Exposed Affections

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Exposed Affections Page 3

by Rene Folsom

  “I’ve had it for almost two years now, but it was mainly just for me. It’s not something I cared to share with everyone, so I kinda kept it hidden,” I clarified, hoping she wouldn’t be mad for keeping such information from her.

  “Well, that’s the best reason for getting a tattoo. Get it for yourself, no one else. Way to go, Jules.”

  I smiled at her approval. Whether she knew it or not, her support meant a lot to me.

  “Okay, now, go get back to work and make me some money, damn it.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” I said sarcastically as I saluted her. I knew she would ream me for it and it took her less than two seconds to respond.

  “Cut that ma’am shit out. I am nobody’s mother.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh at my boss—my friend.

  The night passed by in a blur. We were really busy. My tips were so much better tonight, and I had to wonder if it was because of the outfit I chose. This was a little more risqué than my usual attire and so far it managed to get me laid by two gorgeous men and almost doubled my earnings.

  As the bouncers were kicking everyone out because it was closing time, I told Aiden and Coda I would be just a moment so I could get my things from the back. Lib had a cleaning crew come in on weekends, so luckily we didn’t have to stay and help with the mess.

  Feeling happier than I had in a long time, I bounded back to the employee lounge and over to my hook where I hung my belongings.

  On top of my purse was a sticky note. Curious to find out who would leave me a note during work, I picked it up and unfolded it.

  Dread crawled up my spine.

  He was here.

  Chapter 4

  “The poison that consumed my life was now spreading like wildfire.”

  I turned around quickly in an attempt to bolt from the room, when I suddenly slammed into a hard, male body.

  “No!” I screamed as I pounded on his chest.

  He wrapped his arms around me in a controlling fashion, and it took me a few moments before I realized it was Pete.

  “Shh. Goddamn it, Julia,” Pete exclaimed as he held me.

  I began to sob and collapsed to my knees. Just as I totally lost all composure, Sid came running in to see what the commotion was all about.

  “Fuck, Jules. What the hell?” Sid demanded.

  “Where’s Aiden?” I asked to no one in particular. Both Sid and Pete left my side and I freaked.

  “No, Sid!” I screeched as I held onto her leg.

  “Shh. Okay. I’m here,” she consoled. “Pete, go get Aiden. Damn it, Jules. What the hell happened?”

  Just as I was about to answer, Aiden came barreling through the doors and landed at my side. He scooped me up and held me tight, knowing full well I was too upset to actually speak about what freaked me out.

  I heard Coda curse and ask what the fuck was going on, but I couldn’t lift my eyes to look at him. He didn’t know my secrets and, damn it, now I would have to tell him too.

  “He was here,” I sobbed into Aiden’s neck.

  “Who was here? You mean…” Aiden cut off as soon as he realized who I meant.

  I still had the note clutched in my hand. Without looking up at anyone, I held it out for Aiden to take. I didn’t want it in my hand anymore. It was poison. It was a dangerous poison that was hell-bent on ruining my life.

  “Fuck. Dex? How did he get back here?” I heard Aiden rumble, though his voice sounded muffled in my state of hysteria.

  The next thing I knew, Aiden was passing me off to Coda, who quickly held me and sat down with me on the couch. I looked up, wondering why Aiden would ever want to leave me.

  “Where’s he going?” I blubbered as I reached for Aiden’s form leaving through the doorway.

  “Shh, Julia. Look at me,” Coda said firmly as he grabbed my tearstained face. “Please, tell me… what the hell is going on?”

  “Oh, crap,” I cried again. “I thought for sure he was the one who grabbed me. I’m sorry to be such a basket case.”

  “Damn, Julia. You’re not making any sense, sweetheart,” he said with confusion.

  “Sorry. Just promise me you won’t say anything. The only people that know were just here in this room,” I explained as I wiped at my nose like a sniveling child.

  “I promise, love. I would never do anything to hurt you,” he assured me.

