Crave Me: A Billionaire Boss Romance

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Crave Me: A Billionaire Boss Romance Page 29

by Amy Brent

  “So did I,” Amy said as worry filled her eyes. “But what about everything? Work? I can’t have anyone knowing about the phone stuff, Brett.”

  “I’d never tell anyone, baby.” I didn’t want her to do it anymore, feeling like she was all mine but I remained quiet. “That is our secret, and we’ll deal with work when we have to. Not tonight.”

  We started to kiss again, not done fulfilling our spoken fantasies as I carried her to the large bed in the spacious bedroom. She clung to me as I dropped her to the mattress and kissed her hungrily, pushing her down against the comforter. “What do I smell?” Amy murmured as she raised her arms so I could lift the small dress over her head, finding her nipples bare and hard for me.

  “Vanilla candles and roses,” I responded as I leaned down to suck one into my mouth. Had I known, I’d have searched for cider candles to match her intoxicating scent.

  “Thank you,” Amy told me as I raised my eyes to hers in the softly lit room. “You made this so much more than sex.”

  “It was always more than sex, Amy. There’s just so many ways that we want each other right now that I can’t keep my hands off you. It’s not ending with that, though.” I crawled over her body to kiss her neck as I roamed her freely with my fingertips, stroking here and pulling there. I ravaged her dark pink nipples with my tongue and teeth, making her cry out as she pulled me closer. I kissed her soft stomach down to where her legs fell apart, dropping between them, and tasting her sweet honey. It consumed me as I licked and tasted her, finding even more sweetness dripping against my mouth as I focused on her clit. She moved with me, far from shy and wanting everything I’d promised her on the phone. I pulled and teased her, using my teeth as Amy screamed and tried to thrust against me when I held her still. Amy was going to be at my mercy right now.

  I grabbed the box of condoms off the table once she’d come and was begging me to fuck her, ripping one pen and sheathing my thick cock with it. My hands were shaking. This was something that I’d wanted for months, and I looked at her, laying back against the pillows with her halo of curls and her knees dropped haphazardly, open and tempting.

  I moved over her, finding her mouth as I positioned myself and savored the moment. I slipped inside of her, slowly, inch-by-inch. Our lips molded together, and our tongues danced as she gripped me like a vise that was made just for me. I buried myself all the way in and moved back to side in again as she wrapped her legs around me. I wanted this to be slow, but it was too hard to hold back, and before too long we were fucking hard and fast, both searching for a mutual orgasm as our bodies rocked together. She felt so good, and her moans echoed around me as I watched her face as carefully as possible, wanting to see every release pass across it to make up for all the ones I’d missed. She started a beat before me, tightening and washing me with warmth before my own orgasm started, our voices raised together as we came hard and long.

  I dropped beside her, holding close the best thing that ever happened to me as our damp skin pressed together. It had never felt like that. I had great sex in my years, sex I thought was for the record books, but tonight it felt different. Tonight even made light of my affair with Larisa as I played that back for a moment, knowing that it was nothing more than lust. It would’ve burned out had we chosen to continue it. This made everything before Amy pale in comparison and I knew that I wanted to cling tightly to her.



  The room was thick with our heat and scent as we relaxed together, while I tried to make sense of all of this. Phil was my boss all along. I knew there were similarities but the idea never crossed my mind before now. I felt him pull me closer and smiled as I acknowledged the feelings in the room as well as the amazing attraction.

  I’d wanted him as Brett, but logic won in that situation. It sure fought a fair fight this time, but I gave into my feelings and need and had never felt better as I did right now. I knew him inside and out since we’d just talked so much in addition to all the sex. We talked as friends, potential lovers and two people that were falling for one another and he was in front of me the entire time. I saw him every day and longed to change my decision as I watched him seem to be in love with someone else, but all along that was me.

