Toro (The Hell Yeah Series)

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Toro (The Hell Yeah Series) Page 22

by Sable Hunter

  “To hold you in place, to pull your mouth away from me when you forget to breathe.”

  “Why would I forget to breathe?” Isabella whispered, mesmerized by his cock. It was right there. She flicked her tongue out and licked the tip.

  Bull’s hips jerked. “You’re almost too excited to breathe now. Wait until your mouth is full.”

  She whimpered, lifting her head, longing to take him in her mouth.

  Bull backed up, just a hair. “Do you want it?”

  “Oh, yes, I need it. I need you,” she moaned.

  “How much?”

  Isabella whimpered again, she could feel herself growing wetter by the second. “Too much.”

  “Touch your breasts,” he commanded, falling into a fantasy he’d had for years, one he’d never acted upon. “Pinch your nipples.”

  She obeyed, an orgasm already hovering on the horizon.

  Bull took his cock in hand and rubbed the head over her lips. When she opened them with a gasp, he pushed the rampant flesh inside. “Oh, fuck me!”

  Isabella moaned, tightening her mouth around him and began to suck.

  While she drove him crazy, he wrapped her long hair around his hand and tugged, just to hear her moan again. “You like this?”

  She nodded, sucking him greedily.

  Bull bucked his hips forward, using her ponytail as a rein, thrusting to the back of her throat. Isabella gathered him close, clasping his backside and digging her nails in until he shuddered. As he pumped in and out of her mouth, he seemed to swell even more. Feeling his cum boiling in his balls, he stopped moving, just let her lick and suck while he desperately tried to keep his sanity. “Stop. Stop.” He tightened his hold on her hair and pulled out of her mouth.

  “No,” she whimpered.

  Sitting back on his heels, he slipped both hands under her knees and pulled her forward. He could see her wet pussy lips glistening through the slit at her crotch. “I want to cum inside you.”

  Isabella lifted her hips, needy sounds coming from her mouth. “Yes, please.” Her eyes dropped to his huge, throbbing cock and she started to shake, her thighs quivering. “I’m cumming already and you aren’t even inside me,” she cried in desperation.

  “Oh, hell yea.” With fingers digging into her thighs, he thrust inside, a bellow of pleasure echoing in the room. Grinding his pelvis against her clit, Bull massaged her deep within. Isabella widened her thighs, lifted her hips and tried to ride his cock, those bee-stung lips opening wide as she groaned.

  “No, no, I’m in charge here. You’ll take what I want to give you and when.”

  His commanding voice just excited her more. Despite his threat, he gave her what she needed, surging forward and drilling deep. Over and over. Sliding in and out. Faster and faster. His balls slapping against her backside.

  Isabella detonated, waves of euphoria swamping her. He was doing everything just right, filling her up and leaning forward to suck a lace-covered nipple between his lips. Massive shudders rocked her as he kept up the pace and added an evil little twist of his hips that blew her mind. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he thrust into her so hard and fast that he pushed her repeatedly against the headboard. “I love this. I love you, so much.”

  Falling forward, Bull buried his face against her neck, his rush of breath warm on her skin. With her breasts bouncing against his chest and the walls of her sex squeezing him hard, her muscles locked with his in the sweetest embrace. As he surrendered to the inevitable, his goddess milked every drop of cum from his body.

  For the longest time, he didn’t budge. Isabella caressed his back, rubbing the sweat-dampened skin. When he could move again, Bull rolled to one side, taking her with him. Lifting a finger to her face, he tugged off the mask. “Why did you wear this?”

  “I thought you might like it. You fell in love with La Diosa.”

  He put a finger under her chin and lifted it. “I fell in love with you.”

  She lay there, looking up into his eyes, willing him to say more. To ask her to stay. To ask her to be his wife. But he didn’t. He kissed her on the lips and left the bed.



  “This isn’t proper, Isabella. You need to come home. Decent young women don’t move in with strange men.”