  “I left an abusive relationship a few years ago and now he has found me. He’s been stalking me and leaving me threatening notes. This time, he was actually in the employee lounge when the bouncers were given strict orders not to let him anywhere near me. When I found the note, my anxiety took over and I turned to run, but ran into Pete. Only I didn’t know it was Pete and I panicked. I just freaked out,” I said as quiet tears still fell. “I’m so sorry. I’m blubbering like an idiot. I’m sorry you have to be dragged into my shit-hole of a life.”

  “God, Julia. I’m so glad to be in your life. You have no idea. I’d do anything to take the pain away. We’ll get him, don’t you worry. I hope to God you have a restraining order against the bastard.”

  “The detective I spoke to yesterday said he would file the papers, but I have no clue what that means or how long it will take,” I explained.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll get on it. I can speed those things up, and I’ll be damned sure to be in the courtroom when the judge takes a look at the case,” he said sternly.

  “You can do that?” I sniffed as I looked up at Coda.

  “Of course I can. I’m a lawyer, remember?” he said with a half smile.

  I nodded.

  “Julia, will you tell me what the note said?” he asked politely.

  “Hell. It’s so embarrassing to reveal this kinda shit. He does everything in his power to knock me down. I’m so sick of living life worried I’ll turn the corner and see him there,” I said with venom in my tone. I sniffed, and then continued, “The note said: You look like such a slut. Do they know you are fucking them both? Oh, God, Coda. I’m so sorry.”

  “Shh. You have nothing to be sorry about, baby girl. This is not your fault. I can’t believe Aiden didn’t tell me about this,” Coda grumbled.

  “Oh, don’t be mad at him. I begged him not to tell anyone. This whole issue is a huge stain in my life, and I want nothing more than to be rid of it,” I explained.

  As I sat on Coda’s lap and wrapped my arms around his neck, Aiden stormed back into the employee lounge.

  “Well, he fled as soon as we all stepped foot outside of the club. Dex wrote down his license plate number, but we all know it won’t do much good. It’s not like the police don’t know who he is,” Aiden stated with a fierce edge to his voice.

  “It’ll at least place him here, Aiden. That will help when it comes time to prove he’s the one leaving the notes,” Coda explained as he petted my hair and rubbed my back.

  I felt Aiden kneel in front of me, and I lifted my gaze to meet his.

  “Are you okay, Angel?”

  “I’m so sorry,” I said as new tears began to fall.

  “What are you sorry for, Julia? You didn’t do this,” he said with anger in his voice.

  “Didn’t you read the note he left, Aiden? Read it. All of it,” I demanded with desperation.

  “Yes, I read it,” he affirmed as he opened the note and read again.

  You look like such a slut. Do they know you are fucking them both?

  “Turn it over,” I said as I sniffed and buried my face into Coda’s chest again.

  The school will find out you are fucking your teacher and it will end for you.

  “That fucker,” Aiden exclaimed before bolting upright, making me cringe and shiver further into Coda’s embrace.

  “Aiden. Goddamn it! Keep your cool, bro,” Coda admonished.

  Aiden didn’t say anything in his defense. He just shoved the sliver of paper into Coda’s face so he could read the evidence himself. Evidence that the poison was spreading. The poison that consumed my life was now spreading like wild
fire to the people I loved.

  “I have an idea,” Coda said in a determined voice. “Let’s get her home and in bed. We’ll talk there. I don’t feel like she is safe here, and I’ll be damned if I let her go home by herself.”

  “I would never dream of letting her leave my side, Coda. You know that,” Aiden said in a faraway voice. God, I felt him pulling away from me already.

  Before I knew what was happening, Coda got up off the couch and walked me out the doors of H20. We got in the back seat of his car, and he never let go of me as Aiden drove to their home.

  Chapter 5

  “Calm your roll, bro.”

  Once inside their home, I listlessly followed Coda up the stairs to Aiden’s room. By that time, I was so tired I could have fallen asleep in Coda’s arms. He was so comfortable, so soothing.

  Laying me on the bed, Coda slowly undressed me and settled me under the covers completely naked. Aiden’s bed felt cold without him. The trees swaying in the wind outside the two-story window caused me to jump and grab hold of Coda’s hand before he could walk away.

