The Boss's Pet: Sharing Among Friends

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The Boss's Pet: Sharing Among Friends Page 1

by Kinzer, Tonya


  Sharing Among Friends


  Tonya Kinzer

  Copyright 2011 Tonya Kinzer

  ISBN 978-1-4524-6995-9

  Smashwords Edition License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


  This series is dedicated to my Master and husband, who stood by me and endured the many long, lonely nights that took me away from him in order to bring this work to you. I also continue to learn from Him and I strive to learn his patience.

  I would also like to thank the writing team of Brenda Woody and Steve Tindle who helped me proof read and critique. I hope I can one day return the favor. I wish you both the best in the writing and sale of all your works. I will always cherish the special friendship we’ve built.

  I would also like to thank Jimmy Thomas for

  the use of stock images from Romance Novel Covers, Inc.

  Chapter One

  Sondra cuddled beneath the feather comforter, not wanting to wake up from such a blissful sleep. When Nick reached over to caress her hip, then her stomach, she moaned with pleasure and scooted back against him, feeling the hard length of him press against her bottom. Tightening her inner muscles, the pain of last night came rushing back, but it hadn’t all been bad. Reliving those wonderful orgasms he’d forced on her had been heaven, although her other training was more than a memory. Yes, she had to admit to herself, she did enjoy all of it. Being forced to let your body enjoy pleasure with pain made her look deeper inside herself and what she truly wanted in a sexual way. She did learn that giving up control of what she would allow herself to experience gave her more freedom to accept what happened and to enjoy it.

  Somehow, Nick knew exactly what she needed to experience in order to know herself. Was he truly that experienced in this type of lifestyle? That thought almost scared her, yet intrigued her as well because she knew he’d never hurt her. Trust did play a strong part between them. He’d promised today would be another day of training...and that they had visitors arriving!

  She breathed in his cologne and sighed; she was so lucky to be this happy again. Turning onto her back, she opened her eyes to see Nick already watching her. The blue of his eyes could barely be seen because his black pupils were so large as he watched her; that sexy look on his face always melted her heart.

  “Certain body parts a bit tender today, pet?”

  Her cheeks heated as he reminded her of how vulnerable she was last night and she looked away. Dare she tell him that she, in fact, enjoyed the training, even with the pain? The training would become easier and getting to that point would provide many more hours of fun and pleasure for them. She actually looked forward to that but she had to let him think he was forcing her to train!

  He curled his fingers beneath her chin and turned her face back to him. “I don’t mean to embarrass or humiliate you...just to remind you that I know what you need...and I know how to train you.”

  His tenderness toward her made her feelings even stronger. Hurting her was not in his nature although she knew a certain amount of pain was part of getting to where she wanted to be. “I did enjoy learning last night. Is that bad that I enjoyed it?”

  “Of course not.” He leaned in and kissed her, his lips warm and tender, stirring her emotions as well as other parts of her body. “I look forward to many nights in training with you because the pleasure that goes with it is so fulfilling. I’m truly a lucky man.”

  “I think I would be totally embarrassed if any of my friends ever found out that I enjoy that type of treatment!”

  “This isn’t something anyone would find out about unless you tell them. I certainly won’t be talking about it with people in our vanilla world.”

  Sondra laughed out loud, knowing she used to be part of that world with barely any knowledge of BDSM. “I do enjoy it; you know that don’t you?”

  His full smile lit his face. “I do know that. I also know it’s easier for you to accept when you’re restrained and forced to enjoy it. That’s only one of the mind games that make this lifestyle fun.”

  Sondra sniffed the air. “I set the coffee maker last night...smells like it’s ready for us.” She tossed the covers back and rolled to her side, swinging her legs out to put on her slippers, then reached for her pink chenille robe since she’d slept in the nude.

  “Now that’s a nice firm ass!”

  Tying the short robe at the waist, her cheeks heated as she looked at Nick. “I’m glad you appreciate the benefits of my workouts.”

  “I more than appreciate them, babe!” Nick tossed back the covers and slipped into a pair of gym shorts, then pulled the sheets and comforter up to make the bed as Sondra worked on her side. “Your body causes me distraction quite often, but I’m not complaining in the least.”

  She moved around the end of the bed and stepped into Nick’s arms for a morning kiss. The firm muscles of his arms wrapped around her and pulled her close, then warm lips touched her neck. “ make my knees weak, even this early in the morning. Are you ready for coffee?”

  “We could fill a carafe and take it to the hot tub to soothe those sore body parts of yours. Perhaps you could walk the patio in the nude for me first.”

  She looked to see if he were serious. By the look in his eyes, he’d been dead serious and mischief lurked within those blue pools of desire. “You didn’t get enough last night?”

  “I think you were the one on the receiving end, not me. This morning it’s my turn and I think I want it on the patio. You can use your robe to pad your knees!”

