Escape to Earth-The Legacy of a Conqueror

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Escape to Earth-The Legacy of a Conqueror Page 14

by Saxon Andrew

  The being thought, “I was in command of that Black Warship and your leader saved my life along with my crew. We were dead and the two Green Ships chasing us exploded just before they opened fire on my ship. Please accept my thanks for his actions and please tell him as well. I would not be here without his intervention. I’ve been hoping I would one day find out who did it.”

  “That’s why you ordered your forces not to open fire on us?”

  “It is. I believed that if the being that saved me came here once, he might come again.”

  “I don’t know if that was a good idea.”

  “We’re here now communicating. I will reverse those orders immediately.” There was a pause and the Commander said, “Why are you here now? There aren’t any ships here from that galaxy of monsters.”

  “I know that but I felt we had to find out if your civilization was aggressive and represented a danger to us.”

  “The only galaxy that’s in danger from us is the Monster Galaxy. If you’re their enemy, you are my friend.”

  “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

  “Exactly right. Was it you that invaded their galaxy and caused them to leave here?”

  “No, that was from the elliptical galaxy located to the east of here.”

  “So they were invaded as well.”

  “Not really.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Two of our scouts were being pursued by a fleet of Progen Ships and they turned and fled toward that galaxy to prevent them from thinking they came from our galaxy. The Green Ships later launched an attack and killed some of the planets on the edge of their galaxy to teach them a lesson. I suspect that galaxy is also targeted for a future expansion.”

  “So, they attacked out of revenge for that attack.”


  “You’re not saying something.”

  “How can you tell?”

  “Your thoughts have changed and your sentences are shorter.”

  Chris looked at Allison and she shrugged. He was on his own. “That galaxy knew that they were attacked because we led the Progen toward them.”

  The Commander was silent for a long moment and then thought, “What happened?”

  “They sent six scouts to my galaxy to plan an attack on us for our actions. I destroyed five of them and sent the sixth one back with a warning that if they sent another ship to my galaxy, I would eradicate every one of them.”

  “They ignored your warning.”

  “Their species were telepathic and their scouts learned the location of the planet where our Leaders are located. They sent a stealth ship that launched a nuclear missile at their location.”

  “How many did you lose?”

  “Just one, my wife.”

  “You carried out our threat.”

  “I did.”

  “You killed all of them?”

  “I managed to stop before I killed them all. But more than fifty thousand planets were burned into slag before I did.”

  “They weren’t able to stop you?”

  “I destroyed every warship they had before I attacked their planets.”

  “You know telling me this is not a good way to open a conversation.”

  “I know.”

  “I wouldn’t have stopped.”

  “You would have been less if you didn’t.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “The intent should have been to remove them as a danger, not to kill trillions of children that had nothing to do with the attack. I discovered that their Supreme Leader ordered the attack when all the others tried to stop it.”

  “That didn’t remove their responsibility for it.”

  “Arrogance of a Leader is not something a child can stop.”

  The being was silent and then another being thought, “So what’s the end result of this?”

  “I have promised to defend them against any attack on their surviving planets.”

  “You have given me something to think about.”

  “Get in line.”

  The being chuckled, “You’re more and less than what I thought. I suspect you are also unwilling to exterminate the Orange and Green Civilizations in the Monster Galaxy.”

  “If a species ordered you to attack my galaxy and, if you didn’t do it, all of your worlds would be exterminated, would you attack?”

  “Are you sure they could destroy my worlds?”


  Then, I’d not have a choice.”

  “Neither do they.”

  “So there’s more going on in that galaxy than I knew?”

  “Yes. However, the Progen are an aggressive civilization and they don’t need much prodding to carry out their orders. The Green Civilization is different but they have no choice but to do as they’re told. The Green Commander that took his ships away from your galaxy was executed for leaving without orders to do so.” The beings were silent and Chris said, “That Commander arrived just in time to defend his planets from the attack of the ships from the other galaxy.”

  “I imagine they didn’t appreciate him being executed.”

  “We’ve listened to their transmissions and you’re right. They are not happy with the Legends.”

  “Is that what the name of the ones calling the shots?”


  “But they’ll have no choice but to follow their orders.”

  “It does appear you are right; but for the moment, the Progen have been put in charge again.”

  “I wondered why they haven’t returned. They’re frightened of your attacking if they send ships here; am I right?”

  “You’re wise. That is exactly what’s happening.”

  “We should get together and discuss this.”

  “I am not going to land on your planet.”

  “Then how do you think we can meet? By the way, where are you?”

  “I’m right where you detected me. Do you have a large ship you can bring out?”

  “How large?”

  “One of your battleships will be large enough.”

  “What are you intending to do?”

  “I will land my ship in your landing bay.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “I am. I will leave my force field on but I will come out and meet with you.”