  “Shh. It’s okay. We’re not going anywhere. But we have to talk and we might keep you awake,” he explained.

  “I don’t care. There's no way I'm getting to sleep anytime soon anyway. You might as well stay,” I admitted. God, I hated being so weak. But there was no way in hell I was going to let either man walk away from me now. No way. Not only was I scared shitless of being followed by Rob, but I was also too attached to both of the brothers and forever knew I would not be able to live life without them anymore. Of course, admitting that out loud would just scare them away, so I tried with all my might to keep cool about my neediness.

  “Okay, baby girl. We’ll talk in bed,” Coda said as he nodded to Aiden.

  Stripping down to their boxer-briefs, the two men settled on either side of me, laying parallel to my body, and propping their arms up as they faced each other.

  Aiden began trailing his fingertips up and down my arm, soothing me, petting me, letting me know he was there. God, it felt good for him to touch me. I was so afraid the note from Rob would’ve chased him away. I’d quit school. I’d move away. I’d do anything to make sure he was never hurt because of me.

  “Don’t worry about me, Angel. I would never dream of letting you do any of those things just to save my menial job,” Aiden said in a soothing voice as he kissed the top of my head.

  “Shit. Did I say that out loud?” I said with bewilderment. Either I just said my thoughts out loud, or he was a fucking mind reader.

  Aiden and Coda both laughed as Aiden said, “Yes, Julia. You said it out loud. But I’m glad you did because it gives me the opportunity to tell you how much you mean to me and how I would never, ever let someone like this prick come between us. You mean the world to me, Angel mine.”

  Aiden bent over and kissed me gently before looking back up at Coda, who had his hand laying on my hip and his thumb gently caressing circles through the sheet.

  “So, what’s your great idea?” Aiden asked.

  “All right, people have seen you and Julia around town. This moron has now threatened to go to the school and tell them, or so it seems from his lame note. So, since you’re legally married and I’m not, we can defend you both by saying Julia has been seen with me. No one will know for sure. So far, Julia is the only person I know who can truly tell us apart right away.”

  My eyes popped open and I turned to look up at them both as they stared at each other.

  “That’s a brilliant idea,” I exclaimed.

  “Well, hello there, beautiful. Welcome back to the land of the living.” Coda made fun as I smiled back at him.

  “I’m serious, Coda. I didn’t even think of it before,” I said honestly.

  “I would really prefer if Julia didn’t have to go through any of this, but just in case that bastard follows through with his threat, I guess this is our best defense against it,” Aiden admitted.

  “Am I really the only person that can tell you two apart right away?” I asked.

  “Other than our mother, our sister, and Tanya—yes. Everyone else is clueless, even when our tattoos are visible. No one can seem to remember which one is which,” Aiden explained.

  “How can you tell us apart so easily, Julia?” Coda asked.

  “Wait, hold the phone. You two have a sister you never told me about?” I asked with a bit of shock in my tone.

  They both just laughed at me. I quickly folded my arms in front of my bare chest and scowled.

  “I’m sorry, Angel. I didn’t mean to omit Bri. She’s very important to us, trust me. She makes sure of it. She is twenty-three and goes to school in California,” Aiden explained with joy in his voice. “Now I would like to know the answer to Coda’s question. How can you tell us apart other than the tattoos, Julia?”

  “Well, at first it was how you looked at me, Aiden. The way you admired me was special. I could tell. But, now you’re both starting to look at me with that same affection,” I said shyly.

  “So, if we both look at you the same, how can you tell us apart?” Coda asked.

  “First, your eyes have a little hint of warm brown in them, Coda. It’s very faint and not noticeable in the dark. And, your dimples are a little deeper, Aiden. The difference is slight, but it’s still there. And you both have slightly different mannerisms. And of course, the way you talk to me and your nicknames for me are different. I’m sure if you tried, you could very easily fool me, but, yeah… that’s how I can tell.”

