The End of Gods (A Welcome to the Underworld Novel, Book 4)

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The End of Gods (A Welcome to the Underworld Novel, Book 4) Page 5

by Con Template

  Despite the aversion he harbored for Ji Hoon, Tae Hyun, like the rest of the Underworld surrounding him, was quiet as the music from the piano died down. Soon after, the lights dimmed slightly while a subtle spotlight hung over the King of Skulls.

  Ji Hoon began to speak, confidence and pride teeming in his voice. “When asked about the three men I admire most, my answer has always been consistent. It has always been my father, my Advisor, and the eldest Advisor, Seo Ju Won. I have never wavered from those three names, and I’m sure the third name is a name that no one in this room has wavered from either.”

  Ji Hoon smiled, looking down at Ju Won and Jung Min, both of whom were beaming up at him.

  “Uncle,” Ji Hoon began respectfully to Ju Won, extending his champagne glass in the air, “never in my life have I met a man who has as much experience, virtue, and knowledge as you. You have left such a big footprint in our world, and I doubt any other Advisor coming after you would ever be able to fill your shoes. I am grateful to be one of your advisees and even more grateful that you are considering me as an heir. In forty years, if I could be half the man you are today, then I’d consider that my biggest honor. Happy 65th birthday. Here’s to a wonderful year.”

  An explosion of applause erupted from all around the room after the conclusion of Ji Hoon’s speech. Ju Won and Jung Min raised their glasses and nodded approvingly at Ji Hoon. Beside them, Dong Min lackadaisically lifted his glass, his expression clearly unimpressed with Ji Hoon’s toast. A few lingering cheers from Skulls gang members continued to echo from below until Tae Hyun grabbed a champagne glass off a waiter’s platter and took two steps forward. He stood in front of the gold railing of the balcony and looked below.

  As if sensing his presence, the room fell silent in some sort of quiet awe. All eyes gradually landed on him. The silent change in reverence from Ji Hoon to Tae Hyun was very subtle, but very noticeable. Tae Hyun not only held everyone’s unyielding attention with his mere presence, but the natural magnetism that resonated from him also demanded their immense interest.

  “Our world is a society unlike any other,” Tae Hyun began diplomatically, poise and power exuding effortlessly from him. “Standing in this room right now is the most eclectic and powerful group of individuals this country has and will ever know.”

  His deep brown eyes roamed around the room as a ghost of a smile tilted on his lips.

  “I am honored to be born into the Serpents’ bloodline, but so much more honored to be taken under the wings of great business, political, media, and economic leaders who have mentored and trained me to be the man that I have become.” His eyes found Dong Min’s, who was staring up at Tae Hyun like a proud father would at his son. “I am especially honored by Shin Dong Min, who has not only taken me under his wings since my inception into the 1st layer, but has also become like a second father to me all these years.” He gave his Advisor a genuine and appreciative nod. “I know that I’m not the easiest advisee to deal with, but please know that I will never forget your undying support, all those times when you stuck by me when I couldn’t see past the fog. I will forever be grateful for it. It’s been such a great honor.”

  Dong Min inclined his head, lifting his champagne glass higher. Warmness filled his eyes as he silently said, “It was my honor as well.”

  With a deep inhalation, Tae Hyun averted his focus to the one who had the power to change his future. Albeit the kindliness in Tae Hyun’s eyes dissipated slightly, he made sure the warmth was still solidified on his handsome face while he spoke to the one who was the reason for this event.

  “With all these thanks, I think I speak for each and every one of us here when I express my gratitude to the eldest Advisor. He has helped uphold the bylaws of our society and kept our world as pure as the day it began. Over the past few decades, he has been a staple in our world, mentoring the best of the best while safeguarding the values that we hold dear.”

  He raised his champagne glass an inch higher and inclined his head at Ju Won.

  “Uncle,” Tae Hyun began, noting from his peripherals that Ji Hoon was seething with aggravation. Tae Hyun was not only overshadowing Ji Hoon in terms of holding the interest of the Underworld populace, but he was also holding the undivided attention of Ju Won himself. “In a room filled with prominent leaders and fearless soldiers, I am humbled to be in your presence. You have taught me so much in the ways of our world. I couldn’t have learned it better from anyone else. If my father and mother were here, then I’d stand before them a proud man because I have everything a great King could dream of.”

