Toro (The Hell Yeah Series)

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Toro (The Hell Yeah Series) Page 11

by Sable Hunter

  “What’s wrong?” Isabella asked, her hand warm on his arm.

  “It’s my little boy, he’s sick.” Bull was already walking back to where the horses were tied.

  “Oh, no! I’m so sorry.” Isabella’s mind was spinning. “I didn’t know you had a child. Are you married?” The shock of the possibility stole her good sense.

  “Used to be and…” He kept walking, worry clouding his mind.

  “Oh, I see.” Isabella’s heart contracted for him. “I will pray for your son.”

  “Mr. Redford, what about our deal?” Don Luis was coming behind them as fast as he could.

  Taking the reins in hand, Bull placed his foot in the stirrup and pulled himself up on the horse. “I’d still like to do business with Terra Dura. I’ll be back in touch as soon as I make sure my little boy is okay.”

  Isabella mounted her horse also and they started back toward the hacienda at a gallop. “I hope everything is okay. Please do let us know something.” She wanted to explain to Benedict about the masquerade and that she was his Carmen, but now wasn’t the time.

  The ride back was made much faster than their initial trip, Isabella called ahead to have the house staff ready Benedict’s car and his bags. “You’ll be able to leave straightway. What is the airport closest to your ranch?”

  Bull shook his head, hardly able to think. “Austin-Bergstrom is where I left my truck when I flew down here.”

  Isabella nodded, busy on her phone as she held the reins with her other hand. “I’d like to book a first-class flight to Austin-Bergstrom, first available.” She rattled off her credit card number.

  “I’ll pay you back.”

  “No, let this be my get-well gift for Luke.”

  Stunned, Bull looked hard at Isabella. “That was hardly necessary…” He paused. “But one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me.”

  She gave him a caring smile. “I have enjoyed getting to know you, Mr. Redford.”

  “And I you.” He tipped his hat to her as they arrived at the barn. “Tell your uncle,” he gestured back toward the rider approaching in the distance, “that I’d like to see about buying both those bulls if we can work out some kind of a deal.”

  “I’m sure we can.” She didn’t push who would make the decision, right now those details were unimportant. “You don’t worry, let me handle this for you and you take care of your child.”

  Bull nodded as he handed his mount off to a waiting ranch hand. “I appreciate your hospitality, Miss Cortez.”

  Isabella felt a wrenching pain in her chest. Regardless of who he thought she was or wasn’t, she couldn’t let him leave without hugging him one more time. Running to him, she held out her arms and he pulled her close. “You are most welcome, it was a privilege to meet such a southern gentleman and a Texas cowboy.”

  Bull held her until his rental car was pulled up behind him. His body was as confused as his mind. She felt so good, almost familiar. He refused to think that one woman was replaceable for the other, but he was drawn to Isabella, despite his absolute adoration of Carmen. “Maybe we’ll meet again someday, Senorita.” Bull placed a chaste kiss on the top of her head.

  “I hope so,” Isabella said, feeling bereft when he released her to climb into his vehicle. “Goodbye. Be safe.” As Benedict raised a hand in farewell, Isabella was already planning their reunion. She had no intention of giving him time to forget her.

  When Bull’s plane touched down, he wasted no time getting to Seton Center. He broke the speed limit, his mind racing with one worry after another. He’d phoned Carol as soon as he touched down and she informed him that Luke had been admitted with meningitis. With every turn of the tires, Bull sent up a prayer that he’d come through this okay. Luke was such a little boy, he missed him more than words could say.

  As soon as he arrived at the hospital complex, Bull found a place to park, then set off at a sprint for the door. Carol had given him the room number on the third floor. He cursed the slowness of the elevator, but soon he was finding his way through the maze of halls to room 308.

  “Carol?” he said his ex-wife’s name as he pushed through the door. He hoped to God that jerk she was living with wasn’t there.

  “Oh, Bull! I’m so glad you’re here.” The slight blonde came running toward him, throwing herself against him. “He’s so sick!”