  At that, her mouth fell open as she stared back at him, then quickly stepped away toward the kitchen. His hand slapped her ass before she got far. She screamed then ran laughing for the kitchen. As she got down two cups, her mind conjured up what might happen out on the patio this morning and the butterflies in her stomach started. She heard his bare feet come into the kitchen as she poured the coffee into the carafe. His arms snaked around her waist; his lips kissed her neck as she set the empty coffee pot on a hot pad.

  Nick’s tongue swirled over her neck. She placed her hands on the counter then took a deep breath, leaning against him, loving everything he made her feel. The tie of her robe loosened and he cupped her breasts, massaging them, making her crazy, then he tenderly rolled her nipples between his fingers.

  “I love touching you, smelling you, making you remember things you do for me. Thank you for that.” His tongue moved over her neck again then he pulled open the front of her robe and held up her breasts. “I love these! I won’t lie...they look even better with nipple clamps!”

  Sondra turned in his arms and pressed her naked body against him, slipping her hands around his shoulders, then her fingers into his hair. “You make me wet too easy, Sir. May I enjoy a cup of coffee before we begin our games?”

  “I suppose I could let you do that...on one condition. I will allow you to leave the robe on but you can’t tie it shut. I want to gaze at these over coffee.”

  Once again he cupped her breasts then bent to suckle her, taking a nipple into his mouth and gently biting it. She knew better than to back away; that would only get her spanked before they even sat down.

  When he stood up, he set the carafe on the tray with the two cups, reached into the fri
dge for her half and half, and carried the tray outside for them. The morning sun had already warmed the patio area and the air smelled of fresh flowers that bloomed along the edges beyond the pool.

  Nick pulled out a chair with the sun at his back. “I’ll sit here so I can admire the sun on your breasts, pet, so get comfy.” He poured half and half into her mug then filled them both with coffee and handed one to Sondra.

  She turned her chair slightly so she could put her feet on the padded foot stool, grabbed her coffee and leaned her head back in the padded chair. The sun warmed her face and legs and she relaxed in its warmth as it soaked into her skin. After a few minutes, she tasted her coffee, gazing at Nick over the rim of her mug, breathing in the cinnamon hazelnut aroma. A sexy grin met her gaze and she wondered what he thought about, besides sex, because that was always on his mind when they were together. She could tell he thought of something sexy; the bulge in his shorts told her that much.

  “Whaaat?” She laughed at him.

  “I just like admiring you. I love your hair up in your clip, a few stray hairs just dangling like that.”

  “You’re pretty good to look at, too. I think I most enjoy watching the muscles in your forearms move as hold your cup or read the paper, or the way your bicep bunches when you pick something up...when you don’t know I’m watching. I just love seeing your body, Sir. Thank you for staying in good shape so I have eye candy, too!”

  There came that smile along with that sexy look in his eye. “Enjoy your coffee...I have plans for you shortly.”

  Sondra took a few more sips, contemplating Nick at the same time. His mind could conjure up all kinds of things for her to do out here while they were alone. Although she was in good shape, being nude in front of him, or anyone else, wasn’t something she was comfortable with. She’d never been comfortable in the nude. Some of her friends had told her they cleaned house in the nude and she would cringe; that thought had never entered her mind!

  Nick laughed out loud. “I see those wheels turning. Don’t even think you can get out of what I have planned for you out here! I also think I need to have your robe opened. It hinders my view.”

  “You aren’t serious?” She’d not retied her robe, nor did she blatantly keep it open.

  “Oh, but I am serious. Open the front or take it off. Your choice.”

  Leaving her waist and hips covered, she opened the top wide enough to expose her breasts to the sun.

  “That’s much better. Thank you.”

  Sondra sipped more coffee then closed her eyes and leaned her head back. At least if her eyes were closed she couldn’t see him watching her; she could feel him though. She knew he stared at her over the rim of his mug.

  “I think I need a better view, dear. Open the entire robe...”

  Without opening her eyes, she obeyed and pulled the edges of the robe all the way open.

  “Mmmm...let that sun warm your skin. Perhaps we need to get you sunbathing in the nude out here.”

  “Maybe I need to do that.” She refused to look at him yet could feel his gaze caress every visible part of her, almost.

  “I think I need to see more.”

  She pretended not to hear him; he couldn’t possibly be serious about opening herself up to more scrutiny!

  “Pet...pull that foot stool closer, keep your feet up there and open your knees for me.”

  With that, she nearly dropped her cup of coffee. She lifted her head and widened her eyes at him.

  “Don’t give me that look. It won’t hurt at all by doing what I just requested but it will hurt if you ignore me. I want to see all of you...out here in the sun. You can do it on your own or I can come over there and use the belt of your robe to tie your knees open.”

  Slowly she used her feet to pull the stool closer, all the while watching Nick as he watched her. She kept her knees together and her feet on the stool. When he met her gaze because she’d not moved anymore, the stern look told her not to push the matter. Opening her knees a tiny bit, she waited. Again he met her gaze, then leaned forward to stand.