  In that split second, a pained emotion gave way in Tae Hyun’s eyes. It was as though he was thinking about a particular person who took his heart with her earlier in the night. He swallowed tightly, disregarding this fleeting pain to finish his speech. He no longer had time to be a man; he had to be a God.

  “And I have you to thank for that. Sixty-five years and you’re still a living legend. Thank you for your patience, your service, and your dedication. Happy birthday. Here’s to sixty-five more years of greatness.”

  An eruption of cheers and applause rumbled throughout the rotunda ball. Below, Ju Won laughed proudly after Tae Hyun’s toast and cheered with the rest of the Underworld. In a synchronized movement, champagne glasses were raised in the air like torches. The entire room toasted to the two Underworld Kings.

  While drinking from his champagne glass, Tae Hyun looked over to Ji Hoon. The King of Skulls was staring back at him with daggers in his eyes. Tae Hyun bestowed him with the same hateful gaze. Ji Hoon’s simple existence offended him, and Tae Hyun did not trouble himself to hide that fact. He was holding on to his champagne glass with such vigor that he had to use opposing strength to keep from breaking the feeble glass. The heated glares lasted for a long minute before they became swept away.

  Unaware of the hate spewing from the two Kings, the rest of the Underworld attendees gathered around each of them, congratulating them for their well-spoken and equally powerful speeches. Throughout the next hour and a half, they were in the company of Underworld associates as they ventured down the staircase and mingled with everyone in attendance. The mundaneness of this event was only broken when they were face-to-face with the celebrated Advisor himself.

  Ju Won was the epitome of an elated host when he motioned for them to convene with him in the center of the packed ballroom. An unhappy expression settled over the two Kings’ faces when they realized they had to be in close proximity to one another. Though they were unhappy, they did not allow their emotions to dissuade them from heeding the eldest Advisor’s request.

  “Any Advisor would be honored to have two great Kings give such wonderful toasts,” said Ju Won with a warm chuckle, the champagne in his glass swaying in merriment.

  “The honor is ours,” Tae Hyun replied, purposely ignoring Ji Hoon while he kept his attention on Ju Won.

  “How is your birthday so far, uncle?” Ji Hoon asked cordially, taking a sip from his champagne glass. He also made it a point to ignore Tae Hyun. Up close, one could see the dim bruises on Ji Hoon’s face, the aftereffect of his confrontation with Yoori. She had found out that he was the one who orchestrated Lee Chae Young’s rape, and she was unforgiving with his punishment. Though it was scarcely visible, one could also see the scar on his head where she broke an alcohol bottle. The sight of these maladies brought a satisfied smile to Tae Hyun’s face.

  “Very nice,” Ju Won replied with a passive-aggressive grin that hid his true and unfiltered feelings. The shadows darkened his eyes when he was reminded of something disconcerting. “Of course, it would have been nice if my niece was here. However, because she was framed for something she didn’t do,” —he eyed Ji Hoon, who swallowed uncomfortably at the words, before looking at Tae Hyun— “and punished unfairly for it, she will be in the hospital for a few more weeks.”

  Albeit Tae Hyun didn’t form a reaction on his face, it was palpable in his eyes that he harbored a tremendous amount of regret fo
r what happened to Jin Ae.

  “I’m sorry again,” he whispered, his apology genuine. “Whatever I can do to help accommodate her in the hospital, let me know, and I’ll take care of it.

  A tinge of warmth enveloped Ju Won’s normally impassive eyes. “You’ve already made up for it the past two weeks, Tae Hyun,” he said approvingly. There was a pause before he added, “Have you done what we spoke about?”

  Tae Hyun’s usually unruffled demeanor subsided faintly. “It’s over,” he answered, nodding in confirmation. “I ended it tonight.”

  “What have you done these past two weeks?” Ji Hoon interjected instantly. Unhappiness outlined his features at the thought of Tae Hyun being under Ju Won’s good graces again.

  Tae Hyun disregarded Ji Hoon like he was a pest that wasn’t worth his attention. Instead, it was a pleased Ju Won who answered Ji Hoon.