  “Very impressive, Julia. I’m amazed at how much detail you absorb,” Coda praised. “So, now that you’re officially my girlfriend, Julia, how about I take you to my bed?”

  As I gave him a shocked look, he chuckled and wagged his eyebrows at me in a playful manner.

  “All kidding aside, Coda—she’s not leaving me,” Aiden said sternly.

  “Calm your roll, bro. I know you would never let her leave your side. I was just teasing. But, Julia? Do you mind if I sleep here with you and Aiden tonight?” Coda asked. “I don’t want to crowd you, but I also want to be near you.”

  “I would love that as long as it’s okay with Aiden,” I said honestly.

  “Of course it’s fine with me,” Aiden said as he kissed me on my forehead.

  I smiled at the idea of being wrapped up in a Stone sandwich all night.

  “One thing we need to inform Coda of before he agrees to sleep with us, Julia.”

  “What is that?” I asked truthfully.

  “Coda should know about your night terrors,” Aiden suggested.

  I just closed my eyes, mortification taking me over because of all my fucked-up-ness.

  “What night terrors?” Coda asked.

  I felt Aiden rub my cheek in a soothing manner, and I peeked through my eyelids to see the expression on his face. He just looked at me with quizzical eyes, like he was asking for my permission to tell Coda about my nightmares.

  I just nodded and clamped my eyes shut once more.

  “Damn, Julia. You don’t need to share with me if it’s painful,” Coda said.

  “It’s fine, Coda. I’ll tell you. It’s really not that big of a deal, but she has nightmares about him. I do not know particulars, nor do I ever want to push her to relive those details. But, last night, she woke me up screaming. I had to shake her awake, which terrified me. I think having me near seemed to help her though because she said she usually has them several times a night.”

  As Aiden finished his recap of my embarrassing episodes, I realized just how terrified his voice sounded. I opened my eyes and looked up at four gray eyes staring down at me, lovingly.

  “I’m sorry I’m such a pain, you guys. I really am,” I said quietly.

  “Shit, Julia. Please don’t be sorry. We love having you here with us,” Coda said.

  “Ditto,” Aiden added.

  “Well, I do have a theory. A theory that possibly helped keep my nightmares away last night,” I said with a small smile.

  As soon as I said it, Aiden’s face split into a big grin.

  “Well, is someone going to share this brilliant theory with me?” Coda asked impatiently.

  I looked straight into his eyes, smiled, and said, “Sex.”

  Chapter 6

  “He loves hearing you say it, just like I do.”

  As soon as the word sex popped out of my mouth, Coda was on me like white on rice. With a fierce growl rumbling through his chest, he pounced, grinding his hips against my side and consuming my mouth.

  As I was kissing Coda, I looked up to see Aiden within my reach. I quickly snaked my hand behind his neck and pulled him down toward me. Coda let go of my mouth just in time for Aiden to latch on. God, I never knew having two men would be so fucking hot.

  Suddenly, Coda grabbed the sheet from around my breasts and flung it off, leaving me lying completely naked between the two hottest men imaginable. Before I could cover myself, they each grabbed a wrist and pinned my arms above my head.

  “Wait, Coda,” Aiden interrupted. “Julia, look at me.”

  I looked into Aiden’s direction, knowing full well what was going through his mind.

  “If anything we do bothers you, you will tell us. This is not a request. I will never forgive myself if I do anything to scare you,” Aiden said honestly.

  “Okay.” I nodded and asked, “Then could you please let go of my wrists? I won’t cover myself, I promise. Just… just don’t hold me down. Not yet anyway.”

  Both men released my wrists immediately, but I kept my arms exactly where they pinned them. It wasn’t like I needed to move. I just didn’t like the feeling of being held down and completely helpless.

  “Um…” Coda began, probably to ask what the hell was wrong with the silly little girl this time.

  Aiden just shook his head and mouthed something to Coda, but I couldn’t quite get what he said.

  Aiden then began trailing his soft, sensuous fingertips from my arm splayed over my head, all the way down my body, to my hip. Coda quickly followed suit, tracing the same tantalizing line down my opposite side.


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