  “Do you think your ship could prevent me from then taking it to my planet?”

  “My ship could probably destroy every ship you have in this planetary system.” The being’s thoughts underwent a change. “You have no reason to fear me. After all, the enemy of my enemy…”

  “…Is my friend.”

  The being paused and said, “I’ll board a ship and be there shortly.”

  “I’m looking forward to seeing you.”

  Chris broke the mental contact and Allison said, “You can’t do this!!”

  “I imagine his subordinates are telling him the same thing.”

  “But you’re too important, Chris.”

  “I’m going to wear armor.”

  Allison paused and shook her head, “Even so.”

  “Allison, we saved his life. That is what will make the difference. This being is in command because the warriors following him love and respect him. Those qualities are rare in a commander and I’ll be safe. Beside, you will be inside his ship ready to do whatever is needed to defend me.” Allison shook her head and Chris smiled, “Do you honestly think they’ll have a portable weapon strong enough to threaten me inside his ship?”

  “No, I don’t suppose they will. Perhaps I should go and meet with him.”

  “Are you telepathic?” Allison sighed and shook her head. “And you don’t know their spoken language. This is my responsibility.”

  “You and your logic. I get so tired of you being right all the time.”

  “I was wrong when you stopped me.”

  Allison stared at him and then nodded.

  • • •

  “They’re on the way.”

is looked at the tactical monitor and saw a giant warship leaving the planet’s atmosphere. Allison smiled, “That’s something new. I think he’s trying to prove he has the biggest…”

  “That’s enough. Boys will be boys.”

  “They’re no longer boys when their toys are warships.”

  “Yes they are. The only difference is that the playpen gets larger.”

  Allison sighed and said, “MEN!”

  Chris smiled, “This coming from the definition of competitive.” Allison’s head went back. “Don’t deny it. You know you are.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “Barbie, how long before they arrive?”

  “I asked you how you know?”

  Chris smiled and said, “You will take the lead Command Chair while I’m gone. Link your two computers to my chair.”

  Allison snorted and began pushing buttons on her panel. Chris watched the huge ship move into normal space directly above him and he pressed the blue button on his steering wheel. The Barrier Pod emerged into normal space and flew toward the open landing bay door.

  • • •

  The Scan Officer looked at his panel, “Where did that ship come from?”

  The Weapon’s Officer looked up with his eyes wide, “Its force field is stronger than any I’ve ever detected.”

  The Commander looked over his shoulder, “What level is it?”

  “It’s pegged the reading. How can a ship that small have a force field that strong?”

  The Commander smiled. He was right about his assessment of the being he was meeting. He didn’t say anything that he didn’t believe to be true. His ship probably could destroy all his ships including the one he was on. Well, let’s see what steps out of that marvel, he thought.

  • • •

  Chris flew the Pod into the landing bay and left it hovering two feet off the deck. “The ship is yours.”

  Allison moved next to the command chair, “Please be careful!”

  Chris nodded, “Barbie, send my conversation to the speakers.” He turned to Allison, “This species is not telepathic. If you think of something I’m missing, send me a thought through Barbie.” Allison nodded and Chris activated his armor and stepped out of the chair. Allison took his place as he stepped off the small bridge and walked to the port. He opened it and stepped out. He walked through the force field and saw many different species standing away from his ship watching him. One of them stepped forward and bowed slightly, “If you will follow me.”

  The bronze colored being turned and walked toward a large portal. Chris remembered the female that came to see him. This species was the same color but was very different. It stood about five feet tall but was four feet wide through its heavily muscled shoulders. Its head sat on top of the shoulders but it was flexible enough to turn around, even without a neck. Its eyes were completely black and deeply set. It had two heavily muscles arms that hung below its waist. Chris tried to count the number of fingers and finally saw three fingers and one opposable thumb. They were so thick, it was hard to distinguish them. For a being as big as it was, it moved quickly. This being had to evolve on a high gravity planet. The uniform it had on was loose but Chris knew the being’s entire body was just one big complex of muscles.

  He followed the being through a long maze of corridors and finally arrived outside a door. The being opened it for him and motioned him inside. He entered and was stunned by what he saw. The being that stood up was at least seven feet tall and an exact duplicate of the being that led him to the room. Its power and strength was something to see.

  “I imagine you’re confused by the difference in size?”

  “I am.”

  “I can reduce my height but I thought for my own ego I would be at my largest size.”

  Chris smiled, “My ship is smaller than yours.”

  “I think both of us know that size is not what makes the difference.”

  “My crewmember might disagree with that.”

  • • •

  Allison turned red. She shouldn’t have used the analogy of who had the biggest one.

  Chapter Twelve

  Chad stood up from the simulator and shook his head. He looked at Stoney and yelled, “You have to be an octopus to fly this thing! I need at least six more arms and ten hands!”

  Stoney laughed, “That’s not possible.”