  I knew that I was in love with Brett. The idea thrilled and terrified me all at once when I started to think about the next day or even the next week. Brett said that we were going to focus on tonight and I rolled in his arms to face him as I buried my face into his broad chest. He was all man, powerful and muscle and everything that I’d dreamed of. I kissed him with firm presses of my lips and heard his sharp intake of breath as I tasted the damp sweat on his skin. I’d made him sweat like that, more than just tonight. I’d heard it, and all the memories played through my mind as I licked at his small, firm nipple. Brett groaned as I bit gently and tightened his grip on my back.

  We made love one more time with me on top and our eyes locked before hunger got the best of us. Brett called down to order our dinner, smiling at me knowingly as I slipped one of the robes in the bathroom around my body. “What?” I asked with a blush as he slipped on some shorts. God, the man looked good when he wasn’t wearing clothes. I played with my hair absently as I stared at him, deciding to pull it up into a messy bun for a little while.

  “Do you like what you see?” Brett teased me as I felt heat wash over my body.

  “I always have,” I responded as I followed him to the living room and looked around for the first time. “This room is stunning, Brett.”

  “Only the best for you,” he assured me as I smiled at him. We got cold water from the fridge in the nearly full kitchen and sat on the couch to talk while we waited for the food. “That was incredible, Amy.” He stared into my eyes as I smiled weakly. “Everything I thought it would be and more.” He sipped his water. “You don’t strike me as the type to sleep around, though.”

  “I’m not. That’s why I work the phone because I can’t do anything more personal. That even took some getting used to for me, to be honest.” I admitted as I frowned and thought back to the disastrous first night while I chuckled.

  “How did you get into it?” Brett asked, and I gave him a searching look for a long moment. I hadn’t dated anyone since I started the job and I didn’t know how it would affect this. Brett was just looking at me with curiosity and warmth in his eyes, no judgment.

  “A friend did it and when I graduated and got wind of how much I owed for the loans, told me about it. I didn’t have this job with you then, and it seemed like a good way to get ahead of the game to me.” I shrugged. “It was embarrassing at first for me. Once I got some regular clients and grew to know them, it was easier, and it felt good to be able to support myself.”

  “You don’t have a big family, do you?” Brett asked as someone knocked at the door. He stood and let them in, telling the young man to leave it by the table overlooking the city before he slipped him a bill. Once we were alone, he gestured to me to join him, and I walked across the large room to look out of the window. “Is all of that a story?”

  “Yes, it is. It’s just Mom for me, and she lives in San Diego now, doing the artist thing. We talk a lot, but she’s happy living that life.” I replied as he nodded and stared at me. I knew about his family from work, which gave me an absolute advantage. I knew a lot more about him from our conversations, and I frowned. “You were truthful with me, weren’t you?” He nodded slowly as his eyes went somber as if was waiting for me to judge him. “You did have an affair with your stepdaughter while you were married. That’s crazy.”

  “I know that, Amy. I think about it every day and regret what I can, but it’s life, and it gets messy sometimes,” he told me before walking around and pulling me to him. “Tonight, feeling you wrapped around me made me realize that I have never felt this way before. This is different for me, no matter who or what is in my past.”

  “I felt that too,” I admitted as I breathed him in, feeling the addiction set in.

“Let’s eat,” he suggested as he felt my stomach growling against him. Brett lifted the lids to reveal a decadent seafood pasta with salad and crusty bread. My mouth watered and he heaped some food on the two plates for us before setting them on the table. Brett poured us some wine from the bottle on the tray and gazed at me across the small table. There was a bigger one in the room off the kitchen that I noticed, but I liked being this close to him. I wrapped some of the pasta around my fork and moaned as I took a bite, tasting the seasoned white sauce.

  We talked over the meal, mostly about the city and work a little bit before he cleared his throat and sipped his wine. “I have this room for the weekend, and I’d love for you to stay with me, Amy.”

  “What about Monday?” I asked as he licked his lips. “We can’t be seen this way, Brett.”