  “After much stubbornness, Tae Hyun placed his pride aside, came to my estate, and was personally trained by me these past two weeks.”

  A forced smile appeared on Tae Hyun’s lips.

  For the past couple of months, it was a secret bid that Ju Won offered Tae Hyun to train him and officially take him on as an advisee. At the offset, Tae Hyun resisted, not because he felt Ju Won’s combat skills were useless—on the contrary, learning anything from the revered crime lord would help any fighter vastly—but because he knew being “officially” trained under Ju Won would essentially place Tae Hyun under his debt. Tae Hyun had never been one to voluntarily place himself under anyone’s debt, least of all Ju Won’s. Nevertheless, as Dong Min advised, being trained under Ju Won for two weeks was the only way to obtain his forgiveness and maintain his favor for Tae Hyun to be a contender for the Lord of the Underworld throne. After Tae Hyun allowed Yoori to beat Ju Won’s niece to the brink of death, the King of Serpents had to bite his tongue, put on a happy face, and endure training with Ju Won.

  “Oh,” Ji Hoon said, nodding a bit too pompously. “You were trained right after I was trained.”

  Tae Hyun’s eyes snapped up towards Ji Hoon. He hadn’t anticipated Ju Won to train Ji Hoon as well. The fact that he and Ji Hoon were trained under the same mentor, even if it was only for two weeks, pissed him off greatly. He made no effort to hide his distaste.

  “Ju Won trained you two weeks prior to me?”

  Ji Hoon chuckled, drinking pretentiously from his champagne glass. “It seems that way, doesn’t it?” He paused to swallow his drink before his thoughts reverted back to the earlier part of the conversation. “And what exactly did Tae Hyun put an end to tonight?”

  “Something that you should’ve ended three years ago when I spoke to you,” Ju Won reprimanded swiftly, his voice cool. His eyes softened on Ji Hoon, whose jaw tightened in anger at the chastisement. “But you made up for it when you accepted the training, among other things.”

  Vigilance entered Tae Hyun when the puzzle pieces started to click together. “How had Ji Hoon made up his worth in the past two weeks? What other things are you talking about?”

  When Tae Hyun assessed the silence that emitted from Ju Won and the smile on Ji Hoon’s face, his ability to read people came into great use.

  “Your condition for Ji Hoon to garner your favor was for him to do everything in his power to tear Yoori and I apart.” His words came out instinctively, but there was conviction behind his statement. If the fire brimming in his eyes was any indication, it was clear that he was using his entire strength to not punch Ju Won and his nemesis at that very second. He looked beyond pissed.

  “Where do you get your ideas, Tae Hyun?” Ju Won asked in bewilderment.

  However authentic Ju Won appeared in manufacturing confusion, Tae Hyun wasn’t fooled.

  “Listen,” Tae Hyun started inflexibly, moving closer to Ju Won. Tae Hyun towered over the Advisor, the build of the muscles hidden under his tuxedo overpowering Ju Won’s 5’7” frame—as well as almost every other individual in the rotunda room. There was a fatal air in the way Tae Hyun spoke to Ju Won. He was no longer composed; he was simply furious. “I didn’t get this far because of my looks, which may I add,” —he glanced over to Ji Hoon to just piss him off— “outranks this bastard’s here a million times over.”

  Ji Hoon cursed indignantly while Tae Hyun firmly went on.

  “But it’s because I have the best instincts. I have an uncanny ability to read people. There are few who could lie to me and even fewer who could lie to me and get away with it.” His eyes became severe as his gaze bore into Ju Won’s. “Don’t play me for a fool. I may have respect for you, but that doesn’t mean you’re above me. My authority far exceeds yours. Do not make the mistake of thinking that my reverence for you means that I’m afraid of you. I’m not afraid of you. I’m merely respectful around you because I understand that this world has high regards for you. I share in that regard—though it may waver quite often. But if you continue to insult me, I’ll treat you like any other subordinate and make you kneel in front of me before I kill you with my bare hands. Do we have an understanding?”

  Although Tae Hyun spoke in an even, diplomatic tone, it was clear in the uncomfortable shifting of Ju Won’s stance that he was afraid of Tae Hyun. The King of Serpents was a feared Underworld King for a reason, and even Ju Won had to acknowledge that.