  “I haven’t moved in with him.” He hadn’t asked. “I’ve just been visiting. We’ve been formulating the contract that you agreed to. Plus, he’s not a stranger, Uncle. You know his reputation, Benedict is a fine man.”

  “Come home. If he wants to court you, let him do it the right way.”

  Isabella paced across the floor of Bull’s cabin. She knew she had to go home sometime. She was just so afraid that if she walked away, he wouldn’t come after her.

  “Renata’s parents called last night. They wanted to know if she’d been by.”

  “What do you mean?” Isabella asked with concern.

  “I’m not sure, they just hadn’t heard from her. Apparently, she didn’t come home last night.”

  “Oh, my God.” Isabella stopped in her tracks. “I’ll try to call her.”

  She was about to ring off when her uncle reiterated his position. “You need to come home, Isabella. You have responsibilities.”

  My, how his tune had changed. “I’ll be in touch,” was all she said before she hung up to call Renata. When the call went straight to voicemail, Isabella grew more worried.

  Knowing she needed to go home soon, Isabella resolved to talk to Bull about it. He’d left early again this morning, leaving her to putter around the house and follow up on the leads he’d given her. She ordered the banner he’d suggested and worked up the proposed details of the contract between them, that would give him a percentage of any sales generated by the contacts he made. Glancing at the clock, she rose to put a casserole in the oven for lunch, one she’d prepared earlier. When that chore was done, she tried Renata’s number again. As soon as the call again went to voice mail, Isabella shot off a text and an email, trying to reach her friend in any way she could think of.

  Where are you? Call me ASAP, she typed, more worried than she’d like to admit.

  To pass the time, Isabella flipped on the television, turning it to a local news program. Just listening to the show was enough, the voices of the reporters filled the silence. Working while the television droned on, she dusted the furniture and put a load of dishes in the dishwasher. Since coming to stay with Bull, Isabella felt more proficient at keeping house. “I’ve become a domestic goddess,” she quipped, grinning at the thought.

  The noise coming from the TV was just that, until a familiar name jumped out at her.

  Isabella whirled around just in time to see Benedict Carson Redford reaching into a van to save a baby from a carjacker. “Local cowboy, Bull Redford, proved himself to be a hero yesterday as he placed his own life on the line to save another.”

  Isabella sank into a chair, too weak to stand. “He didn’t even tell me,” she whispered.

  …Outside, Bull was about ready to bash his head into the wall. “Don’t tell me this, Dax. I don’t want to hear it.”

  “I’m sorry boss, the PRCA just sent out a health alert. There was a barrel-racing horse that tested positive for equine herpes virus in Decatur. Our stock was exposed. The vet confirmed it and we have to take precautions. Some of the horses are already showing signs of the disease. We’re gonna have to have them all checked and quarantine the ones that have it.”

  “I thought our horses were vaccinated.”

  “They were, but this is a new strain.”

  “Shit. We’ll have to pull out of any events we have scheduled. No one’s going to want to get around our stock.” He pushed his hat back on his head and dry-scrubbed his face. “Make sure each animal has his own water bucket and hay net.”

  “We’ll have to go buy more.”

  Bull groaned, his cash was running damn short. “Put it on the credit card if you have to. Make sure you tell the men not to submerge the water
hose in the buckets when they’re filling them and don’t share any tack, bits, or brushes between the horses.”

  “Yes, sir, boss.”

  “Take each horse’s temp and if any of them go over a hundred and one, call the vet.”

  “Anything else, Bull?”

  “Yea,” he sat down heavily, “clean and disinfect every trailer and anything the horses touched. You’ll have to notify the board about this. This is a damn serious matter.” He looked up at Dax. “We’ll lose some animals.” Bull was afraid they’d lose a heck of a lot more than that. “We might have to lay off some folks, Dax. Be ready.”

  “Isn’t there anyone you could borrow money from? The bank? A friend? Your girlfriend?”

  The suggestion infuriated Bull. “Fuck, no!” He stood up and shook his finger in Dax’s face. “And don’t you ever dare suggest that again! I would rather lose everything I have than ask Isabella for money!”