  “I know. I agree with that, but I think we could keep it between ourselves,” Brett replied as heat washed over my body. “I don’t want to fuck you and have that be it. I want us to have something more.” Brett ran a hand through his hair and looked at me again. “I’ve been talking to Daniel. You know how impressed he was with you and he’s made mention of moving you to his office. Not right now but in the future. I don’t know what you think of that idea, to begin with, but with this new development, I thought it might be an option.”

  “New York?” I asked as he nodded with a slow smile.

  “It’s a gorgeous city, Amy. You’d learn so much with them,” Brett encouraged me as my eyes widened.

  “How would we see each other that way?” I asked as he chuckled.

  “I have a house there as well, two to be truthful. There’s a charming brownstone and a house out on Long Island as well. I could move there easily and oversee the company from a distance.”

  “You’ve thought about this, haven’t you?” I asked as he tilted his head and smiled down at the table.

  “Not as seriously as I am tonight. I didn’t know who you were, but I like to keep my options open when I can. I just came here to work at the office, Amy. Moving isn’t an issue for me, not to be with you,” he told me as I frowned at him. “Cole is grown with his family, and I can visit them anytime in Colorado. I’m going back for Christmas since they have a daughter close to being born. I don’t have any ties but him and the woman I’m dating.”

  “You want to date me?” I asked as he smirked at me.

  “Haven’t I made that clear enough?” Brett asked as he stood and finished his wine. He excused himself for a moment, and I looked around the room and out at the lights of the buildings as I considered his words. Age wasn’t an issue. I didn’t know Brett’s exact age, but he was fourteen years older, give or take. He looked good for his and was fit and healthy, something I craved in a man. He had money, but I wasn’t seeking to be supported by anybody. Sex was incredible with him, and I wanted it again sitting here letting my meal digest. I knew that I was in for the weekend as well as the future and I smiled as he walked back into the room, taking his toned torso up to his handsome face as he watched me. “I think I prefer this to you not looking at me at all,” Brett told me as I stood and took my glass of wine to the couch to sit down.

  “It was uncomfortable for a while, wasn’t it?” I asked as he nodded and took a seat beside me. “The night I told you there was no chance for us nearly killed me. I have never wanted anything more, but I feared the work situation, and still do. I just know that fate gave this to us and it feels too good to try and fight what I feel anymore.”

  “I agree,” Brett told me as I looked into his face and leaned in for a kiss. He tasted like wine, and the spices from dinner, and I parted my lips to let his eager tongue in as he pulled me gently over his body. We cleaned up the food and put the tray in front of the door before rushing back to the bedroom with an urgency that was new to me.

  I think we spent hours pleasuring each other, dozing in between. I’d wake up with Brett between my legs, or he’d wake up inside of my mouth, depending on who woke up first. I was sore but it was a mild pain, and I wouldn’t be turning him away anytime soon, not after the foundation that we had. It was one that I could never deny and the idea of telling anyone how we met made me blush. I might be stumbling into the office Monday, something I dreaded but a thought that I pushed away as he pulled me against his body again.



  We stayed the weekend together, tangled together in bed and talking after making love yet again. It was probably excessive, but Amy never complained and initiated it easily on her own. I watched her getting increasingly comfortable with me, and she smiled often and laughed a lot. Sunday morning, she rolled against me and snuggled close as her lips found my nipple again. “How do we handle tomorrow?” Her voice was muffled against my body, and I slipped a hand into her hair.

  “We act like we always have,” I told her as she remained silent. You’re my assistant, and we act that way unless of course, we’re alone in the office. After hours, I want you in my bed and my life as much as possible.”

  “I’d like that too,” she said as her hand slipped down to grasp me, hard and ready for her tight pussy. I loved taking Amy every way that she’d let me, and now she moved to her knees once I was ready and let her know. Her ass looked good in front of me, fitter than she saw it but juicy as I slipped inside of her. I’d already slapped her when we did it in the kitchen, bent over on the counter when we were trying to make some snacks and got distracted. I loved the sound of her voice as she came, more ragged and out of control the more we were together. I didn’t know how I was going to leave her tonight without begging her to come back to my place and arriving at work separately. I was getting too used to her warmth beside me.