  “Okay.....” Hating to, but knowing better than to disobey further, she spread her knees wide and felt the sun hit her private parts that had never ever seen the sun. Warmth heated her face and she knew it had nothing to do with the sun this time. Quickly closing her eyes and digging her nails into the palm of her left hand, she leaned her head back and tried to ignore that she sat out here naked, on display. This went against everything in her being. How could she make herself get past this feeling now that she was with a man who loved watching her naked body?

  He spoke again, pulling her from her thoughts. “Scoot your ass closer to the edge of the chair.”

  She did as he requested, still not opening her eyes and scooted to the edge.

  She waited, her stomach swirling...with excitement or nervous tension?

  “Finish your coffee.” He waited. “Then I want you to reach down and pull your lips open for me.”

  That comment took a bit of time for her to digest. Even though they were out here alone with no way possible for someone else to be in their backyard, she couldn’t believe he asked that while they were out here. Still with her eyes closed, half to ward off her humiliation of having to do this, Sondra finished her coffee, opened her eyes and sat her cup on the table.

  Nick watched her closely and she could tell he was serious.

  Would he spank her out here if she disobeyed?

  She really didn’t want to find out and reached between her legs. Again closing her eyes and leaning her head back, she had to press her breasts together with her arms as her fingers pulled her labia wide open for Nick to see all he wanted. Tightening her inner muscles was almost automatic, and then she released them.

  Nick groaned.

  The sun warmed her skin more.

  Air felt strange on her ass as she tightened and released those backdoor muscles.

  She waited, nervously, keeping her eyes closed, wondering what he was doing now.

  Somehow, by keeping her eyes closed, she didn’t have to see her own body on display. She knew Nick would make her sit like this for several minutes.

  “I love watching your insides twitch like that, babe, your muscles showing me how excited you are. Your body betrays you, you know. You’re seeping, I can see it from here; your juices glisten in the sun. I only have to wait and your body begs for you. But I prefer to hear you beg...and you will, in time.”

  Silence, except for a groan or two from Nick.

  She waited.

  Her muscles tightened again, she couldn’t help it anymore.

  Then her feet were lifted off the stool and it was pushed aside. Still she didn’t open her eyes for fear of what he might make her do.

  Her feet rested on his shoulders.

  His tongue on her clit, teasing and licking...moving around her opening but not going in. A short lick...a longer lick....then his mouth covered her clit and gently sucked, his tongue lavishing over her, making her take a slow deep breath, holding back. Nick slowly teased her then slipped his tongue inside her, swirled it around and moved back to her clit, suckling, tasting, licking.

  Sondra couldn’t concentrate, couldn’t breathe, her heart raced with each stroke of his tongue as she held herself open to him. Then his thumbs pulled her cheeks apart. One thumb slipped inside her to play in her juices, then moved down to circle her tight ass, teasing, pressing its way inside against the tight muscle.

  * * * * *

  Nick pressed his tongue against Sondra’s hardened clit and her sweet nectar hit his taste buds. He licked her sensitive lips, around her opening then teasingly stuck his tongue inside, swirling her honey all over. Before she got used to that, he moved back to cover her clit with his mouth and gently sucked it in, feeling it pulse against his tongue.

  Licking, teasing, he kept at her and she stayed so still, holding herself open for him.

  His hands cupped her ass, his thumbs spreading her cheeks apart. He couldn’t resist dipp
ing a thumb in her honey to provide lubricant so he could slip it just inside her ass. The tight muscle there fought to keep him out but he persisted, spreading the juices around, relaxing her, yet he still felt resistance.

  Leaning back to see her juices glisten on her lips, he loved seeing her seep. “Bear down on my thumb, babe, open for me. Come on.....there you go....breathe....mmmm.....see how easy that was.” Now slippery, he slowly moved his thumb in and out, careful with her after their play of last night. Blowing on her, Nick knew it would make her crazy.

  As if on command, her moans became audible.

  “Yes, dear? Are you needing something?”

  She could only moan in response.

  “Beg for me, subbie. Beg me to lick you.”

  Another moan from her; she hesitated. “Please lick me, Sir…please? I want to feel your tongue on my hard clit.”

  To tease her one more time, he gave her several quick short licks to her clit then stopped. It wasn’t time for her release just yet. He pulled his thumb out, slowly let her legs down, then moved his hands up her stomach to caress her full breasts and tease the hardened nipples.

  “Your heart is racing, babe. Glad I could make that happen.” Her green eyes were merely dark orbs, even though the sun was bright. Wanton, sexed, excited...putty in his hands...exactly how he wanted her!

  Nick moved back to his chair, slipped out of his shorts and took a seat. The purple head of his hardened cock stood at attention and he stroked it for her. He had her full attention now but she still sat in her chair, though watching intently. Tipping his hardness toward her, he stroked until the tip glistened in the sun, his own juices now seeping over the head.

  Sondra wet her lips.

  “You need to slip out of that robe, fold it up and put it on the ground over here as a pad for your knees, pet.”

  Again, her eyes widened at him. “You want me naked out here?”


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