Crave Me: A Billionaire Boss Romance

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Crave Me: A Billionaire Boss Romance Page 48

by Amy Brent

  “I’ve never wanted anything more,” I told him as he opened the box in his hand and pulled out a foil wrapped condom. Colton took my hand as I reached out for him and we both watched as Declan slipped the latex over his cock and took a deep breath.

  I wondered if this was weird for them until I felt a finger stroking my clit and arched my back. My need replaced any other concerns, and I begged him to take me as he teased my wanting core. Declan pulled away and crawled between my legs as I looked into his eyes first, then Colton’s. “This is for all of us,” I whispered as I felt something sliding in and filling me completely. “Oh, fuck,” I moaned as Declan moved slowly while Colton glared at him. There was a pinch and then a slight burning as he moved deeper, and I dropped my head back and pinched my eyes shut. “Dec, I feel so full.”

  “You’re fucking tight as hell. Jesus, Colt…you need to get in here,” Declan grunted as he shifted forward and looked down at me.

  I felt desire flood me as the pain decreased and I scratched my free hand down his chest. “Harder, Dec. Oh God, I need you.” He pulled back and pushed back into me as I felt my hips moved to meet him as he stared into my eyes. It took a few seconds or possibly minutes, but soon our bodies were rocking together in a mad frenzy as we both tried to find our release. I felt a hand slip over my breast and arched my back into Colton’s hand as I looked over at him. I came as he pinched my nipple and cried out as I pressed against Declan and watched him release as he bent his head forward and thrust one more time.

  He dropped beside me after he pulled himself out of me and removed the condom. I looked from him to Colton as my body trembled with the force of the orgasm. Colton rested his head against me, and I scooted closer to Declan to give him room.

  Somehow, we fell asleep that way. It wasn’t uncomfortable or awkward since I knew I belonged with these men.

  I woke up later to the sensation of a mouth on my pussy and groaned softly. I felt the warm body on my left, and I opened my eyes to look down at Colton’s face between my legs. He licked and sucked on me until I watched him reach for the box of condoms that fell to the ground sometime last night. Colton slipped one on and moved between my legs as I slid my hands down to pull him towards me for a kiss. His cock slid inside me as our tongues met and I marveled at how different sex could be with the various people at various times. Declan had been good to me last night, caring and so giving when it came to my needs, and now it was Colton who was making love to me. I always thought that he’d be the cocky one, the demanding one. I was as attracted to him as I was Declan but their roles were so different than I expected.

  He moved deep and slow inside of me as I wrapped my legs around him. The sun was rising so it was still dark in the room, but I felt him with my hands as he moved deeper. It was slower, but my orgasm was intense and powerful, Colton felt me around him and came with me as I held him close.

  We stayed close and fell back asleep together. I woke up first and grabbed a robe before I went to look over the water as I thought about the night before. It had been so different than I expected but so good. I remembered being a young girl and thinking I’d find a nice man and settle down someday, but never two of them.

  I made them breakfast, and we headed out to another beach for a photo shoot, something that began to mix with pleasure so easily. We had sex as often as we could and going from brother to brother wasn’t hard for me. The intimacy was sometimes just the two of us but at night we slept together in my bed, more often than not.

  The night that I had both of them happened a couple of weeks after the first time, and I knew that I wanted them both inside of me. I was kissing Declan and pushing him back onto the bed when Colton crawled behind me and pushed inside of me. He was hard, and I rocked against him as I kissed Declan harder.

  I told Colton that I wanted him to take my ass since he’d shown an interest in that since we started sleeping together. He yanked back and out of me as I slid onto Declan and he gripped my ass. Colton started with his fingers as he spread me open slowly and I moaned at the double penetration. Colton worked up to his cock as he stroked his hand with lube and pushed inside of me.

  I cried out as I felt them both and gripped Declan’s shoulders as I felt one slide out as one entered me. It was rough and intense, and I tried to find a rhythm of my own to get them inside of me faster. We were a mess of three bodies, and I whimpered and moaned as they moved harder, and I closed my eyes. They were both inside of me as I came and dropped onto Declan with the force of it. I heard the ruptured scream come from my throat as Colton slammed into me with a moan and Declan stroked my head with his hands as he whispered my name. I pulled back and kissed him when I’d caught my breath and felt Colton wrap his arms around me. “Thank you,” his voice was shaking behind me, and I realized that we had just crossed a line, one that Colton probably never intended to pass in his life. Declan was his brother, and they competed before this with every word.

  “You’re welcome,” I whispered back as I took a deep breath.

  Our trip came to a close the next week, and we were all closer by then. I didn’t show them outward affection when we were together in public but behind closed doors, I was savage with both of them. We fucked together, and I had times with each man alone, and I was becoming insatiable. I couldn’t get enough.

  I sat between them on the flight home, and one hand was on Declan’s thigh while the other rested on in Colton’s grip. There were many memories from this trip, both inside and out and we had so many pictures to look back on. Declan did a spectacular job with the professional ones and with his edits, a few would make good prints for advertising. The others were just of the beauty around us and shots we took together making faces and laughing together as we all fell harder into our growing feelings.