  Bull didn’t push her away, but he kept moving toward the bed where his little man lay with his eyes closed. Tubes were everywhere and he was so still. “What does the doctor say?”

  “It’s bacterial.”

  Bull winced, leaning on the hospital bed, his hand laying on the little boy’s shoulder. “That’s the worst kind.”

  “Yea, they said he was exposed at day care. They’re giving him antibiotics. It’s just going to take time.”

  Bending over, Bull kissed Luke on the cheek and whispered in his ear. “Daddy’s here, sweet boy. I’m not going anywhere. Everything’s going to be okay.”

  For the next few hours, Bull stayed by the baby’s side. Carol was acting strangely. If he didn’t know better, he’d think she was coming on to him. “Where’s your man?” he asked her when she handed him a cup of coffee and pulled her straight-back chair close to his.

  “Oh, we’re separated.” She gave him a smile. “I’m free again.”

  “Good for you.” He wouldn’t touch her with a ten-foot pole, not after the way she’d treated him.

  “Thanks for taking care of Luke’s medical bills.”

  “Of course, I’d do anything for Luke.” He enunciated the words carefully. “I consider him to be my child, no matter what those blood tests said.”

  “Maybe when Luke gets to go home, maybe we can both come to see you. We can talk about those visitation rights.”

  The doctor came in about that time, so the only thing Bull was able to say was, “Luke is always welcome. I’d love to have him stay with me anytime.” He was careful not to include Carol in the invitation.

  To give the doctor and nurses room to work on their examination, Bull excused himself. “I’ll be right back.” He needed to visit the little boy’s room and he wanted to call Carmen. After he’d relieved himself, Bull stepped out one of the exits and took a walk down one of the sidewalks. He held his breath waiting for Carmen to answer.

  …Down in Mexico, Isabella weighed her options. She didn’t know whether to keep up the charade or not. She didn’t want to tell him on the phone, but speaking to him as Carmen would only prolong the confusion. “Oh, God!” Grabbing the phone, she quickly answered.


  “Hey, baby. I needed to hear your voice.”

  “Where are you?” It was hard not to ask about his child, but Carmen didn’t know what Isabella knew.

  “I’m back in Texas. I hate I had to leave without telling you, but my little boy is sick”

  Carmen didn’t know about the little boy. “You have a child, Benedict?” She put the appropriate amount of shock in her voice.

  “Yea, it’s a long story, but he’s mine. I’m divorced.”

  “How is he?”

  “He’s in the hospital with meningitis. The doctor is with him now. I’m hoping there are signs of improvement.”

  “I pray that is so, Benedict.” Her voice trembled. “I hope you are well.”

  “I would be better if you were here with me. I worry about your safety. Have you ever thought about visiting Texas?”

  In this, Isabella could tell him the truth. She did have plans to go to Texas. “I have thought about it and I will. I promise. You take care of your little boy and I’ll come visit you as soon as I can.”

  “Good, baby. I’ll hold you to it. I can’t wait to see you.”

  “No, I will not go to my room!” Isabella stood up to Don Luis. “We will sell Mr. Redford those bulls for the discounted price. The opportunity he has offered us for exposure in the U.S. is worth the difference!”

  “A woman should not be making these decisions!” Her
uncle countered, his fists balled up and his cheeks rosy with rage.

  “If the woman is the rightful owner of the property, she should!” Isabella refused to retreat. “My lawyer will be contacting you tomorrow, Uncle. It is time we settled this disagreement.”

  “Romero left no will and I am the patron!”

  “You are not my patron,” Isabella stated calmly. There might not be a will, but there was a way. She had found proof of her father’s wishes in a video her mother had made of Isabella sitting on her father’s knee while he sang to her and talked to her. He’d stated plainly that everything he owned was hers. Terra Dura was her birthright. Her legacy.

  “I won’t be available tomorrow. I’m going out of town.” He shook his cane at her. “Do what you will with the Texan. Just remember who has taken care of you all these years!”

