Alicia's Misfortune

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Alicia's Misfortune Page 3

by S. Silver

  “Sorry,” Donald said as he quickened his pace. “I’m sure Daniel won’t hear us, but I’m not sure how loud you get.” Alicia looked up at him and blushed. She didn’t know how loud she’d get either and the way he was drilling into her told her she couldn’t keep quiet. “You’re so good. No way am I going to let my brother have you first.” Donald said and reached his hands up to pull the V-neck of Alicia’s dress down revealing her breasts. He stroked them gently and squeezed her nipples.

  “Oh….. Ah!” she gasped when he leaned his mouth down to take a nip at them.

  “I’m getting close.” Donald said and lifted one of her legs over his shoulder. Alicia moaned and turned on her side. She gripped the edge of the piano and rocked her body hard against his. “That’s right, just like that!” Donald said as his breath came out frantic and forced.

  “I can’t!” Alicia said while Donald’s hand pressed hard against her mouth. She came screaming out a muffled Donald. The orgasm had eased her once depressed mind and defeated spirits. Donald pulled out of her then and released his seed onto her exposed leg.

  “Hah. Ah.” Donald moaned as he pumped the last drop of his liquid out of him. He inhaled deeply and moved away from her. He extended his hand to her and helped her up. He smiled a devilish grin. “Nice to meet you” he said. Alicia looked at him in horror as her sanity was brought back to her.


  Once Daniel dropped Alicia off back at home, she ran to her bathroom quick and took a shower.

  “I can’t believe that happened.” Alicia said as the hot water ran down her body. Not only did she sleep with a man that she just saw for the first time that day, he just so happened to be the brother of the man she was about to start living with. She couldn’t get any lower than that. Was her life that bad and was she that lonely to sleep with a strange man? She supposed so, but God did it feel so good, Alicia thought as she began washing her hair. Daniel was doing his teleconference for close to two hours, so he was oblivious to everything that happened. When he finally came back downstairs, Alicia realized that she had misjudged him. Daniel turned out to be such a sweetheart who just happened to be down on his luck at the moment. He was okay financially but his personal life was taking a beating. The two of them had so much in common that she became interested in him

  The two of them talked for the longest time and Daniel told her that he’d try to have a normal relationship with her, but he’s normally quite busy with his work. He also stated that he was tired of dating around and that he would want to settle down eventually with her for real if they turned out to be a good fit. Daniel told her that he will pay her a nice sum and provide her with anything that she needed. He told her that he’d have some people come over to her apartment and pack her things up and move it for her. Even though she only applied for the position because she was desperate, it was turning out not to be such a bad deal. It all looked good on paper but that’s not where the problem was.

  “Donald,” she whispered his name and got out of the shower. After they got done doing the deed, he put on some clothes and they began talking. Though, they didn’t have as many things as in common as she did with Daniel, she found him incredibly interesting and she liked him a lot more than she liked Daniel. She already felt bad for sleeping with the man, but would she attempt to start up a relationship with Donald even though she was supposed to be there for Daniel? It wasn’t like Donald was offering her anything that would help her with her job and home situations though. This whole thing was turning into a nightmare for Alicia. She really needed to think about what type of man would betray their brother the way that Donald did. She wasn’t trying to ease the situation by dumping the problem on Donald, but it wasn’t as if she was close or anything with Daniel beforehand.

  “I’m getting a headache.” Alicia said and clutched her forehead. She grabbed some Tylenol out of her bathroom cabinet and popped two in her mouth. She turned the cold water on and cupped a hand full of it. Once she had taken her medicine she looked in the mirror. “What am I going to do?”

  Chapter Six

  “You slept with her?!” Daniel said getting up from his seat and walking over to his brother. Donald frowned once Daniel was in his face. Donald knew that he was wrong and that he shouldn’t have done what he did, but he did it and didn’t want to lie to his brother. “Why would you do that?” Daniel asked. Donald looked his brother in the eye then.