  The Advisor sighed seconds later, straightening the jacket of his tuxedo. He took a gulp from his champagne glass to silently soothe his nerves. When he regained his composure, he said, “Ji Hoon’s method of going about what I asked him to do was problematic, but it got the job done nonetheless.”

  A muscle worked in Tae Hyun’s strong jaw. He looked like an angry lion that was prepared to kill everyone in this room to satiate his fury. “So, you’ve been having some fun, interfering with the lives of the people you call your Kings, right, Ju Won? My love life being the forerunner?”

  Insulted, Ju Won’s eyes grew severe as well.

  “This society has entrusted me to mold the first true Lord for our world, and you think I give a damn about whom you or Ji Hoon sleep with?” His spine straightened with pride as he plowed on, looking between Tae Hyun and Ji Hoon. “You can have a thousand girls kneeling at your feet, and I wouldn’t give a damn. But as every disastrous story goes, the downfall of great Kings will always be the woman they keep in their company.” He eyed Tae Hyun. “You, yourself, have said that our world is a society unlike any other. Do you think our people would give up their lives for a King who cared more about the wellbeing of his woman than the society as a whole? Do you think the Kings and Queens here are willing to be governed by anyone who is less than a God?”

  He breathed deeply, his eyes swiveling from Tae Hyun and to Ji Hoon. Both were quiet as he surged on. “Both of you are great Kings, but do you think you’d be able to take our world to great heights if there’s a woman wearing you down, making you vulnerable to human emotions?” He looked at Ji Hoon. “An Soo Jin was that woman for you.” He faced Tae Hyun. “And Choi Yoori was that woman for you.”

  He sighed, seeing the dawning lights of realization that filtered into both of their eyes. It had always been an age-old warning for any leader in the Underworld to be vigilant about the person they wanted their significant other to be. Love is considered flexible—power isn’t. A lover should never supersede the quest for power, the very thing their enigmatic and powerful world was built upon. If it did, then the Underworld population would be ready to tear that leader down and appoint another great leader to take his place.

  “Love blinds even the best of Kings, and at this point in your lives, you have no time to be tied down.” He gazed directly at Tae Hyun, who was still fuming in silence. “I arranged for Ji Hoon to break you two up because she was unhealthy for our world. I saw what she was doing to you. I saw how human she made you, how much kinder and more irrational you’ve become since meeting her. I arranged for you to personally kick her out of the country because I know that despite my advice, you would never kill her and you would kill anyone who da
red to touch her. I know that you believe I take enjoyment in pitting people against one another. Trust me when I say that I don’t have time for games. I’m doing all of this with the best intentions, not only as your Advisor, but also as the eldest Advisor in this world. I trust that I have two potential Lords standing next to me, and I offer no apologies for trying to keep the best and most skilled contender to be a revered Lord for my world. With all that said, I’m happy that both of you have severed ties with her and are done with her.” He regarded them, his fierce eyes scrutinizing them. “You are both done with her, right?”

  “I’m a competitive guy,” Ji Hoon stated haughtily, his eyes on Tae Hyun. “As long as Kwon Tae Hyun doesn’t prance around with my sloppy seconds, then I’m good. Choi Yoori evokes no emotional attachment from me.” He spared a glance at the crowd of girls staring in their direction, admiring both him and Tae Hyun. “I have my options of whores who are ready to kneel before me.”

  Ju Won grinned at Ji Hoon’s words before turning to Tae Hyun. “And yourself, Tae Hyun?”

  Tae Hyun smirked dryly, staring into Ju Won’s eyes with dark conviction. “Choi Yoori is dead to me. I gave her the chance to live and have already told her that if I see her again, I’m bypassing the courtesies and I’ll do what’s necessary to protect my throne. She evokes no more emotional attachment from me, nor does she continue to hold my interest. She was merely a mistake that I should’ve gotten rid of sooner. It was my pleasure to kick her out of this country.”

  Ju Won grinned widely while Ji Hoon scoffed disbelievingly. Before either Ju Won or Ji Hoon could respond to Tae Hyun’s words, a man dressed in a grey suit promptly interrupted them.


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