  By the time lunch rolled around, he was just sick. Bull didn’t know if he’d be able to eat or not. He wracked his brain trying to figure out if there was any way in the world he could’ve prevented this. Bull couldn’t think of one, but he still felt like a fool. If he didn’t bring in revenue, he couldn’t make payroll. He’d also lose equipment if he couldn’t make his notes at the bank.

  Even worse, Isabella would lose all respect for him. To see the light in her eye’s fade for him would be unbearable.

  With a heavy heart, he headed to the house. When he opened the door, a whirlwind of sweet-smelling woman launched herself into his arms. “I knew you were amazing! All you need is a cape to go with that cowboy hat and you’d be a superhero!”

  His mind so full of troubles, it didn’t even register with him what she was referring to. “What are you talking about?”

  “You saved that baby!” She hugged him again, kissing his neck and face. “You’re my hero! My cowboy hero! I’ve always dreamed of you coming to my rescue. I know if I ever needed you, you’d be right there!”

  Her words just tore Bull’s heart out. He took her shoulders in his hands and pushed her back a little roughly. “Stop it. I’m nobody’s hero. I’m a hick cowboy with broken dreams. I can’t save you. Hell, I can’t save myself. This isn’t a fantasy, Isabella. This is reality.”

  Isabella gazed at him, confused. “What’s wrong?”

  “You don’t belong in my world, Isabella. And I don’t belong in yours.”

  His blunt words stole her breath. “That’s not true. You are my world.”

  “The sex is great, but that’s just a game we’re playing.”

  Isabella began to cry. “No, that’s not true. You love me.”

  He said nothing, just continued to stare at her.

  “Benedict, please.”

  He still said nothing. Bull was dying inside, trying to hide his feelings from her was taking a toll.

  “Do you want me to go?” she asked in a small voice.

  “Maybe that would be best.”

  She dropped her head, all the strength leaving her limbs. “I’ll be gone before you return.”

  Desperation and despair ate at his soul. He had to get out of here before she looked at him again. He couldn’t bear to see the tears in her eyes.

  Turning his back on her, Bull walked into the kitchen. “I’ll just get a drink of water.”

  “There’s food in the stove.”

  He couldn’t eat. Hell, he couldn’t breathe.

  Bull stood at the sink, not enough will left to even fill a glass of water to quench his thirst. He could see Isabella’s reflection in the window, she was standing behind him, her arms wrapped around her waist as if trying to stay warm. “Don’t look at me, Isabella. This is for the best.”

  He watched her slowly walk away. Hell. Bull was just about to turn on the water when his phone buzzed. Afraid it might be Dax about the horses, he pulled his cell from his pocket and checked. “Shit.” Another text from Carol. Glancing at the message, he laid the phone down. He just couldn’t deal with her BS now.


  Isabella’s voice whispered behind him.

  “Could I say just one thing?”

  “I wish you wouldn’t.”

  Isabella steeled herself to his coldness. When her parents died, there were things she hadn’t had the chance to say. Now, she vowed to never lose the opportunity to tell those she loved how she felt. “I just wanted to say thank you. We might not be together in the future, but I’ll always love you. I want to wish you every happiness and I’ll think of you. Everyday.”

  Bull sat the glass down and made for the door, his boots making the only noise in an otherwise silent house. His heart was breaking. “Take care, Isabella.”

  Isabella watched him go. She felt numb. This wasn’t supposed to happen. She didn’t understand.

  A buzzing noise behind Isabella drew her attention.

  Bull had left his phone. Walking near it, she could see the caller was Carol. Fearing something might be wrong with Luke, she answered. “Hello?”

  “What are you doing with Bull’s phone?”

  Isabella didn’t answer.

  “Never mind, I’m glad you answered. Did he tell you yet?”

  “Tell me what.”

  “Bull and I have been talking. Luke can’t stop going on and on about his daddy. I want my little boy to be happy and I want my husband back. We’ve decided to reconcile. Bull never wanted the divorce in the first place. He can’t wait for Luke to be with him full time. We’re going to be a family again.”

