One Wild Ride

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One Wild Ride Page 23

by Elizabeth Lynx

  I dressed quickly if not clumsily and thought maybe I should be glad I couldn’t remember anything.

  As I closed the door to his room behind me and stumbled my way toward the elevator I considered turning back to leave a note. But then I imagined what I would write.

  Hey You,

  Yeah, you know who you are so let’s not play that game where I impress you with my ability to recall your name. I’m the one you had sex with last night. I’d like to say it was great but since I was blackout drunk I can’t comment on what I don’t know.

  And that brings me to a very important point: Why did YOU take advantage of an obviously drunk woman? Were you black out drunk yourself? I am hoping you were because if you ever see me again, like walking down the street, I wish upon all the wishes in the world you can’t recognize me. That way last night can turn into a forgotten memory.

  All the Best,


  P.S. I don’t really want to give you my last name for fear you might look me up. I have a kid and I don’t want him finding out that his mom had blackout sex with a stranger.

  In the end I figured the letter wouldn’t make anyone happy. He might have remembered me and be disappointed I didn’t.

  What if he found me in the lobby of the hotel and explained what had gone down? I might not like what I heard or, even more disconcertingly, I could throw up on him while screaming about forsaking his vows to his wife.

  Therefore, I felt the note wasn’t necessary but a shower and toothbrushing was.

  Once I went down two floors and made it to my room, I came inside and leaned back on the cool metal door in relief.

  “Oh good, you’re back. Can I borrow a shirt? I threw up on all mine.” Evaleen said as she popped her head around the corner with a queasy smile on her face.

  The lingering stench of vomit in the room had me running for the bathroom before I could answer her question.

  After upchucking liquid orange and wondering what I drank last night, I sat on the cool white tiles of the bathroom.

  “We’re a pair. Maybe we should take a bet and see who can make it through the plane ride back to Chicago without barfing.” Evaleen said as she stood over me in a stained blue t-shirt and sweatpants.

  Her usual perfect blond chignon was disheveled with some strands of hair sticking to her face. She held out her hand to assist me and I took it. I put my other hand on the toilet seat to get up, thinking I was helping but realizing too late I was worsening the situation.

  Having forgotten I lifted the seat to empty my stomach, I shrieked at the cold, clammy toilet rim. My arm flew back from shock and I smacked it on the counted.

  Evaleen almost fell when I pulled too hard on her hand but managed to catch herself by twisting her foot. When I finally stood both of us were out of breath. I was nursing a swollen finger and she was rubbing her pained ankle.

  “I’ll take that bet and add, whoever makes it back puke free and without any broken bones, wins.” I said.

  She laughed. I laughed. We sounded more like geese dying.

  “I need a shower.” I said.

  “And I need a shirt. It seems you have something to give and I have something to give. Maybe we can work out a deal?” Evaleen smirked and tilted her head toward me.

  “What do you have to give me?”


  I shook my head and walked over to the shower, turning on the hot water.

  “Just take a shirt from my suitcase. I always overpack just for occasions such as this.” I said as I held my hand under the warming spray.

  “You prepare for a pukepocalypse?”

  Once I assessed the temperature was a soothing, scolding degrees I turned to Evaleen and helped her out the door, “Yes, I’m a mother.” Then I closed the bathroom door behind her.

  Peeling off my disgusting used clothes I stepped behind the curtain and into a gorgeous hell of skin flaying water.

  I needed this.

  As I worked the shampoo into my long, chestnut hair, I tried to recollect how all this happened. Morgana, Aria, and I went to the hotel bar last night. The bartender gave me a drink that a man across the bar had bought me.

  But that’s it. I barely remember what the bartender looked like. Was the drink spiked?

  It must have been.

  How stupid could I be? I’m a mother, I shouldn’t have put myself at risk like that. What if I had gone to bed with a man that wanted to kidnap or murder me? Who would take care of David?

  My son was only thirteen and with his physical and verbal disabilities, he needed someone to be with him. To make sure he got the treatment and care his body needed, and the love his heart deserved.

  It’s terrible enough that the same thing that took his might, also took his father.

  He’s finally starting to gain that strength back and becoming independent for the first time in his life. I don’t think there’s a parent prouder of their child than I was of my son. And what do I do to show him how pleased I am, putting my own life at risk so that he can grow up without a father and a mother.

  I shut off the water after washing off, and stepped out the shower. While drying off, brushing my teeth, and finally putting on a clean grey t-shirt and jeans, I made several decisions.

  My son needed a father. If something did happen to me, even beyond my control, I had to know he would be taken care of. As much as it hurt to completely bury my husband, even psychologically, my son deserved someone to always be there to watch out for him.

  Another decision, there had to be a better way of finding a man, and future father to my son, than a drunken one-night stand.

  My next decision was inspired by the little band of gold that caused all this grief. I had to, above everything else, make sure the man I chose would honor me. There would be no way I wanted to end up with some fool that would cheat on me like the drunken sleaze I stupidly slept with last night.

  I needed a man that could protect my son, and make sure he got the care he needed.

  And finally, he must love both of us. I am a woman, I may crave affection from a man from time to time but I'm also a mother. If that man can't understand the deep love I had for my son, then he wasn't the man for my family.

  There was a knock on the door as I finished pulling my hair back into a ponytail.

  “Yes?” I said, raising my voice so Evaleen could hear me.

  “You ready to catch a plane back home? Morgana’s here. It’s time to leave.” Evaleen’s said from the other side.

  I smiled for the first time today. Excited I was going to see my son in a few hours.

  As I opened the door to the steamy room, I nodded at Evaleen who had miraculously transformed into her perfectly coiffed self with my pink t-shirt on.

  “Yes, I’m ready to go home.”

  I felt strong in my decisions, knowing they would be good for me and my son.

  To make sure you get The Spy Ring when it comes out in April, preorder it HERE.


  Elizabeth Lynx was a printer. She was also a graphic designer, photographer, actress, comedic improviser, merchandiser, and now she is adding author to that extensive list of professions.

  She has written an erotic romance called Her Night with Him. Since she spent a lot of time training and moved halfway across the country to pursue comedy (much to her husband’s chagrin) only to change her mind and take up writing, Elizabeth decided to write a romantic comedy series called Cake Love.

  Find out more about Elizabeth on her website:

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  Facebook Fan Group: SWIM Meet






  Elizabeth Lynx’s Website

  Elizabeth Lynx’s Books:


  The Payne In The
Blog (FREE)

  Rules of Payne, book 1

  The Attraction File, book 2

  The Spy Ring, book 4


  Her Night with Him


  I would like to thank the people who made this story look presentable. Silvia & Marla, without you I think most people would believe I threw rocks at a keyboard and then tried to publish it as a book. Your ‘I’m not sure about this’ comments are more helpful than you know.

  And thank you to all the Swimmers! I have so much fun with all of you. Whenever I need help you are there and when I am having a bad day, your kind words always make me feel better. And I loved the cover. Thank you so much for your help with the design!

  Finally, to my family. To my mom and dad for always believing in me and pretending you skip over the sex scenes when you tell me you read my books. To my husband for your support and understanding that this is what I must do. And, to my boys, I love you so much. You make me feel like the smartest, most beautiful person in the world. For that I am forever thankful for giving me the confidence to follow my dreams.




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