  “Look it happened, I know it was messed up but I let it happen.”

  “In my house though, while I was here!” Daniel wasn’t completely surprised at his brother’s actions. Growing up Donald always had a bit of a sex problem and he always ended up sleeping with the women Daniel was seeing. He thought that his brother grew out of it by now. “For someone who always claims I’m acting childish, what do you call what you did?” Donald exhaled. He knew he was going to get a verbal beating from his brother, but he had to tell him. Donald was many things, but a liar wasn’t one of them.

  “I don’t know, the moment was right,” Donald said and shrugged. Daniel walked over to his living room couch and sat down. He was angry, but his features softened a little after a while.

  “Was she good?” he asked all of a sudden. Donald’s eyes widened.

  “What?” Did he hear his brother right?

  “You heard me, was she good? I was thinking about taking her all day wondering what she’d be like.” Donald folded his arms. His brother was nowhere near as mad as what he thought he would be. Was Daniel so lonely that he’d forgive him? Donald decided to be as honest as possible.

  “She was amazing. Her body was nice going by the parts that I saw of course.” Donald sat on the opposite end of the couch. “So are you going to retract your contract with her?” Donald asked and looked at his brother. Daniel looked so tired and worn out. Donald kind of hoped that he would because he took an interest in Alicia, but Daniel shook his head.

  “I should, but no I like her too much and she is in a bit of a tight situation.”

  “Well I like her too,” Donald said and folded his arms. Not only did he sleep with Alicia first, but he also had the nerve to say that he liked her.

  “You don’t like her, you like her sex.” Daniel leaned his head against the couch.

  “Why are you so calm about this?” Donald asked. Daniel shrugged.

  “Life is too short to worry about things like this. It happened and it can’t be taken back. I’m pretty sure she was just as lonely as I am.” When their father died, he died with the grudges that he refused to let go of. It was apparent that Daniel was suffering from some type of stress disorder because no sane and healthy man would be sitting here calmly after another man said he boned his potential wife. It was either that or Daniel was a bit more free spirited than he thought.

  “If I see an opportunity, I might take her again.” Donald said that just to see what type of reaction he would get from his brother. Daniel’s initial anger was completely drained out of his face.

  “Hmm, I guess that means I win the bet though,” Daniel said still sounding lifeless. He looked like he’d pass out any moment. He was definitely overworked with too much stuff on his mind. Donald rolled the bet around his head for a few moments.

  “I guess you did,” Donald didn’t feel like coughing up the money that he owed Daniel, but a bet was a bet.

  “Instead of the money,” Daniel said and he turned on the TV just in time to catch a football game. Donald raised an eyebrow. “Try to keep an open mind because this is a little odd.” Donald was all ears.

  “What’s on your mind?” Keeping his eyes on the TV, Daniel took in a deep breath.

  “I want to try something, to see which one of us Alicia likes best.” Donald listened to Daniel elaborate on what he meant by that.


  Alicia watched the men pick up and take her items out of her apartment. She looked after them with tears forming in her eyes. Daniel was kind enough to let Alicia know that she could bring whatever she wanted
to the house to make herself comfortable, but she knew that majority of her possessions will remain in storage. Daniel was going to pick her up from her apartment once he was done with his work which should be in the next hour.

  “I never thought leaving here would affect me so much,” Alicia said as she wiped away a tear sliding down her face. She sat down on the kitchen counter as the men walked in and out of her place. After an hour of going back and forth, her house was completely bare. “Thank you so much,” Alicia said and tipped each man a twenty. It wasn’t much, but that was all that she had to give them at the moment. As the men walked out of her apartment she heard her phone vibrating on the table. “Hello,” she said without looking to see who was calling her.

  “Hi, it’s Daniel. I’m outside.” Alicia said okay and hung up the phone. She walked towards the door, looked at her once beautiful apartment, and closed the door. Deciding that she did not want to face Justin at the moment, since he lived in the same building she wrapped her key in a napkin and pushed it under his door. Daniel promised her that he’d pay for whatever she owed management and she politely declined. He was doing so much for her already as it was, she’d use her earnings from him to pay off her debts. She walked down the stairs in a hurry and walked over to Daniel’s car. “You look as beautiful as ever.” Daniel said once she got settled in. She blushed.