  They took me home with them, and I looked at them in the back of the car with surprise. “My apartment is down that street.”

  “We know,” Colton said as he looked at his brother. “We want you to stay at our places.” I stared at him. I knew that they each had a condo in a very exclusive building though I’d never seen it.

  “There’s only one of me,” I reminded them as Declan laughed and shook his head.

  “We were thinking of selling them and buying a big house that we could all share.” He reached for my hand. “I never thought I’d share anything, much less anyone, with Colton. I never even considered it before, but when we both saw you that night in that sexy red dress, something changed. We both wanted you and by some twisted luck, you wanted us as well.” He stared at Colton for a moment. I honestly don’t know how the fuck something like this even works, but I want to try. I want to be with you, Trina.”

  Colton nodded. “I am willing to do what it takes as well. I have never felt this way before you, Tri and I need you in my life.”

  “What do we do until the condos sell?” I asked as I cuddled between them with a smile.

  “Find a bed,” they replied together as I laughed and kissed them one by one.

  “Can we travel sometimes?” I smiled at Colton. “You have the company and all to run.”

  “We’ll travel. He’ll deal with the company and make all of the money,” Declan joked as I laughed with him and felt him kiss my hair.

  “Fuck that. I’ll hire a manager.” Declan smiled again, and I looked at Colton as he kissed me. “I am going to change my life up a little.”

  I stared back as the island faded away from my sight. What a trip it had been, and I pulled my men closer as I closed my eyes. We’d been up very late the night before christening every room in the cottage before it was time to leave. “I love you,” I whispered as they squeezed me and told me that they loved me as well.

  The End.


  Chapter one

  “I hope you know what kind of chance we’re taking on you, Tamara. Jacob was a friend of ours and we’ve known you for as long as we’ve been in business with him. We sympathize with your loss, but this is a matter of utmo
st importance. These jewels are to be shown to the public for a limited exhibition of two days only. We have borrowed them from an anonymous source. They would like to be left out of it and we have graciously permitted them their anonymity.” Grady was one of those secretive types with a black suit and dark glasses to match

  He was shadowed by two burly and strapping young men. I could tell that they were conditioned to follow orders to the letter. Their stance was the same and there was something strangely uniform about their posture. The obvious bulge in their jacket was not because they were happy to see me. These two were deadly and they had that expression of one of no emotion. I was worried for my safety and saying the wrong thing would end up getting on their bad side.

  “I appreciate the kind words and his death has been a lot to adjust to. It’s been three months and I’m still trying to make sense out of many facets of the business. He had a method to his madness, but I’ve yet to determine the rhythm or what kind of code is used. I have everything that I need from you and I believe that I can be of some service.” I could see that Grady was looking at me the same way that he always did when he came to visit Jacob.

  I did everything I could to accent the positives, which included low cut dresses that showed off a very prominent asset in my possession. I did not shy away from exhibiting my sexuality. I had in depth negotiations with Jacob and those clients that were fortunate enough to grace our shop with their presence. The eyes were the windows to the soul. They didn’t lie and you only needed to know what to look for to see if there they were truthful.

  “In this metal case is $50,000,000 worth of jewels. It is quite instrumental that they never leave your sight for a second. If it was up to me, I would’ve denied the request to have them exhibited at the museum. Unfortunately those higher up felt it was good for their image to give into peer pressure. Don’t worry; there will be security on hand. These two men will never be too far away. You may not know they’re there, but trust me they will be overseeing the entire operation. Jacob was a good friend and I mourn his loss. I send a silent prayer to his family.” Grady was impeccably dressed and the only difference between him and the other two standing by his side was a blood red tie.

  "I want you to know that I take this responsibility seriously. You can’t be in better hands.” I was seeing this exhibition as a way to display some of my wares. I had jewels that I found quite by accident in back. It was those in Jacob’s personal collection. They had a hefty price tag that would net me a small fortune if sold to the right party. I didn’t trust Grady and I never did and there was always something slightly off about the way that he smiled with no real meaning behind it.

  “You are a sophisticated woman and you have the air of someone that was born with a silver spoon in their mouth. I know your background like the back of my hand. It’s amazing that you were able to climb out of your current position in life. You and I both know that you owed Jacob a debt that you could never pay back.” Being a woman, I felt like I was always struggling to make it, but being a black woman did not exactly afford me the opportunities like others.

  I was an impressive female creature standing at 5’9, 160 pounds with all of that weight accumulating in just the right areas. My breasts were marvels of the natural variety. There was nothing fake or plastic about me, except for my eyelashes. I had an ass that just wouldn’t quit and I wore clothing skintight to make people stand up and take notice.

  I escorted Grady back to the door and I watched him climb into a very distinctive black Tahoe with tinted windows. It was all very clandestine and made me feel like I was part of some secret that I didn’t know anything about. I locked the door behind them as they left. The camera overhead and the Security System in place were to keep these jewels safe, until the actual exhibition in two days. I’d tried to get my foot into the door, but being relatively unknown was making an obstacle that I couldn’t hurtle on my own. It was fortuitous that Grady came to me and gave me this window of opportunity.