  I fucked her hard, gripping her hips as I drove myself inside of her over and over. Amy gripped the pillows as she rocked with me, her hands just over the ropes that I tied her up with the night before. I came with her like we did most every time and I longed to feel her bare. “Baby, are you on anything?” I asked as I watched her fall to the bed with a happy sigh.

  “I get that shot, but I didn’t want to seem too eager to say that,” she admitted as she looked at me in the light of the lamp. “I am clean, though. Are you? I know that you’ve been with escorts.”

  We hadn’t covered that yet, and I looked at her. “I am always careful, Amy. Always. That…was a dumb ass ploy to make you jealous.” I remembered telling her about it on the phone and how crazy she got. “Did it work?”

  “In a way. It made me mad and hot all at once. I…got myself off at my desk listening, wanting to be her. She was so beautiful, and I think it hurt on some level.” Her face fell as she spoke and I pulled her close. I had fantasized about her doing that, and I hated the erection that was growing between my legs again. “Then on the phone I made you talk about it, your time with those girls. Am I twisted?”

  “You’re curious, and I love that. I want you to work it out with me, and I assure you there have been no women since we started talking.” She looked surprised, and I kissed her with a smile.

  “Really?” She asked as she stared at me. “How?”

  “I only wanted you, and once the idea of meeting was in my head, I knew that was what I wanted.” I kissed her neck as I rolled her onto her back. “I can be with one woman despite my tainted past.”

  “I never thought otherwise,” she told me as she looked up at me. “I could tell that you were passionate about what you wanted from the first time that we met.”

  “That became you quickly,” I said as I leaned down to kiss her. “I care for you a lot.”

  “I feel the same way,” Amy replied as she slipped her hands down my back.

  “When we check out, will you come home with me?” I asked her as I slid inside of her, leaving myself bare as she gripped me tightly. “Holy fuck.”

  “Spend the night? What about work?” Amy asked as I rocked inside of her again.

  “We can get there separately and play it off,” I assured her as she pulled me do
wn for a long kiss. “We can handle this for a time. I can do it because I want to be with you.”

  We made love for the last time in that bed, and I came deep inside of her as I felt her warmth wash over me. Amy left first after we showered and dressed, going out to the curb and down the street to get a car to take her home to get some more clothes. She’d agreed to stay the night.

  After a few weeks of watching her get multiple Uber drivers, I started coming in earlier than before and bringing her along with me. I didn’t like the danger that came along with public transportation, and she was stubborn about driving to this day. Amy had a car, something that would get her around fine but she preferred not to drive it in the city. I’d leave the vehicle a few minutes before she’d head up and we’d greet each other like everything was casual between us.

  After a couple of months of dating, she was staying at my place every night. It was close to the office, and she could walk if she wanted to. I smiled as I watched her bring more clothes over and sprinkled her things over my counter.

  Daniel had talked further about moving her out to New York after the first of the year, and we talked about it in bed together after work. Though she’d be sad to leave her mom, Amy knew that it was a great chance for her and was thinking about it. They would be in town closer to Thanksgiving, and once we all had lunch and they presented the idea to her, Amy accepted with a smile. She’d be the assistant to one of their top guys, though I kept it to myself that I’d be moving with her.

  My friends thought I was crazy to be moving so quickly after everything with Larissa, Rayna and the other flings that had had. I knew that it was moving fast, but neither of us could help it, and the heat between us only continued to grow. Amy admitted that the phone job didn’t appeal to her as much anymore and we agreed that she’d stop since she did well at the company and decided to give up her apartment, selling everything inside so she wouldn’t have to move it. Amy lived with me and would in New York as well, in the brownstone near the office where she could just head over a few blocks if the weather was nice enough. Otherwise, I had a driver since that city was less of a driving one.


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