  “Thank you,” she said her voice still low from crying.

  “I know that you’re sad about leaving your place, but I just want to let you know that everything will be alright.” These last few days had flown by her so fast that she couldn’t even wrap her head completely around what was happening to her. All of this felt unreal, but everything happens for a reason. Alicia still felt a little awkward making small talk with Daniel, but she had to grow out of that sooner or later.

  “So how was your day?” Daniel sighed.

  “Long and boring, but I’m glad that I get to spend the rest of it with you though.” She smiled at him. She loved that he was so kind and gentle to her, but she kind of wished he exuded the same sex appeal as his brother. Both of them were drop dead gorgeous, but Donald had a fire in his eyes that she wished Daniel had. “I do want to know your honest opinion on something though.” Alicia’s perfectly arched eyebrow raised.

  “What is it?” she asked curiously, but Daniel shook his head.

  “I’ll ask you later, I don’t want to spoil our dinner.” Alicia didn’t understand what Daniel meant by that, but she decided to let it go for the time being. She had a lot more things on her mind to think about. When they finally got to the house, Alicia was surprised to find that food was already prepared for them. “One of my friends is a chef. I had him whip this up for us and delivered here.” Daniel said as they walked into the dining room. Daniel said that he wouldn’t have too much time for romance, but Alicia found his efforts to be incredibly romantic.

  “It’s beautiful,” her smile made Daniel feel hot all over. He couldn’t wait for later on tonight.

  “I’m glad you like it.” Daniel said as he pulled out Alicia’s chair. She sat down gracefully and Daniel pushed her under the table. “There should be more in the kitchen if you’re still hungry.” Alicia blushed; she wouldn’t go back for seconds even if she was hungry. She didn’t want to look greedy in front of Daniel. She was hoping that one day soon she’d be comfortable around him. She knew that it’ll take a while though, considering the nature behind their relationship.

  “Does your friend always deliver your dinner?” Daniel put a spoon full of rice in his mouth and shook his head.

  “Despite the fact that I’m a workaholic, I do cook my own food sometimes. Majority of the time I don’t feel like it though. I was hoping that you’d be able to help me with that.” Alicia nodded her head. She knew that she’d be doing majority of the cooking. In all honesty it was a small price to pay considering everything that Daniel was doing for her.

  They talked about their day and what their dreams were and Alicia was beginning to feel more comfortable as the minutes passed them by.

  “By the way,” Alicia said once they had taken a break from talking about their lives, Daniel gave her his full attention. “What did you want to ask me?” Daniel sat back in his seat and stared at her.

  “Well first of all, Donald told me what happened between you two.” Alicia felt like she had just been slapped hard in the face. Alicia’s mouth opened and closed but she could find the words that she wanted to say to him. It felt like she was going to hyperventilate. Would she be out of a home now? Daniel held up his hand to her. “I’m not angry so you can relax.” That didn’t make Alicia feel any better. Daniel probably thought she was a slut now. “If you were speaking to the old me, then yes I would have been angry. The way I am now however looks at things in a different perspective.”

  “Okay,” Alicia said confused. She wasn’t exactly sure about how to react to the news.

  “Both of us are interested in you and even though I feel that I am a better fit for you, you have the right to choose.” Daniel was talking like him and Donald was fighting over which one deserved the better car.

  “Hey!” Alicia heard Donald’s voice. She jumped in surprise because Daniel caught her off guard with everything that he was saying. Donald breezed in the dining room then and grinned at Alicia. “Are you two talking about me?” Daniel sighed.

  “You’re here too early,” Daniel said standing up and glaring at Donald. Donald noticed that his brother still appeared to be tired, but he was looking better than how he was looking the previous day.

