Elsie, 104, 107
Murray, Patty, 245, 247
Murtha, Peter, 168
Mustard gas, 58
NASA: EPA report on TCE toxicity, 133
National Academies of Sciences (NAS), 133–135, 184, 186, 200–206, 213–214, 218–219, 257. See also National Research Council
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, 257
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 93–94
National Opinion Research Center, 123–124
National Research Council (NRC), 133–135, 186–187, 200–202, 204–206, 209–210, 214–215, 241, 246
National Science Foundation (NSF), 141
National security, 137–138
Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Atlantic Division (LANTDIV)
benzene and solvents at Hadnot Point, 69–70
EPA citation for major pollution, 56
EPA investigation, 168
“independent” panel findings, 151
Marine Corps’ lack of cooperation with ATSDR investigations, 101–103
1980s water sampling, 47–50
notification of chemical leaks, 56–59
obfuscation and manipulation, 253
PHA review, 198
verification study, 68
Navy, US. See Marine Corps/US Navy
Navy Assessment and Control of Installation Pollutants (NACIP) program, 50–51, 58, 68, 72–73, 83, 85–87
Neal, William C., Jr., 46–47
Nelson, Bill, 221
Nelson, Perry F., 85
Nerve gas, 58
Neural tube defects. See Anencephaly; Spina bifida
New River water system, 49, 71, 89–90, 148
Nexus, medical, 220, 222
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, 222–223, 234, 238
Obama administration, 194, 247–248, 264
Occidental Chemical Corporation, 265
Off-base contamination, 80–81
Office of Management and Budget, 106–107, 110, 188
nawa, Japan, 6–7, 30, 64
Onslow Bight, 20
Orange Plan, 28
Ordnance, 88–89
Orellana, Paula, 149
Oshman, Frank, 218
Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee, 161–166, 176–177
Ozonoff, David, 129(quote), 156–158, 203–204
Pacific Gas & Electric, 120
Packard, Ron, 144–145, 149–151
Pamperin, Thomas, 222
Pangia, Michael, 237
Parathyroid cancer, 154–155
Partain, Lisette, 172
Partain, Margaret, 174, 261
Partain, Mike, 171(quote)
background and military career, 171–173
benzene contamination, 199–200
breast cancer, 174–175, 177, 181–182, 206–207, 224–225, 250
CAP, 178–179, 258
congressional hearings, 212
flawed NAS report, 204–205
opinion of the Marine Corps, 261
PHA criticism, 200
The Few, the Proud, the Forgotten, 179, 226–227
Partain, Warren, Jr., 171–173, 176
Partain, Warren, Sr., 171
Paul, Neal, 110, 140
Payne, Eugene G., Jr., 183, 212–213
PCE. See Tetrachloroethylene
Pearl Harbor, attack on, 2–5
Penn, B.J., 196
Pentachlorophenol, 88
Perchloroethylene (PCE). See Tetrachloroethylene
Pesticides, 34, 48, 57–58, 84, 88–90, 95, 102
Petroleum contamination, 55–57, 87–88, 90, 92. See also Benzene
USS Philadelphia, 22–23
Philippines, 24
Pirates, 22
Pirie, Robert B., Jr., 144
Poirier, Ron, 249–250
Poisoned Patriots Fund of America, 224
Polk, James K., 23
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), 48
Portier, Christopher, 199, 213–214, 239, 242–243, 257–258
Price, W.R., 59–60, 68
Public Health Assessment (1997; ATSDR)
ATSDR responsibility for, 97–99
cancers in adults, 117
DoD review, 197–200
four-part expansion plan, 152–153
Navy officials’ response to first draft, 101–103
origins of, 97–99
request for DoD review, 197–200
revision in 2009, 195–196
scientific advisory panel, 156
See also Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
Public Health Assessment (2013; ATSDR), 257–258
Public Health Service, 98
Quantico Marine Corps Base (Virginia), 18
Racism, 21
Raines, Rick, 197–198
Raleigh News & Observer, 83–84
Bush administration weakening, 131–133
DoD request for exemption, 137–138, 145–148
litigation over Marine Corps’ knowledge of contamination, 234–235
military handling of contamination, 73–74
Navy regulations for drinking water, 164–165