  “That’s what I’m trying to tell you!”

  “No, I mean ten hands with just six arms.”

  Chad sighed heavily, “You get the point, I hope.”

  Stoney worried about Chad’s response. If he was having problems… Stoney looked at him, “Chad, you’re trying to do too much.”


  “You are going to have to ignore the targeting monitor and only focus on flying the ship.”

  “How can I do that? I have to know if the targets have been eliminated before I fly the ship near them.”


  “What do you mean why?”

  “Just answer the question. What will change if they’re not eliminated?”

  “They’ll be able to fire on my ship!”

  “So?” Chad opened his mouth to respond and then closed it. Stoney saw him thinking and he smiled, “If any ship can defeat your force field and the silver coating…”

  “Then I would already be dead.”

  “Exactly.” Chad sat back down and Stoney said, “It only takes ten percent of the reactor’s power to operate the thrusters. Any more than that and you’d never be able to fly slowly enough to attack anything. The disruptors and the other weapons only use twenty percent of the reactor’s power. That leaves you seventy percent to power the force field and other defensive systems.”

  “What other defensive systems?”

  “The black cloud emitters and the barrier controls that will throw your ship into the barrier.”

  Chad lowered his head and said, “I could always duck in the barrier and then come out after each attack.”

  “That’s using your head.”

  Chad looked at Stoney, “How am I going to fly this ship and command my fleet?”

  “You could always allow one of your computers to fly the ship while the other controls the weapons.”

  “But that would weaken the weapons.”

  “So you only do it when you’re not actually attacking enemy ships?”

  Chad nodded and pressed a button on his panel. The targeting monitor went dark. Stoney smiled as Chad said, “I need to focus on flying the ship on a path that offers the best route for my weapons to hit targets.”

  “That’s the plan.”

  Everyone in the room listened to the exchange and Chad said, “Let’s try this again.”

  Stoney pressed his hand control and Chad’s screen appeared on the classroom’s central monitor. Chad flew through the simulated warship formations around him and ships began exploding at an incredible pace. Stoney moved to the back of the class and saw the other students turn off their targeting monitors. He smiled; now they were making progress. In another week, Chad turned on the targeting monitor and his score doubled. Stoney was learning how to train the classes that would follow this first one. Chad was right; these new ships were incredibly difficult to master. He was thankful their ships wouldn’t be ready soon; they needed the simulator time before they actually started flying them. He hoped Earth had enough time to get them ready.

  • • •

  “Lukas, what’s bothering you?”

  “Why do you think something is bothering me?”

  Salud lowered her eyes and raised her left eyebrow, “Seriously?”

  Lukas sighed, “I guess you know me too well.”

  “What is it?”

  Lukas sighed and told her about the conversation he had with Pat. “”That’s really scary.”

  “I know. I’m just torn at putting another galaxy in danger because of our actions. We’ve done that once and you know what happened.”

Salud reached over and took his hand. She looked out at the ocean and said, “I love this beach. So much has happened here.” Lukas smiled and nodded. Salud turned to him, “You don’t have enough information.”


  “You don’t know the magnitude of that species that might come calling if you destroy the Legends.”

  “I can’t let Pat look for them. They’ll see him and come here.”

  “Why does Pat have to do it?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Our ships are capable of pretty much going anywhere in no time at all. If we go out scouting for them, they’ll only see the one that finds them.”

  Lukas’s eyes narrowed and then went wide, “Pat!”


  “You mentioned the Sentinels didn’t know about the barrier we discovered between the void and normal space?”

  “They do now.”

  Salud tilted her head, “What are you thinking?”

  “We stay in the barrier when we’re searching for them.”

  Salud thought for a moment, “If our ships really go a great distance from here, how will they find their way back?”

  Lukas pressed his wrist unit and Amanda appeared, “Hello, Lukas.”

  “Amanda, didn’t you say that we can communicate while we’re in the void?”

  “Yes. The frequency is different but it works.”

  “I was wondering about putting a beacon in the barrier that broadcast on a regular pattern. How far away could that beacon be seen?”

  Amanda’s eyes narrowed, “I honestly…have…no idea.”

  “Can you check it out and get back to me.” Amanda had a far-away look and Lukas knew her mind was somewhere else. “AMANDA!”

  “Oh, uhh, what, excuse me I was…”

  “Don’t worry about it, get back to me on this!”

  “Yes Sir, I will…”

  Amanda’s voice trailed off and Lukas ended the contact. “She’s really good at what she does but boy she can be distracted.”

  Salud smiled, “She won’t do anything else until she finds out.”

  “I know.”

  “You might mention to her that if the beacon works, we’re going to need a lot of them.”


  “We’ll need to drop one where we find them.”

  Lukas smiled, “I keep forgetting you’re a physics professor. You are really amazing, my love.”


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