  Isabella couldn’t believe the guilt trip. The servants had taken care of her and him. “Good luck with the horses,” she called after him, knowing he would be at the race tracks. Her accountant had informed her recently that Don Luis had invested in some horses, with ranch money, of course. At least, he’d be out of her way - and while he was gone on his trip, she’d make one of her own.

  Not wanting to waste any time, she went to the den to use the house phone. Taking Benedict’s card from her wallet, she placed a call to the states. While she was waiting for her cowboy to answer, Lola joined her and Isabella picked her up, giving the dog a kiss. “I wish I could take you with me, but Magdalena will take care of you while I’m gone.”


  Isabella swallowed and modulated her tone, making sure she didn’t use her ‘Carmen’ voice. “Hello, this is Isabella Cortez, Mr. Redford. Am I calling at a bad time?”

  “Isabella, no, I’ve got a few minutes. What can I do for you?” Bull was standing next to the hospital office. He’d just settled the hospital bill for little Luke and he was waiting to help Carol load him up to go home. Each time he had to say goodbye to that little boy, he felt like he left a piece of himself behind.

  “I called to tell you what I could do for you.” She quoted the price for the two bulls. “Are you still interested?” She crossed her fingers. If he said ‘no’, this was about to become more complicated.

  “Heck yea, I’m still interested.” After paying these unexpected medical bills, he’d have to tighten his belt, but passing up on the Terra Dura breeding stock wasn’t something he was willing to do. “Are you sure Don Luis will let them go for that price?”

  “This is, as you Americans say, a done deal.”

  “Great. How is this going to work?”

  “I will have them shipped to you in one week’s time, accompanied by a ranch representative. You will be informed of the details when he reaches America. Once the bulls are delivered, you can make payment.”

  “Will this ranch representative be your uncle? I’m hoping to convince him to agree to that partnership you mentioned.”

  Isabella hesitated. “I’m not sure, Mr. Redford. Rest assured, if my uncle can’t come, we’ll send someone appropriate in his place.”

  “Sounds good to me, thank you.”

  “How’s your little boy?”

  Her personal question didn’t surprise him. “He’s getting out of the hospital today. The little tyke had meningitis. He had a pretty high fever there for a while, but the doctor gave him some antibiotics and he’s going to be fine.”

  “Wonderful, I’m so glad.” She knew it was time to hang up, but she didn’t want to. “How are you, Mr. Redford?”

  “I’m tired, Miss Cortez. I haven’t been home since I left Mexico.”

  “I understand and I’m so thankful the child is much improved.”

  Bull struggled with the odd tugging in his chest. “Isabella, I want to apologize for the way I treated you. I was disrespectful. You’ve turned out to be a very good friend.”

  Isabella wanted more than gratitude from Benedict Redford. At the moment, however, she’d take what he offered. “You are most welcome. I wish you well, Mr. Redford. I hope you get everything you want from life.”

  She just hoped when he discovered her deception, he’d still want her.

  After hanging up from the call, she immediately placed another one. “Manuel, please prepare Valiente and Feroz for shipping by plane to Mr. Redford’s ranch. I want their arrival to be in one week, so arrange for a trailer and other proper transport from the airport. I’ll need you to accompany them on the trip. I will be flying to Texas to work out further arrangements concerning our business proposition, but I must make a detour first. I can’t be assured of the timing, so head on to the ranch as soon as you clear customs.” Visiting Benedict Redford trumped La Diosa’s next appearance. She would travel to Veracruz and make her apologies, then fly to the states from there.

  “Yes, Senorita. I will do so immediately.”

  Satisfied, she kissed her dog and went to pack. “Watch out, Texas, here I come.”



  Bull brushed the dust off his jeans with a swat of his Stetson, a habit he’d picked up years ago and one that wreaked havoc with his headwear. Somewhere along the way, his gloves had fallen out of his back pocket and he’d spent the morning working barehanded. He didn’t care how long a man had been cowboying, your hands never built up skin tough enough to resist the sharp edges of a piece of barb wire. Stopping at a watering trough, he dunked his hands in and scrubbed the dirt and grime away from the little nicks he’d gotten this morning.