  “I wanted some of the food.” Donald looked from Daniel to Alicia wondering how much Daniel told her. “Where’s my plate at?” Daniel folded his arms.

  “You can eat later.” Daniel said agitated. He wanted to get Alicia comfortable with the idea that he had regarding her figuring out which one she wanted to be with, but he wanted Alicia to be comfortable with him first. Since Donald was there, he knew that everything would just be blurted out instead of easing its way into it.

  “Alicia, if I know my brother correctly, I know he’s been beating around the bush about asking you something.” Alicia looked at Donald and blushed as she remembered the way he looked naked. “So I am just going to say it.” Daniel groaned in agitation, but Donald kept on talking while trying to forget his brother was there. “Surprisingly, Mr. Uptight here came up with a rather interesting way to see who you’d prefer to be with.” Alicia just wished that they got to the point because the anticipation was killing her. Seeing Alicia becoming agitated, Donald brought his lips to meet hers.

  Chapter Seven

  Donald’s boldness caught Alicia off guard and her eyes widened and looked over to Daniel. She couldn’t believe that Donald was disrespectful to the point that he’d hurt his brother in his face. Alicia was surprised to find that Daniel was perfectly fine as he cleared the table. His eyes met Alicia then and he offered her a warm and sexy smile. What were they planning? Alicia thought to herself. Donald moved away from her warm lips then.

  “Surprised” he said grinning. Alicia couldn’t say anything to that. Daniel walked over to Alicia then and grabbed her. At first she thought Daniel was mad at them, but when he pulled her into his arms and shoved his tongue in her mouth, she knew that wasn’t the case. Daniel was a lot less forceful than Donald, but his tongue was just as skilled. She heard clothes rustling so she opened her eyes and looked towards the sound. She saw Donald undressing himself, throwing his clothes in a neat pile on the floor. Daniel broke away then.

  “Are you okay?” he asked sweetly. She finally understood what was going on. Daniel and Donald were both going to sleep with her so that she’d know who she’d prefer. She found the thought of that intriguing and frightening at the same time. These two were brothers after all plus she’d never had a devil’s threesome before.

  “I’m fine.” She whispered to him and Daniel brought his lips back to hers. The whole situation was starting to make her crave for something deep inside
of her. Donald walked around her then and began kissing her neck and she moaned into Daniel’s mouth. Donald pulled Alicia’s mouth away from Daniel’s and captured her in a kiss again. Daniel decided to busy himself in getting undressed. Once he was fully nude, he began working on Alicia’s clothes. He pulled her black dress pants down her chocolate legs revealing the lavender panties that she had on. He said nothing when he moved the bothersome fabric to the side and licked her pearl.

  “Ahh!” she ripped her mouth away from Donald’s and screamed. The way that Daniel circled her clitoris with his tongue had her shaking. Donald had to grip her tight in order to keep her from falling.

  “No fair,” Donald said to his brother as Daniel pleasured Alicia’s lower half.

  “It was no fair for you to take her first” he countered and buried his face again between her legs. Alicia was in heaven. Donald sighed and pulled Alicia’s blouse over her head revealing her matching lavender bra. Donald whistled then.

  “Looking good baby,” he unclasped her bra then and palmed her erect nipples. She was enjoying the attention that the men were showing her, but she wanted to do something for them in return.

  “Let me lie down on the edge of the table.” Daniel pulled away from her and allowed her to lie on the table. She finally gotten a good look at Daniel’s naked body and he was just as impressive as Donald. She squirmed as the men looked at her in hunger.

  “I want to feel your mouth around me.” Donald said and walked towards Alicia’s head. He positioned his engorged member towards her face and she took all of him in her mouth. Daniel bent down, picked up his pants, and grabbed a condom out of his wallet. He wanted to try Alicia on just as his brother had. While Alicia deep throated Donald, Daniel jabbed deep inside of her womb. Alicia was surprised by how riled up Daniel was. She could tell that he really wanted her because of the roughness of his strokes.


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