  I wore a purple dress with strategic cuts up each side to give a good look at my ebony curves. Each time that I moved a certain way, you could practically see heaven and beyond. I did have one guilty pleasure and that was lingerie that could have any man crawling on their knees for a chance to be with me. I never considered myself to be alluring, but the perception of what was acceptable these days had been changing significantly.

  The ringlets of my hair flowed freely down over my shoulders and my captivating green eyes were that of a cat. I made men feel like they were trapped in my web of sexual desire. I carried myself with superiority, but underneath it all I was still that scared little girl growing up in the boroughs. Getting out from underneath that was a Herculean effort and made easier by Jacob giving a young girl a chance to make something of herself.

  My parents were still alive and every Sunday, I would show up for dinner to be grilled about the same damn nonsense over and over again. My two brothers were already married and had kids of their own and now they were looking to me to provide them with a grandchild. I had no interest in getting pregnant and every guy that I had been with was a dismal disappointment. They made me think that all guys were after one thing. I was hoping for a lot more substance than something physical.

  I did enjoy sex, but I wasn’t about to throw my affections away so easily on a fleeting moment that would be mostly a memory after all was said and done. The slight chill of the air conditioning above was causing my nipples to become so hard that they could probably cut through glass. I could see the chunky tips pushing up against the fabric and I grazed them with the palm of my hand to tremble at my own touch.

  I’d been responsible for my own pleasure for as long as I could remember. It was nice to have the expertise at hand when it was needed the most. Usually it was in the dead of night and where the bed was cold beside me. It wasn’t about to take a lover just to have the companionship. I wanted more from my life than that and I wasn’t going to let anybody browbeat me into doing something that I wasn’t comfortable with.

  My brothers teased me mercilessly and I had shrugged it off like it really didn’t bother me. Deep down, I wanted everything that they had and that jealous streak would always raise its ugly head at the most inopportune time.

  I looked at myself in reflection of the glass leading out into the parking lot and I saw this desirable woman ready to live for the first time. I had allowed my father’s philandering ways to dictate my life choices. I could never look at my mother the same way knowing that she was accepting of his faults. He wasn’t exactly good at covering his tracks. Lipstick on his collar and late night phone calls not to mention long business dinners that went into the wee hours of the morning had always been a glaring sign of the inevitable. I thought for sure that my mother would kick him to the curb, but she apparently loved him with all of her heart. That was not the kind of relationship that I was looking for. I wanted something that was going to stand up to the test of time and not leave me with a bad taste in my mouth.

  Chapter two

  It was the last day of the exhibition and I was quite fortunate to say that I had paved the way for my future. Those jewels that were on display were only there as a conversation piece, but I also had the collection from Jacob becoming quite a growing concern of its own. I had spied the two bodyguards with Grady, but they were like ghosts in the machine.

  “I’m just not sure and what kind of deal can you make me on this?” This guy had obvious of wealth and it was oozing out of his pores from the Gucci loafers on his feet all the way up to the custom made tie that probably cost more than my rent in one month. “I’m sure that the price tag can be negotiated. I always like to feel like I’m getting a deal.” He was a man that had the knowledge to navigate in the boardroom. His bald head was gleaming from the light overhead.

  “Mr. Booth, I do believe that the price that I’m offering is fair. With that being said, I’m sure that we can come to some kind of reasonable solution that would benefit the both of us. I’
m going to write down a number and you’re killing me with even taking it down a dollar.” I had learned from the best and Jacob was a consummate professional when it came to giving the client what they wanted. “I think that you should really take a good look at this and tell me that it’s not worth the money. The woman in your life will be thrilled to have this hanging around their neck.” I was careful not to mention a wife, because you never knew what their intentions were.

  I was wearing a black and red dress flowing over my body like it was made just for me. I bent slightly at the waist to give a bird’s eye view of my cleavage and the treasures that was found within. I wore no bra I felt that my sexuality was my best weapon. My sultry voice and seductive tone was also a good way to seal the deal before the ink was dry on the paper.

  He moved closer and with his face practically in my bosom, he was panting and staring, but he wasn’t looking at my eyes. I scribbled the number on the paper and let him look at it with a careful eye. “I believe that we have a deal. I don’t suppose that we could finish this transaction right here and right now. I would hate to lose out and I know how this business works.” I had the paper work already done up and all I needed was his signature and a credit card number. He passed me a wad of bills and I counted them under the counter out of the sight of prying eyes.

  The museum was abuzz with the electricity of people walking around and perusing those little treasures that they couldn’t get enough of. I spied two men dressed casual in pullover black shirts that really did mold to their skin. I saw the accent of their muscles and the way that their blue windbreakers didn’t exactly hide what god blessed them with.

  “I don’t think that you could’ve gotten a better deal anywhere, Mr. Booth.” This was not the first business that I had done in the last two days. I had enough to keep the business afloat for some time and even more importantly a bit left over for something special for myself. I had my eyes on these pair of shoes in the window of one of the higher class boutiques in the area. Being a New York native, I knew that those shoes would not be there long. I’d purposely hidden them in the store. It was just a matter of time before the proprietor found them and put them back on display where they belonged in the window.


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