  “Damn it all,” he quipped when he pulled his hands out and realized he had nothing to dry them with. If he had a wife, maybe she’d help him keep a bandana or something in his pocket for such an occasion. He wondered if Carmen would be the type to take care of those little things for him or would she be like Carol and make him do his own laundry? Somehow, he couldn’t see Carol and Carmen having anything in common.

  Wiping his hands on his thighs, Bull saw a smear of blood spread out on the side of his pants. “Goddamn it. I just got these.” He was notoriously hard on his wardrobe, always had been. Concern over his clothes just wasn’t a high priority for him. Unlike his ex-wife, whose appearance was far more important to her than he ever was. She always made sure she had the newest Guess purse on her arm and the newest Gucci shoes on her feet, even if Bull was the one who had to work for it and stress over the money. Instead of trying to get blood off his clothes, no matter how small the stain, Carol would’ve much rather tossed them and bought another pair, cost was never an object to her.

  He wiped the rest of the water from his hands on his shirt, hopefully the red plaid would hide the stain. Looking out toward the entrance to the ranch, he saw a shiny black car coming his way. Someone from Terra Dura would be delivering his breeding stock today, but he had no idea who this visitor could be.

  The black sedan, with its heavily tinted windows, pulled up to the front of his cabin and a driver exited the vehicle. Moving to the rear door, he opened it and Bull saw a modest white shoe appear a moment before a long, tanned leg stretched out to find the ground.

  “Oh, crap,” he muttered. Bull would know that sexy leg anywhere.

  Isabella’s firm, smooth thigh appeared slowly and Bull swallowed hard. He watched as she took the hand of the driver, then stepped out wearing a billowy blue and white striped dress that molded every curve to perfection. Bull had to physically push his jaw closed. He was standing near the barn under a big tree and chances were, she hadn’t seen him yet. He was glad for it, because the girl looked as sexy as sin itself and he was enjoying the view.

  As soon as he had the thought, Bull felt guilty.

  “Damn, damn, damn.”

  What in the hell was she doing here? Wouldn’t it be just his luck for Carmen to arrive while Isabella was here?

  The beautiful Miss Cortez stood at the back of the car while the driver retrieved her bag from the trunk. “Oh, Christ, she’s packed for a visit.”

  There was no doubt in his mind, th
is young woman was a force to be reckoned with. Not only was she an astute cattlewoman, her beauty was heart-stopping. He wondered how she’d talked her uncle into letting her be the one to take his place. Bull couldn’t ask her to leave outright, not after the gracious gesture of his plane ticket home. He’d added the fee to his check for the cattle, but repaying her in kind didn’t negate the need for civility. Insulting her needlessly would only offend Don Luis. No, there was no winning this one. Bull knew what she was up to, he just didn’t understand why. Either way, he had no intention of playing her game.

  Bull watched her stop the driver when he started to carry her bag towards the steps. “Is the princess going to carry her own luggage?” Bull pondered aloud. Isabella paid the driver with money from her purse, but the man wasn’t in a hurry to leave. He put a hand on the roof of his car and tried to engage her in conversation. Bull couldn’t blame him, the girl looked damn fine. Snorting, he chuckled. “Good luck, fella. She looks damn hot all right, but it’s all for me.”

  Jesus. Had he just admitted that out loud? Fuck!

  As he witnessed the young driver’s familiar attitude, Bull felt jealousy flare within him. This wasn’t good, it wasn’t good at all.

  “I don’t think anyone’s home,” Bull called from his spot by the trough. He’d had enough of the driver trying to chat his visitor up. As he replaced his Stetson and strolled toward the car, Isabella and the driver both turned in his direction.

  A smile came on Isabella’s face bright enough to rival the sun. She lifted a small hand in greeting. “Buenas tardes, Mr. Redford.”

  Bull nodded a greeting, tipped his hat, and moved close enough to size up the driver. He was just a kid, probably no more than twenty-five. Bull couldn’t blame the guy for taking a run at Isabella, she was Prime Grade A. Sorry fella, he smirked to himself, you’re a little too young for her. She prefers a man, not a boy.


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