  Isabella learned cabs didn’t service Leakey, Texas. She was reduced to seeking out Bull’s foreman to take her to the airport. He’d been very subdued, almost cold. She wanted to ask him why, but she didn’t have the heart. As they pulled away, Isabella desperately sought one last glimpse of the man she loved. Her efforts were rewarded when he stepped out of the barn – a big, powerful, beautiful man. Their eyes locked and Isabella held his gaze until she couldn’t, but she kept his form in sight until the distance was too great to make him out.

  The return flight to Mexico was much different than the one she’d made to Texas. Gone was the joy, only sorrow remained. On the way to the airport, she tried to call Renata again. When there was no answer, she phoned Renata’s parents and found them frantic. There had been no word, the authorities had been contacted, but no information was forthcoming.

  Once she landed, Isabella retrieved her car from storage and left for Terra Dura. As she drove, tears began to flow. She tried to understand Bull’s decision to take Carol back. She couldn’t believe he loved his ex-wife, but she could believe he loved Luke so much that he’d endure almost anything to be with him. Isabella just wished she’d been important enough to his happiness that he would’ve wanted to keep her.

  When she drove up to the ranch, things looked odd.

  There was no activity.


  She parked in the drive, but no one came to greet her.

  She opened the door and no one came to take her bags.

  “Pedro! Magdalena!”


  Isabella looked out toward the barn and saw no movements, no men at work.


  Seeking answers, Isabella hurried through the house, crying out when she collided with Don Luis.


  She caught her heart, then gasped when she realized her only blood relative was pointing a gun at her. “What are you doing?”

  Don Luis smiled and shrugged. “Ensuring you don’t leave. We seem to have a problem, Isabella.”

  “Problem? I don’t understand.” A horrid thought struck her. “Is this about Renata?”

  “In a way.” He moved the gun in a gesture for her to back up. “We have much to talk about. Renata, Magdalena, me, and everyone else’s survival here at the ranch depends on your cooperation.”

  “What have you done?” Fear spiked through her body.

  “I hate things have deteriorated to this point, but your actions h
ave set something in motion that I can’t control.”

  “You don’t mean this, you wouldn’t shoot me.” She glanced around for a phone.

  “Don’t test me, Niece. I have everything to lose.”

  “What is this about, Uncle? Is it money?”

  “It’s always money, but this is more, I’m afraid.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I know you remember the name Rodrigo Esteban.”

  Isabella’s blood ran cold. “My father’s picador.”

  “You were right to have your suspicions. He murdered your parents.”

  Anger flashed up in Isabella and amazement that Don Luis seemed so calm. “Were you in on the plot?”

  Her uncle shrugged. “I didn’t want my brother to die, I thought his men would confront him, talk some sense into him. I did ensure Rodrigo and your mother went to the private club that night. I didn’t know they’d be killed, but by the time I found out, it was too late.”

  “What were you doing while my father and mother were being murdered, Uncle?”

  “I was at a party.” He kept the gun trained on her, but went to fill a shot glass with brandy. “You have to understand, if I’d gone to the police, Esteban would’ve revealed my role in the affair. I might’ve avoided prison, but my role here with you would not be what it is today.”

  “Your role here is over.”

  He smiled and shook a finger at her. “Tut, tut. Don’t be so sure.”

  “Is Esteban making you do this? Did he do something to Renata and Magdalena?” When Don Luis didn’t answer, Isabella continued to try and reason with him. “Turn Esteban in now, I’ll vouch for you. Help me rescue Renata, Magdalena, and the others and I’ll give you whatever you want.”

  “I can’t. He has made a deal with the cartel, if something happens to him, I die. Esteban has taken your friend and the servants hostage. He has demands.”

  “Demands? What kind of demands?”

  “Patience. Patience. This is a long story.”

  Isabella wanted to scream. Her whole world was crumbling around her. First losing Benedict, and now this.


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